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Schnaz's 学习小 贴士 xue2xi2 xiao3 tie1shi4

Posted: 2017-02-22, 16:09
by schnaz
老无聊, Old Boring suggested that we call this post ¨Schnaz´s 学习小贴士“ but rest assured that your contributions would be as welcome as the flowers in May.

老无聊建议我们把这篇文章称为“Schnaz´s” 学习小贴士“。

贴子 / tie3zi / invitation, message, forum post

I hope this tie3zi 帖子 pleases ya.

帖 = 巾 + 占
巾 = jin1 = kerchief / towel / turban / general purpose cloth / woman's head covering (old)
占 = zhan1 = divine / observe / versify
I remember seeing old movies where a woman would drop a handkerchief as a ploy to get the attention of a man she was trying to attract. Moreover in the movie "Tizoc" a dropped handkerchief was an offer of marriage in some Amerindian cultures, so I can make the connection between the 巾 / jin1 component of the 贴 / tie3 character and invitation / message / forum post / invitation card / notice.

Combine 无名, wu2ming2 / nameless, unknown, with 帖, tier3, and we get poison pen message. tells me that a variant of 无名贴 is 黑帖 hēitiě。)
If this phrase : 一帖药 / yi1 tie3 yao4, we get a dose of herbal medicine. ( 帖 functions as a measure word in this case.)
A verb associated with 帖 is 发,fa1 = to emit, So to post a post is 发帖 fa1tie3.
Here are some exampje sentences:

Wo3 xi1wang4 zhe4 tie3zi pleases ya.
我希望这帖子pleases ya.
Wo3 xi1wang4 zhe4 tie3zi rang4 ni3 man3yi4.
我 希望 这帖子让你满意。
I hope this post gives you satisfaction.
Ni3 ying1gai1 shan1chu2 na4ge tie2zi.
You should delete that post.

议会〔議會〕yi4hui4 Parliament , Legislative Assembly

Posted: 2017-03-01, 14:03
by schnaz
The people in the yi4hui4 议会 have a lot to say.
议 = yi4 = consult, talk over
会 = hui4 = meet, assemble
Together it means parliament or legislative assembly.
An yi4yuan2 议员 would be a member of a legislative assembly.
A yuan2 员 is a person engaged in a particular field or activity.
For example:
官员〔-員〕/ guan1yuan2 / an official
[官 / guan1 / government official; officer; office-bearer
(高官 / gao1guan1 / a high official)
Yi4yuan2 zai4 yi1yuan4 li3.
The assemblyman is in the hospital.
Yīxiē zhèngfǔ wúshì mín yì.
Some governments ignore public opinion.
If you have 议价能力〔議價--〕/ yi4jia4 neng2li4 / bargaining power / your purchases will be less costly.
Yi4hui4 li3 de ren2 you3 hen3duo1 hua4 yao4 shuo1.
People in the legislature have have a lot to say.
Now changing gears just a little bit:

I can't say that I have nothing to do, I need only consider my义务/ yi4wu4 / obligation.

小提琴 xiao3ti2qin2 🎻

Posted: 2017-04-30, 11:07
by schnaz
Did you know that a xiao3ti2qin2 小提琴
is none other than a violin?
小. xiao3 = small
提. ti2 = to carry (hanging down from the hand)
琴 = qin2 = zither / musical instrument in general
( note the phoetic element of 琴 which is 今 jin1 which serves to rremind us of the qin sound.)

小提琴 家 Xiǎotíqínjiā = violinist
Ni3 zhi1dao4 violin hé xiǎotíqín yīyàng ma?
你知道 violin 和小提琴一样吗?
Did you know that a violin and a xiao3ti2qin2 are the same thing?
提高 = ti2gao2 = increase, elevate
提高你的速度 = Ti2gao2 ni3 de su4du4. = Increase your speed.
提议〔-議〕/ ti2yi4 / propose, suggest
我提议现在休会。(from the Pleco Dictionary )
Wǒ tíyì xiànzài xiūhuì.
I move that we adjourn the meeting.

暴富 bao4fu4 get rich quick

Posted: 2017-05-13, 15:01
by schnaz
I don't have a way to bao4fu4 do you?
暴富. bao4fu4 get rich quick
暴 bao4 sudden / violent
富 fu4 rich / abundant / wealthy

暴雨 bao4yu4 torrential rainstorm
富商 fu4 shang1 rich merchant
我没有暴富的方法。 你?
Wo3 mei2you bao4fu4 de fang1fa3. Ni3?
Desribe the 方法 used by Jack Ma to found Alibaba.

Re: schnaz - 学习小贴士

Posted: 2017-05-15, 20:41
by OldBoring

Please do not open a new thread for each reminder or "study aid" as you call them. Instead, it is UniLang's tradition to open personal threads in language forums.

晚会〔-會〕晚会 evening party

Posted: 2017-05-28, 8:58
by schnaz
Okydoky, and by the way the wan3hui4 晚会 is today!
晚 = evening = wan3
会 = party = hui4
晚霞 wan3xia2 sunset glow/ sunset clouds/ afterglow
晚饭= wan3fan4 = supper, evening meal
晚饭前〔-飯-〕= wan3fan4qian2 = before dinner we all say amen.
Hao3de, shun4dai4yi1ti2 wan3hui4 is today.
好的,顺带一提晚会 is today
Hao3de, shun4dai4yi1ti2 jin1tian1 shi4 wan3hui4.
好的, 顺带一提今天是晚会。

晚报 wan3bao4 evening newspaper

Posted: 2017-06-18, 3:32
by schnaz
They told all about the row in the wan3bao4
晚 evening
报 newspaper

They told all about the zheng1chao3 争吵 in the wan3bao4 晚报〔-報〕
争 argue/debate
吵 quarrel

Re: schnaz - 学习小贴士

Posted: 2017-06-18, 9:33
by OldBoring
schnaz wrote:They told.all about the row in the wan3bao4 晚抱.(evening paper)

晚报 。
But it's usually a newspaper name, as in every city in China there are newspapers containing 晚报 in the name. So in English probably something like Evening Post?

Re: schnaz - 学习小贴士

Posted: 2017-06-22, 8:41
by schnaz
If you want to specify a particular evening paper, yes the Evening Post would work fine.

May 8 2023 To rehash the Evening Post thing:. In the US a person would not say "did the evening post come?" when they were trying to say:"did the newspaper come?" unless the Evening Post was part of a name such as the Seattle Evening Post.. I want to mention that I believe in the UK the evening post would refer to what in the US is known as the evening mail. Incidentally I looked up " post" in the dictionary and an archaic meaning is :" "One of a series of stations for the keeping of horses in relays". (as was done in the days other Pony Express."Pony Express - Wikipedia"

Re: schnaz - 学习小贴士

Posted: 2017-06-22, 9:11
by schnaz
They told all about the row in the Bei3jing1 Wa n3Bao4 北京晚报。( Beijing Evening News )

忙. mang2 busy

Posted: 2017-06-22, 22:25
by schnaz
Zhe ge xue2qi1 da4jia1 bi3jiao4 busy.
这个学期大家比较 busy.
This semester everyone is rather mang2 忙.

座位 zuo4wei4 seat

Posted: 2017-06-27, 2:38
by schnaz
Did I hear you say: " Qian2mian4 you3 zuo4wei4. " ? 前面有座位。
There are seats in the front
qian2mian. 前面 in front
前 qian2. front,forward,ahead
面 mian2. side
有 you3. have
zuo4wei4. 座位. seat
座 zuo4. seat
位. wei4 seat

工具 gong1ju4 tool

Posted: 2017-07-02, 1:37
by schnaz
You never returned the gong1ju4 工具 that I lent you!
工具 gong1ju4 tool
gong1 = 工 = work
ji4 = 具 = tool

Well that may be but. you see, ju4 is pronounced "gee".
Gee! 哇 wa
Ok 好 hao3
You never returned the gong1ju4. 工具 that I lent thee.

交通 工具 jiao1tong1gong1ju4 means of transport

Posted: 2017-07-02, 2:52
by schnaz
There are many Jiao1tong1gong1ju4 交通 工具 in a city.
Jiao1tong1gong1ju4 交通 工具 = means of transportation.
交 jiao1 to hand over
通 tong1 to go through
工 gong1 work
具 ju4 tool

To clarify 交 :Jiao1
喜欢社交 xi3huan she4jiao1 be sociable

To. clarify 通 tong1
鼻子不通 bi4zi bu4 tong1 to have a stuffy nose

尾韵 wei3yun4 rhyme

Posted: 2017-07-02, 17:58
by schnaz
If you have a wei3yun4 尾韵
Don’t let it fall into ruin.
Let’s be clear
It’s welcome here.

尾韵 wei3yun4 rhyme
尾 wei3 tail/remainder
韵 yun4 beautiful sound /vowel/rhyme

Another term using 尾
马尾 ma3wei3 pony tail (hairstyle)
Another term using 韵
叠韵 die2yun4 (linguistics) a rhyming compound for example 关联〔關聯〕guan1lian2

海洋 hai3yang2 ocean

Posted: 2017-07-07, 3:25
by schnaz
你认为海洋很远吗. Do you think the ocean is far away? Ni3 ren4wei2 hai3yang2 hen3 yuan3 ma?
Yes Pa.
海 hai3 ocean
洋 yang2 ocean

江西 Jiang1xi1 Jiangxi

Posted: 2017-07-09, 20:28
by schnaz
"Where is Jiangxi 江西 ?"
"Cha2kan4 查看 di4tu2 地图 and you'll see."
查看 = cha2kan4 = inspect
地图 = di4tu2 = map
江西 = Jiang1xi1 = Jiangxi province
江 = river
西 = west
Another word using 查 is 自查 zi4cha2 examine oneself
Another word using 地图 is 地图册 di4tu2 ce4 atlas
Another term using 江西 is 江西省 jiang1xi1sheng3 Jiangxi Province

The map shows that Jiangxi is landlocked with Fujian to the east and to the east of Fujian is Taiwan. Jiangxi is the center of the Gan 贛語/赣语 gan4 family of languages

财富 cai2fu4 wealth

Posted: 2017-07-16, 13:48
by schnaz
The contractor said to remodel the loo would take a ton of cai2fu4 财富〔財-〕
财 /cai2 / wealth
富 / fu4 / rich / abundant
财富 / cai2fu4 / wealth
loo / bathroom

Another term using 财 :
财力〔財-〕cai2li4 financial resources
Another term using 富:
富商 fu2shang1 rich business person

几 天前 ji3tian1qian2 a few days ago

Posted: 2017-07-29, 15:33
by schnaz
Yi1sheng1 ji3 tian1 qian2 医生几 天前 operated on my abdomen.

医生 doctor
几天前 a few ays ago

Another use of tbe character (字)(zi4)
生业〔-業 ] sheng1ye4 occupation /business
Another use of the character
前提 qian2ti2 premise/ precondition/ prerequisite

建筑物 jian4zhu4 wu4 building

Posted: 2017-07-29, 18:50
by schnaz
"Father, does this jian4zhu4 wu4 建筑物 belong to you?"
"Guo4qu4过去 It belonged to me."

建筑物 Jian4zhu4wu4 building
过去 guo4qu4 previously

Another use of 过去
过去了 guo4qu4le to die (euphemistic)
Another use of 超高
超高层建筑〔--層-築〕chao2gao2ceng1jian4wu4 skyscraper.