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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2014-12-09, 18:03
by arabarra
uste dut guztiak ulertzen dudala.

guztiak ulertzen ditudala.... :)

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2014-12-10, 3:31
by Lauren
D'oh! :oops:

Someone said this and I cannot for the life of me figure out what it means:

gutxieneko hizkuntz ezagutzak dituzula ziurtatzeko.

Could you help me with understanding it? I am totally lost for some reason. The rest of the sentence is below:

Atzo egindako itzulpen baten akats txiki bat zegoen, horregatik egin itzulpen
gehiago, gutxieneko hizkuntz ezagutzak dituzula ziurtatzeko.

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2014-12-11, 16:16
by arabarra
The text you copied is correct (but it's true it sounds difficult to grasp)

It means:

" in order to make sure that you have a minimum working command of the language"

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2014-12-11, 16:39
by arabarra
The text you copied is correct (but it's true it sounds difficult to grasp)

It means:

" in order to make sure that you have a minimum working command of the language"

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2014-12-11, 19:43
by Lauren
Yeah, it seems like a very strange construction... I don't quite understand why "ezagutzak" is plural instead of singular. Halere, eskerrik asko!

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2014-12-11, 21:12
by arabarra
I think it is a direct copy of the Spanish sentence "para probar que tienes conocimientos lingüísticos básicos"

It sounds like something you'd find in an official document. In a more relaxed register I'd say, for instance, "euskaraz gutxi gora behera badakizula frogatzeko"

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2014-12-11, 22:10
by Lauren
Well, it was in a message to me from the leader of the group that's translating Ubuntu into Basque. That would explain why it's quite formal, but not why it seems literally translated from Spanish. Nork daki!

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2014-12-12, 9:41
by arabarra
well, that's a complex sociological question... maybe the simple answer is "the guy generally thinks in Spanish and then translates it into Basque". Well, many of us do that sometimes.

But on the other hand, "real" Basque does not really have a register for formal speaking (as the use of the language was excluded from administration and legal issues for centuries ), and the tendence of just importing Spanish structures is always there. Legal Basque texts are normally very difficult to read.

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2015-01-10, 2:15
by Lauren
While using Google Drive in Basque I came across a construction I've never seen before! Here's the sentence:

Google Drive-ko aldaketa batzuk amaitzeke daude.

Have you seen that before? I assume it means something like "Some of Google Drive's changes are finishing up."

What is the use of this, if you know? Eskerrik asko! :D

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2015-01-13, 16:15
by arabarra

it's just the (formal) way of saying "the action of this verbe has not yet been completed"... which in this case it's a tad confusing, as the verbe whose action needs to be completed is "complete" itself.

So, "amaitzeke dago" means literraly "finishing has not been done"

Another example:
Goizeko hamarrak eta etxeko beharrak oraindik egiteke!

It's ten in the morning, and the typical domestic chores have not yet been done!

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2015-03-31, 6:33
by Lauren
Eskerrik asko, arabarra! Please excise my absence and late reply. :oops:

I've been trying to practice more, blah blah blah, my Basque sucks... Same story as always. :oops: :lol:

I tried translating something into Basque but feel it is likely very clunky and I would love to have your input on a better translation. I'll give the original English and my Basque attempt:

If people knew the reasons for my fear, they would be able to understand my pain.
Jendeek nire beldurraren arrazoiak jakin balituzte, nire mina uler lezakete.

It is supposed to sound somewhat formal. It got me thinking though, in casual speech would "lezakete" be used? Or would something like "ahal lituke" be used instead?

Thank you so much! :D

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2015-04-02, 6:55
by arabarra
If people knew the reasons for my fear, they would be able to understand my pain.
Jendeek nire beldurraren arrazoiak jakin balituzte, nire mina uler lezakete

I don't use "jende" as plural, although I'm not certain if it is correct in Batua (as northern dialects do decline "jende" as plural).

So, I'd say your sentence is correct. The only error is the missing "-go": "jakinGO balituzte" .

If you want to go for the really formal, you could use the compact form of jakin: "balekizkite".

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2015-04-02, 7:35
by Lauren
Singular seems more common for "jende", but it looks like plural is used quite a bit too. I should probably use singular, though. And I'd thought about using -go but wasn't sure.


Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2015-04-20, 3:51
by Lauren
Agur! Esan al nazakezu zein euskalkiz den Printze Txikia bertsio hau? ... tze-txikia

Uste dut gipuzkeraz (agian batuarekin nahastua) dela baina ez nago ziur. Eskerrik asko!

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2015-04-20, 17:33
by arabarra
Esan al nazakezu

esan al diezadakezu? :-)

Euskara batua da hori, Ekialdeko kutsu handiaz hornituta ("tipia" hitza adibide one dela).

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2015-04-20, 20:02
by Lauren
arabarra wrote:
Esan al nazakezu

esan al diezadakezu? :-)

D'oh! :doh:

Euskara batua da hori, Ekialdeko kutsu handiaz hornituta ("tipia" hitza adibide one dela).

A, bai, milesker. :)

Halere galdetu behar dut(diot?), nire esaldian "nahastua" esan nuen. Hori al da zuzena, ala "nahastuta" al litzateke?

Horretaz gain, nire buruari galdetzen ari naiz ea "ea" hitza hurrengo esaldian (eta honetan ere) erabil dezake.

Zalantzatan nengoen (ea) Hyrule Warriors erosi ala ez[...]

Inoiz ez nago ziur izan nola "ea" erabili den.

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2015-04-21, 7:41
by arabarra
Zalantzatan nengoen (ea) Hyrule Warriors erosi ala ez[...]

Nik ez nuke "ea" holako esaldi baten erabiliko. Zentzuaren aldetik badirudi "ea" nahi duela esaldiak (zalantza edo ziurtasun ezak azaltzen duelako). Sintaktikoki, ordea, "ea" partikula -N amaieradun aditz batekin doa: "ez nago ziur, ea Hyrule Warriors erosi behar dudan"...

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2015-04-21, 8:17
by Lauren
Ziur al zaude "ea" -N atzizkia behar dela? Rudolf P. G. de Rijk-en Standard Basque-ak adibide hauek ematen ditu:

Section 18.1.6
Ea non bizi zaren nahi nuke jakin. (Xalbador, Odol. 118)
I would like to know where you live.

Ea zer dioten elkarri entzun behar dugu. (Larzabal, Senp. 88)
We must hear what they are saying to each other.

Esaldi hauek ez dute -N atzizkia erabiltzen. Gainera, aurreko mezuan eman dudan esaldia zalantzak azaltzen ditu, ezta?

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2015-04-22, 12:09
by arabarra
uh... am I missing something?
-N atzizkia erabiltzen dute esaldiok!
Ea non bizi zareN nahi nuke jakin. (Xalbador, Odol. 118)
Ea zer dioteN elkarri entzun behar dugu. (Larzabal, Senp. 88)

Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Posted: 2015-04-22, 16:41
by Lauren
Oh. :lol: I didn't see that... I must've been tired when I wrote that. :oops: Never mind!