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Postby Car » 2004-07-03, 19:45

Gràcies a pa-integral, vaig aprendre una mica català, però no vaig escriure res en els últims meses. Temo que perdre tot i necessito escriure en català. Per exemple sobre el futbol, la fórmula 1, el ordenador, llengües...

Espero que no és demasiat catanyol...
Please correct my mistakes!


Re: CATALÀ - Car

Postby pa-integral » 2004-07-14, 22:03

Car wrote:Gràcies a pa-integral, vaig aprendre una mica català, però no vaig escriure res en els últims meses. Temo que perdre tot i necessito escriure en català. Per exemple sobre el futbol, la fórmula 1, el ordenador, llengües...

Espero que no és demasiat catanyol...

Gràcies a en pa-integral, vaig aprendre una mica de català, però no vaig escriure res en els últims mesos. Temo perdre-ho tot i necessito escriure en català. Per exemple sobre el futbol, la fórmula 1, l'ordinador, llengües...
Espero que no sigui massa catanyol...


Postby pa-integral » 2004-07-14, 22:14

Jo crec que no perdràs el català si continues llegint. Estic una mica ocupat, però m'agradaria fer més lliçons del curs de català ( i tornar a posar lliçons al fòrum de català. Crec que ja hi ha bastanta gent que vol aprendre :)

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Postby Car » 2004-07-15, 9:40

Com saps espero que pugui anar a Barcelona. Vas recomanar-me un llibre, però pots recomanar-me altres llibres també?

Vaig descobrir un altre curs del català també. Crec que usaré-ho també.
Please correct my mistakes!


Postby pa-integral » 2004-07-15, 11:45

Car wrote:Com saps espero que pugui anar a Barcelona. Vas recomanar-me un llibre, però pots recomanar-me altres llibres també?

Vaig descobrir un altre curs de català també. Crec que el faré servir també.

Molt bé :)

Jo també m'he apuntat al curs de Yahoo per veure com era. Quin dia seràs a Barcelona?

Quin tipus de llibres vols que et recomani? N'hi ha de fàcils, n'hi ha de difícils, n'hi ha de gramàtica, hi ha diccionaris, etc...

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Postby Car » 2004-07-15, 13:42

pa-integral wrote:Jo també m'he apuntat al curs de Yahoo per veure com era. Quin dia seràs a Barcelona?

No puc dir, no està cert que anaré.

pa-integral wrote:Quin tipus de llibres vols que et recomani? N'hi ha de fàcils, n'hi ha de difícils, n'hi ha de gramàtica, hi ha diccionaris, etc...

Llibres fàcils, si hi ha alguns sobre el futbol, la fórmula 1, el ordenador o llengües, serà molt bé.
Please correct my mistakes!


Postby pa-integral » 2004-07-19, 15:13

Car wrote:Llibres fàcils, si hi ha alguns sobre el futbol, la fórmula 1, el ordenador o llengües, serà molt bé.

Si vols quan vinguis a Catalunya, podem anar a una llibreria i et puc dir quins són interessants de llegir. Sobre el futbol n'hi ha molts, de fórmula 1 no ho sé, però segur que també n'hi ha algun... sobre llengües també moltíssims, i sobre informàtica també, depenent de quin tema vulguis...

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Postby Car » 2004-07-19, 16:15

Serà molt bé. Crec que llibres sobre informàtica serà molt difícils i normalment mals per a lir algo, però els altres temes són bé.
Please correct my mistakes!

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Postby Strigo » 2004-07-30, 17:58

I didn't know that your Catalan course continued. :D
Aquí es donde traduzco diariamente música israelí del hebreo al español

[flag]cl[/flag] native; [flag]en[/flag] fluent; [flag]il[/flag] lower advanced ; [flag]pt-BR[/flag] read fluently, understand well, speak not so badly (specially after some Itaipava); recently focusing on [flag]sv[/flag][flag]ar[/flag] and I promised myself to finish my [flag]ru[/flag] New Penguin Russian Course: A Complete Course for Beginners in less than a month (12/oct/2013). Wants to wake up one day speaking [flag]ka[/flag][flag]lt[/flag] and any Turkic language.

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Postby Strigo » 2004-08-28, 15:33

Hola a tots!

El meu català no és molt bon, i he d'usar un diccionari per poder escriure aquest petit paràgraf. És un idioma molt bonic, especialment l'accent català de Barcelona. He tingut mala sort amb el curs de català, perquè cada vegada que comença em retardo per alguna raó i perdo el ritme.

Aquí es donde traduzco diariamente música israelí del hebreo al español

[flag]cl[/flag] native; [flag]en[/flag] fluent; [flag]il[/flag] lower advanced ; [flag]pt-BR[/flag] read fluently, understand well, speak not so badly (specially after some Itaipava); recently focusing on [flag]sv[/flag][flag]ar[/flag] and I promised myself to finish my [flag]ru[/flag] New Penguin Russian Course: A Complete Course for Beginners in less than a month (12/oct/2013). Wants to wake up one day speaking [flag]ka[/flag][flag]lt[/flag] and any Turkic language.

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about catalan in everyday life

Postby Loiks » 2005-03-26, 15:12


I'd like to ask about Catalan's position in Catalunya. Is it absolutely nr 1 language in the region or is there also some bilinguality with El Castellano (I mean native Catalans)? Also, how much does Valenciano differ from Catalan? And do you think that Spain is an empire and should be separated ?(Sorry if there's too much politics in those questions of mine, but me being an Estonian means that I know how it is to be a minority in an empire, fortunately not any more.)

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Re: about catalan in everyday life

Postby elxiquet » 2005-03-27, 15:41

Loiks wrote:Hi!
I'd like to ask about Catalan's position in Catalunya. Is it absolutely nr 1 language in the region or is there also some bilinguality with El Castellano (I mean native Catalans)?

This should be answered by a catalan :p But in Catalonia if you speak spanish they will understand you, and will be able to answer to you in spanish.

According to the 2001 which takes in to account also non-natives:

Population living in Catalonia:

Understand catalan
5.872.202 (94,5 %)

Can speak catalan
4.630.640 (74,5 %)

Can read catalan
4.621.404 (74,4 %)

Can write catalan
3.093.223 (49,8 %)

Also, how much does Valenciano differ from Catalan?

I'm valencian and I consider Catalan and Valencian the same language. As a matter of fact, the first golden age of the valencian-catalan happened in Valencia...

I don't have much time know, but I recommend you this link that includes the valencian features.

And do you think that Spain is an empire and should be separated ?(Sorry if there's too much politics in those questions of mine, but me being an Estonian means that I know how it is to be a minority in an empire, fortunately not any more.)

I don't think that Spain is an empire, and I don't think it should be separated. I just think that Spain should be a more plural state... Many catalans think Catalonia should be an independant state but they are still a minority. The majority are catalanists, they defend their identity, want more autonomy but don't want to become an independent country.

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Postby Guillem » 2005-04-10, 12:00

Loiks wrote:Hi!
I'd like to ask about Catalan's position in Catalunya. Is it absolutely nr 1 language in the region or is there also some bilinguality with El Castellano (I mean native Catalans)?

Apart from the figures given by Elxiquet, it should also be noted that in rural areas Catalan is absolutely the most spoken language, as well as in medium-sized towns like Girona or Lleida.
Anyway, there's bilingualism with Spanish everywhere. Not just bilingualism, but also diglossia :roll:

elxiquet wrote:This should be answered by a catalan :p But in Catalonia if you speak spanish they will understand you, and will be able to answer to you in spanish.

Hola, com anem? ^^ Yes, of course :) I don't have the right to complain, as I was raised bilingually (my dad is Andalusian) but people who are entirely Catalan have mixed feelings about Spanish being compulsory to be understood. Of course, I'm being a bit subjective in here.

Loiks wrote:And do you think that Spain is an empire and should be separated ?(Sorry if there's too much politics in those questions of mine, but me being an Estonian means that I know how it is to be a minority in an empire, fortunately not any more.

I just think Spain is a state which was made without taking into consideration national feelings other than this "pan-hispanic" nationalism. I feel I live in a different country, but of course, these are just my views.
I'm not really into catalanism, so I don't know if it would be better a federal republic or an independent country, but I do think Catalan institutions should have more power than they have nowadays. I'm not really fond of our politics and I don't want people to think I'm nationalistic, because I'm not. It's just that I feel more Catalan than Spanish :)

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Postby Asturies » 2005-04-19, 15:31

I think Spain is not an empire, I hope all the regions go to the independence. I think we can help us. :roll: And with Spain we are fight all day :P :arrow: :cry:

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