Basic words and grammar in Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian

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Re: Basic words and grammar in Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-05-23, 21:38

Estonian sentences from UraTyp

Laual on leib = there is the bread on the table
    laual = on the table (laua- = table + -l adessive)
    on = is (3s present)
    leib = bread (nominative singular)
Laual on leiba = there is some bread on the table
    laual = on the table (laua- = table + -l adessive)
    on = is (3s present)
    leiba = bread (partitive singular)
Võta võti! = take the key!
    võta = take! (2s imperative)
    võti = key (nominative singular)
Ära võta võtit! = don't take they key!
    ära = don't (negative 2s imperative)
    võta = take! (2s imperative)
    võtit = key (võti = key + -t = partitive singular)
Joo teed! = drink tea!
    joo = drink (imperative)
    teed = tea (tee = tea + -d = partitive)
Ta on õpetaja = she is a teacher
    ta = he/she
    on = is (1s present)
    õpetaja = teacher (nominative singular)
Ta oli õpetaja = she was a teacher
    ta = he/she
    oli = was (1s past)
    õpetaja = teacher (nominative singular)
Ta õppis õpetajaks = she studied to become a teacher
    ta = he/she
    õppis = studied (õppi- = study + -s = 3s past)
    õpetajaks = for/into a teacher (õpetaja = teacher + -ks = translative)
Ta töötab na = she works as a teacher
    ta = he/she
    töötab = works (tööta- = work + -b = 3s present)
    õpetajana[/b = as a teacher ([b]õpetaja = teacher + -na = essive)
Poisid on pikad = the boys are tall
    poisid = boys (pois- = boy + -d = plural)
    on = they are (3s/3p present)
    pikad = tall, long (pika- = tall, -d = plural)
Anne ostis jalgratta = Anne bought a bicycle
    Anne = Anne (name, nominative)
    ostis = bought (ost- = buy + -is = 3s past)
    jalgratta = bicycle (jalg = leg + ratta = wheel, genitive)
Anne ostis jalgratast = Anne was buying a bicycle
    Anne = Anne (name, nominative)
    ostis = bought (ost- = buy + -is = 3s past)
    jalgratast = bicycle (jalg = leg + ratast = wheel, partitive)
Kirjutan luuletuse = I will write a poem
    kirjutan = I write (1s present)
    luuletuse = poem (genitive)
Ma toon raamatu varsti tagasi = I'll bring back the book soon
    ma = I (1s)
    toon = I bring (too- = bring + -n = 1s
    raamatu = book (genitive singular)
    varsti = soon
    tagasi = back
Ära sõpru unusta! = don't forget friends!
    ära = don't (negative 2s imperative)
    sõpru = friends (sõber = friend, sõpru friends, partitive plural)
    unusta = forget (2s imperative)
Siin elatakse hästi = people live well here
    siin = here
    elatakse = is lived (ela- = live + -takse = impersonal present)
    hästi = well
Kuulatakse muusikat = music is listened to / they are listening to music
    kuulatakse = is listened to, is heard (kuula- = hear + -takse = impersonal present)
    muusikat = music (muusika = music + -t = partitive)
Ta küsis ema käest raha = she asked for money from her mother
    ta = he/she (nominative)
    küsis = asked (küs- = ask + -is = 3s past)
    ema = mother (genitive)
    käest = from (käe = hand, genitive + -st = elative)
    raha = money (partitive)
Päikese tõustes sõitsime koju = when the sun had risen we drove home
    päikese = sun (päikene = sun, nominative; päikese = sun, genitive)
    tõustes = rising (converb; tõusta = 2nd infinitive + -s = inessive)
    sõitsime = we drove (sõit- = go by vehicle + -si- = past + -me = 1p)
    koju = to home (kodu = home; koju = home, illative)
Varas lõi naist ja jooksis ära = the thief hit the woman and ran away
    varas = thief
    lõi = hit (löö- = hit; lõi = he/she hit, 3s past)
    naist = woman (naine = woman, nominative; naist = woman, partitive)
    ja = and
    jooksis = he/she ran (jooks- = run + -is = 3s past)
    ära = away
Mari lõi Jürit, sest see oli teda solvanud = Mari hit Jüri because he had insulted her
    Mari = Mari (name, nominative)
    lõi = hit (löö- = hit; lõi = he/she hit, 3s past)
    Jürit = Jüri (name, partitive singular)
    sest = because
    see = this
    oli = was (3s past)
    teda = him/her (partitive singular)
    solvanud = insulted (past participle)
Euroopas on toimumas suured muutused = in Europe, big changes are taking place
    Euroopas = in Europe (Euroopa = Europe + -s = inessive)
    on = is (3s present)
    toimumas = taking place (toimu- happen, take place + -ma-= supine + -es = inessive)
    suured = big (suur = big + -e- = genitive + -d plural)
    muutused = changes (muutus = change + -e- = genitive + -d plural)
Rong on väljumas = the train is about to leave
    rong = train (nominative singular)
    on = is
    väljumas = about to leave (välju- = leave, depart + -ma-= supine + -es = inessive)
Kui ma saabusin, oli ta juba lahkunud = when I arrived, she had already left
    kui = when
    ma = I
    saabusin = arrived (saabu-['b] = arrive + [b]-si- = past + -n = 1s)
    oli = was (3s past)
    ta = he/she
    juba = already
    lahkunud = left (lahku- = leave + -nud = past participle)
Ma elaksin maal, kui saaksin = I would live in the countryside if I could
    ma = I
    elaksin = would live (ela- = live + -ksi- = conditional + -n = 1s)
    maal = in the country (maa = land, country + -l = adessive)
    kui = if
    saaksin = I could (saa- = get + -ksi- = conditional + -n = 1s)
Kui oleksid küpsetanud koogi, sööksin selle ära = if you had baked a cake, I would eat it
    kui = if
    oleksid = you were (ole- = be + -ksi- = conditional + -d = 2s)
    küpsetanud = baked (küpseta- = bake + -nud = past participle)
    koogi = cake (genitive)
    sööksin = I would eat (söö- = eat + -ksi- = conditional + -n = 1s)
    selle = that (genitive)
    ära = away
Ta tulgu = let him come
    ta = he/she (nominative)
    tulgu = let come (tul- = come + -gu = jussive)
Ta ütles, et ma mingu ära = he said that I should go away
    ta = he/she
    ütles = said (ütle- = say + -s = 3s past)
    et = that
    ma = I (nominative)
    mingu = go (min- = go + -gu = jussive)
    ära = away
Tahavad mind sõjaväkke võtta = they want to take me to the army
    tahavad = they want (taha- = want + -vad = 3s present)
    mind = me (partitive)
    sõjaväkke = into army (sõja- = war + -vägi = power, force; -väkke power/force, illative)
    võtta = to take (infinitive)
Kui maksad makse, siis tunned end kindlamini = if you pay taxes, then you feel more secure
    maksad = you pay (maksa- = pay + -d = 2s present)
    makse = taxes (maks = tax + -e = partitive plural)
    siis = then
    tunned = you feel (tunne- = feel + -d = 2s present)
    end = yourself
    kindlamini = more securely (kindla- = secure + -mini = comparative adverb)
Ta olla kodus = he is said to be at home
    ta = he/she
    olla = be (infinitive)
    kodus = at home (kodu = home + -l = inessive)
Lähen Ungarisse, et õppida ungari keelt = I'm going to Hungary in order to study Hungarian
    lähen = I go (mine- > lähe- = go + -n = 1s)
    Ungarisse = into Hungary (Ungari = Hungary/Hungarian + -sse = illative)
    et = that; in order to
    õppida = to study (infinitive)
    ungari = Hungary/Hungarian
    keelt = language (keel = language + -t = partitive)
Nad tantsivad ja laulavad = they are dancing and singing
    nad = they (3p nominative)
    tantsivad = they dance (tantsi- = dance + -vad = 3p present)
    ja = and
    laulavad = they sing (laula- = sing + -vad = 3p present)
Ma löön ta maha = I'll kill him
    ma = I (1s nominative)
    löön = I hit (löö- = hit + -n = 1s)
    ta = him (genitive)
    maha = down
Soovitan sul mitte muretseda = I advise you not worry
    soovitan = I advise (soovi- = want + -ta- = causative + -n = 1s)
    sul = to you (adessive)
    mitte = not
    muretseda = to worry (infinitive)
Lõpetanud lugemise, pani ta raamatu ära = having finished reading, she put the book away
    lõpetanud = finished (lõpeta- = finish + -nud = participe)
    lugemise = reading (luge- = read + -mine = nominalizer > -mise = genitive)
    pani = put (pan- = put + -i = 3s past)
    ta = he/she
    raamatu = book (raamat = book + -u = genitive)
    ära = away

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Basic words and grammar in Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-05-24, 18:31

Finnish sentences from UraTyp

Pöydällä on leipä = there is the bread on the table
    pöydällä = on the table (pöydä = table +-llä = adessive)
    on = is
    leipä = bread (nominative)
Pöydällä on leipää = there is some bread on the table
    pöydällä = on the table (pöydä = table +-llä = adessive)
    on = is
    leipää = bread (partitive)
Ota avain! = take the key!
    ota = take! (2s imperative)
    avain = key (nominative)
Älä ota avainta! = don't take the key!
    älä = don't (negative imperative)
    ota = take (connegative)
    avainta = key (partitive)
Älä kirjaa unohda! = don't forget the book!
    älä = don't (negative imperative)
    kirjaa = book (genitive)
    unohda = forget (connegative)
Otin kirjan pöydän päältä = I took the book from the table
    otin = I took (ot- = take + -i- = past + -n = 1s)
    kirjan = book (kirja = book + -n = genitive)
    pöydän = table (pöydä = table + -n = genitive)
    päältä = from on (pää = head + ltä = elative)
Olen lukemassa = I am reading
    olen = I am (ole- = be + -n 1s present)
    lukemassa = reading (luke- = read + -ma- = supine + -ssa = inessive)
Lukisin kirjan, jos minulla olisi aikaa = I would read a book if I had time
    lukisin = I would read (luk- = read + -isi- = conditional + -n = 1s)
    kirjan = book (kirja = book + -n = genitive)
    jos = if
    minulla = at me (adessive)
    olisi = were (ol- = be + -isi = 3s conditional)
    aikaa = time (aika = time + -a = partitive)
Hän opiskeli opettajaksi = She studied to be a teacher
    hän = he/she
    opiskeli = studied (opi- = study + skel- = frequentative + -i = 3s past)
    opettajaksi = as/into a teacher (opettaja = teacher + -ksi = translative)
Anne osti polkupyörän = Anne bought a bicycle
    Anne = Anne (name)
    osti = bought (ost- = buy + -i = 3s past)
    polkupyörän = bicycle (polkupyörä = bicycle + -n = genitive)
Anne oli ostamassa polkupyörää = Anne was buying a bicycle
    Anne = Anne (name)
    oli = was (3s past)
    ostamassa = buying (osta- = buy + -ma = 3s supine + -ssa = inessive)
    polkupyörää = bicycle (polkupyörä = bicycle + = partitive)
Minä haluan sinut = I want you
    minä = I
    haluan = I want (halua- = want + -n = 1s)
    sinut = you (accusative)
Pekan herätessä Liisa lähtee töihin = when Pekka wakes up, Liisa goes to work
    Pekan = Pekka's (Pekka [name] + -n = genitive)
    herätessä = waking up (heräte- = wake up + -ssä = inessive)
    Liisa = Liisa (name)
    lähtee = he/she goes (lähte- = go + -e 3s)
    töihin = to work (illative)
Mä aattelin et se ei mahu = I thought he will not fit
    = I (1s)
    aattelin = thought (aatel- = think + -in = 1s past)
    et = that
    se = it/he/she
    ei = not (3s negative)
    mahu = fit (connegative)
Väittävät hänen olevan fiksu = it is claimed that she is smart
    väittävät = it is claimed (väittä- = claim + -vät = 3p)
    hänen = he/she (genitive)
    olevan = is (ole- = be + -va- participle + -n = genitive)
    fiksu = smart
Ensi kesänä minä uin = next summer I will swim
    ensi = next
    kesänä = summer (kesä- = summer + -nä = essive)
    minä = I (1s)
    uin = I swim (1s present)
Juna on lähtemässä = the train is about to leave
    juna = train
    on = is (3s)
    lähtemässä = about to leave (lähte- = leave + -mä- = supine + -ssä = inessive)
Last edited by Linguaphile on 2022-05-24, 20:36, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Basic words and grammar in Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian

Postby Naava » 2022-05-24, 20:10

Linguaphile wrote:Otin kirjan pöydän päältä = I took the book from the table
    otin = I took (ot- = take + -i- = past + -n = 1s)
    kirjan = book (kirja = book + -n = genitive)
    pöydän/b] = table ([b]pöydä = table + -n = genitive)
    päältä = from on (pää = head + ltä = elative)

You're missing a / after "pöydän".

Pekan herätessä Liisa lähtee töihin = when Pekka wakes up, Liisa goes to work
    Pekan = Peka's (Peka = Peka [name] + -n = genitive)
    herätessä = waking up (heräte- = wake up + -ssä = inessive)

His name is Pekka, not Peka. Peka- is the weak grade of Pekka that you use with genitive. :)

Mä aattelin et se ei mahu = I thought he will not fit

I just want to say I was so surprised to suddenly see one sentence in spoken Finnish when all the others were in standard Finnish! :lol:

//P.s. I went to check the site and found a spelling mistake in one of their Finnish examples. :whistle:

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Re: Basic words and grammar in Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-05-24, 20:47

Naava wrote:
Linguaphile wrote:Otin kirjan pöydän päältä = I took the book from the table
    otin = I took (ot- = take + -i- = past + -n = 1s)
    kirjan = book (kirja = book + -n = genitive)
    pöydän/b] = table ([b]pöydä = table + -n = genitive)
    päältä = from on (pää = head + ltä = elative)

You're missing a / after "pöydän".

Fixed, thanks!

Naava wrote:
Pekan herätessä Liisa lähtee töihin = when Pekka wakes up, Liisa goes to work
    Pekan = Peka's (Peka = Peka [name] + -n = genitive)
    herätessä = waking up (heräte- = wake up + -ssä = inessive)

His name is Pekka, not Peka. Peka- is the weak grade of Pekka that you use with genitive. :)

Also fixed, thanks!

Naava wrote:
Mä aattelin et se ei mahu = I thought he will not fit

I just want to say I was so surprised to suddenly see one sentence in spoken Finnish when all the others were in standard Finnish! :lol:

Yeah, I kind of did a double-take with that one and wasn't sure if I should do something different with the glossing. :lol: I don't know if there are more like that. I haven't found any others yet but I haven't gone through their whole list yet.

Naava wrote://P.s. I went to check the site and found a spelling mistake in one of their Finnish examples. :whistle:

Where is it? I'm probably going to add more to my list later, I just didn't get through them all. I don't know if I'd catch it in Finnish or not, I guess it depends on what the word is and what kind of spelling mistake. (Or you can just not tell me, see if I do catch it, and then correct me when I post it here without correcting the mistake. LOL)
I found a mistake earlier in at least one of the other languages that I've done these lists for - I think it was Votic but I can't remember for sure. They've also got several languages where it says "she was a teacher" but gives the translation as "she is a teacher".

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Re: Basic words and grammar in Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian

Postby Naava » 2022-05-24, 20:58

Linguaphile wrote:
Naava wrote://P.s. I went to check the site and found a spelling mistake in one of their Finnish examples. :whistle:

Where is it? I'm probably going to add more to my list later, I just didn't get through them all. I don't know if I'd catch it in Finnish or not, I guess it depends on what the word is and what kind of spelling mistake. (Or you can just not tell me, see if I do catch it, and then correct me when I post it here without correcting the mistake. LOL)

Oh, that'd be tempting! But I don't feel like being mischievous today so I'll tell you: it's the example for "Is the order of possessive suffix and case suffix across the paradigm the same?".

Sentence 538:
on the streets

It should be kaduilla, with a /d/. Katuilla means "to regret something repeatedly" or "to regret something a bit, not 100% seriously / not with 100% intensitivity". It also seems to mean "to fall over repeatedly" in some dialects because I found too many hits on google that I'd believe they've all just misspelt the standard kaatuilla.

Also, either I'm too tired to understand what that question means or this is not an example of "order of possessive suffix and case suffix". :hmm:

I found a mistake earlier in at least one of the other languages that I've done these lists for - I think it was Votic but I can't remember for sure. They've also got several languages where it says "she was a teacher" but gives the translation as "she is a teacher".

You know... Once a teacher, always a teacher... :lol:

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Re: Basic words and grammar in Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-05-24, 21:40

Naava wrote:Sentence 538:
on the streets

It should be kaduilla, with a /d/. Katuilla means "to regret something repeatedly" or "to regret something a bit, not 100% seriously / not with 100% intensitivity". It also seems to mean "to fall over repeatedly" in some dialects because I found too many hits on google that I'd believe they've all just misspelt the standard kaatuilla.

It's good you told me, because I probably wouldn't have caught that one. (Actually I wouldn't have posted it either, though; I'm only posting the ones that are complete sentences. So if you had waited for me to post it, I never would have found out which word it was!)

Naava wrote:Also, either I'm too tired to understand what that question means or this is not an example of "order of possessive suffix and case suffix". :hmm:

No, you are right, it's definitely not an example of that.
The question is asking whether or not the language has possessive suffixes that come sometimes before, sometimes after case suffixes, like this in Inari Saami:

tálustis "in their house" (possessive suffix follows case suffix)
    tálu- = house
    -st- = locative
    -is = 3s possessive
táálusttáá "without their house" (possessive suffix precedes case suffix)
    táálu = house
    -s- = 3s possessive
    -ttáá = abessive
Which is all interesting and good, but has nothing to do with kaduilla, which doesn't even have a possessive suffix!

Naava wrote:
I found a mistake earlier in at least one of the other languages that I've done these lists for - I think it was Votic but I can't remember for sure. They've also got several languages where it says "she was a teacher" but gives the translation as "she is a teacher".

You know... Once a teacher, always a teacher... :lol:

Oh, right, of course! That's it. :lol:

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Re: Basic words and grammar in Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-05-25, 16:27

More Finnish sentences from UraTyp

Luen = I read
    luen = I read (lue- = read + -n = 1s present)
En lue = I don't read
    en = I don't (1s negative)
    lue = read (connegative)
Juon teetä = I drink tea
    juon = I drink (juo- = drink + -n = 1s)
    teetä = tea (tee = tea + -tä = partitive
Hän on opettaja = She is a teacher
    hän = he/she (nominative)
    on = is (3s present)
    opettaja = teacher (nominative)
Hän oli opettaja = She was a teacher
    hän = he/she (nominative)
    oli = was (3s past)
    opettaja = teacher (nominative)
Hän opiskeli opettajaksi = She studied to be a teacher
    hän = he/she
    opiskeli = studied (opi- = study + skel- = frequentative + -i = 3s past)
    opettajaksi = as/into a teacher (opettaja = teacher + -ksi = translative)
Hän työskentelee opettajana = She works as a teacher
    hän = he/she (nominative)
    työskentelee = works (työ- = work + skentele- = frequentative verb + -e 3s)
    opettajana = as a teacher (opettaja = teacher + -na = essive)
Olen talossa = I am in the house
    olen = I am (ole- = be + -n = 1s)
    talossa = in the house (talo = house + -ssa = inessive)
Olen talolla = I am at the house
    olen = I am (ole- = be + -n = 1s)
    talolla = in the house (talo = house + -lla = adessive)
Tulen talosta = I come from inside the house
    tueln = I come (tule- = come + -n = 1s)
    talosta = from the house (talo = house + -sta = elative)
Kävelen talolle = I walk towards the house
    kävelen = I walk (kävele- = walk + -n = 1s)
    talolle = towards the house (talo- = house + -lle = allative)
Kävelen talon lähelle = I walk near the house
    kävelen = I walk (kävele- = walk + -n = 1s)
    talon = house (talo- = house + -n = genitive)
    lähelle = near (lähe- = near + -lle = allative)
Olen talon lähellä = I am near the house
    olen = I am (ole- = be + -n = 1s)
    talon = house (talo- = house + -n = genitive)
    lähellä = near (lähe- = near + -llä = adessive)
Tulen talon läheltä = I come from near the house
    tulen = I come (tule- = come + -n = 1s)
    talon = house (talo- = house + -n = genitive)
    läheltä = near (lähe- = near + -ltä = ablative)
Hän tulkoon = let him come!
    hän = he/she (nominiative)
    tulkoon = let come (tul- = come + -koon = jussive)
Pojat ovat pitkiä = the boys are tall
    pojat[/b] = boys (poja- = boy + -t = plural
    ovat = they are (3p)
    pitkiä = tall (pitk- = tall + -i- = plural + = partitive)
Koira ja kissa nukkuvat = A dog and a cat are sleeping
    koira = dog (nominative)
    ja = and
    kissa = cat (nominative)
    nukkuvat = they sleep (nukku- = sleep + -vat = 3p present)
Minä söin ja join = I ate and drank
    minä = I (1s)
    söin = I ate (sö- = eat + -i- = past + -n = 1s)
    ja = and
    join = I drank (jo- = drink + -i- = past + -n = 1s)
Jos olisit leiponut kakun, söisin sen = if you had baked a cake, I would eat it
    jos = if
    olisit = you would (ol- = be + -isi- = conditional + -t = 2s)
    leiponut = baked (leipo- = bake + -nut = past participle)
    kakun = cake (kaku- = cake + -n = genitive)
    söisin = I would eat (sö- = eat + -isi- = conditional + -n = 1s)
    sen = it (se- = it + -n = genitive)
Asia ratkennee huomenna = the thing should be resolved tomorrow
    asia = thing (nominative)
    ratkennee = should be resolved (ratke- = be resolved + -nnee = potential)
    huomenna = tomorrow
Lähden Unkariin oppimaan unkarin kieltä = I go to Hungary in order to learn Hungarian
    lähden = I go (lähte- = leave, go; -n = 1s)
    Unkariin = to Hungary (Unkari = Hungary + -in = illative)
    oppimaan = in order to learn (oppi- = learn + -ma- = supine + -an = illative)
    unkarin = Hungarian (unkari = Hungarian + -n = genitive)
    kieltä = language (kiel- = language, tongue + -tä = partitive)
Siellä elettiin hyvin = people lived there well
    siellä = there
    elettiin = it was lived (elää = live; elettiin = lived, past participle)
    hyvin = well
Puhuin eilen lähetetyistä kirjeistä = I was speaking about the letters that were sent yesterday
    puhuin = I spoke (puhu- = speak + -i- = past + -n = 1s)
    eilen = yesterday
    lähetetyistä = sent (lähete = send + -ty- = past participle + -i- = plural + -stä = elative)
    kirjeistä = letters (kirje- = letter + -i- = plural + -stä = elative)
Lähdin töihin käsilaukutta = I left for work without a handbag
    lähdin = I left (lähd- = leave + -i- = past + -n = 1s)
    töihin = for work (töi- = work, from työ = work + -hin = illative)
    käsilaukutta = without a handbag (käsi = hand + lauku- = bag, genitive + -tta = abessive)
Hän kirjoitti kynineen = He wrote with a pen
    hän = he/she (nominative)
    kirjoitti = wrote (kirjoit- = write + -ti = 3s past)
    kynineen = with a pen (kynä = pen + -i- = plural + -ne- = comitative + -en = 3s alternate possessive)

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