Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-10-08, 13:35

(et) = Estonian language from (et) Estonia:

(et) kultuurkiht cultural layer, occupational earth, occupational debris; deposit of material remains that accumulates over time at an archaeological site
kultuurkiht = kultuurikiht (-kihi, -kihti) inimese otsese tegevuse tagajärjel või kaasmõjul tekkinud (materiaalse kultuuri jäänuseid sisaldav) pinnasekiht kinnismuististel; inimtekkeline kiht
Tsässona ümber on asula kultuurkiht ja pinnases leidub savinõukilde.
The area around the village chapel is an archaeological site and pottery shards can be found in the soil.

(et) kodu-uurija local historian, local researcher
kodu-uurija = koduuurija (-, -t) = koduloolane (-lase, -last) kodu-uurimisega tegelev isik; kodulooga tegelev inimene, koduloo uurija
kodu-uurimine = koduuurimine (-mise, -mist) väikese piirkonna kultuuri, ajaloo, looduse vms uurimine inimese poolt, kes on selle kohaga seotud (Eng. 'local research')
kodulugu (-loo, -lugu) valdkond, mille sisuks on väikese piirkonna (sageli uurija kodukoha) kultuuri, ajaloo, looduse vms uurimine (Eng. 'local history')

Kodu-uurija Mihhail Lašin on kirja pannud järgmise legendi: väidetavalt seisis rist sellel kohal enne tsässona ehitamist. [...]
The local historian Mikhail Lashin has recorded the following legend: supposedly the cross stood at in this location before the village chapel was built. [...]

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-10-08, 14:59

(es) = Spanish language from a book published in (es) Spain:

(es) efectivo troops, forces
efectivo número de individuos que tiene una unidad militar, en contraposición con la plantilla que le corresponde; totalidad de las fuerzas militares o similares que se hallan bajo un solo mando o reciben una misión conjunta
Un efectivo relativamente pequeño podría defenderla.
A relatively small number of troops could defend it.

(es) salvedad exception, caveat
salvedad razonamiento o advertencia que se emplea como excusa, descargo, limitación o cortapisa de lo que se va a decir o hacer; nota por la cual se salva una enmienda en un documento
Aprobó el nuevo plan con una salvedad.
He approved the new plan with one caveat.

(es) ardid scheme, ruse
ardid artificio, medio empleado hábil y mañosamente para el logro de algún intento
I've listed this word before, here, from a couple of years ago.
Se trataba de un ardid para negar su implicación en la invasión planeada.
It had to do with a scheme to deny their involvement in the planned invasion.

(es) tesitura circumstances, situation
tesitura circunstancia, situación o coyuntura
Al reservarse la información, ellos le habían puesto en la tesitura de mentir ante el público.
By withholding the information, they had put him in the position of lying to the public.

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-10-08, 20:23

= Seto dialect of (vro) Võro language from (et) Estonia:

(vro) kommõq (kombõ, kommõt) custom, practice, tradition, manners
kommõq komme; paikkonnale omane pärimuslik käitumisviis
from Proto-Finnic *kombëh
A kuna är kattõ taa kommõ, kuna taa [tsässon] är lagõsi?
When did that custom disappear, when it [the chapel] collapsed?

(vro) naata-s they (impersonal) begin, one begins, they (impers.) are going to
naatas = naata-s hakatakse
nakkama/nakama (naadaq/nakadaq, nakass/nakkass, nakaśs/naaśs) hakkama
Naata-s käümä ka'. Noorõ' naka-s jo ristiusku tiidmä.
They're starting to go too. The youth are already starting to know Christianity.

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-10-09, 13:07

(vro) kadinits Orthodox-style metal censer foto
kadinits (-nitsa, -.nitsa) = kadila (-, -t) õigeusu teenistuste ja talitustel kasutatav viirukisuitsuti.
kaditama (kaditaq, kadita/kadida) to burn incense
kaditama viirukit suitsetama
(et) viirukisuitsuti = suitsuti = viirukipann = kadiilia censer
suitsuti metallnõu viiruki suitsutamiseks jumalateenistusel vm
kadiilia metallist anum viiruki liturgiliseks suitsutamiseks

Etymologies: suitsuti is from Proto-Finnic *suiccu 'smoke'. Kadiilia and kadila are from Russian кадило 'censer'; kadinits is from Russian кадильница 'censer'. The Russian words can be traced to Proto-Slavic *kaditi 'to burn incense', with an unclear origin but possibly related to Old Prussian kadegis 'juniper' and Lithuanian kadagys 'juniper', which is related to Estonian kadakas 'juniper', Võro katai 'juniper', and Proto-Finnic *kataga 'juniper'. It isn't known whether the Baltic languages borrowed the word from Proto-Finnic or vice versa.
(et) Enne ei hakatud rukist külvamagi, kui papp oli tsässona juures palunud ja külvi õnnistanud, kadinits oli ka ikka kaasas, mis siis suitses.
They didn't start to plant the rye until the priest had prayed at the village chapel and blessed the sowing, and he always brought the smoking censer along.

(vro) laadan incense, frankincense
laadan = laadon = laadun (-a, -at) viirugipuuvaik
(et) viiruk (-i, -it) incense, frankincense
viiruk viirukipuult (vm taimelt) saadav looduslik vaik, mida kasutatakse nt usutalitustel lõhnava suitsu saamiseks; mõnikord nimetatakse viirukiks ka muid põletatavaid lõhnaaineid
Etymologies: viiruk from Low German (wīhrouh, 'holy smoke'; Weihrauch in modern German); laadan, laadon and laadun from Russian ладан, earlier Slavic ладанъ and Greek λάδανον 'gum resin'.
(vro) Kerikust tuudi laadanat, tuugaq savvutõdi.
Incense was brought from the church, and they censed with it.
(standardized Võro)

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-10-10, 14:55

(vro) av́tama (av́taq, av́t) to help
av́tama = avitamma = avitama (avitaq, avitass) = autama (-taq, -da) abistama, abiks olema, aitama; abi osutama, toetama
Etymology: from Proto-Finnic *abittadak
Pühäne om Prohvet Eelija, usuti, õt tä avtas loodusjoudõ üle.
The patron saint is the Prophet Elijah, who it was believed helps overcome the forces of nature.
The avitama map includes avitamma, avvitama, aabitama and aavitama.
The autama map includes autamma and avtama.

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-10-12, 19:23

(vro) no'ke even now
noq = no' nüüd
Sinnä viide inne ja viiäs no'ke viil jaanipääväh piim tsässonahe.
They brought and even now still bring milk to the chapel on St. John's Day.

Linguaphile wrote:(vro) määne (määntse/mändse, määnest) what, some, some kind of
määne (määness, määndene) milline, missugune, mingi, mingisugune
määne = määness, määndene, määress, määres, määre, määräne

Linguaphile wrote:(vro) sändne (sändse) such
sääne (sääntse, säänest) selline, niisugune, säärane
sändne = sääne, säändene, säändäne

—Kas oli määnseidki säänseid asju, mida ei tohtinud teha tsässovna ümber või säänseid asju ei olo', tohi-i tetä?
—No nõukogude ajal ei tohtinud preestrit tuua...

"Were there some sort of things that were not permitted to do around the chapel, or were there no such things that weren't permitted?"
"Well during Soviet times it wasn't permitted to bring the priest...."

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-10-13, 16:24

(vro) ussaia (genitive of ussaid) front yard
ussaid taraga piiratud ukseesine õu
Minu ussaia iih nakati kaivama.
In front of my front yard they started to dig.
This word is a funny false cognate with Estonian. In the genitive form, as it is used in the sentence, ussaia looks like Estonian uss+aia which would be the genitive of uss+aed theoretically meaning "worm garden" or "snake garden", which sounds fairly reasonable if not a bit creepy (or Biblical, perhaps). But actually the standard written Estonian equivalent of Võro ussaid is ukseaed (ukse+aed, genitive ukseaia), "door garden", the fenced area outside one's door (and in Võro the theoretical garden of snakes would be hussaid, genitive hussaia, rather than ussaid).

(vro) ruudsüld square fathom, square sazhen (unit of measure equivalent to 49 square feet)
ruudsüld ruutsüld (1 ruutsüld = 9 ruutarssinat = 49 ruutjalga = 4,552 ruutmeetrit)
süld endisaegne pikkusühik (algselt kõrvalesirutatud käte vahemaa), umbes 2,13 m ehk 3 arssinat ehk 7 jalga ehk 4 küünart

Naksi' edesi kaivma, vast puultõist ruudsüld, es lövvä midägi.
They kept on digging, maybe seven square meters, but didn't find anything.
(The ruutsüld as a unit of measurement wasn't officially used in Estonia after 1929 when they switched over to the metric system, but the example sentence is from twenty years after that, used by a person born in 1894 who was still accustomed to using the older measurements.)

(vro) paamätnik memorial, monument
paamätnik ausammas, mälestis, mälestussammas, mälestusmärk
(ru) памятник memorial, monument, statue
Mäe otsah om paamätnik kivest tett.
At the top of the hill there is a monument made of stone.
This word is used in one of the books that I'm reading, but I can't find it (or any translation of it) in any of the Võro, Seto or Estonian dictionaries or used at all on the web. It seems to be a Russian word used in a Seto sentence, but I thought the same about pominani initially and then yesterday while looking for paamätnik I happened to come across an entry for pomminanja in the Seto Eripäraste Sõnade Sõnaraamat dictionary! I missed it initially because of the different spelling and declension pattern. So maybe something like that is happening with paamätnik, maybe it is used as a Seto word elsewhere besides this one source but spelled differently. If so I haven't found it. With this spelling, it's not in dictionaries, corpora or the internet anywhere, but it's clearly from Russian памятник.

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-10-14, 13:01

(et) puhvertsoon
puhvertsoon = puhvervöönd ala, mis toimib vaenupoolte vahendajana või kahjulike mõjude leevendaja või summutajana
Etymology: an obvious loanword, probably from Swedish 'buffertzon' or German 'Pufferzone'.
Setod, kes on pidanud elama ja elavad praegugi piltlikult kahe maailma vahel, on nagu puhvertsoonis.
The Setos, who have had to live and live even now figuratively between two worlds, are as if in a buffer zone.

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-10-19, 5:49

(et) ristikheinalehekujuline shaped like a clover, cloverleaf[-shaped], trefoil, quatrefoil
the three-leafed meaning is primary; the four-leafed meaning is also sometimes used by extension
ristikheinaleht ristiku kolmeosaline leht (sageli sümbolina), ristikuleht
variations: ristikulehekujuline, ristikheinakujuline, ristikheinalehe kujuline
puidust ümarate, nn ristikheinalehekujuliste otstega õigeusu rist
a wooden Orthodox cross with rounded so-called cloverleaf ends

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-10-24, 0:57

(vro) hällüplat́s (-i,`-i) swinging ground; flat raised area where people gather to swing (photo)
hällüplats kiigeplats; lage (kõrgem) koht, kuhu kogunetakse kiikuma
häll (-ü, `-ü) kiik; häll, kätki, swing, cradle
Kirikust kodudesse tagasi jõudes kostitati pühi pidama tulnud sugulasi ning mindi üheskoos tsässona läheduses asuvate hällüplatsile külakokko.
When they arrived home from the church, they offered food to the relatives who had come to celebrate and they went together to the village swinging ground near the chapel.

(et) suikuma (lit.) sleep, doze, slumber; (fig.) to abate, die off
suikuma uinuma; tukkuma, magama; (pilt.) vaibuma, rahunema, soikuma
Peale seda suikus ka Kuigõ küla kirmask.
After that the Kuigõ village celebration died off.

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-10-24, 15:15

(es-MX) tzoalli amaranth seed masa, sweet dough made from amaranth seeds and agave syrup, formed into shapes to represent deities or other figures; used in ceremonies [photo, photo]
→In Spanish the figures made from this dough are called alegrías.
tzoalli masa de semillas de amaranto y miel de maguey que se utilizaba para elaborar imágenes de las divinidades
from Nahuatl; pronounced /tsoáli/
Regional variations of the word in Mexican Spanish: chuale, chual, xual, sual, tzoali (but, in some regions chuales means chacales, a soup made of dry corn, instead of amaranth dough)
Regional variations of the word in Nahuatl: tzohualli, tzohoalli

Durante la fiesta de Tepeilhuitl, por ejemplo, se hacían imágenes de montes de pasta de tzoalli.
During the festival of Tepeilhuitl, for example, they made figures of mountains from amaranth paste.

(es) responso funeral oration, prayer for the dead
responso responsorio que, separado del rezo, se dice por los difuntos
responsorio en el rezo, serie de preces y versículos que se dicen después de las lecciones en los maitines y después de las capítulas de otras horas
preces versículos tomados de la Sagrada Escritura y oraciones destinadas por la Iglesia para pedir a Dios socorro en las necesidades públicas o particulares; ruegos, súplicas

recitando responsos y Salve Reginas
reciting funeral prayers and Hail Holy Queens

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-10-27, 17:35

(vro) pinikuuť (-kuudi, kuuti) doghouse, kennel
pinikuuť koerakuut, koeraputka
Uja veereh olľ tulba otsah... üts tilľokõnõ, nii suurukõnõ.... Tett nii säne pinikuudikõnõ vai vähämbäkene.
At the edge of the stream it was on top of a pillar... a tiny one, this big.... Made like a little dog house, or smaller.

(vro) päävänõsõng (-u, -ut) sunrise; east
päävänõsõng päikesetõus; ida
nõsõng = nõsõḱ (-gi, -kit) tõus, tõusmine

Paar versta maad Miiksest päävänõsõngu poolõ om Pelsi külä.
Pelsi village is a couple of kilometers east of Miikse.

(vro) tannoḿ (tanoma, tanomat) road fenced on either side for driving livestock; village road that goes between houses
tannoḿ taraga piiratud karjatee; tanum, küla majadevaheline tee
[Kivi om] umbõst 1½ arssina pikk ja arssina lai, küla tanomide lähkoh talomehe aidveereh.
[The stone] is about an arshin and a half long and an arshin wide, near the village roads at the edge of a farmer's fence.

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-10-27, 19:22

(es) relevar to take turns, take over for, stand in for, substitute, relieve
relevar sustituir a personas, animales o cosas en algún servicio o función; mudar un centinela o cuerpo de tropa que da una guardia o guarnece un puesto
La gente se va relevando ante la mesa de las ofrenda para cantar las oraciones con un fervor que no decaerá hasta la mañana siguiente.
People take turns standing in front of the altar table to sing prayers with a fervor that won't diminish until the next morning.

(es) voces blancas treble voices, children's voices
voz blanca voz infantil; voz musical de los niños antes de su pubertad
Toda la familia canta, acompañada por el armonio; voces blancas, voces bajas, siempre afinadas.
The whole family sings, accompanied by the harmonium: children's voices and deep voices, always in harmony.

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-10-30, 1:36

(es) hojaldres puff pastry (photo)
hojaldre = hojalde masa de harina con manteca o mantequilla, muy sobada y que, al cocerse en el horno, forma muchas hojas delgadas superpuestas; dulce hecho con dicho masa
Etymology: Latin foliātilis (panis), '(bread) of leaves'

(es-mx) tesmole Mexican chicken stew with vegetables and corn dumplings (photo)
tesmole = texmole guiso de pollo con hortalizas y chochoyones
Etymology: Nahuatl textli 'ground maize dough' + Nahuatl mulli 'sauce'

(es-mx) tesgüino fermented beverage made from corn (photo 1, photo 2)
tesgüino = tecuín = tejuino bebida fermentada hecha de maíz
Tesgüino es la variante de Chihuahua; tejuino es la variante de Jalisco.
Etymology: Nahuatl tecuini 'heartbeat'

(es-mx) tenate palm basket (photo)
tenate canasta de palma
Etymology: Nahuatl tanatli 'palm basket'

(es-mx) pib Yucatan-style earth oven; tamal cooked in an earth oven (photo)
pib horno de tierra típico de la península de Yucatán; tamal cocinado en horno de tierra
The usage of the word to refer to the large tamal (see mucbipollo below) rather than the oven is incorrect, but widespread.
Etymology: Yucatec Mayan píib 'earth oven'

(es-mx) mucbipollo large tamal made with corn dough, chicken or pork, tomato, onion, chile, epazote, and black beans (photo, diagram)
mucbipollo = mukbil pollo = pibipollo = "pib" tamal de maíz, chile, pollo y cerdo, que se cocina solamente para el Día de Muertos (Hanal Pixan)
Etymology: Yucatec Maya mukbil 'buried' + Spanish pollo 'chicken'

(es-mx) xec citrus fruit and jicama salad with chile and cilantro (photo)
xec ensalada de frutas cítricas y jícama con chile y cilantro
Etymology: Yucatec Maya xe'ek 'mixture'

(es-mx) huacavaqui meat stew with chickpeas, corn, squash and green beans (photo 1, photo 2)
huacavaqui = guacavaque guiso de machaca con garbanzos, elote, calabaza, ejotes
Etymology: Yoreme and Yaqui guaacas 'cow' + baaque 'cooked, stew'

(es-mx) tapesti reed platform for candles (photo)
tapesti tarima de velas
Etymology: Yoreme and Yaqui tapéjtim 'reed platform, loft'

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-11-03, 17:37

(es) treno lament
treno canto fúnebre o lamentación por alguna calamidad o desgracia
La banda toca trenos emotivos y lentas marchas.
The band plays touching laments and slow marches.

(es) alabancero praiser, flatterer; in Mexico, also a ritual specialist and member of the lay clergy who sings praises, prayers and songs during prayer
alabancero lisonjero, adulador; en México, también es un especialista ritual y miembro de la clerecía secular que entona alabanzas, oraciones y otros cantos religiosos durante rezos
Las melancólicos cantos de los alabanceros, miembros de la muy respetada clerecía secular de Teotitlán, invitan a todos los presentes a disfrutar la dulce tristeza del momento.
The sorrowful songs of the alabanceros, members of the very respected lay clergy of Teotitlán, invite everyone present to enjoy the bittersweet moment.

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-11-04, 5:13

(vro) seenine (seenitse, seenist) entryway in a traditional Seto home (diagram)
seenine esik, eeskoda Setu traditsioonilises elumajas
Variations: seńdseq (`seńdse, seńdset), seenits
Etymology: Russian сени, 'vestibule, entryway'
Üt́s rehetarõ oĺl üteh otsah, tõõnõ tõõsõh, seenine vai seńdse oĺl vahel.
One house was on one end, the other on the other, and the entryway was in between.
Ütel tüt́rigul oĺl asõ seńdseh.
One daughter had a bed in the entryway.
Elämispaigast oll´ setodõl tarõ, a seenist tarvitõdi tüü- ja magamiskotusõst ni kraamihoiupaigast.
The Setos' living space was the farmhouse, but the entryway was used as a work- and sleeping-space and as a storage space.

Vana savvutarõ, keskeh seenine, otsah vahtsõnõ tarõ. Lädinä k Piirikivi t. Laidi Eeriku pilt, 1935.
Old farmhouse without a chimney, entryway in the middle, new farmhouse [with a chimney] on the end. Piirikivi farm in Lädinä village, photo by Eerik Laid, 1935.

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