Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group


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Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby Saim » 2020-10-24, 8:51

Sentences from the transcript

أول ما وصلت على (المخيم) الدائم
When I first arrived at the (permanent camp?)

عم بفكر كيف بدي أتعلم اللغة
I (was?) thinking about how I want to learn the language

وأنا بأول مرة يعني بتعلم لغة أجنبية
and I'm learning a foreign language for the first time

أجيت أول فترة أجيت فيها
The first period I went through (?)

كانت صعبة كثير لأنه كل شيء غير
was very hard because everything was different

اللغة غير العادات غير
a different language, different customs

بس وقت تعلمت لغة
but when I learned the language

بلشت (بدأت) بتعلم اللغة
I started to learn the language

صرت أحسن بكثير طبعاً
It got much better, of course

كمان بهولندا قعدت بشي 10 (مخيمات)
Also in Holland I sat(/was) in around 10 [camps]

New words so far

مخيم - camp

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby voron » 2020-10-25, 0:43

Saim wrote:أول فترة أجيت فيها
The first period I went through (?)

I think it means "when I just came here (to Holland)", as in "during my initial period here".

It's similar in Turkish: "İstanbul'a ilk geldiğimde" is ambiguous and can mean either "my first stay in Istanbul" or "the initial period of my stay in Istanbul".

New words so far
مخيم - camp

The guy actually says "camp" instead of مخيم, and pluralizes it as "campaat" :). They put this word in parenthesis in the subtitles, as well as replacements for other words that they probably think will not be commonly known.
Last edited by voron on 2020-10-25, 8:45, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby Saim » 2020-10-25, 7:14

voron wrote:The guy actually says "camp" instead of مخيم, and pluralizes it as "campaat" :). They put this word in parenthesis in the subtitles, as well as replacements for other words that they probably think will not be commonly known.

Good call! I was listening without headphones so I guess I wasn't paying enough attention to the audio.

لبين ما وصلت (للمخيم) الدائم
(Among which?) I arrived to the permanent camp

طلع لي غرفة بدنهاخ
I got? ("appeared for me") a room in the Hague.

أول شي كتبت كلمتين، ثلاثة
First I wrote two or three words on small (pieces of) paper

وحطيتهم على الحيط
And put them on the wall

لقيت حالي حافظهم تلقائياً
I found (myself? on my own?) defending them automatically

New words
حطي, يَحُطُّ‎‎ - to place, put
حيط - wall (MSA: حائط)

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby voron » 2020-10-25, 8:27

Saim wrote:لبين ما وصلت (للمخيم) الدائم
(Among which?) I arrived to the permanent camp

until I arrived
(it's connected to the previous sentence)
I couldn't find this conjunction on, but it's mentioned here:

طلع لي غرفة بدنهاخ
I got? ("appeared for me") a room in the Hague.

I got, yes. More about this usage here: ... %b2%d9%84/
Sections "I won the lottery" and "what do I get out of it".

لقيت حالي حافظهم تلقائياً
I found (myself? on my own?) defending them automatically

memorizing them

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby voron » 2020-10-25, 8:45

voron wrote:I think it means "when I just came here (to Holland)", as in "during my initial period here".

It's similar in Turkish: "İstanbul'a ilk geldiğimde" is ambiguous and can mean either "my first stay in Istanbul" or "the initial period of my stay in Istanbul".

I have a question about English: when I say "when I first came to Holland", can it also mean "when I was new in Holland"?

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby eskandar » 2020-10-25, 15:53

voron wrote:I have a question about English: when I say "when I first came to Holland", can it also mean "when I was new in Holland"?

Please correct my mistakes in any language.

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby eskandar » 2020-10-25, 19:44

بعدين صرت أكثّر
later I(?) started to increase

كل يوم أحط أكثر كلمات
every day I (would) post more words

لقيتها كثير طريقة حلوة
I found it to be a really nice way

ودائماً عم شوفهم قدامي
and I always see them in front of me
Please correct my mistakes in any language.

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby voron » 2020-10-25, 20:29

An example of Moroccan dialect (with subtitles!)

Sounds so cool.

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby voron » 2020-10-25, 21:27

عم بشتغل على الكلمة وقت بدي أعمل كلمة
I work on a word when I want to do words

عم بشوف الكلمة أكثر من 10 مرات
I look at the word more than 10 times

إذا سمعت كلمة جديدة
When I hear a new word

من أي حدا أو من (منشور) ممكن
from someone, or (see) in press (he says "post")

من أي شي دغري (فوراً) باخذها
from anywhere, I always take it (write it down)

أول ما شافوا الغرفة بهولندا
As soon as they saw the (my) room in Holland

تاني يوم كان عندي التلفزيون
the next day I got the TV

الأخبار والجريدة.. الصحافة كانت عندي
News programs, newspapers, press - I had them

بالنسبة لي إحساس كتير حلو
For my part/if you ask me, (these are) very nice feelings

لأنه عندي قاموس كبير من الكلمات
Because I got (built) a large vocabulary "of words"

والكلمات كلها بعرفها
and I know all the words

اللي عندي كلها شاغل عليها
that I work on

and that I write down

يمكن مو حافظها كلهم
maybe I haven't memorized all of them

بس كلهم بعرفهم
but I know all of them

الطريقة اللي عم ساوي فيها مثل الديكور كمان
this method that I use -- it also (serves) as a decoration (of the room)

وقت كنت بالشام كنت بسوريا
when I was in Damascus, in Syria

كنت أشتغل بالورد
I worked (was working) with flowers

يجينا ورد كثير حلو
we received (were coming to us) very pretty flowers

من الأوركيد والبيبي أوركيد
of (type) orchids and baby orchids

أحلى أنواع الورد كانت تجي من هولندا كلها
All of the prettiest types of flowers came from Holland

مشان هيك كنت أحب هولندا كثير
That's why I loved Holland a lot

وكنت أحلم أني أجي على هولندا
And I dreamt that I would go (come) to Holland

هلأ عم أدور على شغل
Now I'm looking for a job

وظيفة بمحل ورد بحيث أنه أشتغل وظيفة نظامية
A position at a flower shop where I could do a regular job

استلمت شهادة الاندماج
I received the diploma of assimilation

يعني صار لي 3 سنين ونص
that is, it has been 3 years and a half

عم بشتغل بالاندماج
that I have been working (studying?) with the assimilation (program?)

and with the language

فاليوم كان شعور كثير حلو
and that day, it was a very sweet feeling

وقت أخذت الشهادة
when I received the diploma

مو كافي لسا
It's still not enough

لياخذ لسان الواحد على الحكي
That someone acquires a language by(for?) talking

بالكلام بالجمل كمان شي صعب
It is also difficult with words and sentences

بدّو كتير ممارسة
And it requires a lot of practice

Angst خوف بالهولندي
Fear in Dutch is Angst

Hopen وكلمة أمل
And hope is Hopen

- أنت فين بين (الخوف) و(الأمل)؟
- Where are you between fear and hope?

أنا هلأ مع (الأمل)، (الخوف) خلصت راحت
I am now with the hope. The fear stopped, went away

حلمي يصير لي عائلة حلوة هون.. أتجوز وأستقر
My dream is that I get a good family here, get married, settle down.

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby voron » 2020-10-28, 18:23

Let's do this video next guys, it's in the Palestinian dialect:

The title is:
"فلسطيني لجأ إلى السويد.. "انصدمت بواقع آخر
A Palestinian took refuge in Sweden: "I was shocked by a different reality".

لما جيت عالسويد كنت متفائل إلى حد ما
When I came to Sweden, I was optimistic to a certain degree

لأنه مضبوط ما كنتش أعرف عن السويد
Because it's true that I didn't know (much) about Sweden

ولكن كنت أعرف أن أوروبا يعني عالم آخر
But I knew that Europe is a different world.

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby eskandar » 2020-10-29, 2:14

voron wrote:من أي شي دغري (فوراً) باخذها
from anywhere, I always take it (write it down) right away

From Turkish doğru 8-)

لأنه عندي قاموس كبير من الكلمات
Because I got (built) a large vocabulary "of words"

I think قاموس is "dictionary" rather than "vocabulary".
Please correct my mistakes in any language.

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby Saim » 2020-10-30, 8:30

voron wrote:
voron wrote:I think it means "when I just came here (to Holland)", as in "during my initial period here".

It's similar in Turkish: "İstanbul'a ilk geldiğimde" is ambiguous and can mean either "my first stay in Istanbul" or "the initial period of my stay in Istanbul".

I have a question about English: when I say "when I first came to Holland", can it also mean "when I was new in Holland"?

Yes, and it's not really ambiguous in English; I think the other meaning would be expressed as "the first time I came to Holland", "the first time I visited Holland", "the first time I went to Holland", "during my first trip to Holland".

"I was new in Holland" sounds a bit strange to me; I might say I'm new to something, but that means more that I've only recently got acquainted with some field of knowledge or concept. I would sooner say "when I first moved to Holland", "when I first started living to Holland", or indeed "when I first came to Holland".

These words from the first video are new to me:

exist in MSA
منشور - brochure, leaflet
ساوى, يُسَاوِي‎‎ - to be equal to, to be equivalent to [I didn't immediately recognise the connection to مساواة]
دار, يَدُورُ - to go around, circulate [this one I probably could have guessed from the root]
نظامي - standard, regular [I knew نظام but I wouldn't have been able to guess the meaning here]
اندماج - gathering, assembling, integration
شعور - feeling
ممارسة - practice [heard this one before but forgot the meaning]
أستقر - to settle

vernacular only
لسا - not yet (MSA - ليس بعد?)
فين - rarer variant of وين (MSA - أين)

examples from Living Arabic:
لِسَّ / لِسَّاني مَا كَمَالتِش [P] I haven't finished yet; {lissa / lissāny maå kamāltᵉš}
لِسَّا مَا شُفتهَاش [P] I haven't seen her yet; {lissaå maå šufthāš}
لِسَّا ما بَعْرِف [S] I don't know as yet
وِللا لِسَّا [S] or (not) yet
شِفْتِ التَّمْثِيْلِيِّة الجّْدِيد وِللا لِسَّا [S] Did you see the new play or not yet?

وَيْن مَا = فِيْن مَا [S] wherever
فَيْن أَخُوْك [P] where's your brother?; {fēn ʔaḵūk}
فَيْنَك وْفَيْنُو [P] where are you and where is it? (a phrase meaning what's the connection between you and it?! or you have no idea what's going on around you!); {fēnak wºfēno}

شهادة الاندماج - this seems to be translated as "Civic Integration Certificate" in English; the original Dutch term is Inburgeringsdiploma.

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby voron » 2020-10-30, 14:56

Saim wrote:ساوى, يُسَاوِي‎‎ - to be equal to, to be equivalent to [I didn't immediately recognise the connection to مساواة]

One of the meanings in MSA is "to regulate, to arrange" , so I guess that's where "to do" in Levantine comes from.

دار, يَدُورُ - to go around, circulate [this one I probably could have guessed from the root]

The verb used in the video is actually دوّر , so "I'm looking for" becomes 3am idawwer 3ale* (and yes it seems to be form II of دار).
*And in fact at least in Syrian you drop the "alif" of the 1st person if the verb has a double consonant or a long vowel, so the guy actually says "3am dawwer 3ale", عم دوّر على, similar to how "I want to go" is بدي روح, not اروح.

Cool comments, keep them coming!

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby eskandar » 2020-10-31, 3:19

Saim wrote:"I was new in Holland" sounds a bit strange to me

Seconded. I understood what you meant, but I'd word this using one of the expressions Saim mentioned.

لسا - not yet (MSA - ليس بعد?)

Comparable (in the present tense) to MSA لمّا . And لسا can also mean "still", at least in Egyptian--not sure if that's true of Levantine actually.

فين - rarer variant of وين (MSA - أين)

Also the most common option in Egyptian.

From the Palestinian video:

ولا تقارن أوروبا في بلادنا
And Europe cannot be compared with our country :?:

فكنت منتظر إشي کثير كبير
so I was expecting something really big

إشي كثير عظيم
something really great

وأكون جاي على يعني شغل احسن
and that I would come to, ya3ni, a better job

حياة افضل
a better life

هذا اللي أنا طلبته يعني
that which I wanted, ya3ni
Please correct my mistakes in any language.

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby Saim » 2020-11-29, 9:04

voron wrote:لأنه مضبوط ما كنتش أعرف عن السويد
Because it's true that I didn't know (much) about Sweden

What does مضبوط here mean? Because I didn't exactly(/really) know much about Sweden? The placement of the word before ما كنتش and the fact that it seems to have an adverbial meaning is throwing me off.

This is also a false friend with Urdu مضبوط strong, firm.

New for me (exist in MSA):

مضبوط - accurate, precise, exact
لجأ, يَلْجَأُ‎‎ - to take refuge in, resort to (with إلى)
متفائل - optimistic
منتظر - expecting, hopeful for

Levantine only:

تقارن - to compare, be comparable

eskandar wrote:ولا تقارن أوروبا في بلادنا
And Europe cannot be compared with our country :?:

Yes, Living Arabic registers this usage for Levantine.

to be compared (مع = with), to be comparable (مع = with)

هالأَوْتَيل ما بْيِتْقارَن مَع بَقِيْةِ الأَوْتَيْلات هَون [S] This hotel doesn't compare with the other hotels here.


هذا اللي أنا خلاني أترك كل إشي في بلدي
That's what made me leave everything in my country behind

ولكن انصدمت في واقع آخر..
But I've hit(/come into/collided with) a different reality

أنا من فلسطين
من نابلس
ودرست جامعة في الأردن
I'm from Palestine, from Nablus, and I studied at university in Jordan

وبعدها رجعت كملت حياتي العملية
And after that I came back and continued my career

أو بداية حياتي العملية في نابلس
Or the beginning of my career in Nablus

وبعدين قررت أني آجي عالسويد
And then I decided to come to Sweden

هو كان شوية الوضع في نابلس
It was a bit of the situation in Nablus (?)

بمرحلة طفولتي شوية مختلف
My childhood (stage) was a bit different

لأنه كانت بدايات الانتفاضة الأولى
Because it was the start of the First Intifada

وأنا كانت أول طلعتي كطفل صغير
and I was first (tal3ati?) as a small child

بيبلش يلعب بالحارة وينزل
I start playing (in the street?) and going down (to the street)

بس كان هذا الحكي شوية صعب وشبه ممنوع
But talking about this was hard and semi-forbidden

فمعظم نشاطاتي وأنا طفل
Most of my activities as a child

كانت داخل المنزل أكتر يعني
were mostly at home you know

مع أفراد أسرتي ومع العائلة
With my family

نلعب شدة أو نلعب مع بعض
We play (strong? vigorously?) or we play together

لإنه أنا برضو من سكان البلدة القديمة
Because I am also one of the residents of the Old City



حارة - district, neighbourhood, street
بلدة - small city, town


برضو - (mostly Palestinian) also

more examples
وِاْليَوْم بَرضُو [P] and today as well; {wi'ºlyōm bɑrḍo}
بَرضُو مَاشي [P] that's also fine; {bɑrḍo māšy}


I've added:

لإنه أنا برضو من سكان البلدة القديمة
ولا تقارن أوروبا في بلادنا
الطريقة اللي عم ساوي فيها مثل الديكور كمان
هلأ عم أدور على شغل

to Anki (with sentence audio) and all of the words shared with MSA to Memrise (with forvo audio, or TTS audio for non-past conjugations and expressions not available on forvo).

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby voron » 2020-11-29, 18:14

Saim wrote:What does مضبوط here mean?


وأنا كانت أول طلعتي كطفل صغير
and I was first (tal3ati?) as a small child

It was my first (time) going outside as a small child. طلعة is masdar of طلع (and it agrees with the feminine form كانت).

بيبلش يلعب بالحارة وينزل
I start playing (in the street?) and going down (to the street)

who started playing in the neighborhood (حارة is the same word as in the name of this famous Syrian series باب الحارة), and going down to the street.

نلعب شدة أو نلعب مع بعض
We play (strong? vigorously?) or we play together

We play cards

برضو - (mostly Palestinian) also

I guess it's from Turkish "bir de".

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby voron » 2020-11-29, 19:50

Next piece of the video:

معظم أحداث الانتفاضة الأولى
Most events of the first Intifada

كان عزها في البلدة القديمة في نابلس
Were at their peak in the Old City in Nablus

أكثر من الأطراف
(And in) more places. (?)

فأنا يعني نشأت وأنا بشوفها يعني
And I grew up, and I saw them

كنت بشوف الجنود الإسرائيليين
I saw Israeli soldiers

وأشوف كل شيء.. طول الوقت
and I saw everything, all the time

وأشم ريحة
And I smelled the smell

مسيل الدموع
(of) tear gas.

يعني أثر في شخصيتي يمكن كتير
And it affected my personality, probably a lot

أو ضل معي لليوم
or stayed with me today

لما بستذكر طفولتي بس مش طول الوقت
When I remember my childhood, but not all the time

اللحظة اللي قررت فيها فعلاً بدي أهاجر
The moment when I actually decided that I want to emigrate

بلشت أدرس يعني
I started to learn

شو المكان الأفضل..
What the best place is

وشو الوجهة الأفضل إني أهاجر لها
And what the best direction to emigrate is

And why

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby voron » 2020-11-29, 19:53

The dialect in this video is awesome (it's from Oman):

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Re: Vernacular Eastern Arabic study group

Postby vijayjohn » 2020-12-27, 18:05

eskandar wrote:And لسا can also mean "still", at least in Egyptian--not sure if that's true of Levantine actually.

Yes, it means the same in Levantine, too.

.يعني ما كنش فيه أي سبب تاني
So that's the only reason ('I mean, there was no other reason').

يمكن ما كنتش أعرف إشي من السويد
I may not have known anything about Sweden

.قبل ما أجي على السويد
before I came to Sweden.

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