The person after me (multilingual edition)

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Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby IpseDixit » 2015-07-24, 14:34

[flag=]lld[/flag] No é na ciantìa che prefere.
[flag=]en[/flag] I don't have a favourite song.

[flag=]lld[/flag] La persona che vegn à vijità n ciastel de l'età de mez.
[flag=]en[/flag] The person below me has visited a medieval castle.

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Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby snowman888 » 2015-07-25, 3:51

[flag=]en-US[/flag] No. I have never left the United States.
[flag=]sv[/flag] Nej. Jag har aldrig åkte från Förenta Staterna.

[flag=]en-US[/flag] The next person is also watching fireworks right now.
[flag=]zh[/flag] 下楼的人现在也看花炮。
[flag=]sv[/flag] Personen under mig tittar på fyrverkerier också nu.
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Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby IpseDixit » 2015-07-25, 8:49

[flag=]lld[/flag] Na, no verde i śiteles te chest moment.
[flag=]nl[/flag] Nee, ik ga niet kijken de vuurweken nu meteen.
[flag=]en[/flag] No, I'm not watching fireworks right now.

[flag=]lld[/flag] A la persona che vegn ge pièsc jir co la roda.
[flag=]nl[/flag] De persoon onder mij houdt van met de fiets gaan.
[flag=]en[/flag] The person below me likes going by bike.

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Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby Multiturquoise » 2015-07-25, 10:47

[flag=]en[/flag] I don't know how to use it.
[flag=]el[/flag] Δεν ξέρω πώς να το χρησιμοποιήσω.

[flag=]en[/flag] The country of the person after me doesn't have an ocean coastline, but a sea costline.
[flag=]tr[/flag] Benden sonraki kişinin ülkesinin okyanusa kıyısı yok, ama denize kıyısı var.
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Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby IpseDixit » 2015-07-25, 11:45

[flag=]en[/flag] Yep.
[flag=]lld[/flag] Ei.

[flag=]lld[/flag] La persona che vegn peissa che i omegn coloniserà l pianet Mart tel davegnir.
[flag=]pt[/flag] A pessoa abaixo de mim acha que os humanos vão colonizar o planeta Marte no futuro.
[flag=]es[/flag] La persona debajo de mí piensa que los humanos van a colonizar el planeta Marte en el futuro.
[flag=]en[/flag] The person below me thinks that men will colonise the planet Mars in the future.

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Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby Levike » 2015-07-25, 17:32

[flag=]de[/flag] Wir werden es genau wie Antarktika kolonisieren, ein paar Forscher und das ist alles.
[flag=]hu[/flag] Pontosan úgy fogjuk gyarmatositani mint az Antarktikát, egy pár kutató és kész.
[flag=]en[/flag] We'll colonise it the same way we colonised Antarctica, with some scientists and that's all.
[flag=]ro[/flag] O vom coloniza exact cum am colonizat și Antarctica, cu câțiva cercetători și atât.

[flag=]en[/flag] What's the last English song you listened to?
[flag=]hu[/flag] Melyik volt az utolsó angol szám, amit meghallgattál?
[flag=]de[/flag] Was war das letzte Lied auf Englisch das du gehört hast?
[flag=]ro[/flag] Care era ultima piesă în engleză pe care ai ascultat-o?
[flag=]es[/flag] Cuál era la ultima canción en ingles que has escuchado?


Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby IpseDixit » 2015-08-01, 12:54

[flag=]lld[/flag] Peisse che l fossa Renegades de X Ambassadors.

[flag=]lld[/flag] La persona che vegn nes dirà colun é sie frut che preferesc.
[flag=]en[/flag] The person below me will tell us their favourite fruit.


Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby Kiani » 2015-08-06, 12:14

[flag=]hr[/flag] Da, moje omiljeno voće su naranče i jagode.
[flag=]de[/flag] Ja, meine Lieblingsobste sind Orangen und Erdbeeren.

[flag=]fr[/flag] La personne sous moi se considère politiquement de gauche.
[flag=]en[/flag] The person under me considers themself politically left-wing.

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Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby Multiturquoise » 2015-08-06, 17:13

[flag=]az[/flag] Mənim siyasi orientasiyam yox.
[flag=]en[/flag] I don't have a political orientation.
[flag=]gu[/flag] મારી રાજકીય અભિગમ પાસે નથી.
[flag=]ka[/flag] პოლიტიკური ორიენტაცია არ მაქვს.

[flag=]az[/flag] Məndən sonrakı adam heyvanları sevir.
[flag=]en[/flag] The person after me loves animals.
[flag=]gu[/flag] મને નીચે છે જે વ્યક્તિ પ્રાણીઓને પ્રેમ કરે છે.
[flag=]ka[/flag] ადამიანი ჩემს ქვემოთ ცხოველები უყვარს.
native: (tr)
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Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby Kiani » 2015-08-07, 11:39

Elaine wrote:[flag=]az[/flag] Mənim siyasi orientasiyam yox.
[flag=]en[/flag] I don't have a political orientation.
[flag=]gu[/flag] રાજકીય અભિપ્રાય મારી પાસે નથી.
[flag=]ka[/flag] პოლიტიკური ორიენტაცია არ მაქვს.

[flag=]az[/flag] Məndən sonrakı adam heyvanları sevir.
[flag=]en[/flag] The person after me loves animals.
[flag=]gu[/flag] મને નીચે છે જે વ્યક્તિ પ્રાણીઓને બહુ ગમે છે .
[flag=]ka[/flag] ადამიანი ჩემს ქვემოთ ცხოველები უყვარს.

Guess I'll play the game while I'm at it!

[flag=]hr[/flag] Da; mislim da životinje su bolje od ljudi!
[flag=]de[/flag] Ja; ich glaube, dass Tiere besser als Menschen sind!

[flag=]fr[/flag] La personne sous moi boit beaucoup de caféine.
[flag=]en[/flag] The person under me drinks a lot of caffeine.


Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby IpseDixit » 2015-08-07, 11:44

[flag=]en[/flag] Yes, I do.
[flag=]lld[/flag] Ei.

[flag=]lld[/flag] La persona che vegn sà sonèr n strument da mùsega.
[flag=]en[/flag] The person below me can play a music instrument.

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Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby Michael » 2015-09-05, 14:29

[flag=]en[/flag] No, unfortunately, but I'd love to learn how to play the accordion.
[flag=]pt-br[/flag] Não, desgraçadamente, mas gostaria muito aprender a tocar o acordeão.
[flag=]nap[/flag] Nò, sfortunatamente, ma me piacésse assía ‘mbarà a ttucà l’organétto.
[flag=]fa[/flag] نه، بدبختانه، ولی دلم خیلی می‌خواست یاد بگیرم آکردئون بزنم.

[flag=]en[/flag] The person below me has undergone surgery before.
[flag=]pt-br[/flag] A pessoa abaixo de mim se submeteu a uma cirurgia.
[flag=]nap[/flag] Lu crištijiano sótt’a mmì z’è ffatto fà n’opperazióne.
[flag=]fa[/flag] نفر پس از من دستخوش جراحی شدەاست.
American English (en-us) Neapolitan from Molise (nap) N Italian (it) B2 Spanish (es) Portuguese (pt) French (fr) Greek (el) Albanian (sq) B1 Polish (pl) Romanian (ro) A2 Azerbaijani (az) Turkish (tr) Old English (en_old) A1
„Çdo njeri është peng i veprave të veta.‟
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Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby Levike » 2015-09-05, 15:06

[flag=]hu[/flag] Még nem. Eddig még ép a testem.
[flag=]de[/flag] Niemals. Mein Körper ist noch unbeschädigt.
[flag=]en[/flag] Nope, never. My body's still in one piece.
[flag=]es[/flag] Nada. Mi cuerpo es todavia intacto.
[flag=]ro[/flag] Niciodată. Corpul mi-e tot intact.

[flag=]hu[/flag] Ha a konyháról van szó, az utánam lévő legjobb barátja még mindig a mikrósütő.
[flag=]en[/flag] When it comes to cooking, the person after me's best friend is still the microwave.
[flag=]ro[/flag] Când vne vorba de gătit, cel mai bun prieten al celui de după mine e tot microul.


Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby IpseDixit » 2015-09-05, 19:08

[flag=]lld[/flag] Na.

[flag=]lld[/flag] La persona che vegn nes dirà na esperienza paurousa che l'à abù.
[flag=]en[/flag] The person below me will tell us a frightening experience that they had.

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Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby Levike » 2015-09-25, 14:07

IpseDixit wrote:[flag=]en[/flag] The person below me will tell us a frightening experience that they had.

[flag=]en[/flag] Ipsedixit posting one-word answers, those are very frightening.
[flag=]ro[/flag] Ipsedixit postând răspunsuri de un cuvânt, alea-s terifiante rău.
[flag=]hu[/flag] Ipsedixit egy szós válaszai eléggé rémítőek.

[flag=]hu[/flag] Mi az utolsó sorozat, amit az alattam lévő megnézett? Másoknak ajánlanád?
[flag=]de[/flag] Was ist die letzte Serie, die sich die folgende Person angeschaut hat? Würdest du sie empfehlen?
[flag=]en[/flag] What's the last series the person below me watched? Would you recomment it?
[flag=]ro[/flag] Care este ultimul serial pe care următoarea persoana l-a văzut? Ai recomanda-o altora?


Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby IpseDixit » 2015-10-01, 17:08

[flag=]lld[/flag] N Jèch di Trons, e ei, la racomanasse a duc canc, zeto ai zacaosties.
[flag=]en[/flag] GoT, and yes, I would recommend it to everyone, except bigots.

[flag=]lld[/flag] Peisséla la persona che vegn che n lengaz zenza verbes fossa possibol?
[flag=]en[/flag] Does the person below me think that a language without verbs is possible?

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Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby melski » 2015-10-01, 18:25

[flag=]fr[/flag] Possible? Peut-être. Une langue entièrement fonctionnelle? Compliqué.
[flag=]en[/flag] Possible? Maybe. A fully fonctionally language? Complicated.
[flag=]es[/flag] ¿Posible? Quizás. ¿Un idioma completamente funcional? Complicado.
[flag=]ca[/flag] Possible? Potser. Una llengua completament funcional? Complicat.
[flag=]pt[/flag] Possível? Talvez. Um idioma completamente funcional? Complexo.
[flag=]it[/flag] Possibile? Forse. Una lingua completamente funzionale? Complicato.
[flag=]de[/flag] Möglich? Vielleicht. Eine betriebliche Sprache? Kompliziert.

[on a sidenote, Polynesian languages are known for having very few differences between nouns and verbs, with sentences only composed of nouns]

[flag=]ca[/flag] La persona de sota coneix una llengua que no té els verbs "ser" i "tenir".
[flag=]fr[/flag] La personne en dessous de moi connaît une langue qui n'a ni le verbe "être" ni le verbe "avoir".
[flag=]en[/flag] The person after me knows a language without the verbs "to be" nor "to have".
................Native: French (fr) French
................Fluent: English (en) English , Italian (it) Italian
.........Intermediate: German (de) German, Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br) Portuguese
.........Conversational: Catalan (ca) Catalan, Spanish (es) Spanish
....................Learning: [flag=Wallisian (East Uvean / faka'uvea)]wls[/flag] Wallisian (topic here)


Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby IpseDixit » 2015-10-01, 19:31

[flag=]lld[/flag] Ei, l'ebraich.

[flag=]lld[/flag] La persona che vegn preferescéla studièr da doman bonora o da net tèrt?
[flag=]en[/flag] Does the person below me prefer studying early in the morning or late at night?

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Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby linguoboy » 2015-10-01, 19:46

[flag=]en-us[/flag] When I was young, I woke up early in order to study. Nowadays I don't do anything early in the morning.
[flag=]ga[/flag] Nuair bhíos im' pháiste d'éiríos go moch chun léann a dhéanamh. Ní dheinim pioc le moch na maidine sa ló atá aniubh ann.

[flag=]en-us[/flag] The person after me can't even.
[flag=]de[/flag] Die Person nach mir kann einfach nicht.
[flag=]ga[/flag] Ní féidir leis an nduine im' dhiaidh.
"Richmond is a real scholar; Owen just learns languages because he can't bear not to know what other people are saying."--Margaret Lattimore on her two sons


Re: The person after me (multilingual edition)

Postby IpseDixit » 2015-10-02, 11:28

[flag=]lld[/flag] No é idea de chel che chela frasa vèl dir canche la é desćiolèda da vigni contest.
[flag=]en[/flag] I have no idea what that phrase means on its own, without any context.

[flag=]lld[/flag] A la persona che vegn ge pièsc emparèr la mata teories del complot seence che la no cree a neguna de eles.
[flag=]en[/flag] The person below me likes learning about crazy conspiracy theories even though they do not believe any of them.

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