Questions on Basque

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Re: Questions on Basque

Postby arabarra » 2015-05-24, 10:56

Or maybe the last sentences are from the same speaker?

"Baita ni ere. Orain hori ez da gertatzen... Eskerrak! Halere, orain ere, Gobernu honek euskara ikasteko diru gehiago emango balu..."

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Re: Questions on Basque

Postby crush » 2015-05-25, 6:36

That makes more sense, but in the text they are separated into two separate speakers. The ellipsis also sounds better. Thanks :)
Guk euskaraz, zuk zergatik ez?

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Re: Questions on Basque

Postby crush » 2015-05-31, 7:56

Beste galdera bat badut. Nere ikasliburuan ikusi dut esaldi hau:
Zu bezain ongi irakur dezaket, baina ez hain azkar.

Zergatik zu erabili dute? Nik zuk erabiliko nuen, irakurri NOR-NORK aditza delako.

EDIT: A, eta oraindik argibidea itxaroten ari naiz baina etorriko ez dela iruditzen zait. Zergatik esaldi honetan "joana" idazten da:
Arantxa ostiralean joana zen lagun batzuengana...
Zergatik ez da "joan" erabiltzen? Liburuan "zenbait aldiz" (a few times) ikusi dut.

Hona hemen beste ulertzen ez dudan esaldi bat:
"Ba nik banuen gogoan andregai bat zuretzat. Jakina, zure gogokoa ez bada, utzi. Baina ez lukete denek horrela utziko gure Malentxo."
But everyone wouldn't leave our Malentxo that way..?
Guk euskaraz, zuk zergatik ez?

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Re: Questions on Basque

Postby crush » 2015-06-06, 9:54

Beste egun bat, beste galdera bat! :D

Gaurko galdera hau da:
"Elizondo mugatik hurbil dagoenez gero, bazkaldu ondoren, Baztandik Iparraldera segitzea erabaki zuten gure lagunek."
Lehenengo zatia ez dut ulertzen. Jatetxe batera joan dira bazkaltzera. Ez dakit zer esan nahi duen "dagoenez" hemen. Ikusi dut honelako esaldia, adibidez "euskara ikasiz gero" eta "Bilbora joanez gero", baina hau desberdina da, ezta?

EDIT: Kaixo! Ni naiz berriz (it's me again)!

"Zure begitartearen gozoa ni baitan sartua dago."
The sweetness of your face is.. put inside me?
Uste dut hau amodioari buruz dela, ezta? Baina zer nahi du "sartua dago"? Zergatik ez da "sartuta" edo "sartu" idazten?
Guk euskaraz, zuk zergatik ez?

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Country:CHSwitzerland (Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera / Svizra)

Re: Questions on Basque

Postby arabarra » 2015-06-11, 6:43

"Elizondo mugatik hurbil dagoenez gero,

Kasu honetan, -ez gero ta -ez berdinak dira. Esaldiaren ordaina hauxe litzateke:

"As Elizondo is close to the border...."

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Re: Questions on Basque

Postby arabarra » 2015-06-11, 6:46

Uste dut hau amodioari buruz dela, ezta?

bingo! :)

Baina zer nahi du "sartua dago"? Zergatik ez da "sartuta" edo "sartu" idazten?

"nire baitan sartua dago" would be literally "has been put inside me", meaning in this case "has found its way deep inside me"

"sartuta dago" would be more usual, but "sartua dago" is also accepted. As I am a Batua speaker, the form "sartua dago" sounds to me a little affected... but then, that's what you write cheesy love songs for, isn't it?

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Re: Questions on Basque

Postby crush » 2015-06-11, 7:58

Thanks a lot for the explanations :)
Guk euskaraz, zuk zergatik ez?

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Country:CHSwitzerland (Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera / Svizra)

Re: Questions on Basque

Postby arabarra » 2015-06-12, 3:48

"Ba nik banuen gogoan andregai bat zuretzat. Jakina, zure gogokoa ez bada, utzi. Baina ez lukete denek horrela utziko gure Malentxo."
But everyone wouldn't leave our Malentxo that way..?

I see the problem... I'm not certain I can translate it correctly as: "Not everybody would reject our Malentxo just like that". So, Malentxo is probably very hot, and the "not everybody" is meant ironically. The sense of the sentence is "of course, most men would be happy to take Malentxo"

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Re: Questions on Basque

Postby crush » 2015-06-20, 6:15

The other day we learned about the "perfect construction" in The Basque Language, though i'm not quite sure how this differs from the normal participle. For example, i'm not sure what the difference is between:
Aita Ameriketan izana da. and Aita Ameriketa izan da.
Izen horiek entzunak ditut. and Izen horiek entzun ditut.

There are also two sentences which i just can't for the life of me make out:
1. Proposamen honen xede nagusia, egun egoera txarrean sakabanaturik aurkitzen diren eskolumeak zentro bakar egoki batetan biltzea litzateke.
"The main goal of this proposal, schoolchildren finding themselves "dispersed" in a bad daily situation (?? what is a "daily situation"?) could meet in one only suitable center?"
-Why is it biltzea and not bilduko? I'm guessing it's a proposal about setting up some sort of center for poor schoolchildren?

2. Herriko plazarekin muga egiten duten 2000 metro kuadro begiz joak ditu Udalak, eskola honetaz gainera parkea, igeritegia eta abar eginik era askotariko eskol ingurua sortzeko.
"Udala chose the 2000 square meters that border with the city plaza, having made, in addition to this school, the park, swimming pool, etc. to create many kinds of around school?"
Guk euskaraz, zuk zergatik ez?

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Country:CHSwitzerland (Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera / Svizra)

Re: Questions on Basque

Postby arabarra » 2015-06-23, 10:04

Aita Ameriketan izana da. and Aita Ameriketa izan da.

Difficult to translate.

The connotation of the first one is is better translated with the construction "My father is a guy that has been in America", rather than with a neutral "My father has been in America".

Proposamen honen xede nagusia, egun egoera txarrean sakabanaturik aurkitzen diren eskolumeak zentro bakar egoki batetan biltzea litzateke.

try again, but with this info: "egun", in this context, does not mean "day" but "today"

-Why is it biltzea and not bilduko?

it is a nominalization. The translation is "The goal would be to gather .... "

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Re: Questions on Basque

Postby arabarra » 2015-06-24, 11:35

Now the other one. You weren't doing bad.

Herriko plazarekin muga egiten duten 2000 metro kuadro begiz joak ditu Udalak, eskola honetaz gainera parkea, igeritegia eta abar eginik era askotariko eskol ingurua sortzeko.

English does not have the ability of Basque to make giant, ununderstanble sentences. I could split in parts, but I'll try to translate as literally as possible so you can track the tsyntactic elements:

The City Council is "eyeing" 2000 square meter siding the Main Square of the village in order to create a rich school environment, by buiding a swimming pool, a park, and so on, in addition to (said) school.

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Re: Questions on Basque

Postby crush » 2015-06-25, 15:14

Ok, the izana da/izan da makes more sense to me now (though for transitive verbs it's a bit cloudy still). The Basque Language said something about a perfect tense? I'm not really sure.

Here's my second try:
Proposamen honen xede nagusia, egun egoera txarrean sakabanaturik aurkitzen diren eskolumeak zentro bakar egoki batetan biltzea litzateke.

The main goal of this proposal would be gathering children finding themselves "dispersed" in today's bad situation (or "in the bad situation today") into a single suitable/adequate center..?

Would you not say:
...biltzea izango litzateke?

I'm going to try to break this down:
Herriko plazarekin muga egiten duten 2000 metro kuadro begiz joak ditu Udalak, eskola honetaz gainera parkea, igeritegia eta abar eginik era askotariko eskol ingurua sortzeko.

Herriko plazarekin muga egiten duten 2000 metro kuadro:
-2000 square meters that border the village square
begiz joak ditu Udalak:
-The City Council hits them (the 2000 meters) "with eyes", ie. they've set their eyes on those 2000 meters?
eskola honetaz gainera:
-in addition to this school
parkea, igeritegia eta abar eginik:
-by making (how is eginik different from eginez?) a park, swimming pool, etc.
era askotariko eskol ingurua sortzeko.
-in order to create a "diverse kind of" school environment.

I think putting that together more or less gets your translation. Thanks for the help, i really appreciate it. These past few lessons have suddenly gotten really hard, here i was thinking i was ready to start chatting in Basque and now suddenly i'm looking up every other word in the dictionary and analyzing sentences like i'm back in Latin class :-|
Guk euskaraz, zuk zergatik ez?

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Country:CHSwitzerland (Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera / Svizra)

Re: Questions on Basque

Postby arabarra » 2015-06-26, 8:35

era askotariko eskol ingurua sortzeko.

attention! "era askotariko" means literally "of many types", so literally "a school environemnt of many types" . But actually "era askotariko" is more of a built expression, meaning, hm, don't know the most suitable English translation: "rich"? "polyphacetic"? "on multiple levels"?

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-(r)ik, -ta versus -ez

Postby arabarra » 2015-06-26, 8:45

parkea, igeritegia eta abar eginik:
-by making (how is eginik different from eginez?) a park, swimming pool, etc.

good observation. A small detail of the language. In this case -ik or -da are better choices than -ez. -ez would still be correct BUT, if you think of it, you'll have a rich school environment once the park etc. have been done (-ik,-da). Not because of the action of creating the park (-ez). All the construction work will not help the school environment, the result will...

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perfective: jo ditu / jo(ak) ditu

Postby arabarra » 2015-06-26, 8:51

begiz joak ditu Udalak:
-The City Council hits them (the 2000 meters) "with eyes", ie. they've set their eyes on those 2000 meters?

Not "hits". It's a past tense. But a good example of the use of participe + a(k)

"begiz jo ditu Udalak" means that the City Council have set their eyes on them. And the sentence is reporting you that this just happened, and now they acting on it.

"begiz joak ditu Udalak" conveys a connotation of indetermination, like the Council had set their eyes some time ago, they have sommething planned in the back of their minds, but were not firmly trying to buy the location...

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Re: Questions on Basque

Postby arabarra » 2015-06-26, 8:54

These past few lessons have suddenly gotten really hard, here i was thinking i was ready to start chatting in Basque and now suddenly i'm looking up every other word in the dictionary and analyzing sentences like i'm back in Latin clas

Yep... those sentences were actually more complicated than what people would say in a spoken conversation (or a wassap!), but on the long term it will pay off. Mastering longs sentences is the best way to feel confident with short, real sentences...

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Re: Questions on Basque

Postby crush » 2016-01-04, 13:38

crush wrote:Thanks again :)

Today's question is what is "darabilzkit"? I know it's from "erabili", but i don't know which tense. Is that the present tense in the first person (I use them)? I wish i could find conjugation charts for the synthetic verbs...

Heh, just searched Google for the form "darabilzkit" trying to remember which verb/person it referred to, and this post was the first result. It's kinda cool and sad (that i've already forgotten) at the same time.
Guk euskaraz, zuk zergatik ez?

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Re: Questions on Basque

Postby arabarra » 2016-01-05, 7:21


did you find your answer at least?

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Re: Questions on Basque

Postby crush » 2016-01-05, 12:14

Yep, found my answer :)

Unfortunately it's been a while since i've touched Basque, so i've forgotten a lot of the later conjugations (and almost all synthetic verbs) that i learned :oops:
Guk euskaraz, zuk zergatik ez?

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Country:CNChina (中国)

Re: Questions on Basque

Postby crush » 2016-01-08, 16:13

Tonight i wanted to try translating a message posted at Duolingo, but i'm not sure i completely understand it:
Kaixo denoi, azkenaldian nahiko jende ari zait idazten proiektu honi buruz galdezka eta bagoaz gutxinaka gutxinaka jendea lo(r)tzen. Hasiera baten baina nahiko zail gerta dakioke norbaiti euskararen eskaera egitea, beraz, nik eta beste lagun batek testutxo bat idatzi dugu, gutxi gorabehera gida gisa erabili ahal izateko hasierako pausu horietan. Gida azpian atxikitako estekan irakur daiteke, eta beraz inguruko norbait interesatuta egon ezkero, zabaldu lasai! ... sp=sharing

Here's my attempt at translating it:
Hello all, lately a lot of people have been writing asking about this project and little by little we're getting more people. ... it can be rather hard for someone to to send an application for Basque, so I and another friend have written a short text, it can be used more or less as a sort of guide in those beginning steps. The guide can be read in the link shared underneath, and anyone interested can open it.

I bolded the words/phrases i'm not quite sure about:
bagoaz - i assume this is just goaz with ba added to it, similar to Spanish "vamos consiguiendo"?
hasiera baten - i'm not sure why baten is in noren?
erabili ahal izateko - maybe i'm misunderstanding this bit, but it seems like it would make more sense without ahal? "(in order) to be used as..."
hasierako pausu horietan - in the initial procedures?
ezkero - the dictionary says "desde", but i can't see how that makes sense here.

Thanks in advance for any help/advice :)
Guk euskaraz, zuk zergatik ez?

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