La personne below de mí. de 4

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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby linguoboy » 2014-02-08, 6:13

[flag=]de[/flag] Wie alle Dinge hab ich es gern in Maßen.
[flag=]fr[/flag] Comme toutes les chose, je l'aime avec modération.
[flag=]ga[/flag] Mar gach einní, is i mbun na measarthachta gur maith liom é.
[flag=]ca[/flag] Com tot, el m'agrada amb moderació.

[flag=]de[/flag] Die Person nach mir hat die Eröffnungsfeier der Olympischen Spiele nicht angeschaut.
[flag=]fr[/flag] La personne dessous de moi a pas regardé la cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux olympiques.
[flag=]ga[/flag] Ní fhéach an duine im' dhiadh ar an searmanas tionscnaimh na gCluichí Oilimpeacha.
[flag=]ca[/flag] La persona de baix de mi no ha mirat la cerimònia d'inauguració dels Jocs olímpics.
"Richmond is a real scholar; Owen just learns languages because he can't bear not to know what other people are saying."--Margaret Lattimore on her two sons

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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby Levike » 2014-02-08, 16:32

[flag=]ro[/flag] Nu și e trist fiindcă era singurul lucru care mă interesa.
[flag=]es[/flag] No y es triste porque era la única cosa que me interesaba.
[flag=]de[/flag] Nein und es it traurig weil das die einzige Sache war die nich interessierte.
[flag=]en[/flag] No and it's sad because it was the only thing that interested me.

[flag=]ro[/flag] Următoarea persoană vrea un câine, dar știe că ar fi mult prea greu de îngrijit.
[flag=]es[/flag] La siguiente persona quiere un perro pero sabe que sería mucho dificíl cuidarlo.
[flag=]hu[/flag] A következő személynek kell egy kutya de tudja, hogy túl nehéz lenne vigyázni rá.
[flag=]en[/flag] The next person wants a dog but he knows that it would be too hard to take care of one.
Last edited by Levike on 2014-02-08, 18:00, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby PiotrR » 2014-02-08, 16:58

Last edited by PiotrR on 2014-04-02, 1:25, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby Levike » 2014-02-08, 18:13

[flag=]ro[/flag] Nu-mi place felul în care se scrie, plus faptul că e o limbă moartă e un mare minus.
[flag=]pt[/flag] Não gosto da maneira como que se escreve e é uma língua morta e isto seria um outro problema.
[flag=]de[/flag] Die Schrift gefällt mir nicht und ein großer Nachteil ist dass es eine tote Sprache ist.
[flag=]en[/flag] I don't like the script, plus the fact that it's a dead language could be a problem.

[flag=]ro[/flag] Persoana de sub mine învață numai limbi care ar putea fi de folos.
[flag=]es[/flag] La persona debajo de mí aprende solamente idiomas que podrían ser útiles.
[flag=]de[/flag] Die Person nach mir lernt nur Sprachen die nützlich sein könnten.
[flag=]en[/flag] The person below me learns only languages that could be useful.
Last edited by Levike on 2014-02-10, 0:59, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby PiotrR » 2014-02-08, 18:38

Last edited by PiotrR on 2014-04-02, 1:25, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby Levike » 2014-02-08, 18:54

[flag=]ro[/flag] Sigur că da, dar pentru mine și lumina calculatorului este îndeajuns.
[flag=]pt[/flag] Claro que sim, mas para mim a luz do computador é suficiente também.
[flag=]de[/flag] Ja aber für mich das Licht des Rechners ist auch gut genug.
[flag=]en [/flag] Yes but for me even the light of the computer is enough.

[flag=]ro[/flag] Câteodată folosești tastatura unei limbi ca să scrii diacriticile unei alte limbi.
[flag=]de[/flag] Manchmal verwendest du die Tastatur einer Sprache um die diakritische Zeichen einer anderen Sprache zu schreiben.
[flag=]es[/flag] A veces usilizas el teclado de un idioma para escribir los diacríticos de una otra lengua.
[flag=]en[/flag] Sometimes you use the keyboard of a language to write the diacritics of another language.

ceid donn
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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby ceid donn » 2014-02-08, 20:46

[flag=]en-us[/flag] Well, I use a QWERTY keyboard with the US International keyboard layout for most of my languages, but I want to find a better keyboard layout for Breton.
[flag=]de[/flag] Wohl, ich benutze eine QWERTY Tastatur mit der US-Internationalen Tastaturbelegunge für die Mehrzahl meiner Sprachen, ober ich möchte eine bessere Belegung für Bretonische finden.
[flag=]gd[/flag] Ma-tà, bidh mi meur-chlàr QWERTY leis an co-dhealbhadh eadar-nàiseanta a cheachdadh airson a' chuid-mhòr de chànanan agam, ach tha mi ag iarraidh co-dhealbhadh nas fhearr airson Breatnais.
[flag=]es[/flag] Bien, utilizo un teclado QWERTY con la distribución Estados Unidos-Internacional para la mayoría de mis idiomas, pero quiero encontrar una mejor distribución del teclado para el bretón.

[flag=]en-us[/flag] One of the parents of the person below me is bilingual.
[flag=]de[/flag] Eine der Eltern der Person nach mir ist zweisprachig.
[flag=]gd[/flag] 'S e dà-chànanach a tha fear de phàrantan aig an duine gu h-ìosal.
[flag=]es[/flag] Uno de los padres de la persona debajo de mí es bilingüe.

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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby PiotrR » 2014-02-08, 21:36

Last edited by PiotrR on 2014-04-02, 1:25, edited 2 times in total.

ceid donn
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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby ceid donn » 2014-02-08, 22:19

[flag=]en-us[/flag] I already know HTML, but I don't use it often.
[flag=]sw[/flag] Ninajua HTML kwisha lakini silitumia mara nyingi.
[flag=]gd[/flag] Tha mi eòlach air HTML a cheana ach cha cleachdaidh mi e gu tric.
[flag=]es[/flag] Ya sé el HTML, pero no lo utilizo a menudo.

[flag=]en-us[/flag] The person below me has plans for St Valentine's Day (with or without a partner).
[flag=]de[/flag] Die Person nach mir hat Pläne für den Valentinstag (mit oder ohne Partner).
[flag=]gd[/flag] Tha planaichean do Là Fhéill Bhaileintin aig an duine gu h-ìosal (le no gun companach).
[flag=]es[/flag] La persona debajo de mí tiene planes para el Día de San Valentín (con o sin un compañero).

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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby Levike » 2014-02-08, 22:38

[flag=]ro[/flag] Nici măcar nu știu când e Ziua Îndrăgostiților.
[flag=]es[/flag] No sé ni siquiera cuando es el Día de San Valentín.
[flag=]de[/flag] Ich habe keine Ahnung wann Valentinstag ist.
[flag=]en[/flag] I don't even know when Valentine's day is.

[flag=]ro[/flag] Care este cea mai mare minciună pe care ai zis-o în ultima vreme?
[flag=]pt[/flag] Qual é a maior mentira que disseste nos últimos tempos?
[flag=]es[/flag] Cuál es la mayor mentira que has dicho últimamente?
[flag=]en[/flag] Which is the biggest lie you said lately?
Last edited by Levike on 2014-02-10, 1:00, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby PiotrR » 2014-02-08, 23:48

Last edited by PiotrR on 2014-04-02, 1:25, edited 1 time in total.

ceid donn
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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby ceid donn » 2014-02-09, 4:20

[flag=]sw[/flag] Ndiyo lakini silipenda.
[flag=]br[/flag] Ya met n'en deus ket plijet din.
[flag=]es[/flag] Sí, pero no me gusta.
[flag=]gd[/flag] Tha ach cha toil leam e.

[flag=]en-us[/flag] The person below me likes to write poetry in a second language.
[flag=]sw[/flag] Mtu chini yangu anapenda kuandika mashairi lughani ya kigeni.
[flag=]br[/flag] An den zo dindanon a blij dezhañ skrivañ gwerzennoù en un eil langaj.
[flag=]es[/flag] A la person debajo de mí le gusta escribir poesía en un segundo idioma.

I almost posted this with a big mistake in the Swahili--instead of mashairi, for poetry, I wrote ushari, which means quarrelsome(ly) or angry/angrily. So that sentence would have read "The person below me likes to write angrily in a foreign language". :lol:
Last edited by ceid donn on 2014-02-11, 2:51, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby PiotrR » 2014-02-09, 12:50

Polish (pl) Nie wiem jak to się robi.
[flag=English (American)]en-us[/flag] I don't know how to do that.
German (de) Ich weiß nicht wie man das tut.
[flag=Spanish (European)]es-es[/flag] No sé como hacer eso.

Polish (pl) Osoba pode mną używa monitora CRT.
[flag=English (American)]en-us[/flag] The person after me uses a CRT display.
German (de) Die Person nach mir gebraucht einen CRT-Bildschirm.
[flag=Spanish (European)]es-es[/flag] La persona debajo de mí usa un monitor CRT.

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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby Levike » 2014-02-09, 17:31

[flag=]ro[/flag] Mulțumesc, dar nu am nevoie de o cutie.
[flag=]de[/flag] Danke aber ich brauche keinen Kasten.
[flag=]pt[/flag] Obrigado mas não quero uma caixa.
[flag=]en[/flag] Thanks but I don't need a box.

[flag=]ro[/flag] Zi-mi un lucru care nu îți place despre o limbă.
[flag=]es[/flag] Dime una cosa que no te gusta sobre una lengua.
[flag=]de[/flag] Sag mir ein Ding das dir an einer Sprache nicht gefällt.
[flag=]en[/flag] Tell me a thing that you don't like about one language.

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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby PiotrR » 2014-02-09, 19:34

Last edited by PiotrR on 2014-04-02, 1:24, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby Levike » 2014-02-09, 20:35

PiotrR wrote:German (de) Der Person nach mir gefällt es nicht, einen Lift zu benutzen/gebrauchen.
[flag=Spanish (European)]es-es[/flag] A la persona debajo de mí no le gusta usar el ascensor.
[flag=]ro[/flag] Oricum e mai bine decât să folosești scările.
[flag=]de[/flag] Jedenfalls ist es besser als die Treppe zu benutzen.
[flag=]pt[/flag] De qualquer maneira é melhor do que usar a escada.
[flag=]en[/flag] It's still better than using the stairs.

[flag=]ro[/flag] Care e cuvântul tău preferat în orice limbă și de ce?
[flag=]es[/flag] Cuál es tu palabra preferida en qualquier lengua y porqué?
[flag=]de[/flag] Was ist dein Lieblingswort, unabhängig von Sprache und warum?
[flag=]en[/flag] What's your favourite word in whatever language and why?

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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby PiotrR » 2014-02-09, 21:30

Last edited by PiotrR on 2014-04-02, 1:23, edited 1 time in total.

ceid donn
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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby ceid donn » 2014-02-10, 5:32

[flag=]gd[/flag] Leabhraichean
[flag=]es[/flag] Libros
[flag=]br[/flag] Levrioù
[flag=]de[/flag] Bücher

[flag=]en-us[/flag] The person below me uses songs to learn languages.
[flag=]gd[/flag] Ceachdaidh an duine gu h-ìosal òrainn airson cànanan ionnsachadh.
[flag=]es[/flag] La persona debajo de mí utiliza canciones para aprender idiomas.
[flag=]br[/flag] An den zo dindanon a ra gant kanaouennoù evit deskiñ langajoù.
Last edited by ceid donn on 2014-02-11, 2:22, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby melski » 2014-02-10, 11:30

Wallisian (wls) Ei, au au fia logo ki te'u hiva i te lea o te malamanei, ko he tokoni lelei aia i te ako o te'u lea aena pea e feala ke ilo'i te aga'ifenua o te fenua aeni. :?:
French (fr) Oui, j'aime bien écouter des chansons en langues étrangères, c'est une grande aide dans l'apprentissage des langues et ça permet de découvrir la culture du pays en question.
Portuguese (pt) Sim, eu gostou de ouvir as canções em linguás estrangeiras, é uma grande ajuda no aprendizagem das linguás e permite descobrir a cultura do pais.
German (de) Ja, ich höre gern Musik in Fremdsprachen, da es eine grosse Hilfe in der Lernensprozess ist, und auch weil es die Entdenckung der Kultur von dem Land ermöglicht.

[flag=]wls[/flag] Ko te kilisitiano ki lalo 'e mole fiafia kapau 'e mole feala te palalau o te ni'u lea e lahi :?:
[flag=]fr[/flag] La personne en dessous de moi n'aime pas quand elle ne peut parler qu'une seule langue
[flag=]pt[/flag] A pessoa abaixo de mim não gosta quando tem que falar somente uma linguá.
[flag=]de[/flag] Die Person nach mir gefällt es nicht, nur eine Sprache sprechen zu können.
................Native: French (fr) French
................Fluent: English (en) English , Italian (it) Italian
.........Intermediate: German (de) German, Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br) Portuguese
.........Conversational: Catalan (ca) Catalan, Spanish (es) Spanish
....................Learning: [flag=Wallisian (East Uvean / faka'uvea)]wls[/flag] Wallisian (topic here)

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Re: La personne below de mí. de 4

Postby linguoboy » 2014-02-10, 22:50

[flag=]fr[/flag] À la fois, tu veux dire? C'est restrictif, il faut bien avouer.
[flag=]de[/flag] Meinst du, auf einmal? Das ist halt einschränkend, muss ich zugeben.
[flag=]sv[/flag] På samma gång, menar du? Det är inskränkande, jag behöver erkänna.
[flag=]ga[/flag] San am céanna, an é sin atá id' cheann? Tá sin teorantach, caithfear a admháil.

[flag=]ga[/flag] Tá an duine im' dhiadh in imní.
[flag=]sv[/flag] Personen under mig greps av ångest.
[flag=]de[/flag] Die Person nach mir ist angespannt.
[flag=]fr[/flag] Le personne dessous de moi est dans un état d'anxiété.
"Richmond is a real scholar; Owen just learns languages because he can't bear not to know what other people are saying."--Margaret Lattimore on her two sons

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