Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-09-02, 3:12

(vro) jüngri adherent, disciple
jüngri üks Jeesuse kaheteistkümnest lähimast õpilasest, kes tema õpetust levitasid; teadlase, kunstniku vm. õpilane v. järelkäija (põhjaeesti kirjakeeles 'jünger')
Etymology: Low German Jünger (same meaning)
Egä tsässonal oll oma pühä, mille auks taa tsässon oll tettu, kas Jakobi vai mõne jüngri vai kelle pääle.
Every village chapel had its own patron saint in whose honor the chapel was built, whether that was Jacob or some disciple or someone else.

(vro) tähtsäst pidämä to consider important, make much of
tähtsä tähtis
Etymology: Proto-Finnic *tähti, Proto-Finno-Permic *täštä 'star'
Pihkva järve veereh nätti, õt üts kivine rist oll järve veereh järvest vällä tulnu. Vana' inemise' peivä tuud riste veiga tähtsäst. Tuu kotusõ taheti tsässonat ehitädä.
At the edge of Lake Pihkva it could be seen that a stone cross had come out of the lake onto the shore. The old people considered that cross of great importance. In that spot they wanted to build a chapel.
Last edited by Linguaphile on 2024-10-07, 14:03, edited 1 time in total.
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-09-05, 21:06

(et) välgusähvatus lightning flash
välgusähvatus välgulöögi sähvatamine, liikuva välgu helendus
Välgusähvatusele järgnes kõuemürin.
A rumble of thunder followed the flash of lightning. (allative)
Ootamatult nagu välgusähvatus
Suddenly like a flash of lightning
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-09-07, 6:04

(vro) saavańa white cloth headcovering for the dead, shroud
saavań surnu peakate; surilina; valge riie, mida pandi surnule pähe nagu peakott, terava otsaga
from Russian саван; variations: saavań (saavani, saavanit), saavańa (-, -t), saavanja (-, -t);
etymologically related to Spanish sábana (both ultimately from Greek σάβανον)

Tsässona läve pääl ütś inemine sais, saavańa pääl.
A person stood on the chapel threshold, a shroud covering her head.
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Naava » 2024-09-07, 13:45

Linguaphile wrote:(et) vastavastatud newly-discovered
sellel vastavastatud maal
in this newly-discovered land

I need to focus really hard to read this word as vast+avastatud and not vasta+vastatud... :silly:

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-09-07, 14:37

Naava wrote:
Linguaphile wrote:(et) vastavastatud newly-discovered
sellel vastavastatud maal
in this newly-discovered land

I need to focus really hard to read this word as vast+avastatud and not vasta+vastatud... :silly:

Yes, me too! I actually had to use the morphanalyzer to sort it out. And then when I saw that it produced "vast_avasta=tud" I realized.... it's not even an uncommon word, and I've done this before. Every. Single. Time. Because once you see it as "vasta_vasta=tud" there's just no going back. :rotfl:

Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-09-08, 5:42

(vro) puuvõisi (-võiśmõ, -võisind) olive oil (typically of low quality), used for oil lamps that burn in front of icons in Orthodox churches
puuvõisi madala kvaliteediga oliiviõli, puuõli
puuvõisi om võisi, mis palas puustli iih vinne kerikuh

Taa puuvõiśmõ lamp om ostõt määne kolküḿmend aastat tagasi.
That oil lamp was purchased around thirty years ago.
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-09-10, 17:53

(et) paasa Easter; Passover, Pesach
paasa ülestõusmispühad; vanim kristlik püha, millega tähistatakse Kristuse surnuist ülestõusmist kolmandal päeval pärast ristisurma; juutide tähtsamaid pühi, millega tähistatakse Egiptuse orjapõlvest pääsemist
(vro) paass (paasa~paassa, paassa) Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord (August 19)
paass paasapäev, Issandamuutmise püha, 6. VIII / 19. VIII
from Greek πάσχα/Russian Пасха
In Standard Estonian outside of Orthodox contexts, the words ülestõusmispühad and lihavõtted or lihavõttepühad are more common names for Easter than paasa, and there is also munapüha, munadepüha and kevadpüha. In Võro and Seto there is no cognate word for Standard Estonian ülestõusmispühad but there is lihavõõdõh and munapühi.

(et) paasapäev (-a, -a) Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord (August 19)
paasapäev 19. august, setude kirikupüha ja lõikusaja tähtpäev
(vro) paasapäiv, paassapäiv (-päävä, -päivä) Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord
paasapäiv Issandamuutmise püha, 6. VIII / 19. VIII
from Russian Спас

(et) paasapüha (-a, -a) (Orthodox) Easter, Passover, (Seto) Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord
paasapüha ülestõusmispüha õigeusu kirikus; juutide kevadpüha, millega tähistatakse iisraellaste Egiptusest pääsemist; setude paasapäeva
(vro) paasapühä, paassapühä (-pühä, -pühhä), paasapühi (-pühi, -pühhi) Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord
paasapühä paasapäev, Issandamuutmise püha, 6. VIII / 19. VIII
from Greek πάσχα/Russian Пасха or Russian Спас, depending on which meaning is meant

(et) Sõna paasapäiv ei tähenda siin ülestõusmispüha, vaid tuleneb slaavi keelest (sl Преображение Господа Бога и Спаса нашего Иисуса Христа, vene rahvapärast kasutusest tulenevalt ka Яблочный Спас või Второй Спас) ja viitab nn õunapaasa perioodile.
The word paasapäiv here doesn't mean Easter but rather comes from Slavic (Преображение Господа Бога и Спаса нашего Иисуса Христа [Transfiguration of the Lord God and Savior of Our Jesus Christ], in colloquial Russian usage also Яблочный Спас [Apple Feast of the Savior] or Второй Спас [Second Feast of the Savior]) and refers to the so-called apple-feast period.

(et) Pikk ja mitmekesine Issandamuutmise e paasa (sl спас - lüh Преображение Спасителья) period oma meepaasa, õunapaasa ja linapaasaga tõi kaasa mõne paasatsässona.
The long and diverse Transfiguration or paasa period (Slavic спас, abbreviation of Преображение Спасителья [Transfiguration of the Savior]) period with its honey-feast, apple-feast and flax-feast brought several chapels named after the Transfiguration feast days.

(et) Ülestõusmispühade e paasapühade e lihavõttetsässonad (mitte segi ajada Issandamuutise pühaga - paasapäevaga) on kõigest üks.
Chapels named after the Easter holidays or paasapühad (not to be confused with the Transfiguration holiday - paasapäev) number just one.

e = ehk; lüh = lühend; nn = niinimetatud; sl = slaavi
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-09-14, 17:50

(et) sarikapidu roofing ceremony, topping out
sarikapidu = sarikaliigud alkoholiga kostitamine, kui ehitatavale hoonele on sarikad peale saadud
sarikapeoni sarika(s)_pidu+ni
Kui tempel oli jõudnud sarikapeoni, püstitasid vennaksed hoonele risti.
When the temple held its topping out, the brothers erected a cross on the building.

(et) heaoluühiskonna mured welfare-society worries (used here like "first-world problems")
heaoluühiskond ühiskond, kus on saavutatud kõrge elatustase ja kodanike sotsiaalne turvalisus
heaoluühiskonna hea_olu_ühiskond+0

Jah, need on heaoluühiskonna mured, kuid siiski ühe hariliku nooruki jaoks, nagu mina, piisavalt rasked.
Yes, these are welfare-society problems, but nevertheless for a typical youth like me, pretty hard.

(et) lähedalasuv nearby
lähedalasuvasse lähe(da)+l_asu+v+sse
Mu sõbrad olid läinud lähedalasuvasse baari ja kutsusid mind kaasa, et end enne kojuminekut veidi lõbustada.
My friends had gone to a nearby bar and invited me along, so that I could enjoy myself a bit before going home.
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-09-15, 15:20

(vro) vidonik (vidosnigu, vidosnikku) promoter, leader, enthusiast, champion (person who promotes a cause on behalf of others)
vidonik eestvedaja, edendaja, juht, pealik, vedaja, talutaja
vidonik = vidosnik, vedosnik iistvidäjä, iistvitäi

Etymology: from vidämä, vedämä, 'to carry, pull, transport, haul', Proto-Finnic *vetädäk
Timä om seto käsitüü vedosnik.
She is a promoter of Seto handicrafts.

(vro) innine (innidse, innast) former, past, recent, previous
innine endine; äsjane, endisaegne, eelmine
innine = innesine, innetsine, inneskine, innedäne, innembäne vanaaonõ, mineväne, ääskine
Etymology: Proto-Finnic *entinen
Viktor om innine velskri, no' pidä tallo ja mehitsit.
Viktor is a former health worker; now he takes care of the farm and keeps bees.

(vro) kimmäs (kimmä, kimmäst certain, secure, strong
kimmäs kindel, tugev
kimmäs = kimmäss, kinmäs, kindmäs julgõ, tukõv, jovvukas
Etymology: Proto-Finnic *kiintedä
Kimmäs seto plaaniga talokotus om 1936. aaśtagast.
The sturdy Seto-style farmhouse dates from the year 1936.
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-09-19, 4:30

(vro) pruuḿma to try
pru̬u̬ḿma proovima, üritama
pruuḿma = pruuv́ma

Seto kombit om opnu imä ja vanaimä käest ni pruum nuid edasi ummilõ latsilõ opada.
She has learned Seto customs from her mother and grandmother, and now she tries to teach them to her own children.

(vro) latsõiǵä (-iä, -iḱä) childhood; latsõiäh during childhood, as a child
latsõiǵä lapsepõlv
latsõiǵä = latsõpõlv́

Keŕkohe käve latsõiäh uma tädi Olgaga.
As a child she went to church with her aunt Olga.

(vro) saisma to be located, to stand, to remain, to be preserved; to remain in place; to stop, to cease
saisma püsti olema, seisma; pikemat aega asuma, asetsema; säilima, püsima; paigal püsima, mitte liikuma; lakkama
Pühäserätt om täl vanaimä Helene aost, a tuu õi saisa' pühäste pääl, selle õt olõ-i nulka, a om pühäsesain.
The icon scarf is from her grandmother Helene's time, but it isn't located above the icons, because it isn't an icon corner, but rather an icon wall.

(vro) jäämä (jäiä', jääss, jäi) to stay, to remain
jäämä kuskil või teatud seisundis püsima; teatud seisundisse sattuma, muutuma, saama; alles jääma, säilima
Imäga saa-s [keŕkohe] minnä', selle õt imä oll' koolioppaja, a tuul aol õs tohe' keŕkohe avaligult kävvu', muiďo naati takah kiusama ja võidsõ umast tüüst ka ilma jäiä'.
She couldn't go [to church] with her mother, because her mother was a schoolteacher and at that time openly attending church wasn't permitted, otherwise they would have started to persecute her and she could have also lost her job.
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-09-19, 21:16

(vro) sändne (sändse) such
sääne (sääntse, säänest) selline, niisugune, säärane
sändne = sääne, säändene, säändäne

Tähendäs, mi rahvas käü sändsel pääväl.
It means that our people go on such a day.
(Saptja k, Irboska nulk)

(vro) kohki somewhere
kohki kuskil
kohki = kohki', kohngi', kongi'

A sääl kohki nigu Värska puul...
But there somewhere like towards Värska....
(Saptja k, Irboska nulk)
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-09-20, 20:46

(vro) mastõr (-a, -at) convent, monastery
mastõr klooster
mastõr = mastõŕ (mastõri, mastõrit), maastõr (-a, -at), mastõ̭r (-a, -at), maastõŕ (maastõre, maastõret), monastõŕ (-tõri, -tõrri)

from Russian монастырь; the word monastõŕ, more closely matching the Russian phonetics, is archaic in Võro and Seto and has been replaced by several variations of mastõr/maastõr (ma[a]stõr[']). Orthodox Seto dialects use one of these variations of ma[a]stõr['] above and non-Orthodox Võro dialects use the word kluustri instead, from Low German klōster (Estonian klooster).
Timäle miildüs mastõrahe kävvü.
She liked to visit the monastery.

(vro) õnnõ only
õ̭nnõ ainult, vaid
õnnõ = õnõ, õ̭nngõiq, õnnõgi, õnnõdõ, inne, enne
No' omma' sääl õnnõ vahtsõmba ao pühäse', vanõmba' omma' lakja jaotõdu.
Now only newer-age icons are there [in the icon corner], the older ones have been distributed [to her children].
Distribution (map includes enne, inne, õnnõ, õnõ):
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-09-21, 19:28

(es) número áureo golden ratio
El número áureo, o fracción dorada, se obtiene dividiendo el dieciseisavo número de la serie en delante cada número entre el subsecuente, obteniendo el mismo resultado.
The golden number, or golden ratio, is obtained by dividing each number from the sixteenth number in the series onwards by the subsequent number, obtaining the same result.
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-09-25, 13:17

(vro) määne (määntse/mändse, määnest) what, some, some kind of
määne (määness, määndene) milline, missugune, mingi, mingisugune
määntsege mingi
määne = määness, määndene, määress, määres, määre, määräne

Egah küläh peetäs praasnikke määntsege puusli nimepääväl.
In each village they celebrate some sort of saints' name-day.

(et) analoi Orthodox lectern which holds icons or other items
analoi analoog; liturgia tarbeks või ikooni hoidmiseks kasutatav pult
Russian аналой, Greek Ἀναλόγιον

Tsässonas on ka kaks uuemaaegset küünlajalga ja analoi, millel hoitakse küünlaid ja pühakirju.
In the village chapel there are two more modern candlesticks and a lectern where candles and scriptures are kept.
(uuemaaegset: uuema+aegne)
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-09-29, 1:08

(et) kook (koogu, kooku) well sweep; pole for drawing water from a well
kook = kaevukook konksuga puu kaevust vee väljatõstmiseks
Tsässona kõrval asub koogu ja haavapuidust salvedega külakaev.
Next to the chapel there is a well sweep and a village well with an aspen-wood casing.

(et) amvon (-i) ambo, ambon; raised platform in an Orthodox church, in front of the Holy Doors, from which a deacon reads the Gospel and says litanies and a priest gives sermons
amvon = ambon õigeusu kirikus altariesise keskmine osa kuninglike uste ees, kus diakon ütleb ekteeniat, loeb evangeeliumi ja preester peab jutlust
Greek ἄμβων; Russian амвон; Slavonic амъвонъ
Tsässona tagumisse kolmandikku, kus paiknevad ikoonid, on ehitatud amvon (astang põrandas).
An ambo (set of steps on the floor) is built into the back third of the chapel, where the icons are located.

(et) vintskap (-i, -pi) dormer window; small opening with a winch in the roof or gable of a building; small window in a gabled roof
vintskap hoone katusest või viilust väljapoole ulatuv ehitusosa (nt katusega aken või luugiava); väike vintsiga luugiava hoone viilus v. katuses; väikese viilkatusega katuseaken
from Swedish vindskupa (garret, dormer window) from vinds+kupa (attic+dome), but by folk etymology Estonian vints+kap(p) = winch+cabinet, hence the winch-related definition* and a belief that they are called this because historically they contained winches for hoisting items into the attic**
Katuse külgedel ja otstes on kaarjad vintskapilaadsed väljaehitised.
On the sides and ends of the roof there are arched dormer-like protrusions.

*and I suppose also the reason that I misspelled vintskap as vintskapp when looking it up, since vintskapilaadsed could theoretically have come from *vintskapp as well! Its declension is fully identical to that for the word kapp, except for the nominative singular form, which has only one p: kapp, kapi, kappi, kappi, kappe~kappisid vintskap, vintskapi, vintskappi, vintskappi, vintskappe~vintskappisid

:headbang: + :rotfl:

**historically many actually did, and this has affected word usage to such an extent that the word vintskap is now used specifically for dormer windows that are even with the outer wall, potentially enabling the use of a winch and pulley to hoist items from ground level through the window; if the dormer window is further back on the roof where this would not be possible, it's called uuk instead. It makes perfect sense, if it were not for that missing nominative singular -p and the fact that Swedish vindskupa refers to the same thing but comes from words meaning "attic dome". So this connection to winches is a wonderful folk etymology that has had a real impact on word usage, but is not the word's true origin.
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-09-29, 16:24

(vro) eiś separately, to oneself
eiś eraldi, omaette
eiś = eiss, isi
Variant of standard Estonian ise
Kes nuuq käveväq otśmah, nuuq eiś kõnõlevaq hindä vahel ja näütseväq käega noide huunide pääle.
Those of them who went looking for it, they talked among themselves and pointed to the top of those buildings.

(vro) armirõivas festive clothing, church clothing; piirõivas everyday clothing
armirõivaq piduriided, peoriietus, kirikuriided; piirõivaq argipäevariided
armi- pidu-, peo-; pii- pidamis-, töö-, argi-
Initially I assumed it was the other way around, as phonetically they are nearly opposite in northern and southern Estonian: the prefix peo = armi, while the prefix argi = pii.
Armirõivaq ommaq eiś ja piirõivaq ommaq eiś.
Festive clothing is one thing and everyday wear is another.

Armi- mentioned above, as shown on the first of the two maps, is not widely used — confined to Setomaa, Vastseliina and the South Estonian Lutsi dialect of Latvia.
The only examples I've found of the prefix armi- relate exclusively to clothing (armihärmäk, armikaadsaq, armipüksiq, armirõivas, armisärk) and it does not seem to be used in other contexts. In the South Estonian Lutsi dialect, no longer spoken, it was also ärmi-, and both armak and ärmäk are listed as Seto synonyms for armisärk 'festive coat', which points to a common etymology with the Seto word härmäk 'long overcoat'. It is therefore possibly derived from Tatar әрмәк 'wool overcoat, wool clothing' and Mongolic *örmege 'type of coarse fabric' through Russian армяк 'long wool overcoat', with the earlier Russian word ормякъ 'long wool overcoat' changed to армяк under influence of the word 'Armenian' (армян- [армянин, армянский, etc.]), because the wool fabric used first came into Russia from Armenia. The variation in South Estonian dialects between /ɑ/ and /æ/ in the first syllable of these words (armi-/ärmi-, armak/ärmäk/härmäk) reinforces the theory that it is a loanword, as variation in non-initial syllables is a result of vowel harmony, but such variation in the initial syllable typically indicates different roots in native words and therefore in dialect variations typically indicates loanwords. (The connection between the Seto prefix armi- and Russian армяк is not attested as far as I know; it is my own conjecture based on the above factors, including the vowel variation, the usage being limited to clothing, the phonetically-similar synonyms connected to more attested forms, and the fact that geographically armi- is only used along the Russian border region.)
Ärmireõvass um pühäp̀ävä rõõvass.
Festive clothing is Sunday clothing.
The map for ärmak includes armak(o) and härmäk as variations.
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-09-29, 20:44

While looking up härmäk and hamõq I found this weird, pun-like sentence in the entry for särk in the Synaq Võro-Eesti-Võro Sõnaraamat (Võro Institute's Võro-Estonian-Võro dictionary):
(et) Kui linnamehel särk seljast võtta, jääb ta alasti, aga kui võrokesel särk' seljast võtta, jääb särk selga.
(vro) Ku liinamehel särk säläst võttaq, jääs alastõ, a ku võrokõsõl särḱ säläst võtta, jääs hamõh sälgä.
My translation: If the shirt is taken off the back of an urban Estonian man, he is left naked [above the waist], but if the coat is taken off the back of a rural Võro man, he still has his undershirt on.

But it is not so straightforward as my English translation suggests. At issue are these false cognates between Võro and Estonian, and different styles of traditional dress in the urban/rural and northern/southern regions of Estonia:
(vro) särḱ = (et) kuub, pintsak = (en) coat, jacket
(et) särk = (vro) hamõh/hamõq = (en) shirt, but the Võro has a broader meaning than the Estonian one, so (vro) hamõh/hamõq = (et) särk, alussärk, hame = (en) shirt, undershirt

It results in a sentence which is perfect clear in Võro and in my English translation, but which in Estonian is a sort of bizarre, almost nonsensical sentence, which says:
(et) Kui linnamehel särk seljast võtta, jääb ta alasti, aga kui võrokesel särk' seljast võtta, jääb särk selga.
Meaning: "If the 'särk' is taken off the back of an urban Estonian man, he is left naked, but if the 'särḱ' is taken off the back of a rural Võro man, he still has his 'särk' on."

This can be said just as clearly in Estonian as it is in Võro ("kui linnamehel särk seljast võtta, jääb ta alasti, aga kui võrokesel särk' seljast võtta, jääb hame selga"), but that's not as much fun: it's just an ordinary sentence pointing out differences in folk dress and vocabulary instead of a pun suggesting that the Võros are more resilient than Estonian city dwellers, so naturally it is not what the dictionary gives as the translation. LOL
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-09-30, 21:09

(vro) poolka (-, -t) shelf, bunk
poolka riiul, laudi; nari, lavats
poolka (Vastseliina & Seto) = poĺka (Rõuge)

from Russian полка
Pühäsenulk om ütekõrraga lihtnõ ni uhkõ, sääl omma' saina seeh pulga', mia' hoitva' pühäserätti ja väiko poolkakõnõ.
The icon corner is both simple and proud, and there are pegs in the wall that hold icon towels and a small shelf.
Distribution of poolka/polka/poĺka:
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-10-02, 4:52

(vro) elläi (-, -t) animal, farm animal, domestic animal, living thing
elläi elajas, loom, koduloom, kariloom, elusolend
elläi (Seto) = eläjä (Karksi) = eläje (Räpina) = jelai, jellai (Leivu)

Proto-Uralic *elä-
Ku keŕkost tuudi urvaossa', sis nuidõga sopsutõdi eläjit ja sis pistõti ossa' rüäpõldu, selle õt pühhi ossõ tohe-s ar' visada'.
When they brought willow branches with catkins from the church, they tapped the farm animals with them and then stuck the branches in rye fields, because it's not permitted to throw away the sacred branches.
Distribution of elläi and elaja (map):
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(vro) pominani commemoration book, Book for the Commemoration of the Living and the Dead; a book in which to write the names of loved ones to pray for and loved ones who have passed away.
pominani = pomminanja (-, -t) vihik v leht mälestatavate nimedega
Pominani om ka nulgah.

There is also a commemoration book in the icon corner.
Edit: The word in the Seto Eripäraste Sõnade Sõnaraamat dictionary is "pomminanja" and when I originally wrote this post, I hadn't found it, due to the different spelling. The word comes from the Cyrillic writing on the cover of the book, which says поминаніе or поминание. I'm not sure if pominani is simply a dialect variation of pomminanja, or if perhaps the speaker has mistaken pom(m)inanja to be a genitive form and back-formed the nominative as *pom(m)inani, which would follow a common declension pattern for native Seto, Võro and Estonian words. For this loanword, Seto Eripäraste Sõnade Sõnaraamat gives pomminanja as both the nominative and genitive forms.
Last edited by Linguaphile on 2024-10-13, 3:39, edited 1 time in total.
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2024 reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2024-10-03, 12:55

(et) Mehhiko Mexico (country); México Mexico City
Mehhiko Mehhiko Ühendriigid; México México linn, Mehhiko pealinn
I had noticed the variation between the usage of Mehhiko and México before but had not yet realized that it is systematic rather than random or personal preference: it's Mehhiko for the country and México for the city.
Mina lendasin Lissaboni Tallinnast ja tema Põhja-Mehhikos asuvast linnast Jaliscost. Ta ei ela enam Méxicos ja pidi tegema paar ümberistumist.
I flew to Lisbon from Tallinn and he flew from Jalisco from a city located in northern Mexico. He didn't live in Mexico City anymore and had to make a couple of transfers.
Kõnõlõ mukka võro ja seto kiilt, ma taha väega sult oppiq!

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