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Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2013-07-26, 13:51
by Multiturquoise
I decided to make a Slovak version of this game.

Children are playing in the playground.

Re: Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2013-07-27, 8:25
by Mikey93
boracasli wrote:I decided to make a Slovak version of this game.

Children are playing in the playground.


Deti sa hrajú na ihrisku.

When I was a child I used to play with my brother on the top of a bunk bed.

Re: Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2013-08-07, 1:40
by Патрислав Андреевич
Kedy som bol dieťa hrával som sa s mojím bratom na viacpodlažnéj(?) posteli.

You never know what you have until you lose it.

Re: Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2013-08-07, 11:31
by Mikey93
xivrox wrote:Keďy som bol dieťa hrával som sa s mojím bratom na viacpodlažnéj(?) poschodovej (lit. multi storey) posteli.

You never know what you have until you lose it.

Well done :)

Nikdy nevieš čo máš, pokiaľ to nestratíš.

Celý tento týždeň je neskutočne horúco.

Re: Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2013-08-11, 14:17
by silmeth
Myslím, že by ste mal dať príklad v angličtine, nie v slovenčine ;-).

Re: Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2013-08-12, 20:11
by Mikey93
silmeth wrote:Myslím, že by ste mal dať príklad v angličtine, nie v slovenčine ;-).

Why so? Having hard time translating the other way around?

Re: Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2013-08-13, 12:20
by silmeth
Mikey93 wrote:
silmeth wrote:Myslím, že by ste mal dať príklad v angličtine, nie v slovenčine ;-).

Why so? Having hard time translating the other way around?

Nope, just the point of the game IMO is to translate into Slovak, and translating Slovak text into Slovak makes no sense ;-).

For foreigner translating the other way is much easier and teaches less.

Anyway, OK then:

Whole this week is incredibly hot.

I would if I could but I can’t so I won’t.

Re: Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2013-08-15, 16:04
by Mikey93
silmeth wrote: Nope, just the point of the game IMO is to translate into Slovak, and translating Slovak text into Slovak makes no sense ;-).
For foreigner translating the other way is much easier and teaches less.
Anyway, OK then:
Whole this week is incredibly hot.
Let's agree to disagree.
I would if I could but I can’t so I won’t.

Bol by som, keby som mohol, ale keďže nemôžem tak nebudem. [Translation may vary depending on the context]

I do not have a girlfriend, but I surely do not need a matchmaker to find me one.

Re: Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2014-01-12, 11:36
by Патрислав Андреевич
Nemam dievčaťa, ale iste nepotrebujem aby mi dohadzovač jednu našiel.

Waiter! Whatever it is in my soup, I don’t like it, so please bring me another plate!

Re: Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2014-05-10, 18:11
by Патрислав Андреевич
Aj tu sam sebe odpoviem, ako nikto nechce. :)

xivrox wrote:Waiter! Whatever it is in my soup, I don’t like it, so please bring me another plate!
Čašník! Čokoľvek to je v mojej polievke, nepači sa mi, pa prineste mi inú misku!

I think I had left my umbrella in the car.

Re: Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2014-06-28, 20:37
by Mikey93
xivrox wrote:Nemam dievča, ale iste nepotrebujem, aby mi dohadzovač jednu našiel.

Aj tu sám sebe odpoviem, ak nikto nechce. :)

:D Well, Slovak forum seems to be on the edge of extinction.
Waiter! Whatever it is in my soup, I don’t like it, so please bring me another plate!
Čašník!Nech je to v mojej polievke čokoľvek, nepači sa mi to, takže mi ráčte priniesť iný tanier.

Good job! Grammatically almost correct, just odd wording :)
I think I left my umbrella in the car.

Myslím, že som si nechal v aute dáždnik.
I know I will look like I am splitting hairs, but I do think that in this particular case you cannot see the wood for the trees.

Re: Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2014-10-30, 21:14
by Патрислав Андреевич
Nikto ešte neodpovedal po 4 mesiocach, zlý znak. Ja nemôžem toho preložiť, je to veľmi ťažke. Najťažšie sú tieto idiómy: splitting hairs a seeing the wood for the trees. Môže niekto pomôcť? :) Nanešťastie nemám slovnika anglických idiómov s prekladami na slovenský, alebo ničoho takého... :P

Tento post je len bump, čo by ho možná bolo uvidieť.. a pomôcť, aby sme mohli pokračovať s hrou! :)

Re: Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2014-10-31, 21:06
by Mikey93
xivrox wrote:Nikto ešte neodpovedal ani po 4 mesiacoch. To je zlé znamenie. Ja to nemôžem toho preložiť. Je to veľmi ťažké. Najťažšie sú tieto idiómy: splitting hairs a seeing the wood for the trees. Môže s tým niekto pomôcť? :) Nanešťastie nemám slovnika anglických idiómov s prekladami v slovenčine, ani ničoho takého... :P

Tento post príspevok je len bump k zvýrazneniu diskusie, čo by ho aby ju bolo možné znovu vidieť... a aby pomohol s pokračovaním hry! :)

Máš pravdu, asi som to prehnal. Už nebudem dávať žiadne idiómy. :P
I know I will look like I am splitting hairs, but I do think that in this particular case you cannot see the wood for the trees.

Viem, že to bude vyzerať ako keby som sa zaoberal malichernosťami, ale v tomto prípade si myslím, že práve pre stromy nevidíš les.

His charm is misleading because he can be ruthless if necessary.

Re: Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2015-03-04, 0:03
by Патрислав Андреевич
Jeho pôvab je zavadzajuci, pretože on može byť ukrutný keď je potreba.

I’m sorry, did you say anything? I wasn’t listening.

(Úplne som zabudol na túto tému.)

Re: Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2015-03-07, 20:19
by Mikey93
Патрислав Андреевич wrote:Jeho pôvab je zavadzajuci, pretože on može vie byť ukrutný (bezcitný) keď je potreba ak je to potrebné/nutné.

I’m sorry, did you say anything? I wasn’t listening.

Prepáč, hovoril si niečo? Nepočúval som.

I did, but I wasn't talking to you.

Re: Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2015-03-07, 23:41
by Патрислав Андреевич
Som, ale nehovoril som tebe.

If only I knew how to learn languages easily…

Re: Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2015-03-31, 23:04
by Mikey93
Патрислав Андреевич wrote:Hovoril som, ale nie k tebe.

If only I knew how to learn languages easily…

Keby som len vedel, ako sa ľahšie naučiť (cudzie) jazyky...
Before you face your enemy, find his achillees heel.

Re: Slovak Translation Game

Posted: 2015-05-01, 11:22
by Патрислав Андреевич
Predtým, než čeliš nepriateľovi, nájdi jeho Achillovu pätu.

Whatever it is that you want, I want it even more.