Broken Translation Game 10

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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby Nukalurk » 2009-02-08, 13:08

I'm reeeeally sorry for the long delay! :cry: Last time I participated I did it immediately after receiving it but this week was just bad. :(

I finally sent it now. :)

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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby linguaholic » 2009-02-08, 13:23

Phew, that wasn't as hard as I had imagined. And it didn't look too messed up to me either. :hmm: Maybe it just turned into another sensible story. ^^

Done and sent to ILuvEire. Poor him, he has to deal with my Esperanto in two games right now.
native: Deutsch / advanced: English, Nederlands / intermediate: Esperanto / forgotten: Français / fighting my way through: עברית מקראית / dreaming of: Čeština, עברית / admiring from a safe distance: فارسی

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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby Monsieur-Kiwi » 2009-02-08, 21:27

*Taps finger on the table impatiently* :twisted:

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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby ILuvEire » 2009-02-09, 3:13

Here you go! I was surprised, I thought that the text would be really hard.

Jen! Mi suprizis, mi pensis ke la teksto estus tre malfacila.
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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby ctoncc » 2009-02-09, 6:41

The results:
I'll post the translations by teams first.

Team 1 - Finished: 9 February

Original text wrote:Jenny Smith, a Lowell High School ninth-grader, attempted to tell French teacher Madame Marie about a fire in the girls' second-floor bathroom Monday, only to be ordered to speak French. "In French" Marie told the frantic, wildly gesticulating Smith. Smith then tried to say, "Allyson Tamer threw a lit cigarette in the garbage, and it burst into flames, and now there's a huge fire spreading all over the bathroom!" in French, but got stuck on the word for "threw."

Catalan – Culurien

Jen Smith, una estudiant a "Lowell High School" va intentar dir a la professora del francès, Madame Marie, que el dilluns hi havia un foc en la cambra de bany per noies en la segona planta, però la professora va demanar que només parla francès. Marie va dir, "en el francès" a la frenètic Smith. Llavors Smith va intentar dir, "Allison Tanner va tirar un cigarret encendrut en la brossa i va incendiar-se i ara un foc s'engrand en la cambra de bany!" en el francès però va encallar-se a la paraula "tirar".

French – Trapy

Jen Smith, une étudiant à « Lowell High School » a essayé de dire à la professer de Français, Madame Marie, que le Lundi il y avait une feu dans la salle de bain pour les filles, mais la professer a demandé qu’elle parle en français. Marie a dit « en Français » à la frénétique Smith. Llavors Smith à essayer de dire, « Allison Tanner a lance une cigarette dans la brosse, et il a incendié, et maintenant une feu s’enrage dans la salle de bain ! » en français mais il s’est trompé au mot « lancer ».

Irish – Supreemio

D’fhéach Jen Smith, mac léinn in Lowell High School, le hinse don mhúinteoir Fhraincise, an Bhean Uasal Marie, go rabh teinidh ann i seomra fholctha na gcailín Dé Luain, ach d’iarr an múinteoir uirthi go labhraidh sí i bhFraincis. D’úrt Marie « i bhFraincis » leis an Ghabhannach ar mire. D’fhéach Llavors Smith le ráidht « theilg Allison Tanner toitín ins an bhruis, agus d’éirigh sin ina dhóiteán.

German – neoni

Jen Smith, eine Studentin in der Lowell Hauptschule, versuchte ihrer Französischen Lehrerin, Frau Marie, zu sagen, dass es Montag ein Feuer in der Toilette der Frauen gab, die Lehrerin wollte aber, dass das Mädchen auf Französisch redete. Marie sagte ziemlich verrückt "auf Französisch!" Jen Smith versuchte zu sagen "Alison Tanner hat mal ne Zigarette in den Kasten, und es ist in Brand gerettet.

Latin – loqu

Jen Smith, discipula in Universitate Lowell, temptabat magistrae suae, Dominae Marie, dicere ut die Lunae ignis in latrina mulierum fuit. Magistra autem voluit discipulam Francice loqui. Marie dixit valde irata "Francice!". Jen Smith temptavit dicere Alison Tanner sigarellum in capsa habuisse ac inflammatum esse.

Italian - Ayiaerael

Jen Smith, una studentessa all'Università Lowell, tentava lunedì dire alla sua professoressa, Signora Marie, che ci fu un fuoco nel bagno. Tuttavia la professoressa volle che parli Francis. Gridò furiosamente "Francis!" Jen tentò dire a Alison Tanner che una sigaretta ebbe inflammato il bagno.

Greek – linguamania

Η Jen Smith, φοιτήτρια στο Πανεπιστήμιο Lowell, προσπάθησε τη Δεύτερη να πει στην καθηγήτρια, τη Κυρία Μαρίε, πως υπήρχε φωτιά στο μπάνιο. Η καθηγήρια, όμως, ήθελε να μιλήσε ο Francis. Φώναξε θυμωμένη 'Francis!' Η Jen προσπάθησε να πει στην Alison Tanner πως ένα τσιγάρο είχε ανάψει το μπάνιο.

Frisian – Dminor

Jen Smith, studinte oan ‘e Universiteit Lowell, besocht moandei har prefester, frou Mary, te sizzen dat der fjoer wie yn ‘e baaikeamer. De prefester woe it lykwols tsjin Francis sizze. Sy rôp lulk ‘Francis!’ Jen besocht tsjin Alison Tanner te sizzen dat in sigaret de baaikeamer oansmookt hie.

Russian – dorenda

Ен Смит, студентка Лоуэллского университета, в понедельник пыталась сказать своему профессору, госпоже Мэри, что в ванной комнате огонь. Профессор же хотел это сказать Франсис. Она сердито воскликнула: “Франсис!” Ен пыталась сказать Алисон Таннер, что сигарета зажгла ванную комнату.

French – Amikeco

Lundi, Ann Smith, l'étudiante de l'université de Lowell, a essayé de dire à son professeur, Mme Mary, qu'il y avait un feu dans la salle de bains. Le professeur voulait le dire à Francis. En colère, elle a crié : « Francis ! » Ann essayait de dire à Alyson Tanner qu'une cigarette avait allumé la salle de bains.

Esperanto - linguaholic

Lunde, Ann Smith, studentino de la Lowella universitato provis diri al ŝia instruistino, Mme Mary, ke estis fajro en la banejo. La instruistino volis diri tion al Francis. Kolere, ŝi vokis: "Francis!" Ann provis diri al Alyson Tanner ke cigaredo ekflamigis la banejon.

English – ILuvEire

Monday, Ann Smith, Lowella University student was able to say to her professor, Mme Mary, that there was a fire in the bathroom. The professor wanted to say it to Francis. Angrily, she yelled: "Francis!" Ann was able to say to Alyson Tenner that a cigarette ignited the bathroom.

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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby Nukalurk » 2009-02-09, 6:47

Oh, I thought about writing that it was Alison who did it but the text before me just didn't state that. And I first wrote Alyson with an i but thought it's more likely it's with y. :mrgreen:

Where did the French only part go to? :o

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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby ctoncc » 2009-02-09, 6:49

Team 2
Finished: 28 January

original text wrote:Jenny Smith, a Lowell High School ninth-grader, attempted to tell French teacher Madame Marie about a fire in the girls' second-floor bathroom Monday, only to be ordered to speak French. "In French" Marie told the frantic, wildly gesticulating Smith. Smith then tried to say, "Allyson Tamer threw a lit cigarette in the garbage, and it burst into flames, and now there's a huge fire spreading all over the bathroom!" in French, but got stuck on the word for "threw."

French - Mon-kiwi

Le lundi, Jen Smith, une étudiante en classe de troisième au lycée de Lowell a essayée de dire à Madame Marie, un professeur de français, qu'il y avait un feu dans les toilettes des dames à la deuxième étage, mais a été commandée de parler en français.
- En français ! Marie a dit à Smith qui était hors de soir et en train de gesticuler dans une manière déchaînée.
Puis Smith a essayée de dire en français :
-Allison Tamer a jetée un cigarette illuminé dans la poubelle qui s'est enflammée soudainement, et maintenant il y a un grand feu qui est en train d'étendre tout autour des toilettes !
Malheuresement, elle était coincée par le mot <<jeter>>

Italian - yvonne_v

Lunedì, Jen Smith, una studentessa di terza al liceo di Lowell, ha provato a dire alla signora Marie, un'insegnante di francese, che c'era un incendio nel bagno delle signore al secondo piano, ma è stata obbligata a parlare in francese.
-In francese! ha detto Marie alla Smith, che era fuori di se' e stava gesticolando in modo disperato.
Poi la Smith ha provato a dire in francese:
-Allison Tamer ha gettato una sigaretta accesa nel cestino, che ha preso fuoco improvvisamente, e ora c'è un grande incendio che si sta estendendo tutt'intorno ai bagni!
Purtroppo, era bloccata dalla parola "gettare".

Belorussian – voron

У панядзелак Джэн Сміт, навучэнка трэццяга году ліцэя Лоўэл, паспрабавала сказаць пані Мары, настаўніцы французскай, што ў прыбіральні паннаў з другога паверху адбыўся пажар, але яна была прымушана размаўляць па-французску.

- Па-французску! - сказала Мары Сміт, якая была не ў сабе і роспачна жэстыкулявала.

Тады Сміт паспрабавала сказаць па-французску:
- Алісан Тэймер кінула запаленую цыгарэту ў кошык, які раптам загарэўся, і зараз там вялікі пажар, які пашыраецца па ўсіх прыбіральнях!
На жаль, слова "кінуць" паўстала для яе перашкодай.

Greek – Oleksij

Τη δευτέρα η Δζεν Σμιθ, μαθητήρια του τρίτου έτου στο λυκείο Λόγουελ, προσπάθησε να λέει την κύρια Μάρυ, τη δάσκαλο της γαλλικής γλώσσας, ότι στο μπάνιο άνδρων του δεύτερου όροφου έγινε μία φωτιά, άλλα ήταν αναγκασμένη να μιλά στα γαλλικά.

"Στα γαλλικά!" - είπε η Μάρυ Σμιθ, που ήταν έκτος από την εαυτό της και χειρονομούσα με οργή.

Τοτέ, προσπάθησε η Σμιθ να πει στα γαλλικά:
- Η 'Αλισαν Τέϋμερ έριξε ενα φλογισμένο τσιγάρο στο καλάθι, που ξαφνικά φλόγησε και τώρα υπάρχει'κεί μία μεγάλη φωτιά, που εξαπλώνει στις όλες τις τουαλέτες!
Δυστυχώς, το λόγος "έριξε" έγινε για αυτήν ενα εμπόδιο.

Mandarin – Junesun

星期一,[咯股额勒]中学校的第三年学生[珍妮•史密斯]试试了对玛丽法语老师说 《在第二楼的男生卫生间里有个火。》 但是她应该说法语。

《用法语!》 [玛丽•史密斯]指手画脚得生气地说。

然后,史密斯试试用法语说:《 [啊莉森•特么儿]于篮子投一个有火的雪茄,篮子马上着火,现在有个大的火,扩散到各个厕所!》

Romanian – Balaur

Luni, elevul de clasa a-treia a Școlii Generale Gagula Ionuț Smith încearcă să zică către profesorul de franceză lui Maria „Este un foc la toaleta băiețiilor de la al doilea etaj,“ dar trebuea să vorbească franceză.

„Folosește franceză!“ Maria Smith gesticulă cu mâinile până vorbește cu nervi.

După aceia, Smith încercă să zică pe franceză: „Allison Tămar a aruncat un trabuc aprins în coș, coșul imediat a luat foc, și acum este un foc mare și s-a întins la toate veceuri!“

Din păcate, cuvântul ăla ’a arunca’ pentru ea s-a schimbat în criză.

Norwegian(B) – Diogenes

På mandag, eleven fra tredje klasse på Gagula Jan Smith Grunnskole prøvde å si til fransklæreren til Maria, "Det er en brann i guttetoalettet i annen etasje," men trengte å snakke fransk.

"Bruk fransk!" Maria Smith gestikulerer med hendene til hun snakker nervøst.

Etter dette, Smith prøver å snakke på fransk: "Allison Tamar kastet en brennende sigar i søppelkurven, søppelkurven straks tok fyr, og nå er det en stor brann og den har spredt seg til alle toalettene!"

Dessverre, det ordet "å kaste" har forandret seg for henne under krisen.

Scottish Gaelic – Eoghan

Thuirt sgoilear bhò’n treas clàs ann an Bùnsgòil Gagula Iàin MacGhobhainn rud cùirteil ri Màire. Às a seo, bhruidhinn Màire ri a’ bhean-tidsear nan Fraingis an Diluain air dheireadh. Thuirt i “Chuir cupla duine tèine ri an tàigh beag nan fir air an dara lobhta” ach bha feumach oirre a’ bhruidhinn ‘sa Fraingis anns an t-seomar-teagaisg.

Thuirt a’ bhean-tidsear do Màire Nic a’ Ghobhainn ,“Bruidhinn rium ‘sa Fraingis, a’ Mhàire!” ach bha craobhaidheachd mòr aice agus rinn i feum dhè a làimhe nuair a’ bhruidhinn i ris.

Bha Nic a’ Ghobhainn a’ feuchainn ris Fraingis a’ bruidhinn anàs dèidh sin: Thilg Ailios Tamar toitean air tèine anns a’ chlòsaid, chuir na theine air a’ chlòsaid, is loisg gach tàighean beaga gu tàlamh a-nis!”

Ach, air an drochuair, thuirt i gnìomhar eile ann an àite “tilg”, mar a bha babhsgaire oirre.

German – Delboy

Ein Schüler aus der dritten Klasse in der Grundschule Gagula Ian MacGowan hat was höflich an Mary gesagt. Als Folge davon, hat Maria die Französische Lehrerin am Montag endlich angesprochen. Sie hat >>Einige Leute hat die Herrentoilette am zweiten Dachboden angezündet.<< gesagt, aber sie müsste auf Französisch im Klassenzimmer sprechen.

Die Lehrerin sagte an Mary MacGowan >>Sprich mir auf Französisch Mary!<< aber sie war sehr nervös und benutzte die Hände, als sie ihr sprach.

Danach hat MacGowan versucht, auf Französisch zu sprechen: >>Alice Tamar hat eine beleuchtete Zigarette in den Schrank eingeworfen, sie hat den Schrank in Brand gesetzt, und jede toilette wird jetzt eingeäschert!<<

Aber leider hat sie ein anderes Verb an Stelle von >>werfen<< gesagt, weil sie Angst hatte.

English – sjheiss

A student in the third grade in Gagula Elemetary School, Ian MacGowan, has politely told something to Mary. As a result, on Monday Mary has finally spoken to the French teacher. She has said: "Several people has
set the men's toilet on fire in the second attic.", but she must speak in French in the classroom.

The teacher told Mary MacGowan: "Speak to me in French, Mary!", but she was very nervous and used her hands while she spoke.

Afterwards Mary has tried to speak in French: "Alice Tamar has dropped a lit cigarette in the closet, she set has set the closet ablaze, and now every toilet will burn to ashes!"

Unfortunately, she has said another verb instead of "throw", because she had fear.

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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby ctoncc » 2009-02-09, 6:55

Team 3
Finished: 5 February

original text wrote:Jenny Smith, a Lowell High School ninth-grader, attempted to tell French teacher Madame Marie about a fire in the girls' second-floor bathroom Monday, only to be ordered to speak French. "In French" Marie told the frantic, wildly gesticulating Smith. Smith then tried to say, "Allyson Tamer threw a lit cigarette in the garbage, and it burst into flames, and now there's a huge fire spreading all over the bathroom!" in French, but got stuck on the word for "threw."

French – jaybee

Jen Smith, une étudiante de neuviéme à Lowelle, a essayé dire à la professeure de français Madame Marie sur un incendie dans la salle de bains au le deuxième étage des filles à lundi, pour être commandé à parler français. “En français,” Marie a dit à la frénétique Smith. Ensuite, Smith a essayé dire en français “Allison Tamer a jeté une cigarette allumée dans la poubelle, et il a éclaté en flammes, et maintenant il y a un grand incendie qui se répand partout dans la salle de bains!” Mais elle se bloque sur le mot “jeté.”

Russian – ornament

Jen Smith (Жен Смит), студентка девятого курса в Lowelle (Ловель), пыталась сказать преподавательнице французского Madame Marie (Мадам Мари) о пожаре в ванной на втором этаже в понедельник. "По-французски" - сказала Мари взволнованной Смит. Смит попыталась сказать по-французски "Allison Tamer (Элисон Тэймер) бросила зажженную сигарету в мусорку и она загорелась, а теперь этот огонь перерос в серьезный пожар, который распространился на всю ванную!", но застряла на слове "бросать"

Italian – RCA

Jen Smith, studentessa del nono anno a Lowelle, ha cercato di raccontare alla professoressa di francese Madame Marie dell’incendio che lunedì c’è stato nella camera da bagno al secondo piano. ‘In francese!’ – ha detto Marie alla commossa Smith. Smith ha tentato di dire in francese: ‘Allison Tamer ha buttato una sigaretta accesa nel cestino che ha preso fuoco, e poi il fuoco si è trasformato in un grande incendio che si è diffuso per tutta la camera da bagno!’, ma si è fermata sulla parola ‘buttare’..

Finnish – Elyse

Jen Smith, opiskelija yhdeksännen vuoden Lowellessa, oli yrittänyt selittää yliopiston professorsi Madame Marielle, joka opettaa Ranskaa, palosta joka oli kylpyhuoneessa maanantaina ja mikä oli sytytetty tarkoituksella. 'Ranskaksissa!'- Marie oli sanonut Smithille. Smith oli yrittänyt sanoa Ranskaksissa: 'Allison Tamer oli heittänyt palavan sikarin koriin joka kiinnitti tulen, ja sitten tuli oli muuttunut suureksi tulipaloksi joka oli tuhonnut koko kylpyhuoneen!', mutta se oli lopetettu yhteen sanaan 'buttare'

Spanish – Danial

Jen Smith, una estudiante de nuovo grado en Lowelle, ha intentado explicarse a su profesora de francés a la universidad, por el fuego que pasó el lunes en el baño y la causa del fuego. "¡En francés!" Marie dijo Smith. Smith intentó dicerlo en francés. "¡Allison Tamer ha tirado un cigarrilla que está estado quemando a la basura y entonces la llama se convertía en un grande fuego que destruyò todo el baño!", pero el fuego morió con la palabra "tirar".

Serbian – Anesthesia

Džen Smit , student novog razreda na Lowell-u je pokušavala da objasni svojoj profesorki francuskog na Univerzitetu uzrok požara koji se desio u ponedeljak u kupatilu. „Na francuskom!“, Marija je rekla Smith. Smith je pokušala da to kaže na francuskom. „Allison Tamer je ugasila cigaretu koja je ostala da gori u kanti za đubre i onda se vatra pretvorila u veliki požar koji je uništio sve u kupatilu!“ ,ali požar je nestao sa rečju „ugasiti“.

French – Zorba

Jane Smith, une étudiante de première année à l’université de Lowell, essayait d’expliquer à son professeur de français la cause d’un incendie qui avait éclaté dans la salle de bain le lundi. “En français!” dit Marie, la professeur. Smith essaya d’expliquer en français. “Allison Tanner a éteindu sa cigarette, mais elle a continué à brulêr dans la corbeille. Les déchets se sont enflammés et les flammes ont devenu un grand incendie, qui a consumé tout dans la corbeille!”, mais l’incendie n’arrêta pas avec le mot “éteindre”.

Dutch – Vogelvrij

Jane Smith, een eerstejaars studente van de universiteit van Lowell, probeerde haar professor Frans uit te leggen wat de reden van de brand was waardoor de badkamer maandag is ontploft. "En français!", zei Marie, de docent. Smith probeerde het in het Frans uit te leggen. "Allison Tanner maakte haar sigaret uit, maar ze brandde verder in de prullenbak. Het afval vatte vlam en de vlammen werden een grote brand, die al het afval heeft verbrand!", maar de brand zal niet stoppen met het woord "éteindre".

Danish – Aleco

Jane Smith, en førsteårsstudent ved Lowells Universitet, prøvede at forklare hendes professor Frans hvordan branden indeni baderommet skulde sprænges. ”En français!” siger Marie, adjunkten. Smith prøvede at forklare det på fransk. ”Allison Tanner slukkede hendes sigaret, men den brændte videre i papirkurven. Affaldet begynte at brænde, og flammerne blev til en stor brand, som brændte op alt affaldet!”, men branden vil ikke slukkes med ordet ”éteindre”.

Swedish - melan

Jane Smith, en förstaårsstudent vid Lowells Universitet, försökte att förklara sin professor franska hur branden i badrummet skulle sprängas. "En français!" säger Marie, adjunkten. Smith försökte att förklara det på franska. "Alison Tanner släckte sin cigarett, men den brann vidare i papperskorgen. Avfallet började brinna, och flammorna blev till en stor, som brände upp allt avfallet!", men branden ville inte släcka med ordet "éteindre".

Japanese – Mrhashimoto

ロウェルズ大学の一年生のジェイン・スミスはフランス語の先生にどうやってお風呂場にある火事は始めたか説明してみました。学芸員のマリーは「フランス語 で!」と言いました。スミスはフランス語で説明してみて、「アリソン・タンナーはたばこを捨てましたけど、ゴミ箱で燃やし続きました。ゴミは火事は大事に なる時までに燃やし始まることのおかげで、全部のゴミは燃やしてしまいました」。だけど、「éteindre」と言えば、火事は消しませんでした。

English – Jaakuuta

Lowell’s University freshman Jane Smith explained to the French(language) teacher how the fire started in the bathroom. The curator said “In French!” Smith explained in French, “Alison Tanner threw away her cigarette, but the cherry was still burning in the trash can. Since the fire started to burn up to the point that it became serious, all of the garbage was completely burned. However, if she said to extinguish, then the fire couldn’t be extinguished.

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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby ctoncc » 2009-02-09, 6:59

And now the original text and the final translations:

original text wrote:Jenny Smith, a Lowell High School ninth-grader, attempted to tell French teacher Madame Marie about a fire in the girls' second-floor bathroom Monday, only to be ordered to speak French. "In French" Marie told the frantic, wildly gesticulating Smith. Smith then tried to say, "Allyson Tamer threw a lit cigarette in the garbage, and it burst into flames, and now there's a huge fire spreading all over the bathroom!" in French, but got stuck on the word for "threw."

Team 1 Final:

Monday, Ann Smith, Lowella University student was able to say to her professor, Mme Mary, that there was a fire in the bathroom. The professor wanted to say it to Francis. Angrily, she yelled: "Francis!" Ann was able to say to Alyson Tenner that a cigarette ignited the bathroom.

Team 2 Final:

A student in the third grade in Gagula Elemetary School, Ian MacGowan, has politely told something to Mary. As a result, on Monday Mary has finally spoken to the French teacher. She has said: "Several people has
set the men's toilet on fire in the second attic.", but she must speak in French in the classroom.

The teacher told Mary MacGowan: "Speak to me in French, Mary!", but she was very nervous and used her hands while she spoke.

Afterwards Mary has tried to speak in French: "Alice Tamar has dropped a lit cigarette in the closet, she set has set the closet ablaze, and now every toilet will burn to ashes!"

Unfortunately, she has said another verb instead of "throw", because she had fear.

Team 3 Final:

Lowell’s University freshman Jane Smith explained to the French(language) teacher how the fire started in the bathroom. The curator said “In French!” Smith explained in French, “Alison Tanner threw away her cigarette, but the cherry was still burning in the trash can. Since the fire started to burn up to the point that it became serious, all of the garbage was completely burned. However, if she said to extinguish, then the fire couldn’t be extinguished.

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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby hashi » 2009-02-09, 7:31

@Team 2: wtf...

Sono ancora qui (a volte), ma probabilmente non ti voglio parlare.

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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby Eoghan » 2009-02-09, 7:46

mrhashimoto wrote:@Team 2: wtf...

I love the fact that DelBoy stayed at Iain MacGowan, and didn't went all the way (John Smith) :D I guess I messed up big time, or well, we all did, although or translations aren't that bad :D

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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby loqu » 2009-02-09, 8:38

omg I can't read this at work, this is funny :lol: :lol:
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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby jaybee » 2009-02-09, 8:54

lol.. I like team 2's translation!
so, a school turned to a university twice, an imaginary friend called francis, and toilets in the closet. what else?

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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby Monsieur-Kiwi » 2009-02-09, 9:56

This was totally worth the wait! Gosh I can't believe team 2's final translation. Hahaha, I may need some time to get over this. :lol: :lol:

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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby ILuvEire » 2009-02-09, 10:27

Team two definitely had the best translation.
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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby Hoogstwaarschijnlijk » 2009-02-09, 10:33

All those names :D

I just took the same name as I got, but it reminded me so much of Jan Smit, a famous Dutch singer...
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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby voron » 2009-02-09, 13:38

We (Team 2) have messed it up quite a bit. :? But at least we have kept the idea behind the final sentence. :good4u:

My own mistakes (Italian - Belarusian): I interpreted "nel bagno delle signore al secondo piano" (in the ladies' bathroom of the second floor") as "in the bathroom of the ladies of the second floor" (minor, but makes difference). But as I can see it attained its original meaning later.

Then, the mistake that the fire spreaded around multiple bathrooms (instead of just one), but I already got it this way in Italian as far as I understand ("si sta estendendo tutt'intorno ai bagni").

And, the ninth grade turned third?! Mon-kiwi, did you attempt a cultural conversion? I thought I could do it with the floor counting system... but I didn't bother to remember how they do the count in Italy. :)

EDIT: Omg and there's a more fatal mistake... In the sentence "-In francese! ha detto Marie alla Smith" (In french! Mary told Smith) Belarusian relies on cases to differentiate between the teller and the listener, but the name Smith does not decline, so my translation looked like "told Mary Smith". It sounds clumsy but I hoped Oleksij would be able to get the meaning right out of context... but I guess he didn't, and it propagated along and made all the mess.

EDIT2: Haha I used the word "кошык" (košik) for "cestino" (basket), and after getting transmogrified through Greek and Mandarin, it reappeared in Romanian as "coș" (koš), apparently the same word. Neat. :)

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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby DelBoy » 2009-02-09, 14:34

Eoghan wrote:
mrhashimoto wrote:@Team 2: wtf...

I love the fact that DelBoy stayed at Iain MacGowan, and didn't went all the way (John Smith) :D I guess I messed up big time, or well, we all did, although or translations aren't that bad :D

Ok, I can see the Iain -> John...... but MacGowan as Smith??
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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby loqu » 2009-02-09, 14:48

Our translation (team 1) is freaking cool. Not only we have shortened the story incredibly :lol: we also invented a new friend called Francis and took the blame off Alyson Tanner, who became only a gossip listener :lol: this is awesome.

But nevertheless the funniest one has been the one by team 2. :mrgreen:
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Re: Broken Translation Game 10

Postby Trapy » 2009-02-09, 15:43

and now every toilet will burn to ashes!"

"and now every toilet will burn to ashes!""

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