daily article


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daily article

Postby kman1 » 2008-07-28, 6:03

Hello all, I have been studying Hungarian for a while and I’m trying to test out and improve my knowledge base. I have done this by translating newspaper articles. As you can see, there are a lot of things that I’m not sure on so can you let me know what’s correct and incorrect with my sentences/translations. Please indicate where I went wrong in my analyzing the sentences and grammar. For example, if I mess up a grammar pattern or plural or adjective formation, please let me know this and then indicate the correct way. Thank you very much.

My goal for studying is to be able to talk to people on the street and to my friends. Please feel free to list any places where I can find and translate very colloquial Hungarian articles, essays, etc.

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Újabb 30 gyógyszerért kell többet fizetni júniustól
subsequent     drugs    must    some  to pay  from June
2008. május 31. 19:10

Júniustól újabb 30 gyógyszer, köztük több népszerű vérnyomáscsökkentő, tápszerek,       medication  between a few popular     1                     nutrients
savcsökkentők és antibiotikumok ára emelkedik jelentős mértékben. A drágulás a
  2         and  antibiotics prices to rise  important extent             3
gyógyszer-gazdaságossági törvényben előírt folyamatos, negyedévente esedékes
      4                 in law  prescribed continuous      5      mature?
támogatáscsökkentésnek köszönhető.
  6                      due to

“From June, 30 subsequent drugs must pay a little
From June, 30 subsequent drugs, prices among some popular blood pressure reducing (drugs), nutrients, acid reducing (drugs) and antibiotics are rising significantly. ___ economical medications, by law, are continuously prescribed, every quarter ___ due to support reduction.

többet – is the ‘-et’ here the accusative case?
köztük – what does ‘ük’ mean here? (is it the 3rd person personal suffix?)
1. vérnyomáscsökkentő – vérnyomás (blood pressure) & csökkentő (reducing) = blood pressure lowering

tápszerek – tápszer (nutrient) + -ek (a plural suffix)
2. savcsökkentők – sav (acid) + csökkentő (reducing/ this is the verb ‘csökkent’ ‘to reduce’ + ‘-ő’ ‘the present participle marker’) + ‘-k’ plural marker = acid reducing ___

ára – is ‘-a’ a plural marker here?
jelentős mértékben –does this mean ‘important extent’ [‘mértékben’ – mérték (extent) + ‘ben’ (in)]
3. drágulás – ‘ás’ is a plural suffix but what does ‘drágul’ mean?

4. gyógyszer-gazdaságossági – ‘gazdaság’ (economy) but what does ‘-ossági’ do to a word? I think the entire word means ‘economical medications’
5. negyedévente – ‘negyedév’ (quarter) + ‘-ente’ <- this is a plural suffix marker but carries the meaning of ‘every ___’ i.e. ‘nyar’ summer + ‘-anta’ = ‘nyaranta’ (every summer), right?
6. támogatáscsökkentésnek – ‘támogatás’ (support) + ‘csökkentés’ (reduction/ this is the verb ‘csökkent’ ‘to reduce’ + ‘-és’ ‘the verbal noun marker’) + ‘nek’ (dative case marker) = ‘for assistance reduction’ ?

Joined:2007-07-13, 7:59
Country:GBUnited Kingdom (United Kingdom)

Re: daily article

Postby Bondi » 2008-08-23, 15:03

Wow. Easy things are always so difficult to explain. I'll have a try... I apologize, but I don't know grammatical terms. I can't even remember them in Hungarian, it was a long ago time I learnt grammar in school.

többet – is the ‘-et’ here the accusative case?

Yes, accusative.

köztük – what does ‘ük’ mean here? (is it the 3rd person personal suffix?)

Yes, plural. Közöttük (or köztük) = between them, among them
(Singular: közötte, közte.)

vérnyomáscsökkentő – vérnyomás (blood pressure) & csökkentő (reducing) = blood pressure lowering

vérnyomáscsökkentő = high blood pressure ease
Literally: blood+pressure+reducer

antibiotikumok ára emelkedik jelentős mértékben
ára – is ‘-a’ a plural marker here?

No. Antibiotikumok ára = price of antibiotics. Possessive marker.

jelentős mértékben –does this mean ‘important extent’ [‘mértékben’ – mérték (extent) + ‘ben’ (in)]

Yes. Jelentős mértékben = (literally) in a significant extent

drágulás – ‘ás’ is a plural suffix but what does ‘drágul’ mean?

No, that is a ‘verb to noun’ affix.

drága = expensive (adjective)
drágul = gets more expensive, becomes more expensive (verb; infinitive form: drágulni)
drágulás = rise of prices, rise in prices (noun)

gyógyszer-gazdaságossági – ‘gazdaság’ (economy) but what does ‘-ossági’ do to a word? I think the entire word means ‘economical medications’

Nearly. In the context, you can't really translate it any other way to English.

gazdaság = economy (noun)
gazdaságos = economical (adjective) (N.B.!! gazdasági = economic – very common error of native Hungarians to mistranslate economic and economical in English)
gazdaságosság = being economical (literally would be: economicalness, economicality) (noun)

gyógyszergazdaságossági törvény = law for economical use of medications

negyedévente – ‘negyedév’ (quarter) + ‘-ente’ <- this is a plural suffix marker but carries the meaning of ‘every ___’ i.e. ‘nyar’ summer + ‘-anta’ = ‘nyaranta’ (every summer), right?

It's not plural, but you're right. It's a frequentative affix (or whatever they call it in English).
(You mis-spelt it: nyár and nyaranta.)

támogatáscsökkentésnek – ‘támogatás’ (support) + ‘csökkentés’ (reduction/ this is the verb ‘csökkent’ ‘to reduce’ + ‘-és’ ‘the verbal noun marker’) + ‘nek’ (dative case marker) = ‘for assistance reduction’ ?


csökkent = reduce (cut back, cut down, curtail, deflate etc.) (verb)
csökkentés = reduction (noun)

támogatáscsökkentésnek köszönhető = because of the reduction of (financial) support
(literally: thanks to the reduction of financial support)

Joined:2008-06-09, 17:06

Re: daily article

Postby dibdab » 2008-08-23, 18:01

Bondi wrote:
köztük – what does ‘ük’ mean here? (is it the 3rd person personal suffix?)

Yes, plural. Közöttük (or köztük) = between them, among them
(Singular: közötte, közte.)

it can be conjugated like most of the words, just got to be aware of the meaning

köztem és közted - between you and me
közte - between that
köztünk - between us
köztetek, közöttetek - between you
köztük, közöttük - between them

the same way as
előtte, mögötte, alatta, fölötte, mellette, körötte - előle, mögüle, alóla, fölüle, mellőle - felőle, tőle, hozzá(ja), alá, fölé, mellé, köré...

Joined:2005-10-04, 0:16
Country:USUnited States (United States)

Re: daily article

Postby kman1 » 2008-08-24, 9:37

great explanations! 8)

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