Saim's blog 2014-2016

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Saim's blog 2014-2016

Postby Saim » 2014-04-16, 21:09

After a failed attempt at MSA because of lack of motivation, I'm ready to start doing Moroccan Arabic. I've been doing 1 hour of class a week (so far I've done two weeks) with a young Moroccan guy from a suburb near Barcelona. It's funny because after a month of studying Moroccan Arabic I feel like I already know more than I ever knew fusha, probably because I'm more interested in speaking and listening to languages than reading or writing them.

There are other languages I'm learning but they're all ones I already have some knowledge in or are closely related to ones I know and can learn very passively, so I'm not going to be talking about them here. This thread is reserved for Moroccan Arabic; Slavic, Romance and Indo-Aryan languages will be dealt with mostly passively and Hebrew I'm doing at university.

This week I covered one verse of this song with my teacher:

Dizzy Dros Cazafonia English translation

A mash-up of "Casablanca" and "California"


Yeah.. DIZZY DROS baby
3azzy 3ando Stylo 3aych bih
Black guy (very despective) has a pen, which he lives with
(Cazafonia dyalna dyalna) (x2)
Cazafonia is ours, ours

Verse I:

Yo, khiyagat w bling bling
? and bling bling
3azzy kharej zwine clean
Black guy comes out zwine clean
Ghber bzzaf daba khrej y7at kmmarto bin Twin
Lost a while ago, going to come out, drops his damn face
Chemch li darba katsakhan fl palm trees
Sun hits me you ? on the palm trees
w l7eddaya f'rass derb kanchoufkom mora l'pare brise
Hit the gossip in the head, we look at you behind the windshield
Wana, ga3ma 3a9el 3la bnadem ga3ma 3la bali
And I, don't care about them don't give a damn
Kantsara f Bine Lemdoune zan9a zan9a b7alla dyali
Walking around Bine Lemdoune, streets like my own
New Era foug rass tay7a jenb wl bandana
New Era on the head falls on the side and the bandana
3amrek gha t3raf 3lach 3amro ma kayti7 serwali [Nah]
You'll never know why he never drops his pants
F'had lmdina dyal sakht
In this city of rage
Koulchi Baghi Yjib nharo Ya b'chafra ya b'llaht
Everyone wants to make money, with the knife or with sweat
3andkom zhar
You all are lucky
Koun kanou 3andna frada kourra l7abss ghada tnod
If we had a gun there pressure would rise
Bin l7mar m3a lkhdar b7al l'Crips wl Bloods
Between red and green like the Crips and the Bloods
3wazza koulchi mora dahri mkali
All the blacks leaning/resting behind my back
Ghanjibou likom Cali ghan7attoha f'Caza yalla serbi bali
We're going to bring you calling going to give it in Caza, yeah let's do it
Chedd m3ana blastk f'had lblan gbel ma'ysali
Come/grab with us, your position in this plan, before it ends
Jib 3echrank koulchi ygoul b7ali
Bring your comrades, everyone says like me

Chorus: (x2)

We live Cazafonia
We die Cazafonia
Kandoro ga3 l9nat w ga3ma nfoutou CAZAFONIA
Cazafonia dyalna dyalna (Chnahwa)
Cazafonia dyalna dyalna

Verse II:

3amrek ghatchoufni ghadi
You'll never see me leave
Wast Cazafonia bla matchouf l3azzy 7daya b7alla haz m3aya hadi
In the middle of Cazafonia without looking at the black guy, like the side, bring this with me
Katchouf m3aya lfilm
Look at the film with me
3wazza kan classihom 1 2 3 goud kharej fihom
Black guys we classify them one two three, come on lets go after them
7essada 7aydo lhéh, w khouty nmout 7dahom
The envious get out of the way here, I die on my brothers' side
3echrani 3zaz 3liya walakin dima 7adi m3ahom
My valuable comrades ?, but always take care of them
Hadchi li zan9a 3almato lina
The streets teach us
Chefna fiha ktar ma chefna fel mdrassa
We saw more on it that at school
Walidina sem7o lina SAFI TFI
Have our fathers forgive us, this is over
Kelbi m3aya derbi m3aya
Dog with me, street with me
3ettaya finma mchity msaffine b7al se3aya
Amateur, wherever you go (msaffine) like a beggar
Ana, men lmdina lbeznassa kizattlok
I, from the city, to the weed dealers
Wla jaw l7nach 3ettaya ga3ma ki 3attlok
If the snakes (undercover cops) come, doesn't slow you down at all
Ana men lmdina li katchouf fiha l'Ferrari
I'm from the city, look on the Ferrari
7daha Porsche wraha Cadi Escalade w Maserati
Next to the Porsche is a Cadi Escalade and Maserati
Cazafonia, ka ttiry b7al lcanari
Cazafonia, you fly like a canary
jib m3ak chi la3ba dyalk 3azzy hada rah ganari
Bring something of yours, black guy is (ganari?)

Chorus: (x4)

Kandoro ga3 l9nat w ga3ma nfoutou CAZAFONIA
Cazafonia dyalna dyalna (Chahwa)
Cazafonia dyalna dyalna

Short story about Gandhi's shoes

[flag=]ar-MA[/flag] Ida ta7t lik ferda wa7da dyal sbat wala metalan da3t ghair wa7da, shno ghadi dir b'taniya? Ghandi wa7ad nhar kan keyjri b'zarba bash yel7aq b'attren, w attren kan demara. Umni ttla altren, ta7t men rajli ferda dyal sbat - huwa shef 9i9a, shed el farda taniya wa rmaha b'janb lola. 9aloli 3alach shefihom w 9al bghit dik faqir li ghadi yel9ahom b'zouj w ya9dar ystafd meno. "Ama ila bqut tghir wa7da f-ala ana w-ala huwa ghadi nstafdo."

[flag=]ca[/flag] Si et caigués una sabata, o per exemple en perdessis una, què faries amb la segona? Un dia en Gandhi corria amb pressa per agafar el tren. El tren havia arrencat. Quan va pujar al tren, li va caure una sabata dels peus - va mirar un moment, va agafar l'altra sabata i la va llençar. Li van preguntar per què, i els va mirar i els va explicar que volia que el pobre que la trobés en tingués dues per poder fer-les servir. "Però si en canvi n'hi hagués només una ni jo ni ell ens en benificiaríem."

[flag=]oc[/flag] Se foguesse tombada ta sabata, o per exemple ne perdèsses una, qué fariás ambé la segonda? Un dia Gandhi corriá ambé pressa per prene lo tren. Lo tren aviá arrancat. Quora pugèt al tren, tombèt sa sabata dels pès - agachèt un moment, prenguèt l'autra sabata i la lancèt. Li demandèron perqué, e los mirèt e diguèt que voliá que lo paubre que la trobèsse n'aguès doas per las poder emplegar. "Mas se per contra n'i aguès sonque una ni ieu ni el ens ne beneficiaram."

[flag=]es[/flag] Si se te cayera un zapato, o por ejemplo perdieras uno, qué harías con el segundo? Un dia Gandhi corría con prisa para coger el tren. El tren había arrancado. Cuando subió al tren, se le cayó un zapato de los pies - miró un momento, y cogió el otro zapato y lo tiró. Le preguntaron por qué, y los miró y dijo que quería que el pobre que lo encontrara tuviera dos zapatos para poder usarlos. "Pero si en cambio hubiera solo uno, ni yo ni él nos beneficiaríamos.

[flag=]en[/flag] If one of your shoes fell, or for example you lost one, what would you do with the second one? One day Gandhi was rushing to catch a train. The train had already started moving. When he got on the train, one of his shoes fell from his feet - he looked for a moment, then grabbed the other shoe and threw it away. When he was asked why, Gandhi just looked and explained that he wanted the poor man who'll find to have two so he could use them. "But if in contrast there was only one, neither he nor I would be able to benefit from it."
Last edited by Saim on 2016-05-09, 6:12, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim - Moroccan Arabic

Postby Saim » 2014-04-20, 19:32

Conditional sentences

Ila ja men b3ad, qulo/a dir li telefon.
Si ve després, que em truqui.

Ila shefto, ghadi nqulo liy.
Si el veig, l'hi dic.

Ila 9yreti mzyan had alam ghadi tentaql ljam3iya.
Si estudies molt enguany acabaràs anant a la universitat.

Ila mshiti lmktaba, jib li zouj dfatr.
Si vas a la llibreria, agafa'm dues llibretes.

Common regular verbs

shrab - beure - drink
l3ab - jugar - play
rrsam - dibuixar - draw
n3as - dormir - sleep
lbas - vestir-se - dress
glas - asseure's - sit down
dkhal/dkhul - entrar - go in
rja3 - tornar - return
tfarraj - mirar - watch
st3amal - fer servir - use
wsaff - detenir-se, aixecar-se - hold back, get up
wsal - arribar - arrive
sma3 - escoltar, sentir - listen, hear
3awal - ajudar - ask
sefat - enviar - send
ghasl - rentar-se - wash
tkalam - parlar, respondre quan criden el teu nom - speak, respond to someone calling your name

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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim - Moroccan Arabic

Postby Saim » 2014-04-21, 13:53

Attempts at forming sentences with regular verbs in past and present

Ila sharbt bazzaf de birra, ghadi nsker.
Ka nshrab 9a7wa 7lib kol sba7 9bal nwsaff.
Shal 7adi wsaffti had sba7?

Wash 3merrik l3abti al foot?
La, ma l3absh al foot.

Bejam3iya, ka nrrsam dayman fblast nsma3 li ustaad.
Shno rrsamti alyawm?

Ka nlbas 9bl ma nkhrej men addar.
Lbaso b’zarba 9bl as-spectacle.

Yusuf glas bekursi man ba3d galo lih “mar7ba ya Yusuf”.
Ila Yusuf yedkhul bdar ka n3araf ghadi yeglas b hadi kursi.

Kun kunt t3ta li stylo, kun nrja3 lik b3ad man al amt7an.
Ghadi nrja3 l bladi besh nshouf 3a’ilai.

Kan tfarraj at-television kul nhdar.
B: Huwwa khraj 9bl qiqa. A: Wash tfarrajto yekhraj? B: Ah.

Kan st3amalo stylo besh nktebo.
St3amalo tonobil dyali?

Sh7al hadi Fatima wsalat b’maktab?
Fatima ka yewsal dayman m3atl!
Ka tewsal dayman m3atl, ya Fatima...

Assad ma yesma3sh mussi9a rap, mashi 3ziz 3lih.
F lmadrassa dayman kunt tlmid mamzyansh, ma 3amri sma3t f l9isem.

Wash ghadi ta3walni?
3walto bzzaf mli khasni, ntuma nass mzyan.

Shno ghadi tesefat li sa7btak li 3id milad dyala?
Sefatna lik email f tnen.

Ghaslti rassek alyawm?
Ka nghasl rasi 9bal nsella 7it ana muslim.

Ya Ali! Salaam! Wash ma sma3sh? Tkalam!
Ma tkalamti mli 3ayt lik, 3alach?

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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim - Moroccan Arabic

Postby Saim » 2014-04-25, 16:56

Correcting sentences with regular verbs in past and present

Ila sharbt bazzaf de birra, ghadi nsker.
Ka nshrab 9a7wa 7lib kol sba7 9bal men b3ad [1] nwsaff nw9aff [2] faqt/nudt [3].
Shal 7adi wsaffti had sba7?

[1] After, not before.
[2] The root is w9aff, not wsaff.
[3] w9aff means to get up in general (Cat. aixecar-se). To get up in the morning, it is faq or nud (Cat. llevar-se).

Wash 3merrik l3abti al foot?
La, ma l3absh al foot. Better: La, 3amri l3abt al-foot [4]

[4] If you ask a question with "ever" it makes more sense to give the response with "never", although here I just wanted to practice the different tenses.

Bejam3iya, ka nrrsam dayman fblast nsma3 li ustaad.
Shno rrsamti alyawm yuma [5]?

[5] Alyawm is fus7a.

9bl ma nkhrej men addar ka nlbas 7waji
LbasoLabso 7wajkoum b’zarba 9bl as-spectacle.

[6] Lbas needs an object. In imperative it's labs and labso.

Yusuf glas bekursi man ba3d ma galo lih “mar7ba ya Yusuf”.
Ka n3araf, ila Yusuf yedkhul dkhal addar ka n3araf ghadi yeglas b hadi kursi.

Kun kunt t3ta li stylo, kun nrja3 lik b3ad man al amt7an.
Ghadi nrja3 l bladi besh nshouf 3a’ilai.

Kan tfarraj at-television kul nhdar.
B: Huwwa khraj 9bl qiqa Hadi d9i9a besh khraj. A: Wash tfarrajto yekhraj sheftih kharj? B: Ah.

Kan st3amalo stylo besh nktebo.
Wash st3amalo tonobil dyali?

Sh7al hadi Fatima besh wsalat Fatima b’maktab?
Fatima ka yewsal dayman m3atla!
Ka tewsali dayman m3atla, ya Fatima...

Assad ma kayesma3sh mussi9a rap, mashi 3ziza 3lih.
F lmadrassa dayman kunt tlmid mamzyansh, ma 3amri sma3t f l9isem mshi wa7d [7].

[7] l9isem is a classroom, not a class as in a lecture or lesson.

Wash ghadi ta3walnni?
3wanto bzzaf mli khasni 7tajt, ntuma nass mzyan.

Shno ghadi tesefat li sa7btak li 3id milad dyala?
Sefatna lik email f tnin.

Wash ghaslti rassek alyawm yuma? Better: Wash dwushti yuma?
Ka nghasl rasi 9bal ma nsellai 7it ana muslim.

YA Ali! Salaam! Wash ma sma3sh? Tkalam!
Ma tkalamti mli 3ayt lik, 3alach?

More verbs

ddkar - remember - enrecordar-se
7lam - dream - somniar
fkar f - remind - recordar-li, fer recordar
nji - come - venir
jni - run - córrer
nakul - eat - menjar
n3oum - bathe - banyar-se
sain - hunt, fish - caçar, pescar
sbak - paint - pintar
7far - dig - cavar
wjjd - prepare - preparar
tayib - cook - cuinar
bi3 - sell - vendre
shri - buy - comprar
kri - rent - llogar


far from - lluny de - bai3d man
near - a prop de - qrib man
next to - al costat de - bjanb
left - esquerra - laysar
right - liman
left-wing - esquerrà - ysari
right-wing - dretà - yamini
ahead - endavant - 9udan
behind, back - enrere - lor
behind - darrere de - mora
dakhl (inside, dins) =/= barra (outside, fora)
turn - girar - dor
again - de nou - 3awtani
straight - recte - nishan

post - correus - bosta
train station - estació de trens - lagar
bus station - estació d'autocars - ma7ta dyal kera
grocery store - queviures - n7anout
park - parc - jarda
pharmacy - farmàcia - farmasian
bar/café - bar/cafeteria - kawa
internet café - locutori - siber, teleboutik
hospital - hospital - sbetal
neighbourhood - barri - darb


1. phrases with new verbs
2. phrases asking for and explaining directions
3. essay on ash3ura
Last edited by Saim on 2014-05-01, 11:13, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim - Moroccan Arabic

Postby Saim » 2014-04-29, 14:47

Sentences with verbs

Ma ddkarsh shnoo ismu.
Dkart daba hadi d9i9a besh bda addrass, ana m3atl!

Ka n7lam 7ulm b7al walu kul leyla.
Ma n7lamtsh walu had leyla.

Fakrni f hadi khma, ma ddkharsh kifash f addarija...
Ma fakrt lek f addrass, nssit ana daiman.

Kaynji f addari kul nhar besh nshrabo atey bn3n3a.
Ma njitish bare7! 3alach?

Ka njri kul yum besh dir d'exercise.
Jriti besh yel7aq b'attaira? Wash f lekher l7aqti?

Wash ka tnakulo s7i7?
Yuma nakult bezzaf.

Ma n3oumtsh yuma, 7it ntli9 ri7a 9bi7a.
Khassek ten3oum bzaff de lmarrat ktar man qbal.

Ke ysbak, huwa artiste.
Bare7 sbakt sbaghat mzyanat.

Huwa 7far al9bar m3a 7uzn.
Ka n7far besh njbar dhab.

Bghi ntayib she 7aja jded. Nta shnoo ka t3araf ttayib?
Yuma tayibt rruz m3a l3dss w gheda ntayib pasta.

Shnoo ka tbi3o f had alma7al?
F al nhar dyal Sant Jordi, bi3t bzzaf d ward.

Ma baghi yeshri had addar, ke yfkar hiya ghali bzzaf.
Ma shritch walou b dik alma7al.


A: Wash ka t3araf feen al bost?
B: Ah, albost mashi b3id. 7na daba f sa7a Sant Jaume. Uwwal mshi nishan 7atta al ma7ta dyal metro, isma Jaume I. Men b3ad dor f aliman wa mshi 7ata tri9 'ajur. Dor f al liman w tamma ghadi teshouf albost.
A: Had ma7ta, hna?
B: Ah.
A: Shukran, beslamah.

A: Sme7 liya, feen aljarda la Ciutadella?
B: Mashi qrib, ka nkfar li khassek temshi f metro.
A: Wa feen al metro?
B: Al metro tamma, wash ka teshouf? Mora had albinaya alkabira, ken li sa7a saghira.
A: Shukran!
B: Tsanna, ghadi khassek tebaddal al ligne al metro. Tamma keyn li alligne alrab3a, wa khassek tekhraj w temshi alligne aluwwal mniin tel7aq al ma7ta Urquinaona. Man b3ad yekhraj men al ma7ta Arc de Triomf, w aljarda aljenb al Arc de Triomf.
A: Mzyan, beslamah.

A: Feen nmshio daba? Hadi bzzaf d waqt 7na ntmashao.
B: Alkawa mashi f addarb dyalna, khassna ntmashao shwiya.
A: W 3alach ma galtish 9bal?
B: Mashi muhim, daba nmashio. Ghir ghadi nmashio 9udan, 7atta dik altri9. Men b3ad, ghadi ndoro0 f allaysar w nmshio 7atta altri9 al'ujra. Men b3ad, ghadi ndoro f alliman w nmshio 7atta sa7a kabira, w 'iwa ntmashao rb3a dqiq ktar. Mashi ma3a9ad!
A: Iyyeh...


Ashura nhar muhim f al Maghrib. Al mgharba y3iyyedoto f alnhar al ashra dyal al mu7arram. Ken li bzzaf d 7arraqiyat w 3afyat. Al weeldin yatwassalo aljouet besh yla3bo. Annas ka yshrao 7atta bnader w ka yghanao w ka yshta7o. Al weeldin yarmio maa 3la annas. Almagharba ymshio lmqaber besh yashraffo al mawta. F lajjar ydiro zakat, y3ani yattio ashra bilmiya man alfloos dyalhom li almsaken.

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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim - Moroccan Arabic

Postby Saim » 2014-05-05, 7:30

Corrected sentences with verbs

Ma ddkarsh shnoo ismu.
Dkart daba hadi d9i9a besh bda addrass, ana m3atl!

Ka n7lam nafss al-7ulm b7al walu kul alleyla.
Ma n7lamtsh walu had leyla.

Fakrni f hadi kilma, ma nddkharsh kifash f addarija...
Ma fakrt lek fkarteksh f addrass, nssit ana daiman 7it ana ka nassa daiman.

Kay ji addari kul nhar besh nshrabo atey bn3n3a.
Ma jitish bare7! 3alach?

Ka njri kul yum besh dir l'exercise.
Jriti besh tel7aq b'attayara? Wash f lakher l7aqti biha?

Wash ka takulo s7i7iya?
Yuma nakult klit bezzaf.

Ma 3amtsh yuma, 7it wa 3alih ntli9 ri7a 9bi7a. (Ma dousht)
Khassek te3oum bzaff de lmarrat, ktar man qbal.

Ke ysbak rrsam, huwa artiste.
Bare7 sbakt sbaghat rrsamt rrasm mzyanat/7weyn.

Huwa 7far al9bar m3a b'7uzn.
Ka n7far besh njbar dhab.

Bghi ntayib she 7aja jded. Nta shnoo ka t3araf ttayib?
Yuma tayibt rruz m3a b'l3dss w gheda ntayib pasta/macaron.

Shnoo ka tbi3o f had alma7all?
F al nhar dyal Sant Jordi, bi3t bzzaf d l'ward.

Ma baghi yeshri had addar, ke yfkar hiya ghali bzzaf.
Ma shritch walou b dik alma7al.


A: Wash ka t3araf feen al bosta?
B: Ah, albosta mashi b3ida. 7na daba f sa7a Sant Jaume. Uwwal mshi nishan 7atta al ma7ta dyal metro, isma Jaume I. Men b3ad dor f aliman wa mshi 7ata attri9 l'akhur. Dor f al liman w tamma ghadi teshouf albosta.
A: Had ma7ta, hna?
B: Ah.
A: Shukran, beslamah.

A: Sme7 liya, feen aljarda dyal la Ciutadella?
B: Mashi qriba, ka nkfar ndan li khassek temshi f b'il metro.
A: Wa feen al metro?
B: Al metro tamma, wash ka tshouf? Mora had albinaya alkabira, kena li sa7a saghira.
A: Shukran!
B: Tsanna, ghadi khassek tebaddal al ligne dyal al metro. Tamma keyn alligne alrab3a, wa khassek tekhraj w temshi alligne aluwwalwa7id mniin tel7aq al ma7ta dyal Urquinaona. Man b3ad yekhraj men al ma7ta Arc de Triomf, w aljarda raha aljenb al Arc de Triomf.
A: Mzyan, beslamah.

A: Feen ka nmshio daba? Hadi bzzaf d wa9t 7na ka ntmashao.
B: Alkahwa mashi f addarb dyalna, khassna ntmashao shwiya.
A: W 3alach ma gultish walu man 9bal? (gultash man 9bal)
B: Mashi muhim, daba nmshio. Ghir ghadi nmashio 9udam, 7atta l'dik ttri9. Men b3ad, ghadi ndoro f allaysar w nmshio 7atta attri9 al'ukhra. Men b3ad, ghadi ndoro f alliman w nmshio 7atta sa7a kabira, w 'iwa ntmashao rb3a dqiq wa7id rb3a sa3a ktar. Mashi ma3a9ad!
A: Yeh, daba nshoufo...


Ashura nhar muhim f al Maghrib. Al mgharba y3iyyedoto f alnhar al ashra dyal al mu7arram. Ken li bzzaf d 7arraqiyat w 3afyat lmish w ??. Al waldin ka yjibo aljouet besh drari sghar yla3bo. Annas ka yshrio 7atta bnader w ka yghanao w ka yshta7o. Addrari ka yarmio (ka yrsh3o) l'maa 3la annas. Almagharba ymshio lmqaber besh yasharffo (yezor) al mawta.

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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim - Moroccan Arabic

Postby dEhiN » 2014-05-08, 4:41

I like the story you posted about Gandhi's shoes - it makes total sense! And I think it's cool that you can post it in several langs.

What's with the numbers in the romanization of MA? What do they signify?
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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim - Moroccan Arabic

Postby Saim » 2014-05-08, 8:49

dEhiN wrote:I like the story you posted about Gandhi's shoes - it makes total sense! And I think it's cool that you can post it in several langs.

Hehe thanks. The story was actually originally dictated to me to my Moroccan exchange partner, whom I teach English. He also vaguely translated it after saying it, so I wrote it in Catalan on the side and then translated it to Spanish and Occitan afterwards. The Occitan especially is probably riddled with errors. :lol:

What's with the numbers in the romanization of MA? What do they signify?

There are two kinds of romanisation, academic and colloquial;

academic/IPA = colloquial = Arabic script
q = 9 = ق
ħ = 7 = ح
ʕ = 3 = ع

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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim - Moroccan Arabic

Postby Saim » 2014-05-23, 20:14

Traducció al català de lghorba de Muslim

[flag=]ar-MA[/flag]Jbartini ka n'3ayt n'blad.
Twa7asht l'walidin, a l'khawa..
Khoti, w drari dl 7awma..
L'ghorba mel3óuna, rak 3aref..
T'békki li 3omro ma bka.
7ta nta 3ayt n'7bàb al khawa..
Ma tensashi. L'3ézz!

[flag=]ca[/flag] M'has trobat trucant el país,
He trobat a faltar als pares, germà meu,
Els meus germans i els fills del barri,
Maleït estranger, ja saps,
Fas plorar com ell que mai ha plorat,
No te'n oblidis! Visca/orgull![1]

[1] [i]Estranger
en el sentit de lloc - a l'estranger.

[flag=]ar-MA[/flag] Kif 7àlek a yémma..
twà7eshtek bezaf..
Twa7esht netkhébba f'7ódnek melli men dónya n'khaf.
Ana f lghorba blà bik ma f'7alti ma yetshàf.
Ba3d ssa3at ka n'mél w yétla3 f rasi zz3af..
Ka n'tménna n'shodd 3àyni, nefte7a njbar rasi 7dak!
Na9asni ghir jna7, w nwéli ntir f smàk.
Ma 9tà3tshi l'b7ar, bash n9ol ma 3andi zhar.
3títkom b dhàr bash nerja3 b wéjhi 7mar!
Jít n'blàd nnas bash nekhdem, w nedmér.
Drabt tri9 twíla w mel·li 3tàsht shrabt l mérr!

[flag=]ca[/flag] Com estàs mama,
T'he trobat molt a faltar,
He trobat a faltar com m'amagava dins de la teva abraçada quan tenia por del món,
Sóc a l'estranger sense tu, estic fatal[2],
A vegades me n'afarto i m'emprenyo,
Desitjo tancar-me els ulls, obrir-los i trobar-me a prop teu,
Només em manquen ales, i convertir-me i volar al teu cel,
No vaig creuar el mar per dir que no tinc sort,
No vaig donar-vos l'esquena per tenir la cara vermella,
Vaig venir al país estranger per treballar,
Vaig recórrer el camí llarg i quan tenia set vaig beure la còlera!

[2] Literalment: al meu estat res per veure.

3omro l'khatwa f tre9i kanet gher shber..
Shber, mor shber, ban l'7olm kbér!
Da7it bel madi bash net dàmman ne l'mosta9bal.
Jma3t la3tor w khel·lit l'ward yédbal..
Mgharrab, bel b7ar mzarrab..Grib
w fato snín w ma b9ali walo n'9arrab..

L'ghorba, mel3óna..
t'békki li 3omro mà bkà..
Mel3óna, t'mélkek; ma tmélka!(x2)

Kont tala3 far7an, 3andi l'3à2ila fel ghorba..
Gher wsàlt mshit n'télefon b zérba..
W b9ít ka n'3àyyat w kol marra kédba..
Tsalàw leflous w n3àst ghir fel khérba.
L'ghórba kélba, w bezzéz mén·ni n'7élba..
3arrit 3la drà3ii w khrojt bash netkàrfes..
Khdémt f kolshi w 3la nàfsi ka na3fés.
Dowézt lyàli f znà9i bàrda..
Ma stàmtshi fel khàwi, wakha l'khàwya wajda!
Jit bash n'kàfe7! Mashi bash n'díya3 3omri (jrad w m....)
L'3màr ghàli, w khésso yemshi fel khali..
W l'7olm li f'bali.. Nérja3 ne blàdi w ne l'walidin dialy..
Rasi 3ali.
W Jibi mkàli.

L'ghorba, mel3óna..
t'békki li 3omro mà bkà..
Mel3óna, t'mélkek; ma tmélka!(x2)

Ida n'9ólek a yémma kif idóz nhàr l3íd..
Kamlin mejmó3in w ghir ana li b3íd..
Dém3a f khàddi w gàles w7íd..
L'ghórba mérra w f'Ramadan kat zíd..
Ma b9àli 9éd ma fàt w n'3àddel l'wra9.
3atjbàrni 7dàk w m3àk 9bél ma shéms t'shra9..
Nhar rjó3i ka n'7éss bih 9riib.
Baghi neghrà9 f'rdàk w f'7ódnek n'ghíb.

F blàd nnas 3ayésh ghríb berràni..
Ta3m l'ghórba 3omro ye7là fe lsàni..
W 9ríb nérja3 a yémma tsénnani!(x2)

L'ghorba, mel3óna..
t'békki li 3omro mà bkà..
Mel3óna, t'mélkek; ma tmélka!(x2)

Drari del ghórba, salamo 3alékom.
Jib l'3éz wéla k7éz, wash bíkom?!
W had leblàd rakom 3àrfin sérra..
Jib l'3éz wella k7éz al khawa dialy..
3làsh rak mghàrrb?! 9oli shéni baghi t'jarreb?!

L'ghorba, mel3óna..
t'békki li 3omro mà bkà..
Mel3óna, t'mélkek; ma tmélka!(x2)

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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim - Moroccan Arabic

Postby Saim » 2014-06-23, 16:03

I am putting Moroccan on hold for the summer, because I am doing an intensive Hebrew course in Barcelona in July, and will then go to Poland for all of August and then Serbia until mid-September. So this summer I'm focusing on [flag=]pl[/flag][flag=]sr[/flag][flag=]he[/flag] and dabbling in [flag=]uk[/flag]. Moroccan will have to wait until mid-September. I think this is a good plan because I need to get a better level of the two languages I'm studying at university to be able to dedicated more time to other languages, especially Hebrew which can get quite drawn out and difficult if you don't focus on it exclusively.

Then if all goes well I'd hope to get decently conversational Moroccan Arabic.

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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim - Moroccan Arabic

Postby dEhiN » 2014-06-23, 18:22

Which langs are you studying at uni - Hebrew and? Also are you worried that you'll forget your Moroccan by focusing on Hebrew, Serbo-Croatian, and Polish (with a bit of Ukrainian)? Or do you plan to keep up some Moroccan at the same time? I guess it all depends on what level you consider yourself to be at in Moroccan.
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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim - Moroccan Arabic

Postby Saim » 2014-06-23, 18:59

I study Hebrew and Polish. As for Moroccan, unfortunately there isn't even much to forget at the moment, my knowledge of it is still pretty basic. The good news is that there's a certain passive understanding of a language that takes ages to go away, so even if I can't actively recall certain words I've learned it'll be fairly easy for me to recognise them and then reincorporate them into my active vocabulary once I do start to learn it actively again in september.

I was thinking about maybe leafing through my Moroccan Arabic phrasebook when I'm in Poland and Serbia but I'm not sure if I'll have much time given that I'll be on the Polish Summer School in Wroclaw and then connecting with family in Serbia. I definitely can't pursue it until I have an intermediate understanding of Hebrew, it's too difficult to work on two beginner languages with vocabulary very different to what you're used to at once (with Ukrainian on the other hand I can just jump straight into exposure and not have to break my head to try and understand it) especially if you're also toying around with a bunch of other languages. Next semester though (September to February) I do plan to make Moroccan Arabic (basic --> lower-intermediate) and Punjabi (lower-intermediate --> upper-intermediate) my main focuses.

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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim - Moroccan Arabic

Postby dEhiN » 2014-06-23, 21:04

I admire how you're able to put aside certain langs and focus on others for a period of time! I've frequently thought about doing the same, and have been recommended it by some of my friends. My biggest fear is that I'll forget what I've learned if I don't keep focusing on a lang. I found that to be the case already when I started re-learning French 3 years ago, and at the same time started learning Spanish for the first time. After doing both for a little bit, I found it difficult and dropped Spanish to focus only on French. But when I went back to Spanish, I had forgotten a fair amount of what I learned.
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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim - Moroccan Arabic

Postby Saim » 2014-06-23, 21:24

I find that that really depends on how far you get into the language. In my last year of high school I spent a lot of my free time learning Dutch and then went to the Netherlands for a week, but I haven't been learning it actively since then. I've kept listening to music in it (which was my original motivation anyway) and I practice a bit whenever a happen to meet a Dutch guy or a Fleming or find something interesting to read somewhere on the internet, but I haven't been doing much to go out of my way to actually progress in it. My spoken production has atrophied a bit but I haven't stopped being able to understand fairly well, that's even very slowly but steadily gotten better I think.

In my experience I wouldn't deal with more than one beginner-level language at a time, I find it gets too confusing and frustrating. At the intermediate level (or at the beginner level if there's a degree of mutual intelligiblity with a language you're already advanced in) you can kind of just relax to a large extent and just read, listen, chat, live the language as it's supposed to be lived and not look over and over verb tables, not have to hammer away at Wikipedia pages with a dictionary looking up every third word, etc. Had I not learned my languages at least somewhat sequentially I don't think I would've gotten anywhere, although of course everyone has their own style. I could probably stand to learn these languages even more sequentially but then I would worry about missing chances to practice them, get exposure, and so on - Maghrebi Arabic I would've put off until actually going to Morocco if it wasn't for the fact that I know lots of speakers in Barcelona.

TL;DR version: once you're already at an intermediate level of a language it's difficult to lose passive understanding of it, and when you're at a basic level it's easier to burn out and give up.

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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim - Moroccan Arabic

Postby dEhiN » 2014-06-23, 22:32

Saim wrote:TL;DR version: once you're already at an intermediate level of a language it's difficult to lose passive understanding of it, and when you're at a basic level it's easier to burn out and give up.

TL;DR?? Qu'est-ce que c'est?
Last edited by dEhiN on 2014-06-24, 2:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim - Moroccan Arabic

Postby vijayjohn » 2014-06-23, 23:07

dEhiN wrote:TL;DR?? Qu'est-ce que c'est?

Too Long; Didn't Read

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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim

Postby Saim » 2014-07-21, 8:21

So the whole thing with Slovene and Ukrainian isn't really just dabbling anymore. This summer I'm doing:


I'll be in Poland all of August in a Polish summer school, but I hope that I'll have time to at least maintain my weekly diaries that I've been writing ([flag=]uk[/flag]: viewtopic.php?f=77&t=43401, [flag=]he[/flag]: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=42876, [flag=]sl[/flag]: viewtopic.php?f=66&t=43416). In terms of spoken practice, going to Ukraine is no longer very likely (my Ukrainian-origin friend from university is too scared to go their now), but there will probably be Ukrainians on the Polish course so I'll try and practice a bit. I doubt there will be any Israelis, but who knows. :lol:

After the course I'll see how I'm feeling, but I'd like to improve some of my intermediate languages so I'm more comfortable in them and edge towards a more advanced level. These would be Portuguese, Punjabi, Hebrew and Dutch, the latter of which I've shamefully neglected over the past two years. The only problem is I'm not sure where I'll fit in the Moroccan Arabic (especially since I'd like to keep going with the Slovene and Ukrainian), but I guess I'll figure something out.

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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim

Postby Saim » 2014-09-17, 19:17

Moje priorytety się trochę zmieniły.

Pierwszy priorytet:

Muszę nauczyć się pandżabskiego bo pojadę do Pandżabu jeszcze raz około Bożego Narodzeniu. Już go znam, ale chiałbym mówić bardzo dobrze (poziom B2). Też muszę kontynuować z hebrajskim, bo go studiuję a ostatnio się dużo posunąłem naprzód i nie chcę zgubić tego postępu. Znaję dużo ludzi z Maroku i chcę nauczyć się ich języku - marokański jest trudny dla mnie, więc powinien być pierwszym priorytetem - inaczej nie będę się go nigdy nauczyć.

Drugi priorytet:
(jeszcze nie znam): [flag=]uk[/flag][flag=]it[/flag]
(już znam): [flag=]pt[/flag][flag=]nl[/flag][flag=]oc[/flag]

Pojadę do Pisy i Luky na jeden weekend w listopadzie, więc muszę korzystać z tej okazji, żeby się nauczyć włoskiego. Ale trzeba też wspomnieć, że włoski jest dość łatwy język dla mnie (bo jest podobny do katalońskiego i oksitańskiego) - dlatego jest znaczony jako drugi priorytet a nie pierwszy. Mam też koleżanki, które mówią po ukraińsku i chcę umieć rozmawiać z nimi po ich języku. I muszę przestać być w stagnacji w sprawie mojego poziomu portugalskiego i holanderskiego.

D'occitan ne farái un cors amb lo CAOC.

Trzeczy priorytet:

Chę się przyzwyczaić do tych języków, żeby ich rozumieć, a póżniej zacznę się ich poważne uczyć.
Last edited by Saim on 2014-10-26, 17:43, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim

Postby Saim » 2014-10-17, 12:40

[flag=]ar-MA[/flag] Marokański arabski [flag=]ar-MA[/flag]

Marokańskiego będę się póżniej uczyć, bo chłopak z którym robiłem wymianę ostatnio nie ma za dużo czasu, a ja też będę mieć więcej czasu w drugim semestrze (w tym semestrze chodzę na 7 zajęć, w drugim tylko będę chodzić na 5 zajęć). Teraz myśle, że warto skoncentrować na mniejszą liczbę języków, żeby się co szybciej nauczyć.

Cel: B1 przed latem

Pandżabski i urdu [flag=]ur[/flag]

Pandżabski dobrze idzie, ale muszę się szybciej uczyć bo niezadługo pojadę do Pakistanu. Też zacząłem wskrzesić swój urdu, żeby zkorzystać z okazji go ćwiczyć w Islamabadzie. Choć nie lubie tego, że Pandżabczycy myślą, że język pandżabski jest mniej wartościowy niż urdu myśle, że każdy język to bogactwo i muszę zkorzystać z okazji znać urdu pomimo jego roly polytycznej. Uważam, że warto nauczyć się rozróżniać te dwa języki, bo najpierw zacząłem uczyć się urdu i jeszcze mam interfencji z urdu kiedy mówię po pandżabsku.

Cel: B2 kiedy wrocę z Pandżabu

[flag=]it[/flag][flag=]it[/flag]Romańskie języki[flag=]nap[/flag][flag=]pt[/flag]

Co się włoskiego tyczy, nie mam problemów. To jest łatwy język, a już dużo rozumiem (ponad 80%). Trochę się boię, że będę zapomnieć portugalski, ale to się ułatwia ćwiczeniem. Myślę, że będę gotowy na używanie języka włoskiego jak tam pojadę, a jak wrocę będę próbować rozróżniać portugalski od włoskiego. Już zacząłem trochę poćwiczyć portugalski, ale kiedy wrocę z Włoch będę to częsciej robić.

Z względu tego myśle, że byłoby dobrze przestać uczyć się napolitańskiego teraz, a zacząć znów jak wrocę z Włoch. Tak będę lepiej przytrzymał i rozróżniał te trzy romańskie języki, których zacząłem się uczyć ale nie znam tak dobrze jak kataloński i hiszpański.

Oksitański też dobrze idę, bo przez cały rok będę chodzić na lekcje tego języka, gdzie będę móc mówić po oksitańsku a nie tylko słuchać, czytać i pisać.

Cel: B1 kiedy wrocę z Włoch (it), utrzymać (pt), B2 po kursie (oc)


Ukraiński dobrze idzie, uczę się powoli ale to nie wielki problem dla mnie. Myślę, że gdybym mieszkał dłużej w Polsce i opanował język polski, byłoby łatwiej nauczyć się innych słowiański języków jak na przykład ukraiński (tak jak z włoskim, portugalskim, oksitańskim itd. przez kataloński i hiszpański). Dlatego myślę, że nie będę móc nauczyć się ukraińskiego tutaj, ale mogę go powoli przyswajać, żeby się bardzo szybko nauczyć jak mieszkam dlużej w Serbii albo w Polsce. W ten sposób zacząłem się uczyć portugalskiego i włoskiego - na początku tylko pasywnie uczyłem, a to długo robiłem, tak długo, że teraz bardzo mi łatwo nauczyć się mówić też. A teraz jeśli poznam ukraińców, mogą mówić po ich języku ze mną i będę rozumieć, więc z tą podstawą której się nauczyłem jestem gotowy jak znajdę okazji używać ukraińskiego.

Cel: B1 po lecie


Nie robiłem tego, co miałem robić - często uczyć się hebrajskiego. W każdy weekend mam lekcję hebrajskiego przez Skype, ale muszę więcej czytać i słuchać poza tym lekcjami. Myślałem, że może warto się zarejestrować na "", to jest taki czytelnik hebrajski z uproszczonymi artykulami, ale prawdopodobne to za drogo. Uważam, że najważniejszym elementem nauki języków to stworzenie dobrych nawyków; nie trzeba tracić za dużo pieniędzy.

Cel: B2 przed latem


Ach, nie robiłem prawie nic. Tylko zacząłem znów sluchać muzyki po holandersku, bo rok temu często słuchałem ale ostatnio przestałem. Tak będę co najmniej słuchać języku i tak nie zgubić wszystkiego, czego się nauczyłem.

Cel: Utrzymać


Nowy cel: robić coś do nauki hebrajskiego i pandżabskiego na co dzień. Jak już mówiłem, udana nauka języków opiera się na dobre nawyki. Innych języków będę się uczyć kiedy mam czas, ale hebrajski i pandżabski to teraz priorytet.

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Re: TAC 2014 - Saim

Postby voron » 2014-10-20, 8:24

Samo sam hteo da kažem da čitam tvoje postove redovno i radujem se tvojim uspesima. Samo napred!

żeby zkorzystać z okazji go ćwiczyć w Islamabadzie

muszę zkorzystać z okazji znać urdu

Nisam siguran, ali čini mi se da se ne koristi glagol po izrazu "z okazji", nego samo imenica.

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