Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

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Re: Linguaphile's 2023 reading and language log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-01-19, 17:50

I finished Lasnamäe valge laev and started a new book, Minu Jõhvi. I think reading Metsik lingvistika last fall was good for me. It was a difficult read, a more advanced reading level because of the content, but since then I've read both Lasnamäe valge laev and Lapsepõlv Nõukogude Eestis and with both I've noticed I have been reading a lot more fluently (faster, translating less, understanding more easily).

The book I'm starting now, Minu Jõhvi, is not about ice hockey, although you might guess based on the vocab list below that it is (at least, I hope it isn't!) - it's a memoir-style book about living and teaching in northeast Estonia after growing up in Tartu - but it starts out with the author's teenage years, which did involve ice hockey and, therefore, some hockey-related vocab to start out with.

(et) from Minu Jõhvi. Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    ess euphemism for sõnnik and sitt (ma ei saa mitte essugi aru I don't understand a darn thing)
    jäähall ice arena
    litter hockey puck
    liuväli ice rink
    meka mecca (hokimekadesse into the hockey meccas)

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 reading and language log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-01-20, 13:32

(et) from Minu Jõhvi. Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    alt üles vaatama to look up to
    jutti straight, in a row (mitmeid päevi jutti several days in a row)
    jõudumööda according to one's strength; to the best of one's ability; as much as one can
    sumadan suitcase (loan from Russian [чемодан]; kohver is more common, sumadan sounds old-fashioned)
    tulevikuväljavaade future prospects, future outlook
    vana rasv previous acquisitions; (knowledge, wealth, etc) previously acquired
    vastalanud just begun; recently started

    Hea õpitulemus kerkis peaaegu alati vana rasva, või nagu mulle tundus, intelligentsuse pealt.
    good study.result raise-3s-PAST head.time-PART-PL always old fat-GEN-SING or as I-ALL feel-3s-PAST intelligence-GEN-SING head-ABL
    A good academic result almost always arose from prior knowledge or, as it seemed to me, from intelligence.
Last edited by Linguaphile on 2023-01-21, 16:59, edited 1 time in total.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 reading and language log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-01-21, 16:53

(et) from Minu Jõhvi: Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    aja kark alla get up (i.e., out of bed)
    häälepaelad lähevad lahti/valla says (again), becomes chatty, lets loose
    kevadsuvi early summer, spring-like part of summer
    mul on kama kaks I don't care, I couldn't care less, I don't give a damn
    nagu miska elama to live comfortably, unbothered, undisturbed
    pensioonieelik person of pre-retirement age
    pillid kotti panema to stop, to finish up; kellelgi on pillid kotis to be ready to go, be in a hurry

    "Säästumarket paneb pillid kotti, Hendrik! Aja endale kark alla ja lähme!" laseb ema minu suunas häälepaelad valla. put-3s-PRES pill/instrument-NOM-PL bag-ILL2, Hendrik! drive-2s-IMP self-ALL crutch/stilt down and go-3p-IMP! let-3s mother 1s-GEN direction-INESS voice.ribbon-NOM-PL open
    "Säästumarket* is ready and waiting! Get up and let's go!" Mom lets loose in my direction.

    *a discount grocery store chain

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-01-22, 16:00

(et) from Minu Jõhvi: Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    loetlema jääda to go on and on
    paiskuma to burst
    sisustama to furnish
    säilivuskuupäev best-before date, use-by date
    süljenääre (-näärme, nääret, näärmeid) salivary gland
    veltveebel sergeant, feldwebel (käratab ehtsa veltveebli moel shouts like a true sergeant)
    vähkrema to toss and turn

    Metsloomi on sellel maanteel keskmisest rohkem, sõltumata aastaajast võid sa siin kohata pea kõiki meie metsade asukaid, karust põdrani, jänesest rebase ja teiste karvaste-sulelisteni välja.
    forest.animal-PART.PL be-3s this-ADE road-ADE average-ELA abundant-COMP depend-INF-ABE year.time-ELA able-2s you here place-INF2 head all-PART.PL we-GEN forest-GEN-PL resident-PART-PL bear-ELA-SING elk-TERM-SING hare-ELA-SING fox-GEN-SING and second-GEN-PL furry-GEN-PL-feathery-PL-TERM field-ILL2
    There are more forest animals on this road than average, regardless of the season you can encounter almost all of our forest dwellers, from bears to elk, from hares to foxes and other furry and feathery creatures.
(es) from Reflexiones de un viajero: La huella del islam by José María Barbado López
    chalaneo shady deal, wheeling and dealing
    ir sin norte to go without direction, to wander aimlessly
    rasgarse las vestiduras to be indignant/shocked, tear one's hair, throw up one's hands in horror
I'm changing the name of this log to "Estonian and Spanish reading log" since that's basically what it is - at this point I'm only posting about those two languages and only from my reading, so it makes sense for that to be in the title so anyone wanting to check it out knows what they'll be finding.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-01-23, 14:19

(et) from Minu Jõhvi: Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    eos välistatud excluded, ruled out
    keerdkäikudega tortuous, labyrinthine
    seespidiselt inwardly (välispidiselt outwardly)
    sisekaemus introspection (sisekaemuslik introspective)
    teineteisemõistmine mutual understanding, sympathy (kogu vestlus peeti teineteisemõistmise õhkkonnas the whole conversation took place in an atmosphere of mutual understanding)
    tööhõivemäär employment rate
    varnast võtta at hand, available
    välimääraja field guide, identifier (lindude netivälimääraja internet field guide to birds; taimede välimääraja plant identifier)

    Proovitakse küll teha hruštšovkadest päikesepaneelide ja tarkade lahenduste abil smartovkasid ehk uuenduskuuri läbinud ja tarkadest lahendustest pungil hruštšovkasid, kuid sisu jääb ju põhimõtteliselt samaks.
    try-IMPERS indeed do-INF2 khrushchyovka-PL-ELA sun.panel-GEN-PL and smart-GEN-PL solution-GEN-PL help-ADE smartovka-PART-PL or update.course-GEN-SING through-PRT and smart-PL-ELA solution-PL-ELA bulging khrushchyovka-PART.PL but content remain-3s EMPH basic.thought-ADJ-ADV same-TRANS
    They do try to make 'smartovkas' out of khrushchyovkas or in other words renovated ex-Soviet apartment blocks are filled to the brim with smart solutions with the help of solar panels and smart technologies, but the interior still remains basically the same as before.
(es) from Reflexiones de un viajero: La huella del islam by José María Barbado López
    derrubios debris, scree, deposits (derrubiar to erode, wash away)
    descuajaringar break into bits and pieces; crack up [laugh]; become relaxed
    enlodazar to get mud all over, to cover in mud
    prurito itche, obsession, perfectionism
    talud slope, incline
    vallas publicitarias billboards

    Durante la noche llovió con generosidad; tanto, que el río de la ciudad corría desbordado. Nuestro objetivo es recorrer la costa del país de Ghomara, situada entre Tetuán y Alhucemas, pero tememos que el estado de las carreteras nos juegue alguna mala pasada.
    during the night rain-3s.PRET with generosity so-much what the river of the city run-3s.IMPERF overflow-PARTICIP. our objective be-3s.PRES traverse-INF the coast of-the country of Ghomara locate-PARTICIP between Tétouan and Al.Hoceima but fear-3p-PRES what the state of the road-PL 1p-DO play-3s-PRES some bad occur-PARTICIP
    During the night it rained generously, so much that the city's river overflowed. Our goal is to go along the coast of Ghomara country, located between Tétouan and Al Hoceima, but we are afraid the state of the roads will play a bad trick on us.

    La carretera ascendía a la largo del valle, casi interrumpida en no pocos tramos por los desprendimientos de las laderas.
    the road ascend-3s-IMPERF to the length of-the valley almost interrupt-PARTICIP in no few-PL stretch-PL for the-PL detachment-PL of the-PL hillside-PL
    The road ascended along the valley, almost interrupted in more than a few stretches by landslides from the mountain slopes.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-01-24, 16:11

(et) from Minu Jõhvi: Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    eluiga (-ea, -iga, -igasid) lifespan
    kineskoop CRT, cathode ray tube (kineskoopteler CRT television)
    peaasjalikult principally
    võimuheitlus power struggle
(es) from Reflexiones de un viajero: La huella del islam by José María Barbado López
    comedimiento moderation, restraint

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-01-25, 13:51

(et) from Minu Jõhvi: Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    ajendatud motivated, impelled, compulsive
    kahvatuma to blanch, pale
    imevidin miracle gadget
    jändama (jännata, jändan) to tamper with, mess with
    liising lease purchase, rent-to-own
    ots journey, trip from one place to another (lit. tip, end)

    Pikemate otsade jaoks napib bensiiniraha. Kütusehinnad on meil ju krõbedamate seast.
    long-COMP-GEN-PL tip-GEN-PL for be-scarce-3p-PRES fuel.price-NOM-PL be-3s-PRES we-ADE EMPH crunchy-COMP-GEN-PL among
    There isn't enough gas money for longer trips. Our fuel costs are among the highest after all.
(es) from Reflexiones de un viajero: La huella del islam by José María Barbado López
    apalabrar to verbally agree on, to agree on, to arrange
    barullo din, noise
    contrariedad setback, opposition
    ensanche wide part
    escampar clear up, stop raining
    torrentera gully, watercourse

    Habíamos apalabrado una casa rural no lejos de la población, que encontré rastreando en ese inmenso escaparate que es el internet.
    have-3p-IMPERF agree-PARTICIP a house rural no far of the settlement that found-1s-PRET track-PCONT in this immense window-display that is the internet
    We had booked a cottage not far from town, that I found by scouring that enormous shore window that is the internet.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-01-26, 14:11

(et) from Minu Jõhvi: Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    kammitsemata unrestrained
    päevakajaline of current events; timely, topically
    suunamudija influencer
    tasemekaardistustest pretest; level-mapping test
    ära kaardistama to map out

    Igal hommikul ripub klassi kohal kirves, sest kavandatud õppetöö võib katki jätta kellegi isiklik mure, õpilaste omavaheline lahkheli, unetundide nappus, soov tegeleda päevakajalisemate asjadega, nagu mobiilimängud, ja nii edasi.
    every-ADE morning-ADE hang-3s-PRES class-GEN place-ADE ax because plan-PARTICIP able-3s-PRES broken leave-INF2 who-GEN-EMPH personal worry, student-GEN-PL own.between leave.sound, dream.hour-GEN-PL lack, desire deal-with-INF2 day.echo.ADJ.COMP-GEN-PL thing-COM-PL, like mobile-game-NOM-PL and so forward
    Every morning it is as if an ax hangs over the class, because the planned classwork could be interrupted by someone's personal worries, disagreement between students, lack of sleep, a desire to deal with more trendy things like game apps, and so on.

(es) from Reflexiones de un viajero: La huella del islam by José María Barbado López
    antojarse to get the feeling, seem to be, think; to fancy, crave (I only knew these last two meanings)
    cala cove, inlet
    calar find out (no he calado en el posible motivo de ello I haven't figured out the possible motivation for it)
    chiringuito outdoor refreshment stand, snack bar (especially on a beach)
    descalabro setback, disaster
    faenar to fish, harvest, toil, labor (cf. faena task, chore)
    paisajístico scenic
    someramente superficially, perfunctorily (cf. somera quick, shallow)
    Tercio de Extranjeros foreign legion (historical usage)

    El cansancio acumulado tras muchas horas de viaje por una carretera constituida por una sucesión de curvas y en malas condiciones meteorológicas hizo que el camino de acceso se nos antojara muy largo y contribuyó a formarnos una primera imagen negativa del lugar.
    the tiredness accumulate-PARTICIP across many hour-PL of travel by a road constitute-PARTICIP by a succession of curve-PL and in bad-PL condition-PL meteorological-PL make-3s-PRET that the road of access 3s-REFL 1p-REFL seem-1s-SUBJUNCT very long and contribute-3s-PRET to form-INF-3p-REFL a first image negative of-the place
    The tiredness accumulated after many hours of travel on a road made up of a succession of curves in bad weather conditions made the access road seem very long to us and contributed to our negative first impression of the place.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-01-27, 13:48

(et) from Minu Jõhvi: Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    koputaja informant
    nagu niidetult as if mowed down (because it is an often-used idiom, I've chosen to translate it as "like a sack of potatoes" in the sentence below rather than translating it literally)
    odekolonn aftershave (odekolonniaurudes in clouds of aftershave)
    paar viivu tagasi a couple of moments ago
    paljutõotav auspicious, promising
    sisemajandus koguprodukt gross domestic product
    varganägu (=varas) thief

    Juhus on kuningas, sest poiss leiab peegelsiledalt teelt ühe ja ainsa kruusakivi, sõidab sellele täie hooga otsa ja langeb nagu niidetult asfaldile.
    coincidence be-3s-PRES king because boy find-3s-PRES mirror.smooth-ABL road-ABL one-GEN and only-GEN gravel.stone-NOM, ride-3s-PRES full-GEN surge-COM tip-GEN and fall-3s-PRES as mow-PARTICIP-ABL asphalt-ALL
    Karma is king, because the boy finds the one and only piece of gravel on the smooth-as-glass road, runs over it at full speed, and drops to the asphalt like a sack of potatoes.
(es) from Reflexiones de un viajero: La huella del islam by José María Barbado López
    aljibe cistern, tank, reservoir
    arrabal suburb, slum
    atarazana dockyard, shipyard
    cárcava gully, ditch
    dar para más have more to give; still have life (no dio el día para más)
    desapacible inclement, unpleasant
    emplazar set up, set a deadline
    reyerta clash, fight, brawl
    viandante passerby, pedestrian

    Más tarde, cuando el estómago reclamaba lo suyo, fuimos a parar al puerto pesquero, muy agradable de pasear, con las decenas de redes extendidas en el suelo en las que se afanan los marineros.
    more late when the stomach demand-3s-IMPERF 3s-DO 3s-POS go-1p-PRET to stop at-the port fishing very agreeable of stroll-INF with the-PL dozen-PL of net-PL extended-PL in the ground in the-PL that 3s-REFL endeavour-3p-PRES the-PL sailor-PL
    Later, when our stomachs were growling, we wound up at the fishing port, very pleasant to stroll along, with dozens of nets stretched out on the ground where sailors were working.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-01-28, 15:16

(et) from Minu Jõhvi: Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    infoväli infosphere
    kurnav gruelling, exhausting (emotsionaalselt kurnav emotionally draining)
    õhupuhasti air filter
    ühisosa intersection (figuratively); part held in common

    Minu seal töötamise ajal täiendab meessoo ridu legendaarne Ida-Virumaa tantsupedagoog Voldemar Berelkovski, kelle rütmitunnetus on vaatamata kõrgele elueale endiselt parimate killast.
    1s-GEN there work-GER-GEN time-INE fill-3s-PRES man.gender-GEN row-PART-PL legendary east-Viru-land dance.pedagogue Voldemar Berelkovski who-GEN rhythm.sense be-3s-PRES see-INF-ABE high-ALL life.age-ALL formerly best-SUP-GEN-PL shard-ELA
    While I was working there, the legendary Idu-Virumaa dance teacher Voldemar Berelkovski, whose sense of rhythm is still among the best in spite of his advanced age, completed the male ranks [of the faculty].
(es) from Reflexiones de un viajero: La huella del islam by José María Barbado López
    a golpe de by means of (a golpe de taxi by taxi)
    aliciente incentive, attraction
    blocao blockhouse
    dicharachero talkative, chatty
    embalse reservoir
    escorrentía overflow, runoff
    espolón embankment, levee, dike
    mermar reduce, decrease
    vetusto ancient

    Salimos a campo abierto tras vadear el río y salvar los repechos de la cadena de colinas que bordean la orilla derecha.
    leave-3p-PRET to field open after ford-INF the river and cross-INF the slope-PL of the chain of hill-PL that border-3p-PRES the bank right
    We came out onto open land after fording the river and crossing the slopes of the hilly ridge that borders the right bank.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-01-29, 14:25

(et) from Minu Jõhvi: Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    karvand kid, boy (pejorative and regional)
    kiskjalik predatory
    läbu raucous drinking party, drinking part after which the participants don't clean up; trash, mess
    miimika facial expression
    näitlikustav illustrative
    pahaaimamatult unsuspectingly
    pohmakas hangover
    tou strike, whack, blow
    ümber istuma to transfer, change trains

    Läbulehaga karvand viisaka rongi vagunis valmistab igale kainele reisijale piina, mis leiab kergendust elavas miimikas.
    drunken-party-stench-COM-SING hairy-NSUF polite-GEN train-GEN car-INES ready-3s-PRES each-ALL sober-ALL traveller-ALL pain-PART-SING what find-3s-PRES relief-PART-SING lively-INES facial-expression-INES
    In the polite train car, the guy with the stench of too much drunken partying disturbed every sober passenger, who made faces in response.
    This one is really hard to translate. First of all, it was hard to understand: läbulehaga is made up of läbu (a raucous drinking party or a messy scene) and lehk (stench), in the comitative singular, so here it is used as an adjective meaning "with the stench of a raucous drinking party". I wasn't familiar with the word läbu, plus when I figured out its meaning I at first took it to be allative singular läbule + nominative singular haga instead of nominative singular läbu + comitative singular lehaga, so I wasted a bit of time trying to sort out what haga was, expecting it to mean something along the lines of "a [something] who went to raucous drinking party" (and in the process learned the word tuulehaga "band of wispy cirrus clouds believed to indicate the direction the wind is coming from").
    Secondly, karvand is also a new word for me as well, a regional word apparently based (at least etymologically) on the idea that the boy in question is hairy or perhaps just that boys are hairy in general.
    Plus I had to remind myself that miimika is a facial expression and not mimicry.
    Lastly, in addition to being difficult for me to understand at first, it also uses syntax that doesn't translate well: literally it means that the boy causes painful or tormenting feelings in the other travellers and these feelings find relief in the facial expressions ("The smelling-of-drinking-party hairy-one in the polite train car readies to each sober traveller torment, which finds relief in lively facial expressions"). I'm not sure how to translate the "finds relief" part without it sounding unnatural in English; the difficulty comes from the fact that in Estonian the subject of that part of the sentence is the torment rather than the people, which just sounds awkward in translation. So instead I left the people as the subject and translated the "finds relief" part as "in response", which I think conveys (more or less) the same idea from the point of view of the person as the subject.
    Maybe an alternative translation: In the polite train car, the guy with the stench of too much drunken partying brought out feelings of disgust in every sober passenger, which they relieved by making faces.
(es) from Reflexiones de un viajero: La huella del islam by José María Barbado López
    altozano small hill
    desafuero outrage
    despeñarse take a big fall, fall from great heights, fall off a cliff
    ínclito famous, illustrious
    palmatoria candlestick
    parrafada earful; sermon
    resarcirse recoup (resarcir reimburse, compensate)

    Unos obreros trabajan en el adecentamiento del lugar en cuyo centro han erigido un monolito con una placa escrita en árabe.
    the-PL worker-PL work-3p-PRES in the making-decent of-the place in whose center have-3p-PRES erect-PARTICIP a monolith with a plaque write-PARTICIP in Arabic
    Some workers were tidying up the place in the center of which they have erected a stone monument with a plaque written in Arabic.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-01-30, 14:47

I have finished Reflexiones de un viajero: La huella del islam in Spanish and begun a new book, Viaje por la última frontera de Europa by Martín Madridejos. This is also a travel memoir of various countries, again written by an author from Spain, this time of northern, eastern and southern Europe (Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Kaliningrad, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Cyprus, and Malta) rather than of various parts of the modern and historical Islamic world (Yemen, Uzbekistan, Andalusia, Melilla, Croatia, Bosnia, and Morocco) as the last book was.

(et) from Minu Jõhvi: Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    käega lööma to give up
    piripardani completely, to excess (piripardani täis completely full, stuffed, packed)
    stiilipidu costume party
    südantlõhestav heartbreaking
    tursunud bloated (tursuma to bloat)

    Küll aga ei ole üldse hullu, kui ma siinkohal selle teise isanda topsisõbraks ja pudelipaikajaks tembeldan, sest märgid on kaugele paista.
    indeed but NEG BE-CONEG absolutely crazy if 1s-NOM this-GEN second-GEN lord cup.friend-TRANS and bottle.patcher-TERM stamp-1s-PRES because mark-PL-NOM be-3s-PRES far-ALL show-INF2
    But it's really not all that crazy that I label the second man as a drunkard and a tippler here, because the signs are evident from a distance.
(es) from Viaje por la última frontera de Europa by Martín Madridejos
    barajar posibilidades to consider possibilities, weigh options
    con una mano delante y otra detrás very poor
    contestatario rebellious, anti-establishment
    desbarajustar mess up, throw into confusion or disorder
    eslora length (of a ship, i.e. from bow to stern)
    espabilado smart, on the ball
    neceser overnight bag, toilet kit, wash bag
    riñonera money belt, fanny pack (Spain)
    tragaperras slot machine

    Tras pasear por el pintoresco centro histórico de Tallin, pillar wifi en un McDonald's y ver un espectáculo de un malabarista francés al que podías darle propina mediante contactless, fui a un hostal a preguntar si tenían camas libres.
    after stroll-INF by the picturesque center historic of Tallinn, catch wifi in a McDonald's and see-INF a show of a juggler french to-the that can-2s-IMPERF give.3s-IO tip by-means-of contactless go-1s-PRET to a hostel to ask-INF if have-3p-IMPERF bed-PL free-PL
    After walking through the picturesque historic center of Tallinn, getting wifi at a McDonald's and seeing the show of a French juggler whom you could tip using contactless payment, I went to a hostel to ask if they had beds available.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-02-03, 5:09

(et) from Minu Jõhvi: Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    kants bastion, stronghold
    kiikama to peek (sisse kiikama to peek in)
    kummutama disprove (kummutas selle arvamuse it disproved this notion)
    minge ja veenduge [ise] go and see for yourself (lit. go and convince yourself)
    pead andma to be absolutely sure, say with certainty, bet your bottom dollar (lit. give [one's] head)
    puustusmaa = puustus empty land, wasteland
(es) from Viaje por la última frontera de Europa by Martín Madridejos
    correligionario fellow believer, fellow follower (of a religion, political view or ideology)
    deparar to have in store (a ver que nos depara la vida let's see what life has in store for us)
    hacer tiempo to kill time, to waste time
    no estar por la labor de to not feel like, to not feel up to
    polideportivo sports center
    sin pelos en la lengua not mincing words; outspoken (lit. without hairs on the tongue)

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-02-04, 16:55

(et) from Minu Jõhvi: Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    ettemääratud predestined
    kinnipeetav internee, inmate
    molutama stare aimlessly, gape, gawk (meistermolutaja expert at gawking)
    peibutama to bait, to lure
    pädev competent
    tavahuviline common amateur (tavahuvilistele suletud closed to ordinary enthusiasts)
    üksisilmi vaatama to stare at

    Jõhvi park on küll Vikipeedia arvates liigivaene, kuid mistahes haljus on meie inimestele pakkunud kaitset ja rahu. Just viimast võiks õpilastele pakkuda kooli vahetus läheduses.
    According to Wikipedia, Jõhvi park lacks diversity of species, but any sort of greenery has offered our people protection and peace. The latter could be offered to students in the immediate vicinity of the school.

    Võib-olla päästab kultuurne töö mõne noore tema murede keskelt. Võib-olla on see mõnele sirguvale inimesele ainus võimalus saada natuke raha ja hakata oma elu kuidagigi rööbastesse suunama.
    Maybe cultural work saves some young people from their worries. Maybe for some people growing into adulthood this is the only way to get a little money and to start getting their life somehow headed in the right direction.
(es) from Viaje por la última frontera de Europa by Martín Madridejos
    amiguismo cronyism
    duro five-peseta coin (Spain) (por cuatro duros for twenty pesetas)
    fascículo part, installment
    zampar to wolf down, stuff one's face

    Se trataba de un lugar alternativo, friki y agradable, con mucho merchandising, galerías de arte y más cosas del ámbito artístico y cultural.
    It was an alternative, quirky and pleasant place, with lots of merchandising, art galleries and more from the artistic and cultural sphere.

    Me zampé un buen desayuno como dios manda, con cereales, huevos fritos, embutido, dos cafés y varios zumos de naranja.
    I wolfed down a hearty breakfast as God intended, with cereal, fried eggs, sausage, two coffees and several orange juices.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-02-05, 16:52

(et) from Minu Jõhvi: Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    ajusagar lobe (of the brain)
    hall mass common people, the masses (lit. grey mass)
    kohakuti aligned
    lihtsakoeline simplistic, homely (lihtsustatud simplified)
    toimetulek subsistence
    uuenduslik innovative (uuenduslikumalt more innovatively)

    Siinsed inimesed elavad oma rütmis, võnguvad hallile massile risti vastu.
    here-PL person-PL live-3p-PRES own rhythm-INESS oscillate-3p-PRES grey-ALL mass-ALL cross against
    People here live in their own rhythm, going against the flow.

(es) from Viaje por la última frontera de Europa by Martín Madridejos
    andrajoso ragged, in tatters
    bambas sneakers
    enganchado hooked
    espigada tall and slim
    floritura embellishment, frills
    horterismo tackiness, tastelessness
    melómano music lover

    Luego fuimos a un barbero turco pero yo desistí por el elevado precio, ya que pedían el equivalente a doce euros. A Chafiq se lo cortaron espléndidamente: los turcos son los mejores en temas capilares.
    later go-3p-PRET to a barber turkish but I withdraw-1s-PRET already that ask-3p-IMPERF the equivalent to twelve euro-PL. to Chafiq 3s-REFL 3s-DO cut-3p-PRET splendidly: the-PL turk-PL be-3p-PL the-PL best-PL in topic-PL hair-PL
    Later we went to a Turkish barber but I backed out because of the high price, since they were asking the equivalent of twelve euros. They cut Chafiq's magnificently; Turks are the best when it comes to hair.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-02-06, 13:50

(et) from Minu Jõhvi: Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    kahevahelolek hesitation, indecisiveness
    lahku löödud dissociated
    ringi jõlkuma to hang around
    koputi knocker (= uksekoputi door knocker)
    oma küünalt vaka alla panna keep one's knowledge or power hidden (lit. keep one's candle under a granary bin)
    tagajalgadele tõusma to be enraged, upset (lit. to rise up on back legs)
    võileivahinna eest = võileivahinnaga for a song, for a very cheap price (lit. for the price of a sandwich)

    On mõistlik panna oma jõukuse küünal vaka alla.
    It's wise to keep one's prosperity hidden. (lit. it's wise to put one's candle of prosperity under a granary bin)

    Kinnisvaraportaalidest näeb, nagu oleks Jõhvi ühe- ja kahetoalistest odavatest korteritest pungil, enamikul piltidel seisavad need justkui tühjalt. Elu ja melu näitavad vastupidist. See viga pole küljes mitte Jõhvi, vaid hoopis Kohtla-Järvel. Seal on tõesti paljud majad tühjad ja korterid pakutakse võileivahinnaga.
    Judging from real estate portals it appears as if Jõhvi is brimming with cheap one- and two-room apartments; in most photos they stand empty. The hustle and bustle demonstrate the opposite. This flaw isn't in Jõhvi, but rather in Kohtla-Järve. There, many houses truly are empty, and apartments are offered for a song.

    Üleüldse võiksime jalutuskäikudel jälgida mingisuguseid põhimõtteid: näiteks esimestel kordadel jalutame ülevaatliku pilguga, igal järgneval läheme süvitsi detailidesse. Nii võiksime igas asjas liikuda pealiskaudsusest peensusteni, kuni jõuame tuuma juurde.
    In general we could follow some sort of basic principles during the walks: for example, the first few times we walk taking in a holistic view, and then each subsequent time we dive into deeper details. In this way we could move from the superficial to the subtle with everything, until reaching the nucleus.
(es) from Viaje por la última frontera de Europa by Martín Madridejos
    apañado resourceful
    blanqueo whitewashing
    buscavidas go-getter
    colarse slip through, cut in line
    contundente blunt
    desencadenante trigger, cause
    mezcolanza mishmash, jumble

    Llegué muy justo al aeropuerto de Minsk y tuve que colarme en el control de equipaje mientras los nativos me miraban con cara de pocos amigos.
    I arrived at the Minsk airport just in time and had to cut in line at the baggage screening while the locals gave me unfriendly looks.

    Tras pasar por herméticos países como Rusia y Bielorrusia, el material se encontraba mucho más accesible, con decentes ediciones anglosajonas, lo que evidenciaba un mayor acercamiento a Europa.
    After travelling through hermetic countries like Russia and Belarus, the material was much more accessible, with decent English-language editions, which demonstrated a closer tie to Europe.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-02-07, 13:47

(et) from Minu Jõhvi: Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    johtuvalt consequently
    keevitama to weld
    kilb quiz show, trivia game
    kuremarjakobar cluster of cranberries
    okaskera curled-up hedgehog ("ball of thorns")
    vastupandamatu irresistible, endearing

    Road on siin kodusemad kui kusagil mujal ja kaks korda kuus toimub minu jaoks vastupandamatu meelelahutus - muusikaviktoriin.
    dish-PL be-1s here home-ADJ-COMP-PL than where-EMPH-ADESS elsewhere-ADESS and two time-PART-SING month-INESS occur-3s-SING 1s-GEN for against-put-INF-lacking mind.separation music.competition
    Here the food is more like homemade than anywhere else and twice a month there is an irresistible diversion for me - a music trivia competition.

    Kaks korda kuus tuleb kokku rühm intelligentseid inimesi, kellega saab arutleda päevapoliitiliste uudiste, ajaloolise muusikavaramu, toidu ja looduse üle, ajades samal ajal naha vahele mõistlikus koguses kanašašlõkki.
    two time-PART-SING month-INESS come-3s-SING together group intelligent-PART-PL person-PART-PL who-GEN-COM get-3s-PRES discuss-INF2 day.political-GEN-PL news-GEN-PL time.story-GEN-SING music.repository-GEN-SING food-GEN-SING and nature-GEN-SING over, drive-INF2-INESS same-ADESS time-ADESS skin-GEN-SING between-ALL reasonable-INESS amount-INESS chicken.shashlik-PART-SING
    Twice a month a group of intelligent people gets together to discuss current politics, historical music collections, food and nature, while at the same time eating chicken shashlik judiciously.

(es) from Viaje por la última frontera de Europa by Martín Madridejos
    atosigar pester, harass
    cachimba hookah, shisha, waterpipe
    contundente blunt (see previous post), but also: filling, satiating
    meter el hocico en stick one's nose in
    pecar de ingenuidad to be naive

    Fuimos a comer a un restaurante georgiano para rememorar. Pedimos el contundente khachapuri, un barco de pan con queso y mantequilla en el interior.
    go-1p-PRET to eat to a restaurant Georgian for reminisce-INF. Ask-for-1p-PRET the filling khachapuri, a boat of bread with cheese and butter in the interior
    We went to eat at a Georgian restaurant for old time's sake. We ordered khachapuri, a filling boat of bread with cheese and butter inside.

    Algo que observé en más lugares del Este fue el exceso de personal en determinadas establecimientos. Aunque no hubiese clientes, quizá en un bar había cinco camareros atosigándote.
    something that observe-1s-PRET in more place-PL of-the east is-3s-PRET the excess of personnel in certain-PL establishment-PL. Although no exist-3s-SUBJ-IMPERF client-PL, maybe in a bar exist-3s-IMPERF five waiter-PL pester-GER-2s-DO.
    Something that I noticed in more places in the East was the excess of staff in certain establishments. Even if there were no customers, in a bar there might be five waiters pestering you.

    Cuando me cansé de leer entablé conversación con una hermosa chica que se sentaba enfrente y una mujer nos escuchó y se sumó al coloquio.
    when 1s-DO tire-1s-PRET of read-INF strike-up-1s-PRET conversation with a beautiful girl that 3s-REFL sit-3s-IMPERF in-front and a woman 1p-IO hear-3s-PRET and 3s-REFL join-3s-PRET to-the conversation
    When I got tired of reading, I started up a conversation with a beautiful girl who was seated across from me, and a woman heard us and joined the discussion.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-02-08, 13:49

(et) from Minu Jõhvi: Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    lõimima to integrate, blend
    sisse sadama to blow in, pop in, drop in (ta sajab sisse she pops in)
    tuline jutt käib südamest läbi is very startled, takes fright (kerge jutt käib rinnust läbi is a bit frightened)
    ubinapuutri ((vro)) = õunaarvuti Apple computer
    valimatult indiscriminately
    valu andma to do briskly, quickly (annan tööle valu I work briskly, quickly)
    vilksamisi in passing, briefly

    Kerge jutt käib rinnust läbi, sest viimane kohtumine temaga oli vägivaldne.
    I'm a bit apprehensive, because the last meeting with her got violent.

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-02-10, 13:43

(es) from Viaje por la última frontera de Europa by Martín Madridejos
    cogorza drunkenness, state of being drunk, plastered, wasted (pillar una buena cogorza to be really drunk)
    convidar to invite (convidarse a to invite oneself to)
    enquistarse to develop into a cyst (problemas enquistados entrenched problems, deeply rooted problems)
    ídish Yiddish (yidis is considered more standard, but ídish is gaining ground, particularly in Argentina)
    pesquisa inquiry, investigation (pesquisar inquire, investigate)
    pinganillo earpiece
    resacoso hungover
    Yatekomo a brand of instant noodles from Spain

Joined:2016-09-17, 5:06

Re: Linguaphile's 2023 Estonian and Spanish reading log

Postby Linguaphile » 2023-02-11, 15:36

(et) from Minu Jõhvi: Isehakanud jõhvikas Ida-Võlumaal by Hendrik Pillmann
    elustama to resuscitate
    enne algust otsa saama to be over before it starts
    küündima to amount to
    liiglimine too snowy, overly snow liiglumisel talvepäeval on the overly-snowy winter day)
    mahv whiff, drag
    nagu nööri mööda käima to go in a very straight line (lit. to go as if along a thread)
    näikse it seems, it appears
    osaliseks saama to be subject to, come in for (saan sõimu osaliseks I am subject to verbal abuse)
    ära sättima to get drunk (ära sättinud drunk)

    Teised omavalitsused saavad looduse stiihia koristusega üldjuhul hakkama, kuid Jõhvi on see probleem, mistõttu tänavaid ei suudeta õigel ajal puhtaks teha. Nii võib päriselt juhtuda, et kõigest 20 minutit kestev koolitee venib lumes sumbates vaat et 50 minuti pikkuseks.
    second-PL own.government-PL receive-3p-PRES nature-GEN element-GEN cleaning-COM general.event-ADES start-INF1 but Jõhvi be-3s-PRES this problem street-PART-PL no correct-ADES time-ADES clean-TRANS do-INF2. so actually happen-INF2 that all-ELA twenty minute-PART-SING lasting school.road drag-3s-PRES snow-INES slosh-INF2-INES look that fifty minute-GEN long-TRANS
    Other municipalities are generally able to deal with cleaning up after the elements of nature, but in Jõhvi this is a problem, because of which they can't manage to get the roads cleared in a timely fashion. So it can happen that the route to school, which should take 20 minutes at most, actually drags out to 50 minutes sloshing through the snow.

    Lund langeb katkematult, kraadiklaas langeb vägisi miinus kahekümnest pügalast allapoole.
    snow PART-SING fall-3s-PRES break-INF1-without-ADV fall-3s-PRES by.force minus twenty-ELA notch-ELA downwards
    The snow falls incessantly, the thermometer is forced to fall below the minus-twenty-degree mark.

    Ühtlasi otsin kotist telefoni, et asjaomastele ametiasutustele vennikesest teada anda.
    at.once seek-1s-PRES bag-ELA telephone-GEN that thing.holder-ALL-PL official-institution-ALL-PL guy-DIM-ELA know-INF2 give-INF2
    At the same time, I look for the phone in the bag, in order to let the relevant authorities know about the guy.

    Inimesed näivad kartvat röövlisalkade rüüsteretki ja on lasknud paigaldada korteritele mitmekordse lukusüsteemiga "kuulikindlad" uksed.
    person-NOM-PL seem-3s-PRES fear-INDIR robber-GEN.gang-GEN-PL plunder.foray-GEN and be-3s let-PST.PARTICIP install-INF2 apartment-ALL-PL many.time-GEN lock.system-COM bullet.proof-NOM-PL door-NOM-PL
    People seem to be afraid of gangs of robbers and have had "bullet-proof" doors with complex locking systems installed in their apartments.

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