Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06
Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2018-04-03, 16:40

Resources for Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Skolt to English dictionary
Skolt to Norwegian, Norwegian to Skolt dictionary
Skolt to Finnish, Finnish to Skolt dictionary
Skolt to Russian, Russian to Skolt dictionary
Koltasaami vikisõnastik Skolt-Estonian wordlist
Álgu database entries for Skolt Saami etymological comparisons
Short Skolt Saami vocabulary list
Skolt Saami number words

A Grammar of Skolt Saami
Oahpa! nuõrti
Skolt Saami text analyzer
Skolt Saami inflectional paradigm generator
Skolt Saami word form generator

Basic grammar in this thread:
Basic vocabulary lists in this thread:
Some phrases:
Tiõrv! = hello!
Šiõǥǥ tueʹlääst! = good morning!
Šiõǥǥ jeäʹǩǩespeeiʹv! = good afternoon!
Šiõǥǥ jeäʹǩǩää! = good evening!
Puäʹđ tiõrvân! = welcome
Kâkkva jeälšak? = how are you?
Puârast = fine
Späʹsseb = thank you
Jõnn späʹsseb = thank you very much
Mii tuu nõmm lij? = what is your name?
Muu nõmm lij = my name is
Koozz jååđak? = where are you going?
Mõõn tiõrvân! = go healthy, said to a person who is leaving
Kuõđđu tiõrvân! = stay healthy, said to a person who is remaining behind

A short video in Skolt Saami:
Last edited by Linguaphile on 2021-02-06, 1:47, edited 2 times in total.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2018-05-26, 4:04


0 = noll
1 = õhtt
2 = kuåhht
3 = koumm
4 = nellj
5 = viit
6 = kutt
7 = čiččâm
8 = kääu'c
9 = ååu'c

10 = låå'k

11 = õtmlo
12 = kuâtmlo
13 = konmlo
14 = nenjmlo
15 = vitmlo
16 = kutmlo
17 = činmlo
18 = käcmlo
19 = åcmlo

20 = kuåtlõk
21 = kuåtlõkõhtt
22 = kuåtlõkkuå't

30 = koummlo
31 = koummloõhtt
32 = koummlokueʹhtt

40 = nelljlo
50 = vittlo
60 = kuttlo
70 = čičmlo
80 = kä'hcclo
90 = å'hcclo

100 = čua'tt

1000 = tohhât

Edit: corrected the spelling for 30-32. See also Suruvaippa's post here.
Last edited by Linguaphile on 2021-02-06, 1:08, edited 1 time in total.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2018-06-15, 4:58


viõlggâd = white
ââʹliǩ = blue
ruânn = green
viskkâd = yellow
maʹlinovi ruõpssâd = orange
ruõpssâd = red
ručkkâd = brown
čappâd = black
rääʹnes = grey
ǩiõlggâd ruõpssâd = pink
violett = purple

silbb = silver
kåʹll = gold

kaiʹǧǧesââʹliǩ= light blue
kääʹmesââʹliǩ = dark blue

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2018-06-21, 14:04

Parts of the body:

vueiʹvv = head
vuõptt = hair
čâʹlmm = eye
njuu'nn = nose
njäʹlmm = mouth
pe'llj = ear
čeäppat = neck
vuäʹlǧǧ = shoulder
kõõnjâr = elbow
ǩiõtt = arm, hand
suõrmm = finger
peäʹlǧǧ = thumb
čiõʹlj = back
râʹdd = chest
čåuʹjj= stomach
jueʹlǧǧ = leg, foot
puõlvv = knee
leʹšǩǩ = skin
teäʹǩǩ = muscle
čââʹđ = heart

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2018-07-16, 17:28

Skolt Saami personal pronouns:

1s: mon
2s: ton
3s: son
1d: muäna
2d: tuäna
3d: suäna
1p: mij
2p: tij
3p: sij

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Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2018-07-16, 18:08

Conjugation of the verb 'to be' (lee'd) in Skolt Saami

1s mon leäm I am
2s ton leäk you (singular) are
3s son lij he/she is
1d muäna leäʹp we (two) are
2d tuäna leäʹped you (two) are
3d suäna lee = suäna lie = suäna liâ = they (two) are
1p mij leä'p we (plural) are
2p tij leä'ped = tij leeiʹd you (plural) are
3p sij lee = sij lie = sij liâ they (plural) are
4 leät one (indefinite) is

1s mon le'jjem I was
2s ton le'jjiǩ you (singular) were
3s son leäi he/she was
1d muäna leei'm we (two) were
2d tuäna leei'd you (two) were
3d suäna le'jje they (two) were
1p mij leei'm we (plural) were
2p tij leei'd you (plural) were
3p sij le'jje they (plural) were
4 leʹjješ one (indefinite) was

1s mon jiõm leäkʹku I am not
2s ton jiõk leäkʹku you (singular) are not
3s son ij leäkʹku = i'lla he/she is not
1d muäna jeä'p leäkʹku we (two) are not
2d tuäna jeä'ped leäkʹku you (two) are not
3d suäna jie leäkʹku = suäna jiâ leäkʹku they (two) are not
1p mij jeä'p leäkʹku we (plural) are not
2p tij jeä'ped leäkʹku you (plural) are not
3p sij jie leäkʹku = sij jiâ leäkʹku they are not
4 jeät leäkʹku one (indefinite) is not

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2018-07-22, 18:24

Skolt Saami possessive suffixes (optional, and becoming less common)

1s: -am (nominative), -an (accusative/genitive)
2s: -ad
3s: -âs / -es
1p: -âm / -eem (nominative), -ân / -een (accusative/genitive)
2p: -âd / -eed
3p: -âz / -eez

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2018-08-01, 17:08

Family words in Skolt Sami

jeäʹnn = mother
eʹčč = father
nijdd = daughter
âʹlǧǧ = son
päʹrnn = child
vuäʹbb = sister
villj = brother
äkk = grandmother
ä'jj = grandfather
niõđpäʹrnn = grandson (daugther's son)
niõđnijdd = granddaughter (daughter's daughter)
pääʹrnpäʹrnn = grandson (son's son)
pääʹrnnijdd = granddaughter (son's daughter)
kuäʹsǩǩ = aunt (mother's younger sister)
mueʹđđ = aunt (mother's older sister)
sie'ss = aunt (father's sister)
čieʹcc = uncle (father's brother)
jieʹǩǩ = uncle (father's older brother)
jäänn = jeänn = uncle (mother's brother)
vuäʹrnnpieʹll = cousin
vue'rnbie'll = cousin (female)
vi'lljbiel'll = cousin (male)
ååum = kuõjj = husband
neezzan = wife
vuõpp = father-in-law
vue'n = mother-in-law
vivv = son-in-law
e'mm = sister-in-law

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2018-08-09, 23:46


šâddvuõtt = vegetation
meäʹcc = forest
čeärr = tundra
muõrr = tree
kuäʹccevmuõrr = conifer
sueʹǩǩ = birch
puäj = willow
pieʹcc = pine
čââʹrrmuõrr = šäähmatsiõrr = oak
vaađđâr = maple
roggšeʹm-muõrr = linden
suu'pp = aspen
leäʹpp = alder
lõsttkuõss = larch
kuõss = spruce, fir
råʹšnn = rowan
miõst = shrub, bush
mue'rjj = berry
joŋŋ = lingonberry
muõrrmueʹrjj = currant
jeäʹǧǧlåʹddmueʹrjj = reppjoŋŋ = cranberry
ruõʹpssesmueʹrjj = strawberry
sââʹrr = blueberry
lueʹm = cloudberry
maaʹliu = raspberry
kõõskâs = juniper
ǩeʹdd = grass
sueiʹnn = hay
lieʹđđi = flower
vuäʹdd = root
åʹhss = branch
lõstt = leaf
paacciǩ = cone
ååʹreh = nut
kuõbbâr = mushroom
käivvlâpp = moss
jee'el = lichen
sannʼjaž = fern

:arrow: for comparisons

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2018-09-01, 15:22

Bodies of water

čääʹcc = water
rååssal = salt water
tuõlddikäivvčääʹcc = spring water
käivv = spring, well
tuõlddikäivv = spring
čääʹcckäivv = well
vuäjj = brook, creek
jokk = river
jäänn = large river
råʹǧǧ = jokkråʹǧǧ = river bed
jäuʹrr = lake
lädd = pond
leähšš = čääʹccleähšš = puddle
jeäʹǧǧ = marsh
kuõškk = waterfall
redd = shore, coast
muâlas = beach
luhtt = käuʹllem = bay, gulf
čuäʹlmm = strait, sound
miârr = sea
päärr = wave
suâll = island
suâllǥaž = small island
njargg = peninsula
âʹlmmredd = horizon

:arrow: for comparisons

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2018-09-03, 4:04

Examples of noun declension

Singular forms of 'meäʹcc' (forest)

Nominative: meäʹcc
Genitive: mie'cc
Accusative: mie'cc
Partitive: meä'cced*
Illative: meäcca
Locative: mie'ccest
Essive: meä'ccen*
Abessive: mie'cctaa = mie'cctää
Comitative: mie'ccin

Plural forms of 'mieʹcc' (forests)
Nominative: mie'cc
Genitive: mie'cci
Accusative: mie'ccid
Illative: mie'ccid
Locative: mie'ccin
Abessive: mie'ccitaa = mie'ccitää
Comitative: mie'ccivui'm

*Partitive and essive cases do not have separate plural forms.

:arrow: for comparison

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2019-06-29, 16:47

Conjugation of verbs jieʹlled "to live" and pue'tted "to come, arrive"

jieʹlled pue'tted

Indicative present, affirmative
1s jeäʹlam puä'đam
2s jeäʹlak puä'đak
3s jeäll puätt
1p jiẹʹllep puẹʹttep
2p jiẹʹllveʹted puẹʹttveʹted
3p jeäʹľle puäʹťte
4 jeäʹlet puäʹđet

Indicative present, negative
1s jiõm jeäʹl jiõm puäʹđ
2s jiõk jeäʹl jiõk puäʹđ
3s ij jeäʹl ij puäʹđ
1s jeä'p jeäʹl jeä'p puäʹđ
2s jeä'ped jeäʹl jeä'ped puäʹđ
3p jie jeäʹl jie puäʹđ
4 jeät jeäʹl jeät puäʹđ

Indicative past, affirmative
1s jieʹľlem, jiõʹľlem pue'ťem, puõ'tťem
2s jieʹľliǩ, jiõʹľliǩ pueʹťtiǩ, puõʹťtiǩ
3s jieʹli, jiõʹli pueʹđi, puõʹđi
1p jieʹliim, jiõʹliim pueʹđiim, puõʹđiim
2p jiõʹlid, jieʹlid pueʹđid, puõʹđid
3p jieʹľle, jiõʹľle pueʹťte, puõʹťte
4 jieʹľleš, jiõʹľleš puõʹťteš, puõʹťteš

2s jeäʹl! puäʹđ!
3s jeälas! jeäʹlas! puäđas! puäʹđas!
1p jieʹllep! pueʹttep!
2p jieʹlled! pueʹtted!
3p jeällaz! puättaz!

:arrow: for comparison

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2019-07-02, 21:09

Weather terms

šõŋŋ = weather
šõŋŋtosvvummuš = weather forecast
pei'vv = sun, day
peeivõk = sunny
põlvv = cloud
põʹlvvi = cloudly
kååʹšǩes = dry
piõgg = wind
piõʹǧǧi = piõʹǧǧes = windy
šuârmm = storm
tie'rmes = thunder
toolâž = lightning
källsaž = kääʹlles = thunderstorm
suâlnõk = fog
suâlnas = suâlnnai = foggy
rie'dd = rääšš = rain
âbrrai = rainy
âbrr = it's raining
teârmmazjohss = rainbow
muõtt = snow
kuâldd = it is snowing
čääʹccleätt = sleet
čuõrmâs = hail
čuõrmast = it's hailing
puõlâš = frost
kuuržž = rime
jiõŋŋ = ice
muskk = icy
kõlmm = čueʹcǩes = cold
liõggâs = warm
paakkâs = hot
njuõckâs = humid
käästõk = dew

:arrow: for comparison

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2019-09-12, 1:35

Nuʹǩǩeš da suäʹvvel: The Pike and the Grayling, a story in Skolt Saami

Skolt Saami version (audio and text):

Skolt Saami audio with English subtitles:

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2019-10-07, 1:47

Animals and birds in Skolt Saami

kotkk = ant
kuõbǯǯ, äʹjjham, kaammǥaž = bear
maaʹjji = beaver
miõttsaž = bee
låʹdd = bird
peiʹvvlååddaž, äʹllbaž = butterfly
čuhččlåʹdd, kåʹšǩǩlåʹdd = capercaillie
kaass = cat
kääʹnn = chicken
kuss = cow
vuõrâč = crow
ǩiõkk = cuckoo
kodde = deer
piânnai = dog
kuäʹcǩǩem = eagle
sõrvv = elk, moose
kueʹll = fish
rieʹmjj, rieʹmjjkääʹlles = fox
cuâbb = frog
kaicc = goat
aacaǩ = grasshopper
čueʹnj = goose
sõõđsäʹppli = hedgehog
heäppšaž, heävaš = horse
ruõʹpsses teâlkkteuʹrr = ladybug
smäʹtt = lizard
riiss = lynx
njeeǯǯlaž = mammal
čuõškk = mosquito
säʹppli = mouse
iiskârvuâppai, iiđsaž = owl
šââʹǩǩ = pig
duuvv = pigeon, dove
njuäʹmmel = rabbit, hare
puäʒʒ = reindeer
ååʹreskääʹnn = rooster
kaaʹjji = seagull
sauʒʒ = sheep
kuʹvdd, smäʹtt = snake
vaarbuž = sparrow
eeunaž = spider
vuäʹrrev = squirrel
kottrašlååddaž = starling
akkli = stork
njuhčč = swan
kõlbbcuâbb = turtle
vieʹpses = wasp
kuʹmpp, čiǯiham, čõrmm = wolf
määtt = worm

:arrow: for comparison

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2020-08-09, 2:42

sääʹmǩiõll = Saami language; Sámi language
õhtt = one
kuõ'htt (= kuåhht) = two
koumm = three
nellj = four
vitt = five
kutt = six
čiččâm = seven
kääu'c = eight
ååu'c = nine
lååi (= låå'k) = ten
tue'lääst (= šiõǥǥ tueʹlääst) = good morning
tiõrv = good day
šiõǥǥ jeäʹǩǩää! = good evening
hei = hi = hello
mii tuu nõmm lij = what is your name
muu nõmm lij... = my name is...
späʹsseb = thank you
mâi'd teâđak = how are you?
mä'htt mâânn = what's up?
leäkku pue'rr = you're welcome
vuei'nnep = see you soon
jââđji'žže = see you tomorrow
ǩiõččeep = see you
vuä'đ tiõrvân = good night
puârran sõrgg = get well soon
šiõǥǥ šõddâmpeei'v = happy birthday
leekk jiânnai = congratulations
såitstõõllâp = I'll call you
kââ'll âkksaž ton leäk = how old are you?
koon ååraž ton leäk = where are you from?
mâi'd ceäk = sorry, what?
jiõm fi'tte = I don't get it = I don't understand
fi'ttjam = I understand
naa = yes
ij = no
vie'ǩǩet = help!
tiõrvvsa = bless you
hää'sǩ vuei'nned = nice to meet you (lit: nice to see)
šiõǥǥ jooulid = merry Christmas!
šiõǥǥ ođđ ee'jj = happy new year!
pro'stte muu = sorry
tiõrv'vuõđid greetings!
späʹsseb kåččmest = thanks for the invite
tiõrv pue'ttem = welcome!
hää'sǩ vuei'nned = nice to see you
pue'rr ǩie'zz = have a good summer!
moodnas peei'v = have a nice day
kââ'll äi'ǧǧ lij = what time is it?
jåå'đ tiõrvân = have a great trip!
kuõđđu tiõrvân = farewell
pue'rr neä'ttel-loopp have a nice weekend!
puârast mâânn = I'm doing well
hue'neld mâânn = I'm doing badly
čappâd = black
viõlggâd = white
rääʹnes = grey
ruõpssâd = red
viskkâd = yellow
ruânn = green
ââʹliǩ = blue
violett = purple

Čiččâm moo'ččes ča'ppes siõmlåådda = seven beautiful little black birds
i'štte da ju'ǩǩe čää'ʒʒ = sat and sipped water
čoddi čõõđ čuä'lid = through their intestines into their stomachs

Edit: new link to video.
Last edited by Linguaphile on 2022-06-03, 15:43, edited 1 time in total.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2020-10-11, 19:06

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2020-12-18, 1:23

Peâttar maainâs = Peâttar's story
    Peâttar = given name (Finnish Petteri, the Finnish version of Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer)
    maainâs = story, narrative
Tiõrv! = hello!
    tiõrv = hello, greetings
Mon leäm rosttovkällaz puäʒʒ Peâttar! = I am Santa's reindeer Peâttar
    mon = I
    leäm = am
    rosttov = Christmas
    kääʹlles = old man
    rosttovkääʹlles = Santa
    puäʒʒ = reindeer
    Peâttar = given name
      Peâttar = given name (Finnish Petteri, the Finnish version of Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer)
    Tä'st lie muu na'zvaan Saammâl, Teäppan da U'lljan = These are my friends Saammâl, Teäppan and U'lljan
      tä'st = these here
      lie = they are
      muu = my
      na'zvan = friend
      Saammâl = Skolt Saami personal name, equivalent to Samuel (Finnish Samuli , Russian Самуил)
      Teäppan = Skolt Saami personal name, equivalent to Stephen (Finnish Tapani, Russian Степан)
      da = and
      U'lljan = Skolt Saami personal name, equivalent to Juliana (Finnish Uljaana, Russian Ульяна)
    Mij vue'rdeep jiânnai rosttov = We are really looking forward to Christmas.
      mij = we
      vueʹrdded = await, expect
      jiânnai = very much
      rosttov = Christmas
    Kuâhttloõhtt pei'vved teänab! = Twenty-one more days!
      kuâhttloõhtt = twenty-one
      kuâhttlo = twenty
      õhtt = one
      pei'vv = day, sun
      teänab = anymore
    Åå'n mon pâi juätkam hä'rčtõõllâd = Now I will just keep feasting
      åå'n = now
      mon = I
      pâi = just, only
      juätkam = continue
      hä'rčtõõllâd = feast
    nu'tt kuu'ǩǩ, ko piâssâd ǩe'rdded rosttovkällzin until I can fly with Santa.
      nu'tt kuu'ǩǩ = so long
      ko = when
      piâssâd = get, reach
      ǩe'rdded = to fly
      rosttovkällzin = with Santa
    Tiõrv e'pet! = hello again!
      tiõrv = hello
      e'pet = again
    Tä'bbe lij Jean Sibelius pei'vv = Today is Jean Sibelius Day
      tä'bbe = today
      lij = is
      pei'vv = day
    Tie'ttve'ted-a tij ǩii son leäi? = Do you know who he was?
      tieʹtted = know
      -a = interrogative
      tij = you
      ǩii = who
      son = he
      leäi = was
    Son leäi peäglvaž lä'ddlaž suõmmeei = He was a famous Finnish composer.
      son = he
      leäi = was
      peäglvaž = famous
      lä'ddlaž = Finnish [person]
      suõmmeei = composer
    Åå'n mon soi'ttjam ti'jjid siõmmna suu puu'ttõõzz. = Now I'll play for you a little of his work.
      åå'n = now
      mon = I
      soiʹttjed = play
      ti'jjid = you (accusative)
      siõmmna = a little
      suu = his
      puuʹtʼtõs = production
    Tät lij Finlandia-laull. = This is the song "Finlandia."
      tät = this
      lij = is
      Finlandia = (name of the piece)
      laaul = song (gen./acc. laulli)
Last edited by Linguaphile on 2020-12-18, 18:14, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Naava » 2020-12-18, 8:02

Linguaphile wrote:Peâttar = given name, equivalent to Peter (Finnish Pietari, Russian Пётр)

Not Petteri? That's what Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is called in Finnish.

U'lljan = Skolt Saami personal name, equivalent to Juliana (Finnish Uljaana, Russian Юлиана)

FYI: Uljaana is an extremely rare name here. There are less than 20 people in Finland with that name. Juliaana is slightly more common (1234, and yes that's the actual number!) There are also 1867 Julianas. A bit offtopic, but I thought it was interesting. :whistle:

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Skolt Saami (nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll)

Postby Linguaphile » 2020-12-18, 15:52

Naava wrote:
Linguaphile wrote:Peâttar = given name, equivalent to Peter (Finnish Pietari, Russian Пётр)

Not Petteri? That's what Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is called in Finnish.

Good point! I've changed it. Thanks!

Naava wrote:
Linguaphile wrote:U'lljan = Skolt Saami personal name, equivalent to Juliana (Finnish Uljaana, Russian Юлиана)

FYI: Uljaana is an extremely rare name here. There are less than 20 people in Finland with that name. Juliaana is slightly more common (1234, and yes that's the actual number!) There are also 1867 Julianas. A bit offtopic, but I thought it was interesting. :whistle:

Yes, that's interesting! I did think Uljaana must be an unusual name since I'd never heard it. But then, it seems like every language has some names that are quite common but still not as well-known to people who don't speak the language or live in the country (i.e. Russia has many names that are well-known as "Russian names" around the world, but names like Панфил or Тихон aren't generally quite as well-known outside Russia).
So anyway Uljaana is quite similar to U'lljan. This list said the Finnish equivalents are both Uljaana and Julia, but I put Uljaana because I wanted to show the similarity. I wonder if Uljaana might have been more common in the past?

Edit: But of course there is also Ульяна in Russian. I wonder why the site I quoted above gave Юлиана as the Russia equivalent, rather than Ульяна? This seems rather obvious now that I think about it, so I've changed that, too!

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