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News in Basque

Posted: 2006-06-23, 11:33
by Zoroa
I came up with this idea.

You may know the site of the EITB (Euskal irratia eta telebista, the Basque TV and Radio).

Do you think it would be a good idea if I took the headline (the title + the first few sentences) and translated them (as often as I can, or maybe you can do it when I am not here :D). Even if you do not understand everything, it could make you read some Basque, spot a few words, etc...

What do you think guys?

A short example:

Bi atxilotu Bizkaian eta Nafarroan Gizarte Segurantzari iruzur egiteagatik
Operazio berean, beste 40 lagun atxilotu dituzte Estatu Espainiarreko hainbat erkidegotan. Iruzurra egitea, lan-baimenak faltsutzea eta egoera zibilaren usurpazioa egotzi diete guztiei.

Two arrests in Vizcaya and Navarro for (doing) fraud to the social insurance.

In its operation, the Spanish State has arrested another 40 people of the partnership. They will all be condemned for usurpation of civil status, tampering of work permits and fraud (lit : the usurpation, blah blah has condemned/put down (to) them all)

Posted: 2006-06-24, 9:09
by Zoroa
I hope it won't be merged with the previous post. Anyways, here is today's translation:

ETAri ordaintzea egotzita bi enpresari nafar atxilotu ditu Marlaskak
Auzitegi Nazionaleko epaileak Karmelo Lukin, astearteko operazioan atxilotutako bigarren laguna, espetxeratu du. Gainerako hiru atxilotuak gaur dira deklaratzekoak.

(Fernando Grande) Marlsaka has arrested two businessmen from Navarro for making payments to ETA.
The Judge of the National Court has sentenced to prison Karmelo Lulkin, the second accomplice of the arrested person in Tuesday's operation. The three other arrested ppl will be heard today.

Posted: 2007-06-02, 9:15
by PoPoWiWi
Yesterday I watched EITB in my friend's house because he has canal satélite digital and there are programs from everywhere in Spain.

I didn't understand a word, but I think Basque is an interesting language. It's a mistery its origin. The pain is that it's relationated with ETA.

Posted: 2007-06-02, 13:08
by Passe-Cale
PoPoWiWi wrote:I think Basque is an interesting language. It's a mistery its origin. The pain is that it's relationated with ETA.

I think Spanish is an interesting language. The pain is that it's in relation with Franco and Pinochet.

You're so full of hate...

Posted: 2007-06-02, 15:08
by Strigo
Passe-Cale wrote:
PoPoWiWi wrote:I think Basque is an interesting language. It's a mistery its origin. The pain is that it's relationated with ETA.

I think Spanish is an interesting language. The pain is that it's in relation with Franco and [s]Pinochet[/s].

You're so full of hate...

Sorry, couldn't resist :lol: :twisted:

Posted: 2007-06-02, 21:41
by PoPoWiWi
I'm full of hate... to you ;)

I meant that everyone thinks that Basque is just spoken by ETA people.

Posted: 2007-06-08, 14:37
by arabarra
everyone thinks what?? Who is everyone?? I know lots of people that do not think anything like that...

Posted: 2007-06-08, 14:46
by Javier
arabarra wrote:everyone thinks what?? Who is everyone?? I know lots of people that do not think anything like that...

I second that question, who is "everyone"? If "everyone" thinks like that, then arabic=al-Qaida, german=nazis, hebrew=palestine occupation, japanese=crazy kamikazes, rapers and killers, etc. ... *sigh* :(