Linguaphile's thread for word sets


Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06
Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2021-05-06, 13:44

paluma to ask
palun please (lit. 'I ask')
palumine asking, solicitation
palumatu unasked, uncalled for
paluvalt appealingly
(ety. Proto-Finnic *palvodak)

palve prayer
palvetama to pray; to say prayers; to say grace
palveldama to worship
palvlema to be praying; to be in prayer; to keep asking (uncommon)
palvela prayer house, house of worship
palvetus prayer
palvus prayer; small prayer service
(ety. Proto-Finnic *palvodak)

pälvima to merit, to earn, to deserve
pälvimatu undeserved
pälvija deserver, earner
pällima to deserve, to earn, to simulate (southern dialects)
pälnmä to deserve, to earn, to simulate (southern dialects)
(ety. Latvian 'pelnīt' ["to earn, to deserve"], influenced by Estonian descendants of Proto-Finnic *palvodak. The general evolution from the Latvian word pelnīt to pälvima can be roughly seen by looking at the stem in dialects from south to north: peln- > päln- > pälli-> pälvi-.)

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2021-05-11, 14:56

Verbs derived from tolm 'dust, pollen, powder'

tolmama to give off dust
tolmeldama to pollinate
tolmlema to undergo pollination, to give off pollen
tolmuma to become dusty, to collect dust
tolmustama to make dusty, to make into dust
tolmustuma to turn to dust (intransitive)
tolmutama to dust over, to raise dust
tolmutustama to reduce dust

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2021-05-17, 23:54

raja 1
raja 1 boundary, border, edge
rajatama 1 to mark off the boundary of
rajastama to mark off the boundary of
rajastuma to be marked off
rajatuma to be marked off
rajatu 1 without a boundary, borderless
rajav terminative (grammatical case)
(ety. Proto-Slavic krajь, probably through Old East Slavic краи)

rai- 1 (raiC- 1), raja 2
raja 2 a type of snowshoe
rajakas beast; stingy, wasteful (despective)
rajak stingy, wasteful (despective)
raisk 1 (genitive: raisu) waste, spoilage; stingy, wasteful (despective)
raisk 2 (genitive: raisa) carrion, carcass
raiskuma to turn into a carcass
raiskama to waste
raiskav wasteful
raibe carcass, rotting corpse
raipnema to turn into a carcass
raipuma to turn into a carcass
(ety. unknown, possibly related to Proto-Slavic krajь, probably through Old East Slavic краи)

rai- 2 (raia- 1, raie-, raiu-, raiC- 2)
raie 1 (genitive: raie) cutting, chopping, deforestation
raie 2 (genitive: raidme) waste from cutting; offal
raie 3 (genitive: raide) cut (in a file)
raig 1 (genitive: raia 1) scab
raig 2 (genitive: raia 2) testicle
raiguma to slough
raiane scabby, sloughy
raiendik clearing (in a forest)
raiesmik clearing (in a forest)
raiuma to cut; to hew; to chop
raiuv hacking
raius slit in the hem of a shirt
raid (genitive: raiu) something lopped off; cut
raim 1 (genitive: raima 1) cutting, hewing, chopping
raim 2 (genitive: raima 2) coal-mining
raimla place where wood is being felled
(ety. Proto-Finnic *rakjoidak, probably related to Proto-Germanic *rakja-)

raja- 3
rajama to establish; to found
rajatud founded, built
rajandama to base on
rajanduma to be based on, to be founded on
rajanema to be based on, to be founded on
rajatis structure
(ety. unknown)

raja 4 (genitive of rada)
rada path
rajatu 2 without a path
(ety. Proto-Germanic *tradō)

raju, raev-
raju strong storm, tempest, hurricane, fury
rajukas stormy weather; turbulent sea
rajukus raging
rajune stormy, tempestuous
rajuline stormy, tempestuous, furious
rajuvil raging
rajuma (of a storm) to howl; to roar; to rage
rajutsema to be very stormy, to be tempestuous; to rage
rajutama 2 to make furious, to enrage
rajuti fitfully
raev rage, fury
raevus frenzy, fierceness
raevama to enrage, to infuriate
raevuma to become furious
raevustama to enrage, to infuriate
raevutsema to rage, to be furious, to storm
raevlema to rage
raevleja one who reages
raevlev raging, rampant
raevlevus rampancy
raevukas furious, violent, passionate
(ety. Proto-Finnic *raju)

raia 3
raia 3 genitive of raid (type of willow tree)
(ety. Latvian priede)

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2021-05-18, 19:56

rake 1 (genitive: rakme) harness (usually plural: rakmed)
rake 2 (genitive: rakke) well frame, well liner (= kaevurake)*
rakkes in harness
rakmesse panema to harness
rakkesse panema to harness
rakke panema to harness
rakkerühm taskforce
raketis casing
rakend team (of horses, etc.)
rakendus application, implementation, employment; app; appliance
rakendusteadus applied science
rakenduspiirkond purview
rakendama to apply; to harness;to implement; to utilize
rakendamatu unworkable
rakendamatus inapplicability
rakendamine implementation, exploitation
rakendatav applicable, practicable, practical
rakendatavus applicability
rakenduma apply to; inure to
rakestama to set up, to assemble
rakeldama to bustle, to fuss (regional)
rakenduv applying
(ety. Proto-Finnic *rakentadak, from Proto-Finno-Ugric *rakkɜ-, possibly related to Proto-Germanic *rakja-)

*I'm not entirely sure what this is called in English. It is the framework for a well, like in the photos here, including both the ring-shaped underground part often made of concrete as well as the box-shaped above-ground part often made of wood.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2021-06-17, 14:22

keel(e-) related to languages and linguistics
keel tongue, language
keelend linguistic form
keeleteadus linguistics
keeleseadus language law
keelearendus linguistic development

keel(e-) related to talking
keel tongue, language
keelekas talkative
keelepeks gossip

keela-, keeld, keelu-, keelust- related to prohibiting/forbidding
keelama to forbid, to prohibit
keelaja forbidder, prohibitor
keelatud forbidden, prohibited
keelav forbidding, prohibitive, inhibitory
keeld prohibition, ban
keeluseadus prohibition (law)
keelus seizure, sequestration
keelustama to ban, to prohibit, to sequestrate, to seize, to condemn
keelustatav sequestratable, prohibition
keelustus banning, sequestration

keeld- related to refusing
keelduma to refuse, to decline
keelduja refuser
keeldumus refusal, abstention
keeldus refusing

keelit- related to persuading
keelitama to persuade
keelitaja persuader
keelitlus persuasion, cajolery

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2021-07-21, 4:07

sirg-, sira-, sire-, siru-
sirge straight
sirg straightness, erectness
sirgu straight, upright, erect
sirgelt straight, upright, erect
sirgus straightness, uprightness, erectness
sirgendama to straighten, to make straight
sirgenema to straighten, to become straight
sirgestama to straighten, to rectify
sirgestuma to straighten
sirguma to grow up, to straighten up
sirakas 1 long and straight
sirakas 2 blow, whack
sirutama to stretch out
sire slender, graceful, willowy
(ety. Balto-Finnic.)
Cognates: (myv) сэрь height, level, growth; (fi) sirkeä lively, brisk; (vot) sirkõa clear, transparent, bright; (izh) sirkiä clear

sirkel, sirgel-
sirkel compass
sirgeldama to measure with a compass
(ety. German zirkeln from Latin circulus)
Note that the -lda- of sirgeldama is not an infix but rather part of the stem, and that sirgeldama and sirgendama come from different roots.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2021-07-26, 19:53


käsi, käe hand, arm (ety. Proto-Finnic *käci, from Proto-Finno-Ugric *käte)
käelaba hand (palm, back of hand and fingers; "blade/paddle of the 'käsi')
labakäsi hand (palm, back of hand and fingers; "blade/paddle of the 'käsi')
käsivars arm ("stalk of the 'käsi')
käevars arm ("stalk of the 'käsi')

kämmal, kämbla hand, palm (wrist to fingers) (ety. Proto-Finnic *kämmen, from Proto-Finno-Ugric *käme)

käpp, käpa/käpu paw, hand (ety. Proto-Finnic *käppä, from Proto-Finno-Ugric *käppä)
käpatäis handful ("paw-full")
käputäis handful ("paw-full")
käbar paw, hand (ety. Proto-Finnic *käpälä, from Proto-Finno-Ugric *käppä)

küünar elbow [used in compounds] (ety. from Proto-Uralic *küńä)
küünarnukk elbow ("joint of the 'küünar')
küünarpea elbow ("head of the 'küünar')
küünarvars forearm, arm between the elbow and wrist ("stalk of the 'küünar')

küüs, küüne nail, claw, talon (ety. Proto-Finnic *künci, from Proto-Uralic *künče)
küünis claw
küünejuur nail root ("nail-root")
küüneots tip of the nail ("nail-end")

näpp, näpu fingertip, finger (ety. Proto-Finnic *näppi)
näpuots fingertip ("tip of the 'näpp'")
näputäis pinch, amount that can be picked up with the fingertips ("fingertip-full")

pihk, pihu palm (inner part of hand) (ety. Proto-Finnic *pivo, from Proto-Uralic *piŋз)
peo palm (inner part of hand) (ety. Proto-Finnic *pivo, from Proto-Uralic *piŋз)
peopesa palm ("nest of the 'peo'")
peotäis handful ("palm-full")
pihupesa palm ("nest of the 'pihu'")
pihutäis handful ("palm-full")

päkk, päka thickened part of the palm starting at the thumb; the thumb itself (ety. Balto-Finnic)

pöial, pöidla thumb (ety. Proto-Finnic *peikälo, from Proto-Finno-Ugric *pelkä)
pöidlanukk knuckle of the thumb ("joint of the 'pöial'")

ranne, randme wrist (ety. Proto-Finnic *randeh)

rüss, rüssa first section of the thumb, from the tip to the knuckle (ety. Proto-Finnic *rüstü)
rusikas, rusika fist; hand with fingers pressed into palm (ety. Balto-Finnic, possibly Proto-Finnic *rüstü)

sõrm, sõrme finger (ety. Proto-Finnic *sormi, from Proto-Finno-Ugric *sorme)
sõrmenukk knuckle ("joint of the 'sõrm'")
sõrmeots fingertip ("end of the 'sõrm'")
keskmine sõrm middle finger ("middle finger")
nimetissõrm index finger ("designating finger")
nimetu sõrm ring finger ("nameless finger")
väike sõrm little finger, pinky ("little finger")

õlg, õla shoulder (ety. Proto-Finnic *olka, from Proto-Finno-Ugric *wolka)
õlanukk shoulder joint ("joint of the 'õlg'")
õlavars upper arm ("stalk of the 'õlg'")

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-07-09, 22:47

Semantic sets

Set 1: pledge/vow/swear/curse/condemn/revile

kinnitama affirm; assert; confirm; corroborate
lubama promise
tõotama pledge; vow
tõotust andma make a pledge; give an oath; vow
vannet andma take oath; conjure; profess
vanduma blaspheme; curse; swear
sajatama curse and swear
siunama curse, damn, abuse, swear at
kiruma blaspheme; curse; cuss; revile
needma curse; damn; hex; imprecate
manama conjure, invoke, imprecate
põhjama imprecate, curse, damn, scold
pragama scold
sarjama criticize severely
mõnama imprecate, execrate, shower imprecations upon
sõimama call names; revile
hukka mõistma condemn; denounce; censure
laitma censure; blame
läbi pragama berate; castigate
läbi sõimama berate
laimama defame; slander; vilify
teotama disgrace; revile
häbimärgistama revile; stigmatize
rüvetama bastardise; desecrate; profane; taint

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-07-10, 0:56

pagas baggage, luggage
pagasnik trunk/boot (of a car)
pagasiruum trunk/boot (of a car)
pagasiriiul luggage rack

pagu emigration, exile
pagulus emigration, exile
pagulane refugee; displaced person; emigre
pagulaskond refugee community
sisepagulane internally displaced person
maapagulane exile; exilee

pagema to escape, flee
pagendatu exile; exilee
pagendama to banish, exile
pagendus banishment, exile

põgenema to escape, flee
põgenik refugee; escapee; fugitive
sõjapõgenik war refugee

küüditama to deport
küüditatu deportee
küüditamine deportation

ümber asuma to migrate
ümberasuja migrant
ümberasumine migration
ümberasunu displaced person
ümberasustatu displaced person

rändama to travel, wander
rändaja traveller, wanderer
sisse rändama to immigrate
sisserändaja immigrant
sisserännanu immigrant
välja rändama to emigrate
väljarändaja emigrant
väljarännanu emigrant

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Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-07-10, 15:52

another semantic set: suck up, curry favor

pugema bootlick; curry favor; make suit to; suck up
lipitsema adulate; bootlick; curry favor; fawn
meelitama adulate; brown-nose; butter up; flatter
mett mokale määrima brown-nose; butter up; wheedle
lömitama bow and scrape; fawn; grovel; prostrate
taldu lakkuma bootlick; kiss up to
kintsu kaapima fawn over; bow and scrape

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-07-27, 21:20

viga / vea-
viga (gen. vea) error, mistake, flaw
vigadus error, mistake, flaw
vigane incorrect, mistaken, faulty
vigaselt incorrectly
vigastus injury
vigastuma to be injured
vigastama to disable, damage, injure
vigastamatu unharmed, uninjured, undamaged
veatu flawless
veatult flawlessly
veatus flawlessness
veateade error message
veaprotsent failure rate

veda- / vea- / vedu- / veo-
vedama (present tense vea-) to transport, to haul, to drag, to pull; to luck out
vedima to lug, to haul
vedamine fortune, luck
vedamik lazybones, laggard, sluggard
vedelema to lie around
vedu transport, conveyance, ferrying, freight, drive
vedur engine, locomotive
veok vehicle
veoauto truck, lorry
veoloom pack animal

mis sul viga on? what's wrong with you?
igal inimesel on omad vead everyone has their own faults
teed suure vea you made a big mistake

hobune veab vankrit the horse pulls the wagon
palgid veetakse talvel metsast välja the logs are transported out of the forest in winter
veame ämbritega kastmiseks vett we carry buckets of water for watering
vedas kutsika tooli alt lagedale he dragged the puppy out from under the chair into the open
laps veab suu naerule the child draws his mouth up into a smile
läbi metsa veeti kraav the ditch was cut through the forest
meil ei vea ilmaga we didn't luck out with the weather
veame kihla šokolaadikarbi peale let's bet a box of chocolates
üks ei vea teist üle õlekõrre one isn't better than the other
kel ei vea kaardimängus, sel veab armastuses he who is unlucky in card games is lucky in love

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-08-29, 2:40

okas barb, thorn
okaspuu conifer
mänd pine tree
männipuu pine tree
männijäss stunted pine tree
männipuit pine wood
männikäbi pine cone
männiokas pine needle
männikasv young pine branch
männijändrik short, stocky pine tree
pedakas pine tree
pedak pine tree
pedakane made of pine; pine (adjective)
pedajas pine tree
pedajajäss stunted pine tree
hong old, large pine tree

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-09-08, 22:41

nimi name
nimel on behalf of, in the name of
nimetu unnamed, nameless
nimetus designation
enesenimetus self-designation
aunimetus title of honor
X-nimeline by the name of X
samanimeline of the same name
nimedepuistaja name-dropper
nimetsi by name
nimepidi by name
nimelt namely
nimme on purpose, purposely
nõndanimetatud so-called
niinimetatud so-called
eelnimetatud aforenamed, aforesaid
ülalnimetatud aforementioned
nimetama to name, to refer to, to mention, to be called
nimetav naming, nominative
nimisõna noun, substantive
üldnimi common noun
pärisnimi proper noun, proper name
tevegvusnimi verbal infinitive
nimetissõrm index finger, pointer finger
nimistu directory
nimestik list, roster
nimekiri list, roster
nimekas renowned, famous
nimiosa title role
nimekaart business card
nimesilt nametag
eesnimi first name
perekonnanimi surname, family name
täisnimi full name
isikunimi personal name
hüüdnimi nickname
ristinimi Christian name
kalendrinimi canonical name
nimepäev name day
hellitusnimi diminutive name
isanimi patronymic
neiupõlvenimi maiden name
neiupõlvenimega née
mehenimi male name, boys' name
naisenimi female name, girls' naem
vennasnimi male variant of a personal name
sõsarnimi female variant of a personal name
kirjanikunimi pen name
varjunimi pseudonym
kohanimi placename
kohanimeloend gazetteer
tänavanimi street name
kasutajanimi user name
ametinimetus rank, official designation
koodnimetus code-name
koodnimetusega code-named
peitenimi euphemistic name, euphemism
väärnimetus misnomer

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Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-09-09, 2:10


toiduained foodstuffs
maitseained spices
kuivained dry goods
kuivainekarbid boxes for dry goods, spice boxes
kuivainepurgid jars for dry goods, spice jars
plekktops tin box
täpiline dotted, polka-dotted
mummuline polka-dotted with large dots
valgemummuline polka-dotted with large white dots

herkulad = herkulo oatmeal (геркулес)
jahu flour (мука)
kakao cacao (какао)
kaneel cinnamon (корица)
kohv coffee (кофе)
köömned caraway seeds (тмин)
loorber bay leaves (лавровый лист)
manna semolina (манна)
nelk cloves (гвоздика)
pipar pepper (перец)
riis rice (рис)
rosinad raisins (изюм)
sooda soda (сода)
suhkur sugar (сахар)
tangud grits (крупа)
tee tea (чай)
tärklis starch; potato flour (крахмал)
vürts spice (пряность)

Last edited by Linguaphile on 2022-11-01, 2:36, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-09-25, 4:37

So many synonyms and near-synonyms! So much onomatopoeia!

jamama to talk nonsense, to make a lot of noise
jorama to talk nonsense, to talk idly
jobama to talk nonsense, to twaddle
lobama to talk nonsense, to twaddle
lorama to talk nonsense, to twaddle
jobisema to talk nonsense
lorisema to talk nonsense, to babble
mögama to talk nonsense, to babble
plärama to talk nonsense, to babble
jahvatama to talk nonsense, to babble
jaurama to talk foolishly, to twaddle
jobutama to talk foolishly, to twaddle
lobisema to chatter, to twaddle
mulama to babble
patrama to blab, to jabber
padisema to babble, to prattle
padistama to babble, to prattle
latrama to blab, to chatter, to rattle
lahverdama to blab, to chatter
lõhverdama to blab, to chatter
vadama to prattle, to chatter, to jabber
vatrama to prattle, to chatter, to tattle
vaterdama to prattle, to chatter, to tattle
jahmerdama to babble, to chatter
laterdama to chatter, to clack
klaperdama to rattle, to patter, to clatter
plärisema to blare, to bray, to clatter
jorisema to grumble, to keep complaining
jörisema to grumble
porisema to grumble, to mutter, to cackle
irisema to grumble, to nag, to grouse
nurisema to grumble, to mutter, to murmur
jõrisema to drone, to hum
jorutama to drone, to hum, to keep harping on the same subject

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Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-10-09, 20:25

teadma to know
teatud certain; known
teadmata unbeknownst (to)
teadmatult unknowingly, unwittingly
teadmine knowledge
teadmiseks for your information, FYI
teadlane scientist
teadur researcher
teadus science
teaduslik scholarly, scientific
teaduslikult scientifically
teadustöö research; scientific research
teadustama to announce, to broadcast
teadustaja announcer
teadustamine broadcasting
teadustatud heralded
teadlik aware, conscious, cognizant, enlightened, sentient
teadlikkus awareness, consciousness
teadlikult consciously, knowingly
teadmatus ignorance
teadmatuses ignorantly, unaware
teadvus awareness, consciousness
teadvuseta oblivious
teadvustama bring into consciousness
teadvustamata subliminal
alateadvus subconsciousness, unconscious (noun)
alateadvuslik unconscious (adjective)
iseteadvus self-consciousness
teade message, note
teave about; information
teabekeskus information center
teabeteenistus information agency, information service
oskusteave know-how
teavitama to inform
teavitamine notification
teatama give notice, inform
teataja gazette
teatavasti reputedly
teatmeteos reference book, reference work
teatmik reference book, reference work
teadis reference

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Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-11-21, 5:17

Semi-homonyms: four meanings and three declensions of koole.
Most dictionaries list only the first two meanings (both of which have the sõõre-type declension). Saagpakk's dictionary lists the first, third and fourth meanings.
All have the same nominative singular and partitive singular forms, different in other cases.

koole, koolme, koolet, koolmesse, koolmeid
    tähendus: madalaveeline, jalgsi v. sõidukiga läbitav koht jões; jõesäng
    meaning: ford, water crossing, shallow point in a river
    murded/dialects: Harju-Jaani, Rannu
    (Saagpakk's word class 309, sõõre-type declension)
koole, koolme, koolet, koolmesse, koolmeid
tavaliselt mitmuses: koolmed, koolmete, koolmeid, koolmeisse/koolmetesse
    tähendus: varsakabjad
    meaning: colt's hooves; Caltha palustris (plant)
    murded/dialects: Viru-Nigula, Jõhvi, Vaivara, Tori, Kodavere, Äksi, Puhja
    (Saagpakk's word class 309, sõõre-type declension)
koole, koolde, koolet, kooldesse, kooldeid
    tähendus: koolutus, kooldumine; kõverus
    meaning: bend, warping, curvature
    murded/dialects: Laiuse
    (Saagpakk's word class 261, kääne-type declension)
koole, koole, koolet, koolesse, kooleid
    tähendus: suremine
    meaning: dying
    murded/dialects: Kuusalu, Vaivara, Tarvastu, Halliste, Karksi, Nõo, Otepää, Sangaste, Karula, Hargla, Rõuge, Põlva, Vastseliina, Räpina, Setu, Lutsi
    (Saagpakk's word class 252, maitse-type declension)

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Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2022-12-09, 15:16

eelis advantage, priviledge
eelislik advantageous
eeliseks olema to be of advantage to
eelised perks
eelistus preference, partiality
eelistama to choose, prefer
eelistatud favored, preferred
eelistav preferential, partial
eelistatav preferable
eelistatavalt preferably
eelisarendama to develop preferentially
eelisost preemption
eelisostma preempt
eelisostuõigus preemption
eelisõigus prerogative, precedence, priority
eelisnõue prior claim

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-02-09, 17:41

ettetõmmatav able to be drawn back
ettetõmmatav kardin curtain that can be drawn back

väljatõmmatav able to be pulled out
väljatõmmatav voodi pull-out bed, trundle bed

allaklapitav able to be opened or unfolded in a downwards direction
allaklapitav vannitoapink downward-folding shower bench

kokkuklapitav collapsible; able to be put together by unfolding parts (= kokkupandav)
kokkuklapitav laud folding table (= kokkupandav laud)

lahtiklapitav able to be opened by unfolding
lahtiklapitav diivan sofa bed, couch that unfolds into a bed

ülesklapitav able to be opened or unfolded in an upwards direction
ülesklapitav iste seat that can be folded upwards

kokkukäiv folding, able to be stored by folding up (= kokkupandav)
kokkukäiv vihmavari folding umbrella, collapsible umbrella (= kokkupandav vihmavari)

lahtikäiv folding, able to be opened by unfolding
lahtikäiv tugitool armchair that unfolds into a bed

üleskäiv able to move upwards
üleskäiv uks door that opens upwards (i.e. garage door)

allalastav able to be let down
allalastav tool recliner

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's thread for word sets

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-09-21, 5:25

peni koer
pontu koer (ka meelitussõnana); väike, armas koer
kuts koer (ka meelitussõnana); väike, armas koer
kutsu koer (lastekeeles)
kutsa koer (lastekeeles)
kutsikas koera noor poeg; koera mittetäiskasvanud järglane
pitsu väike koer
koeranäss väike karvadesse kasvanud koer; koeraklutt
koeraklutt väike tokerjas koer
muri õue- või karjakoer
krants segavereline koer
klähvats klähviv koer
klähvits klähviv koer
hatt emane koer
lita emane koer
dogi suur tugev lühikese karvaga teenistuskoer
hagijas ulukit kilkavalt haukudes jälitav jahikoer, ajukoer
hurt pika kitsa pea, saleda kere ja kõrgete jalgadega jahikoer
mops väike tömbi nina ja rõngas sabaga toakoer

kiisu väike, armas kass (hellitleva nimetusena)
kiska väike, armas kass (hellitleva nimetusena)
kiisu-miisu kass (lastekeeles)
miisu kass (lastekeeles)
tiisu kass (lastekeeles)
hiirekuningas kass (naljatlevalt)
hiirekütt kass (naljatlevalt)
hiirepüüdja kass (naljatlevalt)
nurrmootor kass (naljatlevalt)
nurrumootor kass (naljatlevalt)
näuguja kass (naljatlevalt)
kõuts isane kass
kassivolask suurt kasvu kass
kassivolakas suurt kasvu kass
kassivooster suurt kasvu kass
kassiroju viletsa väljanägemisega kass
tänavakass kodutu kass
hulkurkass kodutu kass

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