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Re: What makes Hungarian hard?

Posted: 2016-10-11, 16:28
by france-eesti
Yeah, after a few days of it maturating inside my brain, I'm finally starting the digestion.
But I still have to wonder if the place is a building, or someone's building, or a surface... and if "I put it there", is it "ba" or "ban" (as it is the movement, I guess it is "ba" but as the stuff itself isn't doing the movement... I am unsure).

but yeah that is indeed finally not the hardest. I'm back to verbal prefixes (and words very similar to each other - I did another one of my big mistakes) => I wanted to write "your sister" (a húgod) but for no reason, I thought a "y" was needed somewhere and I wrote "a húgyod") (oh, yes...) :shock:

(Fortunately, this time my conversation partner has a nice sense of humor) :lol:

Re: What makes Hungarian hard?

Posted: 2018-10-27, 18:20
by violazoli
Some people say, that one thing which is hard in Hungary, that there are the "e" sound/vowel is very frequent!
And yes! Behold! Sentences with all "e" vowels! (Look the original Hungarian version below):
Cigarette = Sliced letters in a coil, with which certain mindless folks regularly release accursed, awful clouds.
Brandy = Alcoholic drops in a chalice, which dislikable folks constantly guzzle.
"Give me warm food, my Loved One darling!"
"Take this, this round delicacy, eat it!"
"Where did my child go?"
"His brainy master led him away."
"Let this master not educate him because I thrash him awfully! He affects against my gracious sovereign! I mean his to my sovereign, and I have him beheaded!"

A magyar nyelvben nagyon gyakori az "e" hang (magánhangzó).
Íme! Mondatok csupa "e" magánhangzóval! (Tekintsd meg az eredeti magyar változatot):
Cigaretta = Szeletelt levelek egy tekercsben, mellyel egyes esztelen emberek rettenetesen fertelmes fellegeket eregetnek rendszeresen.
Pálinka = Szeszes cseppek egy kehelyben, melyet ellenszenves emberek rendszeresen vedelnek.
—Meleg eledelt nekem, kedvenc egyetlen nejem!
—Nesze e kerek csemege, edd meg!
—Gyermekem merre ment?
—Eszes mestere elvezette.
—Eme mester ne nevelje, mert rettenetesen elverem! Kegyes fejedelmem ellen nevel! Fejedelmemnek jelentem, s lefejeztetem!

Re: What makes Hungarian hard?

Posted: 2018-10-30, 11:15
by france-eesti
Miért mondod, hogy az "e" hang teszi a nyelvet bonyolulttá?
Szerintem, egy hangtól nem lehet bonyolult egy nyelv, hanem a nyelvtán miatt, vagy a szabalyok miatt, vagy a szókincs miatt :silly:
(Szerintem magyarl mind a harmán teszik a nyelvet bonyolult!)
(+ az igeragozás!) :lol:

Re: What makes Hungarian hard?

Posted: 2018-10-30, 13:03
by Saim
france-eesti wrote:Miért mondod, hogy az "e" hang teszi a nyelvet bonyolulttá?
Szerintem, egy hangtól nem lehet bonyolult egy nyelv, hanem a nyelvtan miatt, vagy a szabályok miatt, vagy a szókincs miatt :silly:
(Szerintem magyarul [esetleg: a magyar esetében vagy a magyarban?] mind a hárman teszik a nyelvet bonyolult!)
(+ az igeragozás!) :lol:

Főleg az elírásokat tudtam kijavítani. Csak azt még mondanám, hogy szerintem "magyarul" (gondolom azt akartad írni, ugye?) nem illik ide.

Re: What makes Hungarian hard?

Posted: 2018-10-30, 13:17
by france-eesti
a magyarban, talán! Köszi a javitást :)
A tanárom szerint, bár sokat-sokat hibazok magyarul, mégis érthető amit írok :silly:
(kérlek, mondd el, hogy helyesen használtam a "mégis"-t) :doggy:

Re: What makes Hungarian hard?

Posted: 2018-10-30, 13:24
by violazoli
Yes, NOW you used the word "mégis" in the good context! And yes, you make many errors, even so, your text is understandable. Actually, "a magyartudásod feltűnően jó!" :)

But I didn't state that the "e" voice makes Hungarian hard. Please re-read my previous post: I just said, that:

Some people say,

But I am not "some"... :)

Re: What makes Hungarian hard?

Posted: 2018-10-30, 13:31
by france-eesti
feltűnően jó? Tényleg? Komolyan beszélsz, vagy az csak dicseret? :lol:
Hát, sokat-sokat tanulok! De van sok dolog, amit sajnos el szoktam felejteni, mert nem szimpla az a nyelv, mégis imádom! :partyhat:
(és persze, néha figyelek arra, hogy szépen, helyesen írjak, de néha, csak gyrosan írok gondolva, hogy nem baj ha hibazok, a magyarok okosak, fognak érteni) :lol:

Re: What makes Hungarian hard?

Posted: 2018-10-30, 16:53
by violazoli
Amit írtam neked, hogy "a magyartudásod feltűnően jó", az természetesen dicséret volt, dicséretnek szántam, "in order to make your day". Ennek ellenére azonban, ez KOMOLY is volt, mert IGAZ állítás! A kettő ugyanis - komolyság és dicséret - nem egymást kizáró fogalmak!

In (my broken...) English:
The message written by me above, that "a magyartudásod feltűnően jó" was a compliment of course, regarding my intentions, in order to make your day. Even so, I stated it absolutely __seriously__, because it was even TRUE, at the same time! Because these both concepts - seriousness and compliment - are not exclusive ideas!

So, yes, in the 99% of cases your Hungarian is perfectly understandable, thus, very, very good, in spite of the errors. Additionally, it is not a surprise! I as Hungarian native can assert it you, that Hungarian is a very tricky language however, it has an exceptionally huge advantage for the learners: If the pupil achieved at least a strong basic level, then it is almost impossible to use his/her Hungarian being not understandable! This fact is thanks to the fact that Hungarian is a conjugate language. So, even in a moderate complex sentence there are many, many, many small signs which present for the listener the aim of the speaker and the relations among the words in the sentence, thus, even if the speaker commit some errors, the another good "signs" (inflections, endings, and so on) will show us the proper aim of the speaker!

So the high difficoulty level of Hungarian has even real big advantages... Again: don't worry, you are really on the intermediate level and you are absolutely understandable, the true sad fact is that I am even envy for you a bit, because suspectedly my English knowledge is far less than your Hungarian knowledge...

Re: What makes Hungarian hard?

Posted: 2018-11-16, 7:55
by langmon
violazoli wrote:I as Hungarian native can assert it you, that Hungarian is a very tricky language however, it has an exceptionally huge advantage for the learners: If the pupil achieved at least a strong basic level, then it is almost impossible to use his/her Hungarian being not understandable! This fact is thanks to the fact that Hungarian is a conjugate language. So, even in a moderate complex sentence there are many, many, many small signs which present for the listener the aim of the speaker and the relations among the words in the sentence, thus, even if the speaker commit some errors, the another good "signs" (inflections, endings, and so on) will show us the proper aim of the speaker!

An analogy for what has been mentioned above (although it doesn't contain a _direct_ comparison):

If you come to a certain town and you wonder if you already were there before or not, then there is something you can do.

It isn't enough to only look at a few trees, or a few houses etc.

However, if you take a look that is in-depth enough, then in many cases you can fully able to recall that you already have been there. This can be done without looking at the whole town even.