vijayjohn - srpski

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Re: vijayjohn - srpski

Postby vijayjohn » 2018-01-22, 3:43


American man = Amerikànac
American woman = Amerìkanka
Australian man (in Croatian) = Austràlac
Australian woman (in Croatian) = Àustralka
Australian man (in Bosnian and Serbian) = Australijànac
Australian woman (in Bosnian and Serbian) = Australìjanka
Englishman = Ènglez
Englishwoman = Èngleskinja
Frenchman = Fràncuz
Frenchwoman = Fràncuskinja
Croatian (man) = Hr̀vat
Croatian woman - Hrvàtica
Canadian (man) = Kanàđanin
Canadian woman = Kanàđanka
they = òni
female professor (more commonly heard than profesòrica in Bosnian and Serbian) = pròfesorka
each [rough translation; denotes distribution and succession according to WIktionary] = po
fig = smokva
colorful = šàren, šàreno, šàrena
to greet, welcome, receive = dòčekati
one's own = vlàstit
copy, specimen, issue, (etc.) = prìmjerak
respected, honored = poštovan
opportunity, occasion, chance = prigoda
history [in Serbian] = ìstorija
history [in Croatian] = povijest
introduction = ùvod
preface = predgovor
emigration = emigràcija
emigration [in Croatian only?] = iseljenìštvo
Glagolitic priest = glagòljaš
tribe = pleme
to separate, single out, set aside (impf.) = izdvàjati
to stand out (impf.) = izdvàjati se
to separate, single out, set aside (pf.) = izdvòjiti
to stand out (pf.) = izdvòjiti se
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Re: vijayjohn - srpski

Postby Saim » 2018-01-22, 9:14

What do the underlines mean?

vijayjohn wrote:Vokabular:
history [in Serbian] = hìstorija
history [in Croatian] = povijest

Na srpskom ìstorija, bez h. Reč povest takođe postoji u srpskom jeziku (evo primera), samo što se ređe upotrebljava nego istorija. Nažalost ne postoji onlajn srpsko-srpski rečnik, pa ne mogu da proverim da li postoji neka razlika u srpskom standardnom jeziku. U razgovornom jeziku, dakako, govori se uglavnom o istoriji.

Hìstorija je na hrvatskom disciplina koja proučava pov(ij)est. Po Hrvatskom jezičnom portalu, povijest je u razgovornom jeziku sinonim reči historija (tj. teorijska, akademska razlika između te dve reči se u praksi ne poštuje).

vijayjohn wrote:Vokabular:
female professor (in Bosnian and Serbian) = pròfesorka

Profesorica može se čuti i u Srbiji, iako je oblik profesorka uobečajeniji.

vijayjohn wrote:[Australian woman (in Croatian) = Aùstralka

Čini mi se da je to standardan izgovor koji se u praksi retko pojavlja. Mnogo prirodnije zvuči Àustralka. I u Srbiji se govori de ja pravilnije reći Aùstrālija (i Jugòslāvija po istom pravilu), međutim izgovor Austrȃlija (Jugoslȃvija) je mnogo češći.


A koja beše greška, baš me zanima?

each [rough translation; denotes distribution and succession according to WIktionary] = po

Svako dobije po jednu jabuku = everyone gets an apple.

Je li ta konstrukcija u pitanju ili nešto drugo?

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Re: vijayjohn - srpski

Postby voron » 2018-01-22, 9:46

Saim wrote:Nažalost ne postoji onlajn srpsko-srpski rečnik

Ma kako ne postoji, evo:

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Re: vijayjohn - srpski

Postby vijayjohn » 2018-01-22, 21:02

Hvala lijepo, Saime i voron! :)
Saim wrote:What do the underlines mean?

Long vowel. It's the system Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian: A Textbook (and Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian: A Grammar) use: underlines for all long vowels, grave accents for all syllables with rising pitch. I like how it uses only two diacritics instead of five; it's easier to remember.

A koja beše greška, baš me zanima?

Akcenat. :lol: Često ne sjećam se da li ima silazni akcenat ili uzlazni akcenat.
Svako dobije po jednu jabuku = everyone gets an apple.

Je li ta konstrukcija u pitanju ili nešto drugo?

Jeste. :)

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Re: vijayjohn - srpski

Postby voron » 2018-01-23, 14:15

vijayjohn wrote:Hvala lijepo, Saime i voron! :)

Zašto ne koristiš vokativ i za moj nadimak? :doggy:

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Re: vijayjohn - srpski

Postby vijayjohn » 2018-01-23, 22:09

praviti propuh (a ne *raditi...)

voron wrote:
vijayjohn wrote:Hvala lijepo, Saime i voron! :)

Zašto ne koristiš vokativ i za moj nadimak? :doggy:

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Re: vijayjohn - srpski

Postby voron » 2018-01-23, 22:35

vijayjohn wrote:"vorone"?


A možeš da koristiš i moje pravo ime, Igor (odnosno, u vokativu će biti Igore).

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Re: vijayjohn - srpski

Postby Saim » 2018-01-24, 23:33

voron wrote:
Saim wrote:Nažalost ne postoji onlajn srpsko-srpski rečnik

Ma kako ne postoji, evo:

Баш ти хвала, не знам како нисам пре чуо о томе.

повест: целокупан ток развитка природе, људског дружтва, историја.
The entire course of development of nature, human society, istorija.

историја: наука о развитку људског друштва; развојни пут, целокупан ток прошлости народа, племена и сл.
The study of the development of human society; path of development, the entire course of the past of a people, tribe and similar.

Али понављам, у разговорном језику се готово искључиво употребљава историја.

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Re: vijayjohn - srpski

Postby vijayjohn » 2019-06-02, 1:19

to collect = skupiti (skupim) a ne *skuviti (*skuvim)

(Vocabulary from GLOSS and LangMedia - two words from GLOSS Croatian, two from GLOSS Serbian, two from LangMedia Bosnian, two from LM Croatian, and two from LM Serbian, in that order)

holiday, festival, festivity = praznik
simultaneously, at the same time, together, also = ujedno
doctor's office = ordinàcija
to schedule (perfective) = zakàzati
both...and (also) = kako...tàko (i)
society = drùštvo
so, I mean (filler word used especially in southern Serbia and northern Montenegro but also to a lesser extent in Croatia) = znači
artist = umjetnik
diverse = raznòlik, raznòliko, raznòlika
to develop = ràzviti

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Re: vijayjohn - srpski

Postby Saim » 2019-06-02, 10:02

vijayjohn wrote:to collect = skupiti (skupim) a ne *skuviti (*skuvim)

skuvati - to cook (impf. - kuvati)

so, I mean (filler word used especially in southern Serbia and northern Montenegro but also to a lesser extent in Croatia) = znači

Why specifically southern Serbia?
Zašto baš južna Srbija?

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Re: vijayjohn - srpski

Postby vijayjohn » 2019-06-02, 14:54

izraz "Bog je mrtav" (a ne *fraza)

mogućnost vjere u Boga odnosno vjere u to da su ikad bilo koji bogovi postojali (a ne *mogućnost vjere u Boga ili da su...)

figurative sense = preneseni smisao (ili figurativan smisao?)

Drugi (ljudi, mislioci) koristili... ( = 'others used...' where others = other people/thinkers)

strongest form (of some theology or ideology?) = najjači oblik, najjača verzija (ili najsnažnija forma?)

koji ipak jeste prije postojao (ili koji je prije...?)

I don't feel I can assign myself a political label = pa ipak ne bih da sebi zalepim/pripišem bilo kakvu političku etiketu?
Saim wrote:
vijayjohn wrote:so, I mean (filler word used especially in southern Serbia and northern Montenegro but also to a lesser extent in Croatia) = znači

Why specifically southern Serbia?
Zašto baš južna Srbija?

I dunno, that's what they wrote in the footnote:
Baš ne znam, tako su pisali u fusnoti: ... ne_a1e.pdf
Znači: (lit. trans. “meaning”) A filler more common in South Serbia and northern Montenegro than in Croatia. In this transcript, it was translated as “I mean” to clearly mark it as a filler in English as well. Please note that this word has other meanings, and that it sometimes might be difficult to discern whether it is a filler or a regular part of speech.

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Re: vijayjohn - srpski

Postby Saim » 2019-06-02, 19:41

TIL Novi Sad and Belgrade are in Southern Serbia. Maybe it's all the dođoši.

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Re: vijayjohn - srpski

Postby voron » 2019-06-02, 20:01

Znači used as a filler resembles the Arabic يعني .

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Re: vijayjohn - srpski

Postby Saim » 2019-06-19, 6:04

voron wrote:Znači used as a filler resembles the Arabic يعني .

Funnily enough, the most obvious Urdu equivalent of this filler is مطلب, which is also ultimately from Arabic, but it doesn't have this meaning in Arabic.

Of course you can also say یعنی کہ, but it's not as common as مطلب.

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Re: vijayjohn - srpski

Postby vijayjohn » 2022-04-18, 14:39

Teach Yourself Urdu at least also has just یعنی.

(Putni časopis :P)
course or flow in time or way something happens = tijek
flow, strem, current, flux; in Croatian, movement in space = tok
to visit, attend = pòsjetiti
attractive = privlačan
destination = òdredište
to prepare (something) = priprèmiti
to get ready = priprèmiti se
a number of, array, row, string, (mathematical) series/progression = niz
beauty = ljepòta
to uncover, bare, discover, reveal, unveil (imperfective) = otkrìvati
(perfective form of the above) = òtkriti
to last, continue = trajati
to call (to come closer), invite, summon (imperfective) = pozìvati
(perfective form of the above) = pòzvati
to refer, relate, allude (imperfective) = pozìvati se
(perfective form of the above) = pòzvati se
for example = prìmjerice
to become (imperfective) = pòstajati
to become (perfective) = pòstati
to retain a position, stand (for a certain period) (imperfective) = stàjati

(Hrvatski Odisej)
queen (of insects), (figurative) source/home, (figurative) mainstream, registry, record book, nut (as in bolt) = matica
emigrant, expatriate = iseljènik
composition, ingredients, band = sàstav
to put together, combine, compile, assemble, write (e.g. poem), compose (imperfective) = sàstavljati
(perfective form of the above) = sàstaviti
century = stòljeće
priest (Serbian), Orthodox priest (Bosnian, Croatian) = svèštenik
priest (Bosnian, Croatian) = svèćenik
to record, note (imperfective) = zabilježìvati
(perfective form of the above) = zabìlježiti
editor = ùrednik
to equip, outfit (imperfective) = oprèmati
(perfective form of the above) = oprèmiti
press (literary Bosnian, Serbian) = štampa
press, print (Croatian, historical use in Serbian as well) = tisak
idea, conception = zamisao, (more rarely?) namisao
dear little son = sinko
only son = jedìnac
favorite (one) = miljenik
to begin, start (movement or activity); to move, set in motion = krènuti

(Uvod u povijest hrvatskog igranog filma)
live action movie = igrani film (not sure whether I got the vowel length/stress pattern right here)
authorial = àutorski
expert, specialist = stručnjak
manual, reference book, textbook = prìručnik
content = sadržaj
circumference, extent, range (Serbian) = obim (again unsure of length/stress)
circumference, extent, range (Croatian) = opseg
to display, exhibit, explain, expound (imperfective) = izlàgati
(more common perfective form of the above) = izlòžiti
to expose, subject (imperfective) = izlàgati se
to expose, subject (perfective) = izlòžiti se
suitable, adequate, proper, due, sufficient = primjeren
listener = slùšač
(college) course = kolegij (length/stress?)
general = opće
art (adj.), artist (adj.) artistic = ùmjetnički
related = srodan
pertaining to higher education = visokoškolski (no idea on length/stress here)
institution = ustanova
publisher = nakladnik (again unsure of length/stress)

(Jedan prijevod nedjeljno)
to choose, select (imperfective) = izàbirati
(perfective form of the above) = izbrati
to put, place, set, appoint, name (imperfective) = pòstavljati
(perfective form of the above) = pòstaviti
to find, invent, discover (imperfective) = pronàlaziti
(perfective form) = prònaći
doubt, suspicion = sùmnja
court(house), tribunal, judgment = sud
to notice, observe, remark, comment (imperfective) = primjećìvati
(perfective) = primijètiti
passerby = pròlaznik
to find out, come to know (perfective) = sàznati
urgent = hitan
call, invitation, vocation(?) = pòziv
to come across, find (perfective) = zàteći
found, surprised, unready(?) = zatečen
lifeless = bȅživotan
to declare = konstatovati
sign, symbol = znak
violence = nàsilje

(LangMedia Bosnian)
to return (perfective, transitive) = vràtiti
to return (perfective, intransitive) = vràtiti se
to encompass, include, overcome, embrace (Bosnia, Serbia, imperfective) = obùhvatati
(Croatian equivalent of the above) = obùhvaćati
(perfective form of both) = obùhvatiti
love(sickness), yearning for love (regional? Also, a musical genre) = sèvdah
significant = značajan
within, inside, in = ùnutar
pain, aching = bol
influence (Bosnia, Serbia) = uticaj
influence (Croatia) = utjecaj
after(wards) = nakon (+ gen.)
exile, banishment = izgnànstvo
similarity = sličnost
suffering, agony = pàtnja
if you can = ako ste u mogùćnosti
special, particular = pòseban
to mention = spomenuti
us(ag)e, practice, professional work, experience, practical work, student training = praksa
to understand, grasp, conceive (imperfective, Bosnia, Serbia) = shvatati
(Croatian equivalent) = shvaćati
(perfective) = shvatiti

(LangMedia Croatian)
to flow through, (time) pass/elapse (imperfective) = pròtjecati
(perfective) = pròteći
to widen, expand, spread (imperfective) = šìriti
to realize, accomplish, carry out, achieve, implement (imperfective) = ostvarìvati
(perfective) = ostvàriti
discernible = zamjetan
general (Croatia) = općenit
general (Bosnia, Serbia) = opštenit :?:
general = nàčelan
to connect (imperfective) = povezìvati
(perfective) = povèzati
to induce, instigate, incite, direct, lead, quote, cite (imperfective) = navòditi
to deliver, transport, drive to one's heart's content (imperfective) = navòziti
to embroider, sew, stitch (perfective, plus perfective form of previous two verbs) = nàvesti
onset (of army, disease, feelings, etc.), appearance (in front of audience), conduct, countenance (initial impression) = nàstup
hàjmo = (short for hàjdemo)
player = izvođač (unsure about meaning, vowel length, and pitch accent)
to grow, increase, accrue, accumulate = rasti
fund = fond
to unfurl, set, unwrap (sails, flag; imperfective) = razvìjati
(perfective) = ràzviti
to develop (imperfective) = razvìjati se (perfective = ràzviti se)

(LangMedia Serbian)
to represent (party), support (opinion) = zastùpati
(perfective) = zastùpiti
to cast, pour out, shape = odlivati (unsure about meaning, vowel length, and pitch accent)
basis, foundation, (word) stem = osnova
soon (uskoro), almost, nearly = skòro
appearance, outlook, look, likelihood, prospect, chance = izgled
(male) artist = umjetnik
absurdity = àpsurd
to bring, lead, take someone somewhere (imperfective) = dovòditi
to bring, lead, take someone somewhere, marry woman or take into family (perfective) = dòvesti (dovedem, doveo, doveden)
to deliver (imperfective) = dovòziti
(perfective form) = dòvesti (dovezem, dovezao, dovezen)
male singer = pjèvač
female singer = pjevàčica
to go out, be published, rise (Sun, Moon, etc.) = ìzaći
to grow up (imperfective) = odràstati
(perfective) = òdrasti
adult movie = film za odrasle
to set up = namještati (unsure about meaning, vowel length, and pitch accent)
to dress (imperfective) = oblàčiti
(perfective) = òbući
tight, close (intimate, well-loved), narrow = tijèsan

(GLOSS Croatian)
name day = imendan
leap year = prijestupna godina (unsure of length/stress)
present-day, today's, modern = dànašnji
today, Wednesday... = dànašnja srijèda
usual, customary, common = uobìčajen
mind, intellect, wit = um
particular, individual = pojèdini
employer = poslodàvac
to do, perform, complete, carry out (perfective) = òbaviti
to wrap (up, perfective) = obàviti
to solve, decide (imperfective) = rješàvati
to solve (perfective) = rijèšiti
to resolve, decide (perfective, Bosnia, Serbia) = rijèšiti
to get rid of (imperfective) = rješàvati se (+ genitive)
(perfective) = rijèšiti se
successful = ùspješan
amusing, entertaining = zàbavan
reception (social engagement) = dòček
the best possible = što bolji
biography, CV = životòpis
to choose, (s)elect = izàbrati
to elect as = izàbrati za (+ acc.)
to go to/attend school = pohàđati školu (unsure of length/stress)
to finish, complete (imperfective) = završàvati
(perfective) = zavšiti

(GLOSS Serbian)
to schedule (imperfective) = zakazìvati
(over)view, summary, survey, review, inspection, examination, audit = prijègled
to move (imperfective) = pomjèrati
(perfective) = pòmjeriti
after; (colloquially) since, because = pošto
to arrive, catch up, be able, have time, make it (in time) = stignuti, stići
business (adj.), enterprising = poslovan
meeting = sàstanak
only (just), hardly, barely, still = tek
goodbye (Serbia) = prijatno (and ofc doviđènja)
commercial, merchant, trade (adj.) = tr̀govački
representative = prèdstavnik
within (time, Serbian, Bosnian) = u toku (+ genitive)
within (time, Croatian) = u tijeku (+ genitive)
this evening, in the evening, evenings (Serbian) = uveče (uvečer in Croatian)
motive, reason, occasion = pòvod
regarding, with regard to = pòvodom (+ genitive)
to meet = sàstati se
collaboration (Bosnian, Serbian) = saràdnja
collaboration (Croatian) = suràdnja
firm, company, enterprise, corporation (Bosnian, Serbian) = preduzeće
firm, company, enterprise, corporation (Croatian) = poduzeće

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