Bahasa Indonesia -> Vocabulary Bank


Joined:2004-12-23, 13:35
Bahasa Indonesia -> Vocabulary Bank

Postby edsmedia » 2005-07-30, 9:05

Selamat Datang di Indonesia

Vocabulary Bank, What is it?

In this section of our Indonesian lessons, we will learn an estensive range of vocabulary, covering various topics. You may use this vocabulary to practice in our Discussion + Queries forum. But you can also ask a vocab that's not mentioned here.

In general, Indonesian language can be described as...

It has a lot of similarities with the English language. Apart from the same usage of the 26 Latin letters in the alphabet, Indonesian also has the same capitalisation system as the one applied in the English language. For instance you do have to capitalise the first letter of the word which began the sentence, you do have to capitalise names, and you do not capitalise prepositions esp. in titles.
Last edited by edsmedia on 2005-08-06, 10:17, edited 3 times in total.
Tikus Ternyata Mengerti Bahasa Manusia!
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Joined:2004-12-23, 13:35

Basic Vocabulary

Postby edsmedia » 2005-07-30, 10:52

Kosa kata Dasar / Basic Vocabulary

Note: the sign ' indicates sylable separation, unless told otherwise.

Note: (1) Indonesian does not have "to be" as in the English language, nor do you have to specifically include the words "is", "am", or "are" in sentences like: "I am John", which is only translated as "Saya John". (2) Indonesian does not have the article equivalent to the word "the" in general, so you do not have to include anything like that. In particular though, you may include "sang" to a respected person like: "the King": "sang Raja"; or "si" as in "the provocator": "si provokator" ("si" also applies to names). In some other cases, just put "-nya" after the last word.

Pronomina / Pronouns

Orang Pertama / First Person
- Sa'ya: I (I read: Sa'ya mem'ba'ca), me (This is me: I'ni sa'ya), my (My book: Bu'ku sa'ya)
- A'ku: I (I read: A'ku mem'ba'ca), me (This is me: I'ni a'ku), my (My book: Bu'ku a'ku) - The same as "Saya", except this is used when talking to a friend (not to someone of a formal position)
- -ku: my (My pen: Penaku)
- Ki'ta: I and We, our, us (including the audience). - Same usage example as above
- Ka'mi: We, our, us (not including the audience/people we talk to) - Same usage example as above

Orang Kedua / Second Person
- Ka'mu: you (You read: Ka'mu mem'ba'ca), your (Your pen: Pe'na ka'mu) - Used to speak to a friend.
- -mu: your (Your pen: Penamu)
- Ka'u: you (You read: Ka'u mem'ba'ca), your (Your pen: Pe'na ka'u) - Not really nice to say when speaking formally.
- An'da: you (You read: An'da mem'ba'ca), your (Your pen: Pe'na An'da) - This is used when addressing someone formally (eg. business associate, lecturer, even student), most commonly used in formal receptions and at first meeting. Always written with capital A.
- Ka'li'an: you, your (plural - more than one "you")
- Eng'kau: you, your (same usage as above) - This is used when addressing someone whom we really need to adore/give respect to, eg. a hero, the president, etc.

Orang Ketiga / Third Person
- Di'a / I'a: he (He read: Di'a mem'ba'ca), she, him (It's him: Itu di'a), her, his (His book: Buku di'a) (no specific gender, singular)
- Be'liau: he, she, him, her, his (same usage as above) - This is used when addressing someone whom we really need to adore/give respect to, eg. a hero, the president, etc.
- Me're'ka: they, them, their (same usage example as above, no specific gender, plural).

Nomina dasar / Basic Nouns
Note: nouns in Indonesian are the same for both singular and plural (no spelling difference). Except, if necessary, repeat the noun again spaced with a dash, eg. buku-buku. But not!: 5 buku-buku.

- Bu'ku: book
- Ker'tas: paper (to write on)
- Pen'sil: pencil
- Peng'ha'pus, s'tip: eraser, rubber
- Pe'na: pen
- Bol'poin: ballpen
- Tin'ta: ink
- War'na: colour
- Me'rah: red
- Hi'tam: black
- Bi'ru: blue
- Me'ja: table
- Kur'si: chair
- Lam'pu: lamp, light
- Tas: bag
- Se'pa'tu: shoes

- Bus: bus
- Ke're'ta: train
- Tak'si: taxi
- Mo'bil: car
- Se'pe'da: bicycle
- [Se'pe'da] mo'tor: motorcycle
- Helm: helmet

- Ru'mah: house
- Bang'u'nan: building

- O'rang: person, people
- La'ki-la'ki: male, man
- Le'la'ki, P'ria: man, gent
- Pe'rem'pu'an: female
- Wa'ni'ta: women
- A'nak, a'nak-a'nak: child, children
- Pu'tri: girl, daughter
- Pu'tra: boy, son

- Ma'ta'hari: sun
- Bu'lan: moon (Nat. Satellite), month (Jan-Des)
- Bin'tang: stars
- Ha'ri: day (Mon-Sun, not "daytime")
- Se'nin, Se'la'sa, Ra'bu, Ka'mis, Jum'at, Sab'tu, Ming'gu: Names of the days starting from Monday. (Eg. "On Thursday": "Pada hari Kamis")
- Ta'hun: year
- Tang'gal: date

- Na'si: cooked rice
- Be'ras: hulled rice
- Ro'ti: bread
- Bu'ah: fruit
- Sa'yur: vegetable
- Ma'ka'nan: food
- Ce'mi'lan: snack

- Sen'dok: spoon
- Gar'pu: fork
- Pi'sau: knife

Adjektiva Dasar / Basic Adjectives
Note: adjectives in Indonesian are written after the nouns! Eg. "Big doll" -> "Boneka besar"

- Ba'ik: good, nice, alright, okay
- Ba'gus: nice, good
- Je'lek: bad, ugly
- Pa'rah: worse, severe

- Be'sar: big, large
- Ke'cil: small
- Mu'ngil: tiny

- Jang'kung: long-legged (tall & sturdy) - a person
- Ting'gi: high, tall, (noun -> height)
- Ren'dah: low
- Pen'dek: short
- Ker'dil: the size of a dwarf

- Pan'jang: long, (noun -> length)
- Ja'uh: far
- De'kat: near, close

- Ce'pat, Ken'cang: fast
- Lam'bat: slow

- Se'dang: medium [eg. kecepatan sedang]
- Sa'ngat: very [eg. sangat bagus]
- Se'ka'li: very [eg. bagus sekali], once

Verba Dasar / Basic Verbs
Note: verbs in Indonesian are often enclosed within affixes. Different affix attachment may represent a different meaning to the root word. To find the root word of an affixed verb, use this dictionary. Use the root word to give a command, eg. "Close the door!" -> "Tutup pintunya!"
Note: adverbs are written after the verbs! Eg. "He runs fast" -> "Dia berlari kencang"

- Ja'lan: [ber'ja'lan] = to walk; [men'ja'lan'kan] = to run sth; [di'ja'lan'kan] = sth is ran (passive form)
- La'ri: [ber'la'ri] = to run
- Per'gi: to go
- Da'tang: to come
- Bu'ka: [mem'bu'ka] = to open
- Tu'tup: [me'nu'tup] = to close
- Am'bil: to get, to pick up
- Mi'lik: property, [me'mi'li'ki] = to have
- Ma'in: [ber'ma'in] = to play
- Ma'kan: to eat
- Mi'num: to drink

Preposisi Dasar / Basic Prepositions
- Di: in (eg. "in the class": "di kelas", BUT: "Welcome to..": "Selamat datang di.."), at (eg. "At the train station": "Di stasiun kereta")
- Di a'tas: on top of, on (eg. "on the table": "di atas meja")
- Di ba'wah: under, underneath (eg. "under the table": "di bawah meja")
- Pa'da: on (eg. "on Thursday": "pada hari Kamis")
- Da'ri: from (eg. "from him": "dari dia")
- Ke: to (eg. "to there": "ke sana")
- Da'ri'pa'da: than, rather than
- Un'tuk: for, to (eg. "to him": "untuk dia")
- Ke'pa'da: to (eg. "to the manager": "kepada pengelola")
- Ba'gi: for (eg. "for you": "bagi kamu"), [berbagi, dibagi, membagi] = share (verb)/divide (verb)
- De'ngan': with (eg. "paper with a pen": "kertas dengan sebuah pena"
- Sam'pai: until, [~ [dengan]] = up to
- O'leh: by (eg. "written by NNN": "ditulis oleh NNN")
- Me'nu'rut: by (eg. "by category": "menurut kategori")
- Di si'ni: here
- Di sa'na: there
- Di lu'ar: outside
- Di da'lam: in, inside
- Ke da'lam: into
- Ke'lu'ar: out
- Ma'suk: in
- De'kat: near
- Di sam'ping: beside
- Di se'be'lah: next to
- Di ka'nan: on the right (hand side)
- Di ki'ri: on the left (hand side)

- Di ma'na: where?
- Ke ma'na: where to?
- A'pa: what?
- Meng'a'pa: why?
- Si'a'pa: who?
- Ba'gai'ma'na: how?
- Be'ra'pa: how much/many?
Last edited by edsmedia on 2005-08-06, 10:07, edited 8 times in total.
Tikus Ternyata Mengerti Bahasa Manusia!

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Joined:2004-12-23, 13:35

Around The School

Postby edsmedia » 2005-08-05, 16:37

Sekeliling Sekolah / Around the School

Note: the sign ' indicates sylable separation, unless told otherwise.

Dasar / Basics
- Se'ko'lah: school
- Bang'u'nan: building
- Pin'tu: door
- Ru'ang: room
- Ger'bang: gate
- Par'kir'an: parking area
- Pa'gar: fence

Di ruang kelas / In the classroom
- Ru'ang ke'las: classroom
- Pa'pan tu'lis (putih/hitam - not commonly mentioned): whiteboard/blackboard
- Ka'pur: blackboard chalk
- Peng'ha'pus pa'pan/ka'pur: Lit.: board/chalk eraser, Mean.: duster
- Me'ja [tu'lis]: desk
- Kur'si: chair
- Bang'ku: bench
- Rum'put: grass
- Gu'ru ...: ... teacher
- Te'man: friend(s), classmate(s)
- Jam din'ding: wall clock
- Kal'en'der: calendar
- Tem'pat sam'pah: waste bin
- Le'ma'ri, Al'ma'ri: cupboard

Karyawan Sekolah / School Employees
- Ke'pa'la se'ko'lah, Abbrv. Kep'sek: headmaster
- Sat'pam (Abbrev.), Pen'ja'ga [se'ko'lah]: security
- Tata usaha: administration
- Pem'ber'sih: cleaner(s)
- Staf: staff(s)

Lingkungan Sekolah / School Environment
- Per'pus'ta'ka'an: library
- Pus'ta'ka'wan-male; Pus'ta'ka'wa'ti-female: librarian
- Ta'man: garden

Pelajaran / Lessons
- Ma'ta pel'a'jar'an: subject(s)
- Ma'te'ma'ti'ka: mathematics
- Ba'ha'sa: language
- Aga'ma: religion (religious education)
- [Ba'ha'sa] Ing'gris: english
- Ke'se'ni'an: art
- IPA: science
- IPS (pronounced: ee-'p'-es): society and environment (social science)
- Ra'por: report
- U'lang'an: test
- U'ji'an: exam
- U'lang'an u'mum: final exam
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