Ingrian (Izhorian)

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06
Re: Ingrian (Izhorian)

Postby Linguaphile » 2020-04-17, 17:19

Undarmoi ja Kalervoi (aka Izhorian Epic, Izhorian rune from Kalevala) (fragment) sung by Ingervala

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Re: Ingrian (Izhorian)

Postby Linguaphile » 2020-04-20, 17:09

Hear the alphabet and some basic phrases:

tere = hello
hüvvää hoomusta (= tere hoomnikko) = good morning
hüvvää päivää = (= tere päivä) = good afternoon
hüvvää iltaa (= tere ilta) = good evening
hüvvää öötä = good night
kui siä oot? = how are you?
miä oon hüvin = I'm doing good
kui vanha siä oot? = how old are you?
miä oon viistoist vootta vanha = I'm fifteen years old
mikä siun nimi ono? (= kui siun nimi ono?) = What is your name?
miun nimi ono... = My name is...
da = yes
ei = no
antiiks = sorry
kiitos = thank you
näkömiist = goodbye!


null = 0
üks = 1
kaks = 2
kolt (sometimes spelled kold) = 3
neljä = 4
viis = 5
kuus = 6
seitsen (= seitsemän) = 7
kaheksan = 8
üheksän = 9
kümmen (= kümmenän) = 10
üksitoist = 11
kakstoist = 12
kolttoist (= koldtoist) = 13
neljätoist = 14
viistoist = 15
kuustoist = 16
seitsentoist = 17
kaheksantoist = 18
üheksäntoist = 19
kakskümment (= kakskümmend) =20
kakskümment üks (= kakskümmend üks) = 21
koltkümment (= koldkümmend) = 30
neljäkümment (= neljäkümmend) = 40
viiskümment (= viiskümmend) = 50
kuuskümment (= kuuskümmend) = 60
seitsmenkümment (= seitsemänkümmend) = 70
kaheksankümment (= kaheksankümmend) = 80
üheksäkümment (= üheksänkümmend) = 90
sata (= sada) = 100
tuhatta (= tuhad) = 1 000
miljona = 1 000 000

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Ingrian (Izhorian)

Postby Linguaphile » 2020-04-20, 17:54

Listen to animal names in Izhorian

elläävä = animal
koira = dog
kasi (= kazi) = cat
orraava = squirrel
repoi = fox
susi (= suzi) = wolf
jänis (= jäniz) = rabbit
karhu = bear
härkä = ox
voohi = goat
siili = hedgehog
lintu = bird
hiir = mouse
rotta = rat
hüle = seal
konna = frog
kärnäkonna = toad
nahkasiipi = bat
mato = snake
lammas (= lammaz) = sheep
kana = chicken
kukkoi = rooster
heppoin = horse
sika = pig
lehmä = cow
hauki = pike
lohi = salmon
mae = burbot
monni = catfish
krapu = crab
harakka magpie
hanhi = goose
varis (= variz) = crow
sava = owl
öölakkoi = eagle owl
korppi = raven
kurki = crane
pääsköi = swallow
tikka = woodpecker
hämöi = spider
koi = moth
kärpäin = fly
mehiläin = bee
sääski = mosquito
täi = louse

More animals

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Ingrian (Izhorian)

Postby Linguaphile » 2020-04-27, 4:20

Madli Oras - Hoz miä itken, hoz miä laulan (Whether I cry, whether I sing)

Ingervala - Hoz miä itken, hoz miä laula (Whether I cry, whether I sing) - fragment

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Re: Ingrian (Izhorian)

Postby Linguaphile » 2020-05-03, 3:48

Mati Palonen - Iloidaaks müö ihmeen noored (For us young people to have fun)

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Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Ingrian (Izhorian)

Postby Linguaphile » 2020-05-07, 4:38

Meel Valk - Kui tulloo süvä sügüzü = When deep autumn comes

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Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Ingrian (Izhorian)

Postby Linguaphile » 2020-08-23, 5:28
(orthography note: elsewhere in this thread I have used the letter ü where this video uses y)

yks = = 1
kaks = 2
kolt = 3
neljä = 4
viis = 5
kuus = 6
seitsen = 7
kaheksan = 8
yheksän = 9
kymmen = 10

tere = hello
hyvvää hoomust = (hyvvää hoomusta) = good morning
hyvvää päivää = good afternoon
päivää, päivää = the answer to "hyvvää päivää
hyvvää iltaa = good evening
hyvvää öödä = (hyvvää öötä) = good night
tere tulla = welcome
tere = hello
kuin siä elät? = how are you? = how do you live?
hiljakkaissee = little by little (common answer to "kuin siä elät")
kaik on hyväst = everything is good
kera on hyväst = good as well
miul ono hyvä meeli nähä sinnua = I am glad to see you

nii = so = yes, right
kyllä = of course
ei = no
ei oo = it isn't
anna antteeks = (anna antiiks) = forgive me (informal/singular)
antakaa antteeks = (antakkaa antiiks) = forgive me (formal/plural)
kiidos = (kiitoz) = thank you
suuret kiidokset = many thanks
ei oo mist = not at all (answer to "kiidos" and "suuret kiidokset")
tye tänne = come here
oo hyvä = be kind = please = you are welcome (singular)
olkaa hyvät = be kind = please = you are welcome (plural)
hyväst = goodbye

kuin sinnua kutsudaa = what is your name? = what are you called?
minnua kutsudaa Ivoi = my name is John = I am called John
kus siä elät = where do you live?
miä elän kyläas Soikkolan poolsaarel = I live in the village on Soykinsky Peninsula
oman perrehen kera = with my family
mejjen sugulaist elläät Soomes = our relatives live in Finland

naizeel ono kaks lasta: poiga ja tyär = The woman has two children: a son and a daughter
hejjen tyärt kutsudaa Maroi = their daughter's name is Mary
hää ellää Tallinnas = she lives in Tallinn
hänen poikkaa kutsudaa Mikkoi = her/his son's name is Michael
hää ellää Petteris = he lives in Saint Petersburg

mont vootta siul on = how old are you?
miul ono viiskymment vootta = I am 50 years old
hänel ono kakskymment kolt vootta = she/he is 23 years old
miun tyttärel on kuustoist vootta = my daughter is 16 years old

miä oon ingeroin = I am Ingrian
siä oot vadjalain = you are Votian
hää ono soomalain = he/she is Finnish
töö ootta virolaist = you are Estonians
höö ovat liivilaist = they are Livonians
möö oomma soome-ugrilaist = we are Finno-Ugrians

läkkäät siä ingeroizeks = läkkäät siä ižoraks = do you speak Ingrian?
miä läkkään ingeroista keeldä (= miä läkkään ižoraks) = I speak Ingrian
miä en läkkää ingeroista keeldä = (miä en läkkää ižoraks) = I don't speak Ingrian

miä suvvaan sinnua = I love you
möö suvvaamma ommaa maada = we love our homeland

ingeroist ovat iänikkäin Soome-Ugri rahvas = Ingrians are Finno-Ugric indigenous people
paraikoi hänen suur oza ellää omal maal = nowadays a large part of it lives in their homeland
Petterin oblastina länspooles = in the Western part of Leningrad region
suuren meren rannal = on the coast of the Gulf of Finland

vahnat sanat = proverbs
mees pyyttä meren kaloja, meri pyyttä meehiin päidä = man catches sea fish, the sea catches men's heads
ken nostaa haragan ajjalle ku omat siivet = who lifts the magpie up onto the fence other than her own wings
hyvä sana kiven lohkoo = a good word cracks a stone
kel on karsta, sil on kynnet = who has an itch has fingernails
kuin jalga platsaa, nii suu matsaa = how the foot stamps, so the mouth eats

arvoduksia = riddles
punnain odedaa, valkkia jääp = red is taken white is left
vaabukkain = raspberry
lehmä ono läävääs, a keel on ikkunaal = the cow is in the stock shed, but hte tongue is outside
kiukkaa = stove

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Ingrian (Izhorian)

Postby Linguaphile » 2020-08-23, 5:28
(orthography note: elsewhere in this thread I have used the letter ü where this video uses y)

yks = = 1
kaks = 2
kolt = 3
neljä = 4
viis = 5
kuus = 6
seitsen = 7
kaheksan = 8
yheksän = 9
kymmen = 10

tere = hello
hyvvää hoomust = (hyvvää hoomusta) = good morning
hyvvää päivää = good afternoon
päivää, päivää = the answer to "hyvvää päivää
hyvvää iltaa = good evening
hyvvää öödä = (hyvvää öötä) = good night
tere tulla = welcome
tere = hello
kuin siä elät? = how are you? = how do you live?
hiljakkaissee = little by little (common answer to "kuin siä elät")
kaik on hyväst = everything is good
kera on hyväst = good as well
miul ono hyvä meeli nähä sinnua = I am glad to see you

nii = so = yes, right
kyllä = of course
ei = no
ei oo = it isn't
anna antteeks = (anna antiiks) = forgive me (informal/singular)
antakaa antteeks = (antakkaa antiiks) = forgive me (formal/plural)
kiidos = (kiitoz) = thank you
suuret kiidokset = many thanks
ei oo mist = not at all (answer to "kiidos" and "suuret kiidokset")
tye tänne = come here
oo hyvä = be kind = please = you are welcome (singular)
olkaa hyvät = be kind = please = you are welcome (plural)
hyväst = goodbye

kuin sinnua kutsudaa = what is your name? = what are you called?
minnua kutsudaa Ivoi = my name is John = I am called John
kus siä elät = where do you live?
miä elän kyläs Soikkolan poolsaarel = I live in the village on Soykinsky Peninsula
oman perrehen kera = with my family
mejjen sugulaist elläät Soomes = our relatives live in Finland

naizeel ono kaks lasta: poiga ja tyär = The woman has two children: a son and a daughter
hejjen tyärt kutsudaa Maroi = their daughter's name is Mary
hää ellää Tallinnas = she lives in Tallinn
hänen poikkaa kutsudaa Mikkoi = her/his son's name is Michael
hää ellää Petteris = he lives in Saint Petersburg

mont vootta siul on = how old are you?
miul ono viiskymment vootta = I am 50 years old
hänel ono kakskymment kolt vootta = she/he is 23 years old
miun tyttärel on kuustoist vootta = my daughter is 16 years old

miä oon ingeroin = I am Ingrian
siä oot vadjalain = you are Votian
hää ono soomalain = he/she is Finnish
töö ootta virolaist = you are Estonians
höö ovat liivilaist = they are Livonians
möö oomma soome-ugrilaist = we are Finno-Ugrians

läkkäät siä ingeroizeks = läkkäät siä ižoraks = do you speak Ingrian?
miä läkkään ingeroista keeldä (= miä läkkään ižoraks) = I speak Ingrian
miä en läkkää ingeroista keeldä = (miä en läkkää ižoraks) = I don't speak Ingrian

miä suvvaan sinnua = I love you
möö suvvaamma ommaa maada = we love our homeland

ingeroist ovat iänikkäin Soome-Ugri rahvas = Ingrians are Finno-Ugric indigenous people
paraikoi hänen suur oza ellää omal maal = nowadays a large part of it lives in their homeland
Petterin oblastina länspooles = in the Western part of Leningrad region
suuren meren rannal = on the coast of the Gulf of Finland

vahnat sanat = proverbs
mees pyyttä meren kaloja, meri pyyttä meehiin päidä = man catches sea fish, the sea catches men's heads
ken nostaa haragan ajjalle ku omat siivet = who lifts the magpie up onto the fence other than her own wings
hyvä sana kiven lohkoo = a good word cracks a stone
kel on karsta, sil on kynnet = who has an itch has fingernails
kuin jalga platsaa, nii suu matsaa = how the foot stamps, so the mouth eats

arvoduksia = riddles
punnain odedaa, valkkia jääp = red is taken white is left
vaabukkain = raspberry
lehmä ono läävääs, a keel on ikkunaal = the cow is in the stock shed, but hte tongue is outside
kiukkaa = stove
Last edited by Linguaphile on 2021-12-04, 1:29, edited 1 time in total.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Ingrian (Izhorian)

Postby Linguaphile » 2021-07-15, 14:49

Marja Üldine & Mikita - Iso tammi (The Big Oak)

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Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Ingrian (Izhorian)

Postby Linguaphile » 2021-12-03, 21:58

Tere päivä! = Good day!
Minno kutsuta Lubaks. = I am called Luba.
Miun sukunimi ono Uljanitskaja. = My last name is Ulyanitskaya.
Miun synnyzpäivä ono vijjeiztoistkymmenäiz maikuuta. = My birthday is the 15th of May.
Miä syntysin Petteris ja elän Petteris. = I was born in St. Petersburg and I live in St. Petersburg.
Oon opettaja instituutis. = I am a teacher at the university.
Läkkän vennän ja ranskan keelt. = I speak Russian and French.
En pajata, enkä haassa, ja en lakkä saksa. = I can't speak Votic, Ingrian Finnish or German.
Oppin ižoran keelt. = I study Izhorian.
Oppin taivutta verbijä = I'm learning to conjugate verbs
ilata = to clean
En suvva ilata. = I don't like to clean.
Oppin taivutta nominijä = I'm learning to decline nouns
repo = fox
Suvvan repoja. = I like foxes.
Se ei oo kerke! = This isn't easy!
Miul ono kold vello mud ei oo sisoja. = I have three brothers but don't have any sisters.
Miul ono koira. = I have a dog.
Mikä koira? = What kind of dog?
Se ono spaniel. = It is a spaniel.
Hänt kutsuta Zulja. = She is called Zulja.
Kesäl suvvan männä järve ujuma. = In summer I like to go swim in the lake.
Syksyi suvvan korjata griboja = In autumn I like to gather mushrooms
ja suvvan korjata marjoja = and I like to gather berries
karpoloja, mussikkoja, baabukkoja, joomukkoja = cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, bilberries
Söön pall'u griboja ja marjoja = I eat a lot of mushrooms and berries
Miulle näyttijä metsa. = I enjoy the forest.
Suvvan puita - koivo, kuusta, tamme, pajjo, pihlaja. = I like trees = birch, spruce, oak, willow, rowan
Talvel suvvan maata, syvvä ja juvva. = In winter I like to sleep, eat and drink.
Kevväl suvvan kävellä. = In spring I like to walk.
Hyväst! = Goodbye!

Some differences from earlier posts:
minnua kutsudaa Ivoi = minno kutsuta Lubaks
koivu = koivo
paju = pajjo
repoi = repo

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Ingrian (Izhorian)

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-03-15, 20:42

Tools and materials

adra = plough
viigade = scythe
serppi = sickle
labja = shovel, spade
kookka = hoe
kerves = axe
naskeli = awl
veitsi = knife
nuga = knife
meekka = sword
nooli = arrow
vassaara = hammer
kiukkaa= stove
kattila = kettle
kattala = kettle
hummar = mortar
pedel = pestle
petkel = pestle
seegla = sieve
radas = wheel
neegla = needle
rauda = iron
vaski = copper
hoppiia = silver
kulda = gold
tina = tin

:arrow: for comparison

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Ingrian (Izhorian)

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-05-17, 18:01

Sentences from UraTyp (Soikkola dialect)

Elkää panna ühtee müttüü niim paljo, ken heijjed kaik kantteli = don't put so much in one pile; who carried all this here?
    elkǟ = don't (negative imperative)
    panna = put (connegative)
    ühtē = one (illative)
    müttǖ = pile (illative)
    nīm = so
    paljo = much
    ken = who
    heij̆jeᴅ = they (accusative)
    kaik = all
    kant̆teli = carried (3s past)
Ku pääzöid lendelöö maada müüdä, se tiitää taaz vihmaa = when the swallows are flying near the ground then this predicts against rain
    ku = when
    pǟzöiᴅ = swallows (diminutive plural)
    lenᴅelȫ = fly (lenᴅ = fly + elȫ frequentative)
    māᴅa = land (partitive)
    mǖ̬ᴅä = along
    se = this
    tītǟ = foretells (3s)
    tāz = again
    vihmā = vihmaa = rain (partitive)
Ossan lehmän = I'll buy a cow
    ossan = I buy (1s)
    lehmän = cow (genitive)
Ossan lehmää - I'm buying a cow
    ossan = I buy (1s)
    lehmǟ = cow (partitive)
Paa rahat kannelle! = put the money on the table!
    = put (imperative)
    rahat = money (partitive)
    kannelle = onto the table (kanne- = table + -lle = allative)
Kannella ono leipää = there is some bread on the table
    kannella = on the table (kanne- = table + -lla = adessive)
    ono = is (3s)
    leipǟ = bread (partitive)
Kannella ono leibä = there is the bread on the table
    kannella = on the table (kanne- = table + -lla = adessive)
    ono = is (3s)
    leiʙä = bread (nominative)
Poiga nägi karhua ja jooksi poiz = the boy saw a bear and ran away
    poiɢa = boy
    näɢi = saw (3s past)
    karhua = bear (partitive)
    ja = and
    jō̭ksi = ran (3s past)
    poiz = away
Höö olliid varastammaaz omenaa hovin saaust = they were stealing apples from the garden of the manor house
    hȫ̭ = hǖ̬ = they
    ol̆līᴅ = they were (3p)
    varastam̆māz = stealing (varasta- = steal + -mma- = supine + -z = inessive)
    omenā = apples (partitive)
    hovin = manor (genitive))
    sā.ūst = garden (saau = garden + -st = illative)
Mään tüühü = I am going to work
    mǟn = I go (1s)
    tǖhü = to work = work + -hü = illative)
Möö oomma mänömizel = we are about to leave
    mȫ̭ = we
    ō̭mma = we are (1p)
    mänömizel = leaving mänö- = go + -mize = nominalizer + -l = adessive)
Miä olin kovast hädähünd = I had gotten into trouble badly
    miä = I
    olin = was (1s)
    kovast = strongly
    häᴅähünᴅ = gotten into trouble (häᴅähü = into trouble + -nᴅ = past participle)
Jos saisiiist, möisiiist siä miule kengäd? = if you could, would you sell me the shoes?
    jos = if
    saisīst = get (conditional 2s)
    möisīst = sell (conditional 2s)
    siä = you
    miule = to me (allative)
    keŋɢäᴅ = shoes (plural)
Kuim mond vuutta miä elläänen? = how many years might I live?
    ɢuim = how
    monᴅ = many (partitive)
    vū̬tta = year (partitive)
    miä = I
    ellǟnen = I might live (elää = live + -ne = potential -n = 1s)
Palagaa otsallee saa = let it burn until the end
    palaɢā = let it burn (pala- = burn + -gaa = jussive)
    otsallē = to the end (otsa = end + llee = alative)
    = until
Hüü maattii pitkän ajan = they slept for a long time
    hǖ̬ = hȫ̭ = they
    māttī = slept (past passive)
    pitkän = long (genitive)
    ajan = time (genitive)
Vanhaaks ku määd ni jalad hubelooks tullood = when you get old, your legs will get weak
    vanhāks = for/into old (vanhā- = old + -ks = translative)
    ku = when
    mǟᴅ = you go (2s)
    ni = so
    jalaᴅ = legs
    huʙelōks = for/into weak (huʙelō- = weak + -ks = translative)
    tul̆lōᴅ = they come (3p)
Toin jauhoa, jod paistaa piirakkoja = I brought flour in order to bake pies
    toin = I brought (1s past)
    jauhoa = flour (partitive)
    joᴅ = that; in order to
    paistā = to bake (infinitive)
    pīrakkoja = pies (partitive plural)
Hää ono piikaan = she is a servant girl
    = hȫ̭ = hǖ̬ = she
    ono = is (3s)
    pīkān = servant girl (genitive)
Hää oli piikaan = she was a servant girl
    = hȫ̭ = hǖ̬ = he/she
    oli = was (3s)
    pīkān = servant girl (genitive)
Tehhää tüüdä = work is being done here
    tehhǟ = is done (passive)
    tǖ̬ᴅä = work (partitive)
Tämäg se on sodaväkkem männööva? = is he the one who is going into the army?
    tämäɢ = is it? (tämä = it + -g = interrogative)
    se = this
    on = is
    soᴅaväk̆kèm = into army (illative)
    män̆nȫvä = going (män̆nȫ go + -vä = present participle)
Keehunt kukkoi oli keskikannel = the baked rooster-pastry was in the center of the table
    kēhunt = baked (kēhu- = bake + -nt = past participle)
    kukkoi = rooster
    oli = was (3s past)
    keskikannel = in the center of the table (keski- = middle + kanne- = table + -l = adessive)
Hää oh hüvä laulaja meez = he is a man who sings well
    = hȫ̭ = hǖ̬ = he/she
    oh = is
    hüvä = good
    laulaja = singer
    mḙ̄z = man
Nostagaa käed ülöz! = put your hands up!
    nostaɢā = rise (2p imperative)
    kä.eᴅ = hansd
    ülöz = up
Elä maitoa tilguttele maaha = don't drip milk
    elä = don't (negative imperative)
    maitoa = milk (partitive)
    tilɢuttele = drip (connegative)
    māha = down
Pojad ollaa pidäd = boys are tall
    pojaᴅ = boys (plural)
    ol̆lā = are (3p)
    piᴅäᴅ = tall (plural)
Paa viitta päälleez = put the jacket on
    = put (imperative)
    vītta = jacket (partitive)
    pǟllēz = on ( = head; on + llē = allative + -z = 3s possessive)
Hää ei eländ ilman heboizeda = she didn't live without a horse
    = hȫ̭ = hǖ̬ = he/she
    ei = no
    elänᴅ = lived (elä = live + -nᴅ = past participle)
    ilman = without (genitive)
    heʙoizeᴅa = horse (heboize = horse + da = abessive)
Möö mänimmä metsäitse = we went through the forest
    mȫ̭ = we
    mänimmä = we went (1p)
    metsäit̀sᴇ = through the forest (metsäi- = forest + -t̀sᴇ = prolative)
Nooreem muissid a nüd ed muissa = at a young age you remembered, but now you don't remember
    nō̭rēm = younger nō̭rē = young + -m = essive)
    muissiᴅ = you remembered (muiss = remember + -i- = past + -d = 2s)
    a = but
    nüᴅ = now
    eᴅ = you don't (2s negative)
    muissa = remember (connegative)

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Ingrian (Izhorian)

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-02-27, 2:45
Lyrics (Izhorian/Ingrian song from Lower Luga region):

Läksin raukka raatamaa
Kultani kanssa kuokkimaa.
Haj, Vanja, raitetaa, kultani kanssa kuokkimaa.

Kuokin mie kesoisen päivän
Kuorman heiniä kokoisin.
Haj, Vanja, raitetaa, kuorman heiniä kokoisin.

Kuorman heiniä kokoisin
Toisen kuorman kukkaisia.
Haj, Vanja, raitetaa, toisen kuorman kukkaisia.

Mänin linnan turulle
Kauppaamahan heiniä.
Haj, Vanja, raitetaa, kauppaamahan heiniä.

Heilani kotona uottelloo
Joko minun ukkoni tulloo?
Haj, Vanja, raitetaa, joko minun ukkoni tulloo.

Tuolt tulloo tupakkaukko
Pitkä piippu hampahissa.
Haj, Vanja, raitetaa, pitkä piippu hampahissa.

English translation:
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kiuru = lark
parom = ship
kukat = flowers
rooka = food
makkuin = delicious
soper = friend
Suur meri = Gulf of Finland ("big sea")
kodimaa = homeland
miä ikävöin = I long for

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