Polish Pronounciation?

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Polish Pronounciation?

Postby Tomii515 » 2007-09-27, 3:12

Polish Pronounciation:

a ą b c ć d e ę f g h i j k l ł m n ń o ó p r s ś t u w y z ź ż

Aa = a /a/
Ąą = ą /O~/
Bb = be /b/
Cc = ce /ts/
Ćć = cie /ts\/
Dd = de /d/
Ee = e /E/
Ęę = ę /E~/
Ff = ef /f/
Gg = ge /g/
Hh = ha /x/
Ii = i /i/
Jj = jot /j/
Kk = ka /k/
Ll = el /l/
Łł = eł /w/
Mm = em /m/
Nn = en /n/
Ńń = eń /J/
Oo = o /O/
Óó = o kreskowane /u/
Pp = pe /p/
Rr = er /r/
Ss = es /s/
Śś = eś /s\/
Tt = te /t/
Uu = u /u/
Ww = wu /v/
Yy = igrek /I\/
Zz = zet /z/
Źź = ziet /z\/
Żż = żet /z`/

ch = /x/
ci = /ts\/
cz = /ts`/
dz = /dz/
dzi = /dz\/
dź = /dz\/
dż = /dz`/
ni = /J/
rz = /z`/
si = /s\/
sz = /s`/
szcz = /s`ts`/
zi = /z\/

• a is a low central vowel for which there is no symbol in the IPA
• ą = /o/ before l or ł
• ę = /e/ before l or ł or at the end of a word
• The i in ci, dzi, ni, si and zi is not pronunced when they are followed by another vowel, e.g. dzień
• u sometimes = /w/ in loanwords like auto /awtO/ 'car'
• The letters q (ku), v (fau) and x (iks) are also used, but only for foreign names or words.


this ok? :/

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Postby Psi-Lord » 2007-09-27, 7:43

português do Brasil (pt-BR)British English (en-GB) galego (gl) português (pt) •• العربية (ar) български (bg) Cymraeg (cy) Deutsch (de)  r n km.t (egy) español rioplatense (es-AR) 日本語 (ja) 한국어 (ko) lingua Latina (la) ••• Esperanto (eo) (grc) français (fr) (hi) magyar (hu) italiano (it) polski (pl) Türkçe (tr) 普通話 (zh-CN)

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Postby Tomii515 » 2007-09-27, 21:10

I dont know about wikipedia... cause

wekipedia says in this article

y = /1/

but on the x-sampa page, it says

/I\/ = Polish 'y' in 'ryba' or something


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