CATALÀ (2nd. Edition)



Postby pa-integral » 2004-04-19, 17:04

E}{pugnator wrote:2. No tinc gens de pastissos.
8. Vull uns quants problemes.

(please translate for me sentences 2 and 8.

2. I have no cakes (something like 'I have no cakes at all')
8. I want some problems.


Postby pa-integral » 2004-04-19, 17:07

E}{pugnator wrote:5. How many times did you play tennis? Quantes vegades has jugat tenis?
6. I played tennis 2 times. He jugat tenis dues vegades.
7. I don't have anything. She's got everything*. No tinc res. Ella tot.

5-6. Jugat a tennis (o verbo 'jugar' vai muitas vezes antes de 'a')
7. Ella ho té tot (quando usares 'tot', deves tb pôr 'ho').


Postby pa-integral » 2004-04-19, 17:10

E}{pugnator wrote:d) 22 = vint-dos
e) 1985 = mil nou-cents vuitanta-cinq
f) 429 - quatre-cents vint-nou

22 vint-i-dos (something like: twenty-and-two)
1985 mil nou-cents vuitanta-cinc
429 quatre-cents vint-i-nou (o mesmo)


Postby pa-integral » 2004-04-19, 17:11

E}{pugnator wrote:8. The tree - The trees**.[/i] L'arbre. - Les arbres

8. L'arbre (masc.) - Els arbres


Postby pa-integral » 2004-04-19, 17:13

E}{pugnator wrote:- Bona tarda!
- Bona tarda!
- Com estàs?
- Bé, i tu?
- Molt bé, gràcies. Perdona, no em recordo de tí, com et dius?
- Em dic Joan.
- Ah, Joan, esclar! Com va la teva germana?
- Va bé, gràcies. Dispensa, ara dec m'anar.
- D'acord. Cuida't!*
- Fins ara!

1. de tu ('ti' não existe em catalão)
2. haig de marxar / me'n haig d'anar / haig d'anar-me'n ('deure' só quer dizer 'to owe')

E}{pugnator wrote:* Is it spelt correctly?

Sim ;)

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Postby E}{pugnator » 2004-05-10, 17:42

EXERCICI 35: Conjugate these verbs:

Sentir (to feel)
Jo sento
Tu sents
Ell sent
Nosaltres sentim
Vosaltres sentiu
Ells senten

Traduir (to translate)
Jo tradueixo
Tu tradueixes
Ell tradueix
Nosaltres traduïxem
Vosaltres traduïu
Ells tradueixen

Trencar (to break)
Jo trenco
Tu trenques
Ell trenca
Nosaltres trenquem
Vosaltres trenqueu
Ells trenquen

Patir (to suffer)
Jo pateixo
Tu pateixes
Ell pateix
Nosaltres patim
Vosaltres patiu
Ells pateixen

en portuguès tenim "padecer", eu padeço, tu padeces, ele padece, nós padecemos...(it's regular) ;)

Pixar (to piss) (= mear, mijar?)
Jo pixo
Tu pixes
Ell pixa
Nosaltres pixem
Vosaltres pixeu
Ells pixen

Omplir (to fill)
Jo ompleixo
Tu ompleixes
Ell ompleixe
Nosaltres omplim
Vosaltres ompliu
Ellos ompleixen
Learning Georgian, Mandarin Chinese, Russian and Papiamentu from scratch. Trying to brush up my Norwegian up to an advanced level.


Postby pa-integral » 2004-05-10, 19:52

E}{pugnator wrote:Traduir (to translate)
Jo tradueixo
Tu tradueixes
Ell tradueix
Nosaltres traduïxem
Vosaltres traduïu
Ells tradueixen


E}{pugnator wrote:en portuguès tenim "padecer", eu padeço, tu padeces, ele padece, nós padecemos...(it's regular) ;)

Pixar (to piss) (= mear, mijar?)

Sim, mijar (basco: pixa egin)

E}{pugnator wrote:Omplir (to fill)
Jo ompleixo
Tu ompleixes
Ell ompleixe
Nosaltres omplim
Vosaltres ompliu
Ellos ompleixen

Omplir és un d'aquells verbs que no porten -eix-
(omplo, omples, omple, omplim, ompliu, omplen)

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To suffer

Postby Psi-Lord » 2004-05-10, 22:42

E}{pugnator wrote:Patir (to suffer)
Jo pateixo
Tu pateixes
Ell pateix
Nosaltres patim
Vosaltres patiu
Ells pateixen

en portuguès tenim "padecer", eu padeço, tu padeces, ele padece, nós padecemos...(it's regular) ;)

I thought you might like to know that they're indeed the very same verb —both have their roots in the Latin verb *patescĕre (a late form derived from the classical pati); as it happened to most inchoative verbs, though, in Low Latin it was shifted to the 2nd conjugation pattern (*patescēre) for Portuguese, but to the 4th conjugation pattern (*patīre) for Catalan (which kept the inchoative desinence in the verbal forms that would otherwise receive the stress on the verbal root syllable).
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Postby E}{pugnator » 2004-05-10, 23:06

Sure I knew they were the same verb :P

But thanks for the information on ethimology, it's always interesting and fascinating!!!

(Tough it makes me interested in learning Latin, and I don't want to, not by now).
Learning Georgian, Mandarin Chinese, Russian and Papiamentu from scratch. Trying to brush up my Norwegian up to an advanced level.


Postby pa-integral » 2004-05-11, 21:59

Patir = sofrer, não é?

Qual é a diferença entre padecer e sofrer?

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Postby E}{pugnator » 2004-05-11, 23:42

Padecer é mais literário, e geralmente você só diz padecer de (algum mal), você não costuma usá-lo de forma intransitiva em português...Você não diz, por exemplo "Nossa, como eu padeço..." ou "Estou padecendo muito...", você diria "sofrer".
Learning Georgian, Mandarin Chinese, Russian and Papiamentu from scratch. Trying to brush up my Norwegian up to an advanced level.


Postby pa-integral » 2004-05-12, 22:45

E}{pugnator wrote:Padecer é mais literário, e geralmente você só diz padecer de (algum mal), você não costuma usá-lo de forma intransitiva em português...Você não diz, por exemplo "Nossa, como eu padeço..." ou "Estou padecendo muito...", você diria "sofrer".

Ok, já percebi.
Em catalão uso patir para os dois significados.


Postby pa-integral » 2004-05-12, 23:36

EXERCICI 44: Go to TV3, go to the end of the page and click to "Malalts (cap.8 )". A window will appear where you will be able to watch a video. There are 3 situations. Watch the video and read the text at the same time. Explain (in English or Catalan) what happens in every situation. (If you don't understand what they are saying, try to guess what happens watching what they are doing). You can describe every situation with a word, with a sentece or a text, depending on your Catalan level.

Ai, va, Carme, no cal fer tantes històries!
El meu profe diu que la majoria dels que teniu el carnet suspendríeu l'examen si el tornéssiu a fer perquè heu agafat molts vicis.
Quants anys té el teu profe?
Ah, i està com un tren?
D'alta velocitat.

Molt bé. Ara embragues, poses primera, i dónes gas molt a poc a poc. Sí?
Sí, tu tranquila, que aquesta part em surt molt bé.
Ah! Aquest cotxe és diferent del que porto a les pràctiques.
Has arrancat en marxa enrere, eh?
No? Mira.

Waa! Aquest cotxe és una merda.
Una merda molt cara, fés el favor de calmar-te!
Estic calmada.
Ah, molt bé.

Ara sí, eh?
I vigila el contenidor, eh?
Quin contenidor?



Dexeu-me mirar!
Calla, que estic fent el récord!
No s'hi val, ja l'has superat.
Visca, sóc el millor!
Deixeu-me jugar!
Per què, perquè sóc nena i petita?
Deixeu jugar la vostra germana.
Quan s'acabin les piles!
Vosaltres aquesta setmana teniu avaluacions, oi?
Doncs au, a estudiar!
Per què? La GameBoy és nostra. Ens la van portar els reis.
Perquè no us coneixen, que si us coneguéssin...
I la van portar per a tota la família. Deixeu-la aquí.
Gràcies, quan sigui rica i famosa me'n recordaré de vosaltres!


Que sou bojos sortir a córrer amb aquest xàfec?
Si quan hem sortit no plovia...
Vinga, aneu a canviar-vos de roba.
T'ho he dit mil cops, pare, ja no es porta això de fer footing pel carrer, és de matats.
I ara al gimnàs que tu vas, que sembla Port Aventura, i és de pijos, oi Eduard?

Que et trobes bé, pare?
Em fa mal el braç, el cor em batega molt depressa, em sembla que m'està agafant un infart...
No et moguis, no t'esforcis, aixeca el braç, respira a poc a poc, a poc a poc,...
Vaig a avisar una ambulància.
A veure, tregui's la part de dalt, va!
I ara? Ara quiet. Així.
Que el mataràs!
Oi, oi,... molt millor, molt bé, molt bé. Gràcies, no sé què faria sense tu. No, no t'espantis, fill meu, vaig a canviar-me.

Ei, el teu pare és hipocondríac, confon una tos amb un càncer. Li va a temporades.
Pregueu, pregueu perquè no acabi d'entrar en una d'aquestes temporades.



Postby pa-integral » 2004-05-13, 0:05

EXERCICI 45: Go to TV3, go to the end of the page and click to "Plats Bruts (07/05/2004)". A window will appear where you will be able to watch a video. Watch the video and read the text at the same time. Then choose the most suitable text to explain the situation. Words in cursive are not standard, not correct or Spanish.

Va, tiu, que em pixo!
És que m'acabo de trobar el propietari del pis a l'escala i em diu que em vol vendre el pis!
A mi! Que si em vull comprar el pis, que si em vull fer propietari. Però que no em veu, que no em coneix? Que no saben que jo sóc un anarco, que a mi això de la propietat em fa vomitar? L'he engegat a la merda i per poc no l'engego escales avall, eh?
Per què? No ho entenc.
Tiu, la propietat corromp, la propietat és el germen del mal, la llavor de la guerra, del que és teu i del que és meu. Tiu, que ja ho deia el Toro Sentado.
Què? El Toro Sentado?
És que a TV3 el tradueixen per Brau Assegut.
Ah, ah.
Doncs venia a dir alguna cosa així com: "La terra no és de ningú, és de qui l'estima. Amalatoboroco(...)" Que literalment ve a dir alguna cosa així com "la terra és del pagès".
Tot això vol dir?
Sí, sí.
Bueno, bueno, tiu, la propietat, la propietat lliga, amordaça, encadena. La propietat fa portar els instints més baixos. Pol, que no ho veus? Company, tiu, que jo sóc com tu.
Si a mi em sembla de puta mare ser propietari, jo sóc propietari.
Ah, veus?

Choose the most suitable text to explain this situation:

A - He doesn't want to be the owner of the flat where he is living.
B - He wants to be the owner of the flat where he is living.
C - He wants his friend to be the owner of this flat.
D - He doesn't want his friend to be the owner of this flat.
E - He is telling his friend he doesn't agree with anarquism.
F - He is trying to convice his friend to help him buy an appartment.


Postby pa-integral » 2004-05-13, 0:15

I think they are too difficult...
but at least you can listen to the pronounciation and learn a bit.

Gabriel Samrani

Postby Gabriel Samrani » 2004-05-15, 2:43

Thank you! I miss listening to catalan so much. Didn't know TV3 had video files in the internet.
I used to be almost fluent in catalan, but I've lost most of it. Think I'll join this course, so I can practice my favourite language again.
Visca Catalunya!


Postby pa-integral » 2004-05-16, 12:48

Gabriel Samrani wrote:Thank you! I miss listening to catalan so much. Didn't know TV3 had video files in the internet.
I used to be almost fluent in catalan, but I've lost most of it. Think I'll join this course, so I can practice my favourite language again.
Visca Catalunya!

Great. Where are you from?

Joined:2004-05-14, 18:26
Real Name:Gabriel Semerene Costa
Country:BRBrazil (Brasil)

Postby samrani » 2004-05-16, 14:54

I'm from Brazil, but I lived in Barcelona for... well, just for two months, but that was more than enough for me to fall in love with Catalonia. When I graduate, I'll live in Barcelona again. I've joined the JERC when I was there, but I can't do much down here, of course... Anyway, it's impossible to get any books in catalan here or to practice it. So it's really embarassing when I speak or write to my catalan friends, specially when I confuse catalan with french or castillian... :?


Postby pa-integral » 2004-05-20, 22:22

samrani wrote:I'm from Brazil, but I lived in Barcelona for... well, just for two months, but that was more than enough for me to fall in love with Catalonia. When I graduate, I'll live in Barcelona again. I've joined the JERC when I was there, but I can't do much down here, of course... Anyway, it's impossible to get any books in catalan here or to practice it. So it's really embarassing when I speak or write to my catalan friends, specially when I confuse catalan with french or castillian... :?

Nice ;) I can teach you anything you want to learn in Catalan. Did you have a look at my other course at ?
JERC is cool ;) I like it too.
You can do the exercices in this forum or follow that course at, or both :)

Joined:2004-05-14, 18:26
Real Name:Gabriel Semerene Costa
Country:BRBrazil (Brasil)

Postby samrani » 2004-05-20, 23:29

Fa molt temps que no escric en català, però ho intentaré així mateix... Perdona qualsevol error gramatical... Errar és humà. :oops:
Ha estat tu qui va fer aquell curs? És excel.lent, enhorabona. Però encara hi manca molt de contingut, no? Bé, què "dic"? Crec que és molt difícil fer-ho sol.
Gràcies per indicar-me el curs, però el que vull és practicar. Exercicis gramaticals, ja en vaig fer molts, encara que no siguin mai prou. :roll:
El que volia, en la veritat, era saber com van les coses al País Petit. I també a tots els Països Catalans(no sé si el País Valencià encara en fa part. No he mai vist un país que no tingués cap respecte per la seva llengua com el PV...).
Ah! I dimarts hi haurà el partit Brasil X Catalunya. Encara que sigui brasiler, espero que el venci la Catalunya! :D
Que ho passi bé!

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