correction of my basque text

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correction of my basque text

Postby sbootzie » 2014-06-12, 9:37

Hello Everybody!
I'm studying basque language and i need your help!
Anybody of you can correct my text that i wrote?
I have my exam tomorrow!
Thankyou very much!

Ezagutu david! David nire mutil-laguna da.
26 urte ditut eta handi langile da .
Venezian bizida,giardinian. baina iparralden Portugalgoa da.
Portugalen bere amarekin eta aitarekin bizi da Amak Aurora deitzen da,,Aitak Jose deizen da eta Amonak Maria deitzen da. Haiek Vianan bizi dira. Viana oso polita da .
Ez ditut seme-alabak, eta ez ditut anai-arrebak .
Altua eta argala da. Ilebeltz , ilemotz da eta ere bizardun gutxi du.
Gaur bakero urdin eta marradun kamiseta.
Berari pizza eta ardu gustatzen da. Hura orain oso italiano da!

Nire laguna Laxe oso polita da!
Hura Marsilan bizi da baina Elgoibarkoa da. 22 urte ditut eta langile irakasten Espainiako eskolan.
Elgoibaren anaiarekin, amarekin bizi da. Etxe oso handia da eta oso garbia da.
Laxek ahizpa dut eta anaia dut.

Nire etxea oso polita da! Etxe ez handia baina ere ez txikia da. Etxek jangela, sukaldea, egongela,bi terraza, hau logela, bi bainugela(komuna) eta ganbara dauzka.
Nire etxea ez dauka tximinirik, trastelekurik, gonbidatuen logelarik.
Gustiek gela kanpoaldera ematen dute. Parke, merkatu eder paisaia daude. Logelak oso argitsu dira.
Eralkin berria da eta ingurua oso lasaia da.

Eskerrik asko!!!!

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Re: correction of my basque text

Postby Lauren » 2014-06-12, 18:22

sbootzie wrote:Hello Everybody!
I'm studying basque language and i need your help!
Anybody of you can correct my text that i wrote?
I have my exam tomorrow!
Thankyou very much!

Ezagutu David!1 David nire mutil-laguna da.
26 urte ditut2 eta handi langile da3.
Venezian bizi da, Giardinian. Baina iparralden Portugalgoa da4.
Portugalen bere amarekin eta aitarekin5 bizi da. Amak Aurora deitzen da6, aitak Jose deitzen da eta amonak Maria deitzen da. Haiek Vianan bizi dira. Viana oso polita da .
Ez ditut seme-alabak, eta ez ditut anai-arrebak .7
Altua eta argala da. Ilebeltz , ilemotz da8 eta ere bizardun gutxi du9.
Gaur bakero urdin eta marradun kamiseta.10
Berari pizza eta ardu gustatzen da11. Hura orain oso italiano da!12

Nire laguna Laxe oso polita da!
Hura Marsilan bizi da baina Elgoibarkoa da. 22 urte ditut eta langile irakasten Espainiako eskolan.1
Elgoibaren anaiarekin, amarekin2 bizi da. Etxe oso handia da eta oso garbia da.
Laxek ahizpa dut eta anaia dut.3

Nire etxea oso polita da! Etxe ez handia baina ere ez txikia da.1 Etxek jangela, sukaldea, egongela,bi terraza, hau logela, bi bainugela(komuna) eta ganbara dauzka.2
Nire etxea ez dauka tximinirik, trastelekurik, gonbidatuen logelarik.3
Gustiek gela kanpoaldera ematen dute.4 Parke, merkatu eder paisaia daude.5 Logelak oso argitsu dira.6
Eralkin berria da eta ingurua oso lasaia da.7

Kaixo eta ongi etorri Unilangera! :D Asko pozten nau euskara ikasten duen beste pertsona ikusteak! Euskara ez da nire ama-hizkuntza, baina zure okerrak zuzentzen saiatuko dut.

1 I don't know what you mean when you say "Ezagutu David!"
2 If you are trying to say "He is 26 years old" it would be "26 urte ditu." "Ditut" has a first person singular subject. :)
3 Do you mean to say "He is a great worker"? You cannot use "handi" like that, so you would say "oso langile ona da."
4 If you mean "But he is from the north of Portugal" it would be best to say "Halere, Portugal iparraldekoa da."
5 When you have multiple nouns separated by "eta" that are using the same case, you don't have to put the case on every noun, thus you can say "bere ama eta aitarekin bizi da."

This is unrelated to grammar, but first you say "Venezian bizi da" but then you say "Portugalen bere ama eta aitarekin bizi da." :hmm:

6 To say what someone's name is, we say "___ du izena". So, to say "The mother's name is Aurora" you'd say "Amak Aurora du izena." Also, words for family members aren't capitalized, except at the beginning of sentences, of course.
7 Again, "ditut" means "I have them", so here you must use "ditu" if you mean to say "he has them."
8 Make sure adjectives have the absolutive '-a' at the end. Also, it would be better to say "He has black and short hair." So, it should be "Ile beltz eta motza du/dauka."
9 It seems you are trying to say "he is a bit bearded." That doesn't seem like the best way to say it, but then again, I'm not really sure how I'd say that in English... The correct way to say "he is a bit bearded" would be "pixka bat bizarduna da" I believe, but I don't think that would sound natural.
10 I am not sure what you want to say here. As far as I know, "bakero" is not a word, nor is "marradun". If you meant to say "Today he is wearing a blue and brown t-shirt" then that would be "Gaur kamiseta urdin eta marroia janzten du."
11 "Berari" is not necessary here, and the auxiliary verb should be in the form of nor-nori-nork, with a plural object. Also, "wine" is "ardo", not "ardu" and should be in the absolutive case. So: "Pizza eta ardoa gustatzen zaizkio."
12 I think it would be better to say "Orain samar italiar bat bezala da!" but that still sounds strange... Maybe arabarra will know a better way to say it.

Now for the next paragraph:

1 Again, be sure to use "ditu" and not "ditut" when the subject is third person singular and not first person singular. And if you meant to say "She is a teacher in Spanish school" then it would be better to say "eta irakaslea da Espainiako eskola batetan." Or you could say "eta Espainiako eskola batetan irakasten du."
2 Elgoibar, like most words in Basque ending in 'r', add another 'r' when adding suffixes. So, this sentence should be "Elgoibarren anaia eta amarekin bizi da."
3 "Ditu" should be used instead of "dut", and the first one should be left out. "Laxek ahizpa eta anaia ditu."

Third paragraph:

1 This would be better like: Etxea ez da handia, baina ez da txikia ere.
2 Good use of "dauzka"! "Etxek" should be "Etxeak", since it is the singular ergative case, and I think you meant to say "lau logela".
3 "Chimney" is "tximinia", so with '-rik' it should be "tximiniarik". I feel like something should come before "gonbidatuen", but I'm not really sure what. "Edo" sounds wrong, and using "ez" before each of those three items in the list sounds repetitive. Hopefully arabarra can give an answer to that.
4 Are you trying to say "All rooms lead outside"? If so, I'd say "Gela guztiek kanpoaldera begira dauden ateak dauzkate/dituzte."
5 I'm not sure what you mean here. Do you mean "The park and market have beautiful scenery"? If so, then "Parkea eta merkatua/azoka inguratzen ditu paisaia ederrak." might be better, but I'm not sure of the best way to say that.
6 Make sure adjectives match the case of the noun, in this case "argitsu" should be "argitsuak".
7 I think you mean "eraikin" rather than "eralkin". :)

Overall you did very good! I'd recommend to maybe practice or review the auxiliary forms. You confused the third person singular (du/ditu) with the first person singular (dut, ditut) several times. Also, there were a few mistakes with forgetting the case on nouns and adjectives, like when you said "ardo", or "argitsu". Most of the other things I corrected were just style-related, and Basque speakers would probably understand you fine, although it may sound a bit odd to them that way.

I apologize for not being able to answer some things. If you ever have more questions, don't hesitate to ask, and I or arabarra will be glad to answer. :D
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Re: correction of my basque text

Postby arabarra » 2014-06-15, 19:17

.... good Job, Lowena... A pity that it looks like we will never know if sboozie passed his exam, after all the patient and detailed effort you invested in correcting his initial sentences...

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Re: correction of my basque text

Postby Lauren » 2014-06-15, 22:59

Her. ;) Yeah, doesn't look like she's coming back... Took me like 2 hours to do all that! Oh well, I didn't have much better to do that day. :lol:
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