Jedan prevod nedeljno

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Re: Jedan prevod nedeljno

Postby vijayjohn » 2015-04-28, 1:22

Novi tekst (od Hrvatske :mrgreen:):

Zaljubili se preko interneta pa otkrili šokantnu tajnu o sebi
Kada je nakon nekoliko poruka shvatio tko bi mogla biti djevojka s kojom se dopisuje prekinuo je s njom kontakt na nekoliko dana

U potrazi za srećom u ljubavi mnogi se okreću upoznavanju preko interneta kako bi i tamo pokušali naći nekoga s kim dijele zajedničke interese. No, ono što su o sebi otkrili Nizozemci Erik de Vries (24) i Josephine Egberts (22) i to nakon što su se zaljubili bilo je previše zajedničko.

Erik i Josephine upoznali su se putem Tindera, stranice za upoznavanje partnera i nekoliko su dana razmjenjivali "škakljive" poruke dok nisu otkrili za njih šokantnu istinu - da su davno rastavljeni brat i sestra, piše Business Insider.

Njihovi roditelji rastali su se 1999. godine i, umjesto da podijele skrbništvo, sa sobom su uzeli jedno, odnosno dvoje djece. Tako se Erik s bratom blizancem i ocem odselio u Belgiju, dok je Josephine ostala s majkom u Nizozemskoj.

Erik se radi školovanja vratio u Nizozemsku i tada je na Tinderu naletio na svoju sestru. - Kada sam prvi put pregledao njezin profil, uopće nisam sumnjao. Da budem iskren, o tome nisam razmišljao posljednjih godina, nakon što smo brat i ja završili neuspješnu potragu za sestrom - ispričao je Erik.

Kada je nakon nekoliko poruka shvatio da bi mu djevojka s kojom se dopisuje mogla biti sestra, prekinuo je kontakt na nekoliko dana. Ipak, bio je previše znatiželjan pa joj se javio i izložio joj svoje sumnje. Ispričali su si svoje prošlosti, od razvoda roditelja, davno izgubljene braće i ubrzo su bili sigurni da su si u rodu.

Nakon tjedan dana Erik i Josephine su se susreli, zajedno s bratom Maartenom.

Suosnivač Tindera Justin Mateen rekao je kako ga ovakve situacije ne iznenađuju te je naglasio kako je Tinder mjesto za bilo kakvo povezivanje, a ne samo ljubavno.

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Re: Jedan prevod nedeljno

Postby vijayjohn » 2015-05-16, 6:19

Falling in love over the Internet and revealing a shocking secret about oneself
When he realized who the girl he was corresponding with might be after exchanging several messages with her, he stopped contacting her for several days.

In the search for happiness in love, many turn to meeting people through the Internet in order to try to find someone with similar interests. However, what Netherlanders Erik de Vries (24) and Josephine Egberts (22) revealed about themselves, that too after they fell in love with each other, betrayed too many similarities.

Erik and Josephine met through Tinder, a website for finding partners, and exchanged "nice" messages for several days until they revealed a truth that shocked them - that they were long-lost siblings, Business Insider writes.

Their parents divorced in 1999, and instead of sharing guardianship, each of them took each child for themselves. Thus, Erik moved with his twin brother and father to Belgium while Josephine stayed with her mother in the Netherlands.

Erik returned to the Netherlands for his education and then met his sister on Tinder. "When I first viewed her profile, I had no doubts at all. To be honest, I didn't think about that for the past few years after my brother and I ended an unsuccessful search for my sister," Erik explains.

When he realized that the girl he was corresponding with might be his sister after exchanging several messages with her, he stopped contact for several days. Nevertheless, he was too curious, so he contacted her and explained his doubts to her. They talked to each other about their pasts, since their parents' divorce, and long-lost brothers and soon confirmed that they were related to one another.

One week later, Erik and Josephine met together with their brother, Maarten.

Justin Mateen, co-founder of Tinder, said that such situations did not surprise him and emphasized that Tinder was a place for any kind of connection, not only dating.
Last edited by vijayjohn on 2015-05-24, 8:45, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Jedan prevod nedeljno

Postby vijayjohn » 2015-05-22, 11:03

Evo novi tekst iz Bosne (opet :lol: Hvala, Patrislave! :D):

Avion sa Gruevskim prinudno sletio na ciriški aerodrom

SKOPLJE - Avion makedonske vlade, koji je iz Strazbura prevozio za Skoplje delegaciju sa premijerom Nikolom Gruevskim na čelu, prinudno je sletio na ciriški aerodrom i trenutno se nalazi na popravci u njemačkom gradu Nirnbergu, kod ovlaštenog servisera.

Premijer Gruevski i svi ostali putnici u avionu su dobro, a čitav slučaj se istražuje, rekao je predstavnik vlade Aleksandar Đorđijev za makedonsku agenciju MIA.

"Prema prvim informacijama, mogu da potvrdim da je na povratku iz Strazbura uočen kvar na vladinom avionu u kojem su bili premijer Gruevski i njegovi saradnici, usljed čega je avion bio prinuđen da sleti u Cirihu", rekao je on.

Prema njegovim riječima, taj avion je u upotrebi manje od osam godina.

Đorđijev je rekao da je u jednom trenutku došlo do dekompresije, nakon čega je pilot odmah pokušao da smanji visinu i sleti na najbliži aerodrom, što je uobičajena procedura.


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Re: Jedan prevod nedeljno

Postby vijayjohn » 2015-05-24, 8:35

Aircraft carrying Gruevski forced to land at Zürich Airport

SKOPLJE - The Macedonian government aircraft, carrying a delegation led by Nikola Gruevski from Strasbourg to Skoplje, was forced to land at Zürich Airport and is currently being held for repairs by authorized servicemen in the German city of Nuremberg.

Prime Minister Gruevski and all passengers on the aircraft are safe, but the entire situation is under investigation, said government representative Aleksandar Georgiev to Macedonian news agency MIA.

"I can confirm based on previous information that a defect on the government aircraft that Prime Minister Gruevski and his associates were on was noticed on the return from Strasbourg, forcing the aircraft to land in Zürich," he said.

According to him, the aircraft has been in use for less than eight years.

Georgiev said that at one point, it suffered decompression, after which the pilot immediately attempted to reduce altitude and land at the nearest airport, as is the usual procedure.

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Re: Jedan prevod nedeljno

Postby vijayjohn » 2015-08-09, 4:37

Ovo je izvod putnoga časopisa Croatia Airlinesa. :lol:


Nedaleko od baroknoga grada Krapine svjetski je glasovito nalazište krapinskog neandertalca. Nedavno obnovljeni muzej prava je odiseja u prošlost, jer donosi priču o postanku svijeta i praljudima.

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Re: Jedan prevod nedeljno

Postby vijayjohn » 2015-08-10, 0:09

Časopis je dvojezičan. Ovo je moj prijevod; poslije ću pogledati prijevod u časopisu.


Not far from the Baroque town of Krapina is the world-renowned site of the Krapina Neanderthal. The recently renovated museum is a true odyssey into the past as it carries the story of the origin of the world and prehistoric humans.

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Re: Jedan prevod nedeljno

Postby vijayjohn » 2016-02-24, 19:11

Prijevod u časopisu:


This recently renovated museum takes you on a journey to the past as it tells the story of the origin of the world and prehistoric man.

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Re: Jedan prevod nedeljno

Postby vijayjohn » 2016-02-28, 7:51

Предбрачни испит Двоје пунолетних, мушко и женско, који испуњавају све остале услове које црква прописује за склапање црквеног брака, најпре обављају предбрачни испит. Сама реч каже, шта је предбрачни испит. То је поступак, где црква испитује, да ли двоје кандидата за брак, испуњавају све услове које прописују црквени канони за склапање брака. Предбрачни испит обавља надлежни свештеник девојке. За испит младенци треба да припреме: црквену крштеницу, мушкарац потврду од свог надлежног свештеника о слободном брачном стању. Родитељи могу бити присутни, а не морају, ако су спречени. О извршеном предбрачном испиту добијају потврду, коју предају надлежном свештенику младожење, на основу које овај може вршити венчање младенаца. Ова потврда (записник) важи шест месеци. Предбрачни испит мора бити обављен на три недеље пре венчања, како би свештеник могао на три литургије у цркви, да огласи жељу кандидата за венчање, и да пита народ, да ли постоји нека сметња за њихов брак. Оглашавање се може вршити и на литургијама на празнике, и тада огласни рок од три недеље, краће траје.
Last edited by vijayjohn on 2017-02-25, 6:10, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Jedan prevod nedeljno

Postby Elko » 2016-02-28, 14:16

vijayjohn wrote:Предбрачни испит Двоје пунолетних, мушко и женско, који испуњавају све остале услове које црква прописује за склапање црквеног брака, најпре обављају предбрачни испит. Сама реч каже, шта је предбрачни испит. То је поступак, где црква испитује, да ли двоје кандидата за брак, испуњавају све услове које прописују црквени канони за склапање брака. Предбрачни испит обавља надлежни свеште-ник девојке. За испит младенци треба да припреме: црквену крштеницу, мушкарац потврду од свог надлежног свештеника о слободном брачном стању. Родитељи могу бити присутни, а не морају, ако су спречени. О извршеном предбрачном испиту добијају потврду, коју предају надлежном свештенику младожење, на основу које овај може вршити венчање младенаца. Ова потврда (записник) важи шест месеци. Предбрачни испит мора бити обављен на три недеље пре венчања, како би свештеник могао на три литургије у цркви, да огласи жељу кандидата за венчање, и да пита народ, да ли постоји нека сметња за њихов брак. Оглашавање се може вршити и на литургијама на празнике, и тада огласни рок од три недеље, краће траје.

Is this meant to be translated into English or did you translate that from English into Serbian? I do not quite understand this exercise. For me personally, it makes only sense to translate from English to Serbian that we can compare our translations

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Re: Jedan prevod nedeljno

Postby vijayjohn » 2016-02-28, 23:49

Elko wrote:Is this meant to be translated into English

I do not quite understand this exercise.

Generally, we use this thread for translating texts from Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian into English, then compare our translations.

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Re: Jedan prevod nedeljno

Postby Elko » 2016-02-29, 14:05

vijayjohn wrote:
Elko wrote:Is this meant to be translated into English

I do not quite understand this exercise.

Generally, we use this thread for translating texts from Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian into English, then compare our translations.

Hvala na odgovoru! Sve jasno :)
Pitao sam jer za neke od nas nije engleski maternji jezik :)

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Re: Jedan prevod nedeljno

Postby vijayjohn » 2017-02-25, 7:24

The Premarital Examination A couple of people who have come of age, male and female, and who satisfy all of the remaining conditions the church prescribes for the conclusion of ecclesiastical marriage, first and foremost take part in the premarital examination. The word itself declares what a premarital examination is. It is a procedure in which the church inquires into whether the couple of candidates for marriage satisfy all of the conditions prescribed by the ecclesiastical canons for the conclusion of marriage. The priest in charge of the girl completes the premarital examination. For the inquiry of the newlyweds, they must prepare an ecclesiastical birth certificate, and the man, a certificate from all of the priests in charge of him regarding free marital status. The parents may be present but need not be if prevented. Upon carrying out the premarital examination, they receive a certificate that they will take to the priest in charge of the groom, since he can perform the marriage ceremony of the betrothed. This affirmation (protocol) is in effect for six months. The premarital examination must be completed within three weeks before the wedding ceremony in order for the priest to be able to announce, in the three liturgies at the church, the wish of the candidates to engage in holy matrimony, and in order to ask the people whether there are any outstanding objections to their marriage. The announcement may be made both in the liturgies on holidays and then for a shorter time, three weeks in advance in the year of the announcement. :?:

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Re: Jedan prevod nedeljno

Postby vijayjohn » 2019-06-01, 22:16

Ako ove stranke ne uspiju formirati vlast, treba tragati za drugim rješenjima

Ministar inostranih poslova BiH i potpredsjednik PDP-a Igor Crnadak u razgovoru za kaže da BiH mora ispuniti uslove koji su navedeni u Mišljenju Evropske komisije ukoliko želi postati članica EU. Ako sudite po sadašnjoj političkoj klimi u BiH, teško je biti optimista. No, smatram da moramo pronaći način kako da se pomjeramo naprijed, jer jedino evropska perspektiva i evropska budućnost garantuju dugoročnu stavilnost, mir i prosperitet, ističe on.

Razgovarala: Nevena Ćosić

- Nakon što je Evropska komisija predstavila Mišljenje o zahtjevu za članstvo BiH u EU, nije sasvim jasno da li je ono pozitivno ili ne. Kakav utisak se Vi stekli i šta biste izdvojili kao najznačajnije preporuke za BiH iz ovog dokumenta?

Izvještaj je uglavnom u okvirima onoga što smo očekivali. Napravljen je tako da se u jednoj riječi ne može reći da li je pozitivan ili negativan. S moje tačke gledišta, bilo bi mnogo korisnije da je izvještaj bio oštriji i konkretniji prema stvarima koje ne valjaju u BiH. No, takav je - kakav je.

Smatram važnim to što se prva i najvažnija preporuka u izvještaju odnosi na potrebu da se provedu preporuke OEBS-a, te da se građanima vrati pravo da bez pritisaka, ucjena i zastrašivanja glasaju na izborima kako bi konačno u ovoj zemlji rezultati izbora bili ono što bude izbor glasača, odnosno da se isključe mogućnosti manipulacija i uzurpacije prava ljudi da biraju političare i partije koje će ih voditi.

Osim ovoga, značajno je što je vladavina prava istaknuta kao visok prioritet. Upravo nedostatak povjerenja u institucije i nedostatak rezultata u borbi protiv korupcije stvari su koje u posljednje vrijeme najviše tjeraju mlade ljude iz BiH.

( ... rjesenjima)

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Re: Jedan prevod nedeljno

Postby vijayjohn » 2022-04-18, 23:00

If these parties don't manage to form a government, we'll have to look for other solutions

Bosnian minister of foreign affairs and vice president of the PDP, Igor Crnadak, said in an interview with that Bosnia must satisfy the conditions cited in the Opinion of the European Commission if it wishes to become an EU member. Judging by the current political climate in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it's hard to be optimistic. "Well, I think we need to find a way to move forwards because only a European perspective and a European future guarantee long-term stability, peace, and prosperity," he pointed out.

Interviewer: Nevena Ćosić

- Following the European Commission presenting its Opinion on Bosnia and Herzegovina's request to join the EU, it isn't completely clear whether it's positive or not. What impression did you get, and what would you single out as the most significant recommendations for Bosnia and Herzegovina from this document?

In general, the report is in the scope of what we expected. It was made in such a way that you couldn't characterize it in one word as either positive or negative. From my point of view, it would have been much more useful if the report were more precise and concrete compared to things that don't matter in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Oh well, it is what it is.

I consider it important that the first and most important recommendation in the report pertains to the need to implement the recommendations of the OSCE and to return the right to citizens to vote in elections without compulsion, blackmail, or intimidation so that election results in this country would finally be the voters' choice, i.e. to exclude the possibilities of manipulation and usurpation of the people's right to choose the politicians and parties to lead them.

Furthermore, it is important for the reign of justice to be emphasized as a high priority. Right now, a lack of confidence in the institutions and a lack of results in the fight against corruption are the things that are driving young people away from Bosnia and Herzegovina the most.

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