Song translations


Joined:2009-12-02, 7:15
Real Name:Thomas Lyman
Country:KRSouth Korea (한국)
Song translations

Postby trliber » 2012-12-14, 9:31

One reason I started learning Arabic was to understand Arab music. I think starting a thread to discuss English translations of lyrics to songs in Arabic could add a fun dimension to learning spoken dialects and clear up those pesky lines that we hear over and over but still don't know what they mean :whistle:

First song by Feyrouz and I will get translations wrong because Arabic is hard. Please correct me. :(
لبيروت - فيروز
For Beirut - Feyrouz
لبيروت من قلبي سلامٌ لبيروت و قُبلٌ للبحر و البيوت لصخرةٍ كأنها وجه بحارٍ قديمِ
For Beirut, from my heart a greeting for Beirut and a kiss for the sea and the houses, for a rock formation as if it's the face of an old sailor.
هي من روحِ الشعب خمرٌ هي من عرقِهِ خبزٌ و ياسمين فكيف صار طعمها طعم نارٍ و دخانِ
She's from the soul of the people, a wine, she's from their Araq, bread and jasmine, but how did her food come to be fire and smoke?
لبيروت مجدٌ من رمادٍ لبيروت من دمٍ لولدٍ حُملَ فوق يدها أطفأت مدينتي قنديلها
Beirut has a glory from ashes, Beirut has from blood of a son burdened upon her hand; my city extinguished her lamp.
أغلقت بابها أصبحت في السماء وحدها ... وحدها و ليلُ
She closed her door. She became, in the evening, alone...lonely in the night.
أنتِ لي أنتِ لي أه عانقيني أنتِ لي رايتي و حجرُ الغدِ و موج سفرٍ
You are mine, yes you are mine. Embrace me, you are mine. My wish, the stone of tomorrow, wave of a journey. (lol this song gets harder as it goes on)
أزهرت جراح شعبي أزهرت .. دمعة الأمهات .. أنتِ بيروت لي أنتِ لي أه عانقيني
The wound of my people blossomed, it bloomed...tear of the are my Beirut, you are mine. Embrace me.

(Skip to 2:00)
I welcome corrections in any language, even English (if you find any mistakes).

اهلا وسهلا. دائما بدور المساعدة مع العربي العامية وكمان الفصحى.

Joined:2009-08-12, 9:21
Real Name:Yunus Erdem

Re: Song translations

Postby yunus » 2012-12-25, 9:33

Very nice song. I am looking forward for your new posts.

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Re: Song translations

Postby Meera » 2012-12-26, 7:37

Shukran for this :)
Learning: (hi) (ja) (ko) (fr)

Joined:2009-12-02, 7:15
Real Name:Thomas Lyman
Country:KRSouth Korea (한국)

Re: Song translations

Postby trliber » 2013-01-01, 11:00

I found this video recently and it's not a song but it's worth sharing. It shows Mahmoud Darwish reciting two poems in Arabic (the first one from a Norwegian poet, the other of his writing). It's a short film shown after his death in Ramallah on five large screens. I want to post the translation in a separate post under a spoiler cover since it's lengthy.
I welcome corrections in any language, even English (if you find any mistakes).

اهلا وسهلا. دائما بدور المساعدة مع العربي العامية وكمان الفصحى.

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Joined:2008-05-27, 22:01
Real Name:Meera
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Re: Song translations

Postby Meera » 2013-01-11, 19:26

Very nice. Thank you!
Learning: (hi) (ja) (ko) (fr)

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