Serafín's Summer TAC

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Re: Serafín's Summer TAC (German, Arabic, Chinese)

Postby Bubulus » 2015-08-06, 4:06

This post contains my answers to the exercises of lessons twenty-two and twenty-three.


Disclaimer: these are my answers for a certain unit, or certain units, of Thackston's An Introduction to Koranic and Classical Arabic. I promise no guarantee they're 100% correct. Go to the first post of this thread to see all links to the answers of the rest of the chapters.

Lesson Twenty-Two

(NB: From now on, 2alif maqsuura will be romanized as -ää)

(a) Give the passive
1. ya2xudhu, yu2xadhu
2. yansayaani, yunsayaani
3. taxluqna, tuxlaqna
4. 2a3budu, 2u3badu
5. tarawna, turawna
6. taj3alu, tuj3alu
7. ta2kulaani, tu2kalaani
8. yaquulu, yuqaalu
9. yaktubaani, yuktabaani
10. tamna3na, tumna3na
11. tadulliina, tudalliina
12. yaxfuuna, yuxfawna
13. tanhää, tunhää
14. tajidaani, tuujadaani
15. ya3idu, yuu3adu
16. tas2ulu, tus2alu
17. yaqtulna, yuqtalna
18. ta2muru, tu2maru
19. yab3athuuna, yub3athuuna
20. na3Sii, nu3Sää
21. 2aghurru, 2ughaaru
22. tasma3uuna, tusma3uuna
23. tadhkuriina, tudhkariina
24. yad3uuna, yud3awna
25. ya7kumu, yu7kamu

1. yub3athu kullu 3abdin 3alää maa maata 3alay-hi.
Every servant will be resurrected according to how he died.
2. ya2tii 2aqwaamu 2abwaaba l-jannati fa-yaquuluuna "2a-lam ya3id-naa rabbu-naa 2an narida n-naara?" fa-yuqaalu "marartum 3alay-haa wa-hiya xaamidatun"
And people will arrive at the doors of Paradise, and so they shall say, "Didn't our Lord threatened us to reach Hell?", and so he will be told, "You passed by it [Hell] but it [the fire] had already died down".
3. mathalu 2ummat-ii ka-mathali l-maTari - laa yudraa 2awwalu-hu xayrun 2am 2aaxiru-hu.
My ummah (religious community) is like rain - it is not understood whether its first part is the best or its last part.
4. ka-maa ta3iishuuna fa-kadhaalika tamuutuuna fa-kadhaalika tu7sharuuna.
The way you live you will die and you will be resurrected.
5. qaala kadhaalika 2atat-ka 2aayaatu-naa fa-nasiita-haa wa-kadhaalika l-yawma tunsaa.
He will say, "thus My signs came to you, but you forgot them, and thus you will be forgotten today".
6. kuntu kunzan maxfiiyan wa-2a7babtu 2an 2u3rafa fa-xalaqtu l-xalqa li-kay 2u3rafa (7adiithun qudsiiyun).
I was a hidden treasure, and I wanted to be known, and so I created the creation to be known. (sacred hadith)
7. man 3arafa nafsa-hu fa-qad 3arafa rabba-hu.
He knows himself does indeed know his Lord.
8. laa taquuluu li-man yuqtalu fii sabiili llaahi 2amwaatun.
Don't call those who die in God's cause "dead".
9. 2in 2adrii 2a-qariibun 2am ba3iidun maa tuu3aduuna.
I don't know whether what you were promised is near or far. (Qur'an 21:109, negative 2in!)
10. fa-laa taghurranna-kum-u l-7ayaatu d-dunyaa wa-laa yaghurranna-kum bi-llaahi l-gharuuru
And so may this worldly life not deceive you all, nor may the Deceiver deceive you about God.
11. 2inna l-malaa2ikata laa ya3Sawna llaaha maa 2amara-hum wa-yaf3uluuna maa yu2maruuna
Verily the angels don't disobey God in what he orders to them; they do what they're ordered.
12. man yaf3alu dhaalika fa-qad Zalama nafsa-hu
He who does that wronged himself.
13. buniya l-2islaamu 3alaa xamsin
Islam is built on five things.
14. wa-kaana rasuulu llaahi 2idhaa dhakara 2a7adan bi-du3aa2i-hi bada2a bi-nafsi-hi
And when God's messenger mentioned somebody in his prayer, he started with himself.

1. It cannot be concealed from us that judgement was passed upon the innocent.
laa yuxfää li-naa 2anna-hu 7ukima 3alää l-bura2aa2i
2. When we visited the sick, we wept over them.
2idhaa 3udnaa l-mariiDiina, bakaynaa 3alay-him.
3. Can the knowledge of the prophets be inherited?
hal wuritha 3ilmu n-nabiiyiina?
4. If the lying infidel had come in God's cause, he would wish to be recognized.
law jaa2a l-kaafiru l-kaadhibu fii sabiili llaahi, la-wadda law yu3faru.
5. If the people of the city are deceived, will they testify truthfully?
2in ghurra naasu l-madiinati, 2a-sa-yashhuduuna Saadiqiina?
6. The first one who (2awwalu man) laughed was Adam.
kaana 2awwalu man Da7aka 2aadama.
7. I shall most certainly bring indisputable evidence, and I shall assuredly testify that you killed your brother.
sa-2ajii2anna bi-bayyinatin yaqiinin, wa-sa-2ashhadanna 2anna-ka qatalta 2axaa-ka

Lesson Twenty-Three


1. inqaTa3a 'it gets cut', yanqaTi3u, munqaTi3un, inqiTaa3un
2. inkasara 'it breaks', yankasiru, munkasirun, inkisaarun
3. inqala3a 'it gets uprooted', yanqali3u, munqali3un, inqilaa3un
4. indafa3a 'it gets pushed', yandafi3u, mundafi3un, indifaa3un
5. inshaqqa 'it splits', yanshaqqu, munshaqqun, inshiqaaqun
6. in7aTTa 'it gets lowered', yan7aTTu, mun7aTTun, in7iTaaTun
7. in3aqada 'it gets tied up', yan3aqidu, mun3aqidun, in3iqaadun
8. inbasaTa 'it spreads', yanbasiTu, munbasiTun, inbisaaTun
9. infajara 'it bursts', yanfajiru, munfajirun, infijaarun

1. wa-maa mu7ammadun 2illaa rasuulun qad maatat min qabli-hi r-rusulu. 2a-fa-2in maata 2aw qutila nqalabtum 3alää 2a3qaabi-kum?
And what is Muhammad, if not (just) a prophet? Prophets have in fact died before him. And if he died or if he was killed, would you go back to where you came from? (A hadith of the Prophet. NB: I'm assuming maatat is in the feminine singular due to the plurality of r-rusulu, in a analogical way to how an-naasu can take feminine singular agreement!)
2. wa-2idhaa kunta fii l-kaafiriina fa-qumta 2ilaa S-Salaati fa-l-taqum Taa2ifatun min-a l-mu2miniina ma3a-ka wa-l-ya2xadhuu 2asli7ata-hum. fa-2idhaa sajaduu fa-l-yakuunuu min waraa2i-kum wa-l-ta2ti Taa2ifatun 2uxraa wa-l-ya2xudhuu 7idhra-hum wa-2asli7ata-hum.
And when you are among infidels, leading people to prayer, let a group of believers stand with you and let them take their weapons. And so when they have prostrated, let them be behind you and let the other group come and take their precausation and their weapons.
wadda lladhiina kafaruu law taghfuluuna 3an 2asli7ati-kum wa-2amti3ati-kum. wa-laa junaa7a 3alay-kum, 2in kaana bi-kum 2adhan min-a l-maTari 2aw kuntum marDää, 2an taDa3uu 2asli7ata-kum wa-xudhuu 7idhra-kum.
Those who disbelieve wish that you would neglect your weapons and your goods. It is not a sin for you, if you're inconvenienced by rain or illness, to put aside your weapons, but take your precaution. (A slight adaptation of Qur'an 4:102.)
3. qaala n-nabiiyu 2inn-ii xaa2ifun 2an 2amuuta fa-yanqaTi3a min-kum haadhaa l-3ilmu
The prophet said, "Verily I fear that I migth die and that this knowledge will get cut off from you".
4. qad-i nTalaqa l-mar2u wa-2axuu-hu 7attää qaribaa shajaratan waDa3aa mataa3a-humaa qariiban min-haa
The man and his brother departed, until they approached a tree near which they put aside their goods.
5. 2idhaa nshaqqat-i s-samaa2u kaana l-yawmu l-2aaxiru qariiban
When the sky splits in two, the Last Day will be close.
6. 2inna lladhii fii n-naari ya2tii-hi l-mawtu min kulli makaanin, wa-maa huwa bi-mayyitin, wa-min waraa2i-hi 3adhaabun 3aZiimun.
Verily, as for he who is in Hell, death comes to him from every place, but he is not dead, for behind him is a great punishment.
7. wa-lladhiina 2ataa-hum-u l-kitaabu ya3rifuuna-hu kamaa ya3rifuuna 2abnaa2a-hum.
And those to whom the Book has come, they know it like they know their own children.
8. qaala yuusufu li-rijaali-hi "j3aluu biDaa3atan 2ixwat-ii fii ri7aali-him. la3alla-hum ya3rifuuna-haa 2idhaa nqalabuu 2ilaa 2ahli-him."
And Joseph spoke to his men: "put my brothers' merchandise in their saddlebags. Perhaps they will recognize it when they return to their people".
9. al-malaa2ikatu fii l-jannati yadxuluuna 3alää S-Saali7iina min kulli baabin.
The angels are in Paradise entering towards the righteous from every gate.
10. man ya3mal mithqaala dharratin xayran yara-hu, wa-man ya3mal mithqaala dharratin sharran yara-hu
He who does an atom's weight of good will see it, and he who does an atom's weight of evil will see it. (Qur'an 99:7-8)

1. When they recognized him they forbade him to proceed on his way to the distant city of his brothers.
2idhaa 3arafuu-hu nahaw-hu 3an-i l-inTilaaqi 2ilaa madiinati 2ixwati-hi l-ba3iidati.
2. It was not possible for me to retrace my steps, so I laid down my arms until they should come to me.
maa kaana l-ii 2an 2anqaliba 3alää 3aqibay-ya, fa-ghafaltu 2asli7at-ii 7attää ya2tuu-nii.
3. The idol your fathers worshipped does not harm anyone, but if you do not put it aside you will be among the cursed.
laa yaDurru S-Sanamu lladhii 3abada-hu 2aabaa2u-kum 2a7adan, wa-laakinna-kum 2in lam taDa3uu-hu fa-sa-takuunuu min-a l-mal3uuniina.
4. If a band of the enemy approaches us, let us kill them.
2in qariba-naa Taa2ifatun min-a l-3aduuwi, fa-l-naqtul-hum.
5. If you do not depart, you will be cut off from (3an) the land of your people.
2in lam-i nTalaqta, fa-sa-tanqaTi3u 3an 2arDi 2ahli-ka.
6. Let them live in a distant island, and let them not come to our gates.
li-yaskunuu jaziiratan ba3iidatan, wa-laa ya2tuu 2abwaab-ii.

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Re: Serafín's Summer TAC (German, Arabic, Chinese)

Postby Bubulus » 2015-08-06, 4:39

Log Entry for Day Twenty-Seven (of Sixty-Three)

I finished the exercises of both unit 22 and unit 23 of the Arabic textbook, and studied quite a bit of Mandarin.

Some of the words I learned today were:

inTalaqa - 'depart; proceed on one's way'
3aqibun pl. 2a3qaabun - 'heel (of a foot, of a shoe); cigarrette butt'
inqalaba - 'to get turned around/inside-out/back; to be changed (-hu or 2ilää into sth)'
inqalaba 3alää 3aqibay-hi - 'to go back to where one came from' (lit. "to get turned back over one's heels", also: 3aada min 7aythu 2ataa)

遵循 zūnxún - to follow (e.g. one's principles 自己的原则, another person's advice 别人的忠告)
tēi - a dialectal word meaning 'very [adj.], too [adj.]'
信仰 xìnyǎng - to believe in (e.g. God 上帝)
愚公移山 yú gōng yí shān - 'Where there's a will there's a way' (lit. "the foolish man moves mountains")
Last edited by Bubulus on 2015-08-07, 6:22, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Serafín's Summer TAC (German, Arabic, Chinese)

Postby Bubulus » 2015-08-07, 5:58

This post contains my answers to the exercises of lesson twenty-four.


Disclaimer: these are my answers for a certain unit, or certain units, of Thackston's An Introduction to Koranic and Classical Arabic. I promise no guarantee they're 100% correct. Go to the first post of this thread to see all links to the answers of the rest of the chapters.

Lesson Twenty-Four


(a) Produce the forms requested for Form VIII:
1. dh-k-r verbal noun: iddikaarun
2. 3-r-f act. part.: mu3tarifun
3. n-Z-r 3 masc. pl. impf. act.: yantaZiruuna
4. w-s-3 2 masc. sg. juss. act.: tattasi3uu
5. 2-x-dh pass. part.: muttaxadhun
6. D-r-r 1 sg. perf. pass: uDTurirtu
7. t-b-3 act. part.: muttabi3un
8. j-m-3 verbal noun: ijtimaa3un
9. q-r-b 3 fem. sg. perf. act.: iqtarabat
10. s-m-3 3 masc. sg. impf. act.: yastami3u
11. n-f-3 verbal noun: intifaa3un
12. S-7-b masc. pl. imperative: iSTa7ibuu
13. 2-m-r act. part.: mu2tamirun
14. z-7-m verbal noun: izdi7aamun

1. 2anaa ma3a 3abd-ii 7iina yadhkura-nii fa-2in dhakara-nii fii nafsi-hi dhakartu-hu fii nafs-ii wa-2in dhakara-nii fii mala2in dhakartu-hu fii mala2in hum xayrun min-hum wa-2in-i qtaraba 2ilay-ya shibran-i qtarabtu 2ilay-hi dhiraa3an wa-2in-i qtaraba 2ilay-ya dhiraa3an-i qtarabtu 2ilay-hi baa3an fa-2in 2ataa-nii yamshii 2ataytu-hu harwalatan
I will be with my servant at the time he mentions me, and so when he mentions me I will he mention him, and if he mentions me in a council (of notables) I will mention him in a council better than them, and if he draws near me by a span of space I will draw near him by a cubit, and if he draws near me by a cubit I will draw near him by even less than that, and if he comes to me walking I will come to him running. (NB: The Answer Key turns out to use the present tense rather than the future.)
2. 2idh qaala muusaa yaa qawmu 2inna-kum Zalamtum 2anfusa-kum bi-ttixaadhi-kum-u l-3ijla ma3buudan.
Then Moses said, "O people, you have wronged yourselves by adopting the calf for worship".
3. wa-qaalat-i mra2atu far3awna "laa taqtuluu-hu. 3asaa 2an yanfa3a-naa 2aw nattaxidha-hu waladan".
And the Pharaoh's wife said, "Don't kill him. Perhaps he will be of benefit to us, or perhaps we shall adopt him as a son".
4. qaala laahu li-2ibliisa "xruj min-a l-jannati wa-la-man tabi3a-ka min-hum la-2amla2anna jahannama min-kum-u 2ajma3iina".
God said to Iblis, "Get out of Paradise, and as for whoever follows you from them, I shall certainly fill Hell with you all together".
5. yaa 2ahla l-kitaabi qad jaa2a-kum min-a llaahi nuurun wa-kitaabun mubiinun yahdii bi-hi llaahu man-i ttaba3a riDwaana-hu subula s-salaami.
O people of the Book, indeed they have to come to you, light and a clear book with which God leads aright whoever pursues His acceptance on the paths of peace.
6. qaaluu 2a-basharan waa7idan nattabi3u-hu? 2innaa 2idhan la-fii Dalaalin
They said, "shall we follow one man? Verily, then, we would be in error." (An adaptation of Qur'an 54:24.)
7. qaala nuu7un "yaa rabbi, 2inn-ii da3awtu qawm-ii laylan wa-nahaaran wa-2inn-ii kullamaa da3awtu-hum li-taghfira la-hum ja3aluu 2aSaabi3a-hum fii 2aadhaani-him".
Noah said, "O my Lord, Verily, whenever I have called them for you to forgive them, they put their fingers in their ears".
8. 2a-wa-lam yaruu 2anna llaaha lladhii xalaqa-hum huwa 2ashaddu min-hum quwwatan?
And did they not see that God, who created them, is more powerful than them?
9. lan yanfa3a-kum-u l-firaaru 2in farartum min-a l-mawti 2aw-i l-qatli
Escaping will be of benefit to you, if you escape from death or getting killed.
10. 2a-ya2muru 2ilaahu-ka 2an natruka maa ya3budu 2aabaa2u-naa 2aw 2an naf3ala fii 2amwaali-naa maa nashaa2a?
Does your god order us to abandon the gods our forefathers worshipped, or to do whatever we want with our riches?
11. 2ulaa2ika n-naasu yad3uuna li-man Darra-hu 2aqrabu min naf3i-hi fa-hum ghaafiluuna 3an sharrin maa yaf3aluuna
Those people pray to one whose harm is closer than his benefit. And so they neglect the evil of what they do.
12. 2ulaa2ika 3asaa llaahu 2an ya3fuu 3an-hum
As for those, God perhaps will forgive them.

1. A band of strong nobles passed by a city on the people of which the enemy had had no mercy; and when they looked and saw, they wept.
marrat Taa2ifatu mala2in 3alää madiinatin kaana l-3aduuwu maa ra7ima 2ahla-haa, wa-2idh naZaruu wa-ra2aw, bakaw.
2. The devout (man)'s house was filled with the light of faith.
imtala2a baytu S-Saali7i bi-nuuri l-2iimaani
3. Be not unmindful of God's mercy lest you dwell in Gehenna until the end of your days.
laa taghfuluu 3an ra7mati llaahi fa-taskunuu jahannama 7attaa 2aaxira 2ayaami-kum
4. If flight will not avail you, it is no sin for you to lay down your arms.
2in lam nafa3-kum-u l-firaaru, laa junaa7a 3alay-kum 2an taDa3uu 2asli7ata-kum.
5. At the time when I advised him, I did not know that he would make use of my words to harm me.
7iina naSa7tu-hu, lam 2a3lam 2anna-hu sa-yantafi3u bi-qawl-ii li-kay yaDurra-nii.
6. Let him turn back on his heels; perhaps we may follow him and find his tribe.
li-yanqalib 3alää 3aqibay-hi, 3asaa 2an natba3a-hu wa-najida qawma-hu.
7. Before the prophet, the idols of Mecca had been adopted as gods.
qabla n-nabiiyi, kaanat-i ttuxidhat 2aSnaamu makkatin 2aalihatan.
Last edited by Bubulus on 2015-08-14, 16:33, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Serafín's Summer TAC (German, Arabic, Chinese)

Postby Bubulus » 2015-08-07, 6:18

Log Entry for Day Twenty-Eight (of Sixty-Three)

I did the exercises of unit 24 of the Arabic textbook, and studied some Mandarin...

Some new words:

tabi3a yatba3u taba3un/tabaa3atun - to follow [sb/sth]
intafa3a - to make use min/bi- of

• 确定 quèdìng - 'know [sth] for certain'
• 零基础 língjīchǔ - 'to be in the basics, recently from scratch' (seen in the sentence 我的零基础 'mine [my French] is very basic')
• 从零 cóng líng - 'from scratch' (lit. "from zero", also: 从头 cóng tóu 'from the beginning' lit. "from the head")
• 傻学 shǎ xué - dabble (as in dabbling in a language, literally "foolishly study", seen in the sentence 现在只是一味的傻学 'right now I'm just dabbling [in French] blindly [but I want to emigrate later]')
• 荣耀 róngyào - glory (as in God's glory 上帝的荣耀)
• 一件女装 yī jiàn nǚzhuāng - a dress

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Re: Serafín's Summer TAC (German, Arabic, Chinese)

Postby Bubulus » 2015-08-08, 5:39

Log Entry for Day Twenty-Nine (of Sixty-Three)

I worked through part of unit 25 of the Arabic textbook, and studied some Mandarin.

Some new words:

Ti7aal pl. Ti7aalaat or Tu7ul - spleen
ixtaara - choose -hu sth 3alää instead of sth
ibtaghää - aspire to -hu sth

脾脏 pízàng - spleen
脚趾 jiǎozhǐ - toe
横幅 héngfú - banner (n.)
标语 biāoyǔ - slogan
术语 shùyǔ - term (synonym of 词语 word)
学期 xuéqī - term, semester (period of study)
部门 bùmén - department (at a company, as in 销售部门 xiāoshòu bùmén 'the sales department')

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Re: Serafín's Summer TAC (German, Arabic, Chinese)

Postby Bubulus » 2015-08-14, 17:24

As you can tell, I burned out a bit and did little related to language studying for ~7 days. But! I finally got the Key to Exercises (of Thackston's Arabic book), and I just went through the answers I still found questionable, making new comments. However, my answers from now on won't be necessarily the same as of the Key to Exercises now that I have that book, rather, I'll continue to answer the exercises without looking at it, then proceeding to duly note important differences between my translations and the Key's.

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Re: Serafín's Summer TAC

Postby Bubulus » 2015-08-31, 18:19

This post contains my answers to the exercises of lesson twenty-five.


Disclaimer: these are my answers for a certain unit, or certain units, of Thackston's An Introduction to Koranic and Classical Arabic. I promise no guarantee they're 100% correct. Go to the first post of this thread to see all links to the answers of the rest of the chapters.

Lesson Twenty-Five


(a) Produce the forms requested
1. d-3-w, VIII, act. part.: mudda3in
2. sh-w-q, VIII, act. part.: mushtaaqun
3. n-h-y, VIII, pass. part.: intahää
4. q-d-w, VIII, verbal noun: iqtidaa2un
5. m-y-z, VIII, act. part.: mumtaazun
6. sh-r-y, VIII, 1st sg. subj.: yashtariya
7. q-D-y, VII, 3 masc. pl. juss.: yaqtaDuu
8. S-f-w, VIII, pass. part.: muSTafan
9. 3-w-d, VIII, 3 masc. sing. juss.: ya3tad
10. x-f-y, VIII, masc. sing. imperative: ixtafi
11. 7-n-y, VII, act. part.: mun7anin
12. r-D-w, VIII, pass. part.: murtaDan
13. w-q-y, VIII, act. part.: muttaqin
14. s-w-q, VII, 1 pl. perfect: insaqnaa

1. 2aS7aab-ii ka-n-nujuumi fa-bi-2ayyi-him-u qtadaytum-u htadaytum
My friends are like the stars, and so you will be shown the right way with whichever you emulate.
2. 2inna llaaha STafää min wuldi 2aadama 2ibraahiima wa-STafää min wuldi 2ibraahiima 2ismaa3iila wa-STafää min wuldi 2ismaa3iila banii kinaanata wa-STafää min banii kinaanati qurayshan wa-STafää min qurayshin banii haashimin wa-STafaa-nii min banii haashimin (7adiithun nabawiyyun).
Verily, God chose Abraham from among the progeny of Adam, and He chose Ishmael from among the progeny of Abraham, and He chose the Kinanah tribe from the progeny of Ishmael, and He chose the Quraysh tribe from among the Kinanah, and He chose the tribe of Hashim from among the Quraysh, and He chose me from among the tribe of Hashim (a hadith of the prophet.)
3. 2innamaa yattabi3uuna 2ahwaa2a-hum, wa-man 2aDallu miman-i ttaba3a hawaa-hu ghayra hudan min-a llaahi? 2inna llaaha laa yahdii l-qawma Z-Zaalimiina.
However, they follow their passions, and who is more astray than those who follow lust without guidance from God? Verily, God does not guide wrongdoers.
4. yaa rabbi ghfir li-lladhiina ttaba3uu sabiila-ka wa-qi-him 3adhaaba l-yawmi l-3aZiimi. Oh my Lord, forgive those who follow your path, and protect them from the torment of the Great Day.
5. fa-qaaluu "la-naa 2a3maalu-naa wa-la-kum 2a3maalu-kum. salaamun 3alay-kum laa nabtaghii l-jaahiliina".
And so they said, "We have our works and you have your works. Peace be upon you; we do not desire ignorant people."
6. yaa 2ayyuhaa n-naasu ttaquu rabba-kum-u lladhii xalaqa-kum min nafsin waa7idatin wa-btaghuu 2ilay-hi s-sabiila.
O my people, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul, and strive for the path that leads to Him.
7. qaaluu sub7aana-ka maa kaana yanbaghii la-naa 2an nattaxidha min duuni-ka min 2aalihatin.
They said, "glory be to You; it did not seem proper to us to adopt, without You, any gods".
8. yaa 2ayyuhaa l-mu2minuuna ttaquu llaaha yaj3al la-kum nuuran tamshuuna bi-hi wa-yaghfir la-kum.
O believers, fear God and he shall make for you a light in which you shall walk, and he shall forgive you. (Qur'an 57:28)
9. yuqaalu la-hum "dhaalika huwa l-3adhaabu fa-dhuuquu-hu fa-dxuluu 2abwaaba jahannama xaalidiina fii-haa".
It was said to them, "That is the torment, and so taste it, then enter the doors of Hell, you being immortal past them." (NB: The answer key has the first verb in the future ("It will be said to them...").)
10. ittaxadhuu l-3ijla ma3buudan min ba3dimaa jaa2at-hum-u l-bayyinaatu fa-3afawnaa 3an dhaalika.
They adopted the calf as an idol after the evidence came to them, but then we forgave that. (NB: ma3buud 'idol, god' isn't included in the glossary, nor has it been taught in a lesson.)

1. We shall relate to you the news of those who travelled the earth.
sa-naquulu la-kum-u l-2anbaa2a lladhiina saaruu fii l-2arDi. (NB: The answer key uses rawää yarwii 3alay-kum shay2an 'to relate sth to you' to translate "relate" here, even though this word hasn't been taught.)
2. I am not afraid of suffering loss when my companions are with me.
laa 2axaafu l-xasaara 2idhaa 2aS7aab-ii ma3-ii. (NB: The answer key uses a clause with wa- instead of 2idhaa: wa-2aS7aab-ii ma3-ii.)
3. O oppressors who do not fear the torment, hell will be filled with the likes you.
yaa Z-Zaalimuuna lladhiina laa taxaafuuna l-3adhaaba, 2inna jahannama sa-tamtali2u bi-2amthaali-kum.
4. It is necessary that we not sleep in order to be on our guard.
yanbaghii la-naa 2allaa nanaama li-kay nattaqiya.
5. When they drew near me I feared they would seize my goods and then (consequential) I would be among the losers.
2idhaa qtarabuu 2ilay-ya xiftu 2an ya2xudhuu 2amti3at-ii fa-2anaa min-a l-xaasiriina.
6. If they had followed the way of the rightly-guided (one), they would have been shown the right way; but his words availed them not, and so they descended into the fire.
law-i ttaba3uu sabiila l-muhtadii la-htaduu, wa-laakinna qawla-hu lam yanfa3-hum, fa-nazaluu fii n-naari. (NB: The answer key uses sabiila l-mahdiiyi instead of ...l-muhtadii, again using a word that hasn't been taught.)

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Re: Serafín's Summer TAC (German, Arabic, Chinese)

Postby OldBoring » 2015-09-06, 23:08

Serafín wrote:信仰 xìnyǎng - to believe in (e.g. God 上帝)

I think it's more commonly used as a noun - so belief / faith (especially religious / ideological / philosophic).

Serafín wrote:术语 shùyǔ - term (synonym of 词语 word)

No. This means "technical / specialistic term".

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