Bulgarian lessons


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Re: Lessons

Postby Stupot » 2007-01-26, 10:29

I'm still on Lesson 3 ploughing my way through. Being a mature learner :) it takes me that little bit longer, but I am keen. :D

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Postby gothwolf » 2007-01-26, 11:06

Sisyphe wrote:where is the stress in the word Падежи? Thanks. ;-)


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Postby Stupot » 2007-02-07, 15:54

I'm struggling with this.

Learn with me
Уча мен си.

Come to me.
Дойда мен си.

This boy is a friend of mine.
Това момче приятел аз мен.

He learns in Varna.
Той учи в Варна.

This is a room.
Това е стая.

Do you have any problems with us?
Ти ли си проблем с това?

What are you doing in this room?
Какво ли правиш в това стая?

We learn in this school.
Ние учим в това училище.

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Postby gothwolf » 2007-02-08, 12:15

Stupot wrote:I'm struggling with this.

Learn with me!
[s]Уча мен си.[/s] Учи с мен!

Come to me.
[s]Дойда мен си.[/s] Ела при/към мен!

This boy is a friend of mine.
Това момче [s]приятел аз мен[/s] ми е приятел.

He learns in Varna.
Той учи във Варна.

This is a room.
Това е стая.

Do you have any problems with us?
[s]Ти ли си проблем с това?[/s] Имаш ли проблеми с нас?

What are you doing in this room?
Какво [s]ли[/s] правиш в [s]това[/s] тази стая?

We learn in this school.
Ние учим в това училище.

Here are the explanations:

1. Учи! is the imperative form of the verb "уча" (to learn)
- with is "с"
- me - the Accusative form of "I" ("аз") is "мен". We always use the long form of the personal pronouns After a preposition.

2. The imperative form of the verb "to come" ("дойда") is "ела!" Look the exceptions!

3. I had written a little explanation: "of mine" = Dative form from "аз". You have not used verb "to be" He is = той е

4. The preposition "в" becomes "във" when the word after it, starts with "в" or "ф" : в София (in Sofia), but във Варна (in Varna)

5. Correct!

6. "Do you have?" = "Имаш ли?". When you make a question form without a question word you have to put the conjugated form of the verb at the first position, then, to put "ли", after that: the object (The plural of "problem" (проблем) is "проблеми" but this is my mistake - I've not explained the plural of the nouns :oops:.
"with us" - "с нас" ... Us (нас) is the Accusative form of "we" (ние)

7. the word "стая" is feminine and therefore here is used "тази стая", not ""това стая"

8. Correct!

I hope I helped you a little. Sorry if you can't understand me ;D Try to translate the same sentences one more time after my explanations :)

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Postby duko » 2007-02-08, 14:56

gothwolf wrote:3. I had written a little explanation: "of mine" = Dative form from "аз". You have not used verb "to be" He is = той е

It's probably worth pointing out that to express the notion that someone is your friend (colleague, relative, neighbour, etc.), in Bulgarian or other Slavic languages you'll use a construction like:
"He is a friend to me" <- hence the dativ.
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Postby Timpul » 2007-02-17, 20:02


Because of this course I started to learn Bulgarian and now it's my favourite language (just like Hungarian) ;).

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Postby gothwolf » 2007-02-18, 14:43

Урок № 4 / Lesson № 4

Текст / Text

Мария върви из града и слуша музика. Тя вижда Антон, който влиза в един магазин. Магазинът е голям. Тя също влиза в него:
Мария: Здравей, Антон. Какво правиш тук?
Антон: Здравей, Мария. Пазарувам. Трябва ми хляб.
Магазинерът отива и донася хляба на Антон.
Магазинерът: Хлябът днес е много хубав.
Антон го взима и го слага в чантата.
Антон: А колко струва хлябът?
Магазинерът отговаря:
- 75 стотинки.
Антон ги дава на магазинера и заедно с Мария излизат от магазина.

Нови думи / New words

град (m) – town, city
града – the town
слушам (3) – to listen to (the Bulgarian verb is used without a preposition. Direct by Acc)
музика (f) - music
виждам (3) – to see
който – who (relative pronoun for masculine)
влизам в (3) – to come in
магазин (m) – shop, store
магазинът – the shop, the store
голям – big
също – too (“също” is placed in front of this word, which we think it’s the most important.)
пазарувам (3) – to go shopping
трябва + Dative – to need
трябва ми – I need
трябва ти – you need
хляб (m) – bread
хляба, хлябът – the bread
магазинер (m) - shopkeeper, storekeeper
магазинерът – the shopkeeper, the storekeeper
донасям (3) – to bring
много – very
днес - today
хубав – good, nice, beautiful
взимам (3) – to take
слагам (3) – to put, to place
чанта (f) - bag, shopping bag
a – well (in question sentences)
колко – how much? how many?
струвам (3) – to cost, to be worth
отговарям (3) – to answer
стотинки (pl.) – stotinka (100stotinka= 1lev), 1euro=1,95lev.
давам + dative – to give to
заедно с – together with
излизам от (3) – to come out of, to go out of

Граматика / Grammar

1. Definite article of masculine nouns

Masculine nouns ending in consonant add the endings -а, -ът, -я, -ят.

The articles -ът and -ят are called complete articles and are used only when the noun is a subject in the sentence!!!!
The articles -a and -я are called incomplete articles and are used in all other cases.

Мъжът пазарува. – The man is going shopping.
Давам книгата на мъжа. – I’m giving the book to the man.

In the first sentence “the man” (мъжът) is the subject (he is going) but in the second sentence “the man” (на мъжа) is in Dative, so the incomplete article is used. Always, when in front of the masculine noun there is a preposition, it takes the incomplete article. (от магазина, на магазинера, при мъжа)

Normally in the colloquial language, people pronounce only the incomplete article in all cases. So, you probably ask yourselves why do I torture you by introducing this rule :-) It is important for the written language. Plus, sometimes the meaning of the sentence might not be clear if we can't tell the subject from the direct compliment.

Some nouns take the articles -я or -ят – these are the nouns which end in -тел, -ар, -й

учител (teacher) учителя учителят
лекар (doctor) лекаря лекарят
край (end) края краят

And some exceptions, which also take the articles -я, -ят: ден (day) - деня, кон (horse) - коня, зет (son-in-law) - зетя, крал (king) - краля, цар (tzar) - царя, сън (dream) - съня, път (road) - пътя, огън (fire) - огъня, нокът (nail) - нокътя, лакът (elbow) - лакътя.

The rest of the masculine nouns, ending in consonant take the endings -а or -ът.

град (city, town) града градът
молив (pencil) молива моливът
компютър (computer) компютъра компютърът

Masculine nouns ending in -a or -я add the ending for feminine gender -та. They don’t have different forms for complete or incomplete article.

баща (father) – бащата
съдия (judge) – съдията

Masculine nouns in -o or -e add the ending for neuter gender –тo. They don’t have different forms for complete or incomplete article.

чичо (uncle) – чичото
аташе (attache) – аташето

2. The relative pronouns: който, която, което, които = who, which, that

Тя вижда Антон, който влиза в един магазин. – She is seeing Anton, who is coming in a shop.
Той вижда Мария, която влиза в един магазин. – He is seeing Maria, who is coming in a shop.
Те виждат детето, което влиза в един магазин. – They are seeing the child, who is coming in a shop.
Детето вижда Мария и Антон, които влизат в един магазин. – The child is seeing Maria and Anton, who are coming in a shop.

-masculine: който
-feminine: която
-neuter: което
-plural: които

-masculine: когото / който
-feminine: която
-neuter: което
-plural: които

Dative and with a preposition
-masculine: на когото/ на който, с когото/ с който
-feminine: на която, с която
-neuter: на което, с което
-plural: на които, с които

The form for masculine nouns in Accusative and Dative “когото” and “на когото” are used only if the subject is an animate (man, teacher, fireman). The forms “който” and “на който” are used if the subject is an inanimate (bread, computer…)

This is the man, who I see every day. – Това е мъжът, когото виждам всеки ден.
This is the bread, which I eat. – Това е хлябът, който ям.

Be careful with the prepositions. In Bulgarian there are always placed in front of the pronoun:
с която, при когото, на което…

This is the man, who I’m giving the book to. – Това е мъжът, на когото давам книгата./ комуто давам книгата.
This is the woman who I’m talking with. – Това е жената, с която говоря.

And one more thing. You have to agree the relative pronouns with the gender of the nouns…
Look this:
This is the child who is playing outside. – това е детето, което играе навън.
This is the letter which I’m writing. - Това е писмото, което пиша.
The relative pronouns in the both sentences are “което” , because both the child, and the letter are neuter (It’s not important if the noun is animate or inanimate)

3. Прилагателни / Adjectives

Мъжът е хубав. – The man is beautiful.
Жената е хубава – The woman is beautiful.
Детето е хубаво. – The child is beautiful.

In the dictionaries the adjectives are given in their masculine forms. singular. To make such constructions as “he is good”, or “the car is fast” you have to agree the adjective with the gender of the noun:

masculine – no ending
feminine - -a
neuter - -o
plural - -и

Колата (f) е бърз+а (The car is fast.)
Кучето е голям+о (The dog is big)

But when the adjective ends in –ъ plus other consonant, the ъ is dropped.
(кръгъл – round)

masculine – кръгъл
feminine – кръгла
neuter – кръгло
plural – кръгли

It’s easy, isn’t it? ;)

4. Прилагателни имена пред съществителни без определителен член / Adjectives in front of nouns without a definite article: The construction is the same:

хубав мъж – a beautiful man
хубава жена – a beautiful woman
хубаво дете – a beautiful child
хубави жени – beautiful women

добър (good) --> the “ъ” is dropped

добър баща – a good father
добра майка – a good mother
добро куче – a good dog
добри деца – good children

5. Possessive pronouns

Мой - my, mine (for masculine)
Моя - my, mine (for feminie)
Мое - my, mine (for neuter)
Мои - my, mine (for plural)
Ми - my, mine (for all) - This is a short form, verry common (моята жена = жена(та) ми (my wife), моето дете = детето ми (my child)

Твой - your, yours (for masculine)
Твоя - your, yours (for feminine)
Твое - your, yours (for neuter)
Твои - your,yours (for plural)
Ти - your, yours (for all) - this is a short form, verry common (твоята жена = жена ти (your wife), твоето дете = детето ти (your child)

Негов - his, its (for masculine)
Негова - his, its (for feminine)
Негово - his, its (for neuter)
Негови - his, its (for plural)
Му - his, its (for all) - this is a short form, verry common (неговата жена = жена(та) му (his (its) wife), неговото дете = детето му (his (its) child)

Неин - her (for masculine)
Нейна - her (for feminine)
Нейно - her (for neuter)
Нейни - her (for plural)
й - her (for all) - this is a short form, verry common (нейната жена = жена(та) й (=her wife), нейното дете = детето й (her child)

Наш - our, ours (for masculine)
Наша - our, ours (for feminine)
Наше - our, ours (for neuter)
Наши - our, ours ( for plural)
ни - our, ours (for all) - this is a short form, verry common (нашата жена = жената ни (our wife), нашето дете = детето ни (our child)

Ваш - your, yours (for masculine) - plural
Ваша - your, yours (for feminine) - plural
Ваше - your, yours (for neuter) - plural
Ваши - your, yours (for plural) - plural
ви - your, yours (for all) - this is a short form, verry common (вашата жена = жената ви (your wife), вашето дете = детето ви (your child)

Техен - their, theirs (for masculine)
Тяхна - their, theirs (for feminine)
Тяхно - their, theirs (for neuter)
Техни - their, theirs (for plural
им - their, theirs (for all) - this is a short form, very common (тяхната жена = жената им (their wife), тяхното дете = детето им (their child)

Be careful with the definite article, which is added to the possesive pronouns, for the long forms, and to the noun for the short forms!!!
--- мое+то дете, but дете+то ми (the definite article for neuter is "-то", and child is neuter)..

1. Translate the text into English!
2. Translate these sentences into Bulgarian:
- He is seeing his wife.
- My sister is listening to music in my room.
- Our dog is very good.
- Is this the book that you read?
- The boy is coming out of the house (house=къща)
- The man is giving me his book.
- I’m giving the man my book.
- Where is the bread?
-Your child is beautiful
- Who is the man, who your mother is talking with?

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Postby nettchelobek1 » 2007-03-07, 6:20

wow! I'm really amazed gothwolf! your lessons are really dynamic, you're doing a great job, could you continue with the lessons? I'm still studying lesson 3rd, but It'd be great seeing another lesson. :D
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Postby duko » 2007-03-07, 16:16

1. Translate the text into English!
oops, which one :?:
2. Translate these sentences into Bulgarian:
- He is seeing his wife.
Toj si vizhda zhenata mu.
- My sister is listening to music in my room.
Sestra mi slusha muzika v mojata staja.
- Our dog is very good.
Nasheto kuche e mnogo dobro
- Is this the book that you read?
Tazi li e knigata kojato ja chitash?
- The boy is coming out of the house (house=къща)
Momcheto izliza ot kyshtata
- The man is giving me his book.
Myzhyt mi dava negovata kniga.
- I’m giving the man my book.
Az davam knigata mi na myzha.
- Where is the bread?
Kyde e hljaba?
- Your child is beautiful
Tvojto dete e hubavo
- Who is the man, who your mother is talking with?
Kyde e myzhyt na kojto govori majka ti?
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Postby gothwolf » 2007-03-07, 19:46

nettchelobek1 wrote:wow! I'm really amazed gothwolf! your lessons are really dynamic, you're doing a great job, could you continue with the lessons? I'm still studying lesson 3rd, but It'd be great seeing another lesson. :D

well,I'm glad to hear that... I hope I'm a good teacher. About next lesson... I don't know. When I have enough time, I'll make up the next lesson. 8)

duko wrote:Homework
1. Translate the text into English!
oops, which one Question - The text in unit 4
2. Translate these sentences into Bulgarian:
- He is seeing his wife.
Toj [s]si[/s] vizhda zhena(ta) mu. (Той вижда жена(та) му.)
- My sister is listening to music in my room.
Sestra mi slusha muzika v mojata staja. (Сестра ми слуша музика в моята стая)
- Our dog is very good.
Nasheto kuche e mnogo dobro. (Нашето куче е много добро)
- Is this the book that you read?
Tazi li e knigata kojato [s]ja[/s] [s]chitash[/s] chetesh? (Тази ли е книгата, която четеш?)
- The boy is coming out of the house (house=къща)
Momcheto izliza ot kyshtata. (Момчето излиза от къщата=)
- The man is giving me his book.
Myzhyt mi dava negovata kniga. (Мъжът ми дава неговата книга.)
- I’m giving the man my book.
Az davam knigata mi na myzha. (Аз давам книгата ми на мъжа.)
- Where is the bread?
Kyde e [s]hljaba[/s] hljabyt ? (Къде е хлябът?) - It's a subject here.
- Your child is beautiful.
Tvojto dete e hubavo. (Твоето дете е хубаво.)
- Who is the man, who your mother is talking with?
[s]Kyde[/s] Koi e myzhyt [s]na kojto[/s] s kogoto govori majka ti?(Кой е мъжът, с когото говори майка ти?)

Искаш ли обяснения?
Do you want explanations?

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Postby avataar » 2007-03-07, 23:52

duko wrote:
2. Translate these sentences into Bulgarian:
- He is seeing his wife.
Toj [s]si[/s] vizhda zhena(ta) mu. (Той вижда жена(та) му.)

Rather, "Той вижда жена си."
What you wrote is not wrong per se but would require a very specific context.

- The man is giving me his book.
Myzhyt mi dava negovata kniga. (Мъжът ми дава неговата книга.)

Rather, "Мъжът ми дава своята книга" (better "...книгата си"), same explanation as above.

- I’m giving the man my book.
Az davam knigata mi na myzha. (Аз давам книгата ми на мъжа.)

"Аз давам книгата си на мъжа." Using non-reflexive possessive in this case is simply wrong. It's somewhat accepted with persons though, e.g. "Давам книгата на майка си" (correct) and "Давам книгата на майка ми" (acceptable, sounds OK, used a lot).

You should use the short possessive more often, e.g. "детето ти", "книгата си". That is the more natural way than the long forms (which are somewhat more bookish and can be used emphatically).
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ein ring skal finna deim.
Ein ring tvinga deim
og i myrker binda deim
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Postby duko » 2007-03-08, 9:26

Thank you both for the corrections and clarifications. I was actually tempted to use that reflexive possessive thingie, but we didn't learn it yet. I'll try to use the short possessive more, my problem is that I'm biased toward "common" Slavic construction and I'll always try to make Bulgarian sound like Serbian or Slovak. :)

The same problem with using chitash instead of chetesh, aaargh! I always get this verb wrong: az chitam, ti chitash, etc.

I wasn't aware that colloquial Bg uses only the short article form, I tend to only use the short form too (my throat gets sore from trying to pronounce the final "yt" anyway :) ), and noone corrects me when I do it... so, that was the reason.

Thank you for your input guys, it's really great to get proper explanations, with grammar and everything.
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Postby avataar » 2007-03-08, 15:32

duko wrote: I wasn't aware that colloquial Bg uses only the short article form, I tend to only use the short form too (my throat gets sore from trying to pronounce the final "yt" anyway :) ), and noone corrects me when I do it... so, that was the reason.

Actually the rule about full/short definite article exists only on paper. In the standard spoken language you are allowed to use either in any case. Besides, no dialect has or ever had that artificial distinction. Most have the short form, but some have the full one. The rule is really silly and even learned people don't follow it sometimes. So no worries. Just remember that even the short one is actually -ъ and not -а, which is obvious if it bears the stress. E.g. бря̀г, but брега̀ (read брегъ̀), брегъ̀т.
Ein ring skal styra deim,
ein ring skal finna deim.
Ein ring tvinga deim
og i myrker binda deim
i landet Mordor der skuggane rår.

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Postby Timpul » 2007-03-25, 12:04

I'm waiting for the lesson number 5!

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Postby gothwolf » 2007-03-31, 14:01

Timpul wrote:I'm waiting for the lesson number 5!

Подготвям го... Може би утре ;)

I'm preparing it... Maybe tomorrow ;)

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Postby gothwolf » 2007-03-31, 18:43

Урок № 5


Красивата Мария слуша музика в стаята си, докато нейният брат чете любимата си книга на двора. Но музиката, която Мария слуша, е твърде силна и му пречи. Затова той оставя книгата на масата и взима топката си, за да си играе. Черното му куче също се присъединява към играта. Малкият брат на Мария се забавлява, доброто куче – също. Тяхната игра продължава вече час, но никой не е уморен. През това време Мария спира музиката и излиза с приятели. Вече е тихо и братът на Мария продължава с четенето.

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Нови думи:

красив (m) – beautiful
красива (f) - beautiful
слушам (3) + Acc. – to listen to
музика (f) – music
докато – while
чета (1) – to read
чете – he reads
любим (m) – favourite
любима (f) – favourite
двор (m) – yard
на двора – on the yard
но – but
твърде – too
силен (m) – strong, loud
силна (f) – strong, loud
преча (2) + Dat. - be an obstacle, to hinder, to disturb
затова - therefore
оставям (3) - lay/put down
маса (f) - table
на масата – on the table
взимам (3) – to take
топка (f) – ball
за да – to
играя (1) – to play
черен (m) – black
черно (n) – black
куче (n) – dog
присъединявам се към (3) – to join in
игра (f) – game
малък (m) – small, little
забавлявам (3) – to amuse, to have fun
продължавам с (3) – to continue with, to go on
вече – already
час – an hour
никой – nobody, no one
уморен от – tired of
през това време – during that time
спирам (3) – to stop
излизам с (3) – go out with (somebody)
приятели (pl) – friends
тихо – quietly
четене (3) - reading


1.First conjugation (Първо склонение)

Do you remember the others two?!?

Second conjugation: Аз правя, ти правиш, той прави…
Third conjugation: Аз сменям, ти сменяш, той сменя…
First conjugation:


аз игра + я= аз играя (I play)
ти игра + еш = ти играеш ( you play)
той игра + e = той играе (he plays)
ние игра + ем = ние играем (we play)
вие игра + ете = вие играете (you play)
те игра + ят = те играят (the play)


аз пиш + а = аз пиша (I write)
ти пиш + еш = ти пишеш (you write)
той пиш + e = той пише (he writes)
ние пиш + ем = ние пишем (we write)
вие пиш + ете= вие пишете (you write)
те пиш + ат = те пишат (they write)

The verbs from this group end in –а/я in 1p.sg. (just like the second conjugation).

Играя (1) and Мисля (2)
Аз играя and Аз мисля
Ти играеш and Ти мислиш
Той играе and Той мисли
Ние играем and Ние мислим
Вие играете and Вие мислите
Те играят and Те мислят

2. Adjectives and Possessive pronouns + Definite article (Прилагателни и Притежателни местоимения + Определителен член)

You already know that all adjectives must make agree with the noun gender:
Красив мъж – a beautiful man (no ending)
Красива жена – a beautiful woman (+a)
Красиво дете – a beautiful child (+o)
Красиви приятели – beautiful friends (+и)

When the adjective qualifies a noun, which has a definite article, the adjective takes the article:
Красив+ият мъж – the beautiful man (not красив мъжът)
Красива+та жена – the beautiful woman (not красива жената)
Красиво+то дете – the beautiful child (not красиво детето)
Красиви+те приятели – the beautiful friends (not красиви приятелите)

The beautiful man is there. – Красивият мъж е там.
The man is there. – Мъжът е там.

Never put the definite article on both the adjective and the noun!!!

Well, the endings are:
Masculine: -(и)ят, -(и)я, but never –ЪТ or –А (like the nouns). But you have to be careful for the complete and incomplete article. When the adjective ends in –и, the ending is only –ят or –я. (български – Bulgarian, but българският език – the Bulgarian language)
Feminine: -та
Neuter: -то
Plural: -те

Before to add these endings you have to been put the gender endings!!!
Красив+a+та жена (not directly: красив+та жена)
Добр+о+то дете (not добър+то дете)

Do not forget that if the vowels 'E', 'Ъ' happen to be in the final syllable of adjectives that belong to the masculine gender they disappear. Here are some examples (the accented vowel is underlined):

Добър мъж – a good man
Добрият мъж – the good man

Добра жена – a good woman (the Ъ is dropped)
Добрата жена – the good woman

Добро дете – a good child (the Ъ is dropped)
Доброто дете – the good child

Добри приятели – good friends (the Ъ is dropped)
Добрите приятели – the good friends

All these rules are applied to the possessive pronouns, too!!!

Your child = твое+то дете
His wife = негова+та жена
Our house = наша+та къща

3. Reflexive verbs (Възвратни глаголи)

Examples – присъединявам се, мия се, забавлявам се

Мия се – to wash myself

Аз се мия – I wash myself
Ти се миеш – You wash yourself
Той се мие – He washes himself
Ние се мием – We wash ourselves
Вие се миете – You wash yourselves
Те се мият – They wash themselves

You have only to conjugate the verb. The reflexive particle takes no changes. When in the sentence there is a subject, “се” is put before the verb. Otherwise it is put after the verb

Мия се – I wash myself
Миеш се – You wash yourself
Мие се – S/he wash herself/himself
Мием се – We wash ourselves
Миете се – You wash yourselves
Мият се – they wash themselves.

When there is an object, “се” (Akk) is changed into “си” (Dat.)

Аз си мия ръцете. – I wash my hands.
Ти си миеш ръцете. – You wash your hands
Той си мие ръцете. – He washes his arms
Ние си мием ръцете. – We wash our hands
Вие си миете ръцете. – You wash your hands
Те си мият ръцете. – They wash their hands.

In Bulgarian there are a lot of reflexive verbs. Most of our reflexive verbs have no equivalent of English reflexive verbs: опитвам се (to try), излагам се (to expose), намирам се (to be situated) but намирам (to find), присъединявам се (to join in)

4. Negative pronouns and double negation

-masculine: никой
-feminine: никоя
-neuter: никое
-plural: никои

-masculine: никого / никой
-feminine: никоя
-neuter: никое
-plural: никои

Dative and with a preposition
-masculine: на никого/ на никой, с никого/ с никой
-feminine: на никоя, с никоя
-neuter: на никое, с никое
-plural: на никои, с никои

When you use these negative pronouns the verb must be always in its negative form. This is the rule for double negation.

Не виждам никого. – I don’t see anybody.
Не благодаря на никоя жена. – I don’t thank to any woman.

[url=http://www.studybulgarian.com/Plural%20forms%20of%20nouns%20part%201.htm] 5. Plural of the nouns


Translate into Bulgaraian!
1. The little Maria has the ball that I want.
2. Where is the black table?
3. The beautiful boy is going into library.
4. Noone is on the yard.
5. He is giving the big ball to your child.
6. He is looking for their ball.
7. Where are our friends now?
8. The boy is learning geography.
9. She listens to loud music.
10. My friends are in his room.

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Postby duko » 2007-04-02, 8:20

1. The little Maria has the ball that I want.
Malkata Maria ima topkata koja to az iskam.
2. Where is the black table?
Kyde e chernata masa?
3. The beautiful boy is going into library.
Hubavoto momche vliza v biblioteka
4. Noone is on the yard.
Na dvora njama nikogo.
5. He is giving the big ball to your child.
Toj dava goljamata topka na deteto vi.
6. He is looking for their ball.
Toj tyrsi tjahnata topka.
7. Where are our friends now?
Kyde sa nashite priateli sega?
8. The boy is learning geography.
Momcheto uchi geografija.
9. She listens to loud music.
Tja slusha muzika na visoko.
10. My friends are in his room.
Moite priateli sa v negovata staja.
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Postby gothwolf » 2007-04-03, 12:45

duko wrote:1. The little Maria has the ball that I want.
Malkata Maria ima topkata [s]koja to [/s](kojato) az iskam.
2. Where is the black table?
Kyde e chernata masa?
3. The beautiful boy is going into library.
Hubavoto momche vliza v biblioteka
4. Noone is on the yard.
Na dvora njama nikogo.
5. He is giving the big ball to your child.
Toj dava goljamata topka na deteto vi.
6. He is looking for their ball.
Toj tyrsi tjahnata topka.
7. Where are our friends now?
Kyde sa nashite priateli sega?
8. The boy is learning geography.
Momcheto uchi geografija.
9. She listens to loud music.
Tja slusha muzika na visoko.
10. My friends are in his room.
Moite priateli sa v negovata staja.


1. The little Maria has the ball that I want.
Малката Мария има топката, която аз искам.
2. Where is the black table?
Къде е черната маса?
3. The beautiful boy is going into library.
Нубавото момче влиза в библиотека.
4. Noone is on the yard.
На двора няма никого.
5. He is giving the big ball to your child.
Той дава голямата топка на детето ти (or: ви).
6. He is looking for their ball.
Той търси тяхната топка.
7. Where are our friends now?
Къде са нашите приятели сега?
8. The boy is learning geography.
Момчето учи география
9. She listens to loud music.
Тя слуша музика на високо (or: Тя слуша силна музика.)
10. My friends are in his room.
Моите приятели са в неговата стая.

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Postby Timpul » 2007-04-17, 15:29

I always print your lessons and learn them before I go to bed :P I'm waiting for some more, if it's possible :D

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Joined:2002-06-21, 18:07
Real Name:Radu Ciolac
Country:DEGermany (Deutschland)

Postby duko » 2007-04-18, 12:18

Imam edin vypros: kakvo oznachava "оти"? Mislja che e dialektno/pirinski, obache v rechnika ne uspjah da go namerja.
Chuvah go do sega samo v dve narodni pesni, "Katerino Mome" i "Ajde razbole se"
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

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