Dunbots' Basque Questions

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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby arabarra » 2014-02-28, 13:37

I don't particularly find learning the hundreds of forms of the auxiliary verb fun. :lol: Nor am I a good fiction writer, so that is never a goal or interest of mine.

I admit it , Basque subjunctive is probably one of the topics where the ratio usability/effort is most ridiculous.... and I'm not talking only about Basque grammar.

Trikitixa dantzatu nahiko nuke

which has the same syntactic use as my sentence, doesn't it?

dollars against donughts that they put the -ko just for metrics, to ensure the right length of the sentence :) Bertsolariak do this little dirty trick a lot too...

Standard Basque describes it as the form with '-ko' represents something in the future, whereas the form without is present tense.

True. But I'm talking only about "nahi" and "behar". They are a special case (they behave much like the German counterparts wollen and sollen, come to think of it, or even in English: can->could, shall->should... ).

Also, how would you say "one of my favorite things" in Basque?

Come on, you're usually more brave than that... just try :)
Hint: I'd use "gogokoen" as basis for the construction...

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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby Lauren » 2014-02-28, 21:54

arabarra wrote:Come on, you're usually more brave than that... just try :)
Hint: I'd use "gogokoen" as basis for the construction...

Is it "nire (gauza) gogokoenetariko bat"? I was really tired last night and couldn't think very well. :P
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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby crush » 2014-02-28, 22:21

That's like a phrase i stumbled across in Assimil:
"Picassoren koadro hau, bere ezagunenetarikoa"

Could you say "Gauza hau nire gogokoenetarikoa da"?

Also, would it be incorrect to use gustukoen?
Guk euskaraz, zuk zergatik ez?

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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby Lauren » 2014-02-28, 23:38

Yep, I'm pretty sure you could say that.

And it seems "gustukoen" is possible. I found this on Google:

EiTBko iragarkietatik zein da zure gustukoena?

Which of EiTB's commercials is your favorite/most liked?
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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby arabarra » 2014-03-01, 4:05

You see, that was easy after all ... :)

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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby Lauren » 2014-09-20, 19:54

Bart nire ohean etzanda egoten ari nintzen eta pentsatzen hasi nintzen. Norberak "bera" eta "hura" erabili ahal ditu ezberdineko pertsonak esaldi beran biak bereizteko? Adibidez:

"Mikel etxean dago. Amaia etxera doa. Berak (Amaia) ez daki hura (Mikel) etxean dagoela."

Halere, ez dakit ea hau esateko gai den ala ez.

Barkamena eskatzen dizut nire euskara okertu bada. :oops:
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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby arabarra » 2014-09-21, 10:29

Ez, "bera" ez da horrela erabiltzen. Kasu honetarako "hau-hori-hura" erabiliko genuke, esaterako:

"Mikel etxean dago. Amaia etxera doa. Honek (Amaiak) ez daki hura (Mikel) etxean dagoenik."

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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby Lauren » 2014-09-25, 3:35

Eskerrik asko! Ez dut jakin hitz horiek horrela erabiltzen direla.
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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby arabarra » 2014-09-25, 15:26

Eskerrik asko! Ez dut jakin hitz horiek horrela erabiltzen direla.

hm... bai horixe jakin duzula, nik neuk esan berri dizut eta :)

Kontutan hartu "jakin dut" adierazpenak "I have been told" ere adierz dezakeela.

Beraz, esan nahi zenuena hauxe zen:

"... ez nekien ..."

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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby Lauren » 2014-09-26, 1:50

arabarra wrote:
Eskerrik asko! Ez dut jakin hitz horiek horrela erabiltzen direla.

hm... bai horixe jakin duzula, nik neuk esan berri dizut eta :)

Kontutan hartu "jakin dut" adierazpenak "I have been told" ere adierz dezakeela.

Beraz, esan nahi zenuena hauxe zen:

"... ez nekien ..."

Barkatu, "direnik" esan nahi nuen. :oops:

Eskerrik asko zuzentzeengaitik!

I need to practice Basque so much more than I currently am... I've been so lazy. D:
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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby Lauren » 2014-11-04, 22:56

Could anybody (probably just arabarra) help me with transcribing a Basque song? I can't find the lyrics anywhere on the internet and I would love to have them. I get the gist of the song, and have transcribed about half of the lyrics, but I would like the full lyrics and I could've made errors. Unfortunately I still need to learn a lot more words in Basque and I don't have much listening practice, but I am working on that lately.

Here is the song:


And here is what I have been able to tell from listening to it:

Ez zait inoiz gustatu
Politikaz minztatu
Hainbateko ardanaska
Behar ez du ..
... plazaratu

Komunika bideetan
Entzuten diren gezurrak
Euskalduno(k?) liskarretan
Sartu nahi gaituzte(etan?)
Gure artean (deus estatu?)

Alderdi politikoen interesa
Segurtasun (kutxak) betetzea
Erdiaren sentimenduak erabiltzan dituzte
... bezela(n?)

(No idea for this verse. Too much, too fast)

... sartu nahi ...
bizitza ez da (beraiena?)
Txotxongiloak garelako
Beraien esku ...
Kontrolaren egarria
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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby Lauren » 2014-11-11, 21:37

OK, I guess that's too much of a request.

I can't figure out what this sentence is supposed to mean:

Jende asko dago beti arrazoia duela pentsatzen duena.

Could someone possibly provide an English translation, please? Thanks!
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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby arabarra » 2014-11-11, 22:22

Hi Lauren!

Jende asko dago beti arrazoia duela pentsatzen duena.

There is a lot of people who think that they are always right...

Now the song (pacience has its reward :-) ). Heard it, nice music indeed. And here you have the parts you didn't get (but the parts that you transcribed yourself were mostly correct, by the way!).

[haserrea plazaratu]

Herriaren (<not "erdiaren" :-) > ) sentimenduak erabiltzen dituzte
...segurtasun kutxak DIRUZ betetzea....

[arma jaurtigarri eraginkor bezela]

Artzai guztiek bezala
ardien bila dabiltza
baina artzai batzuk, badakizu
zer eiten duten.
herritik urrun daudela

egin ezazu behar duzuna
baina mantendu guardia altxatuta

Ez utzi peren pozoia zure odolean sartzea,
hori delako beren helburu nobleena.

Ez dut sartu nahi
joko honetan
bizitza ez da beraiena.

txotxongiloak garelako
beren esku zikinetan.

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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby Lauren » 2014-11-11, 22:34

Oops, "arrazoia" eta "arazoa" beti nahasten ditut. :oops:

Barkadazu jasangaitza izateagatik. Ez nekien nire eskaria ikusi zenuela! Dena den, milesker! :D Abesti hura asko gustatzen zait, eta duela urte asko ez dudan hitz guztiak ulertu.

Halere, badirudi hitz batzuk ahantzi dituzula. Hitz batzuk falta badira "Behar ez du" eta "haserrea plazaratu". Zoritxarrez, ezin dut hitz hauek ulertzen.

Gainera, zuzenak al dira lerro hauek? Ez nago ziur.

Sartu nahi gaituzteetan
Gure artean deus estatu
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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby Lauren » 2014-11-18, 23:50

Aurrekoez gain, bi galdera gehiago dauzkat.

1) Nola bereizten ditu hurrengo aditzen egiturak?

Mezua bidali du.
Mezua bidalita da.
Mezua bidalia da.
Mezua bidali da.

Ez nago ziur bi azken esaldiak zuzenak direnik. Badirudi hirugarren esaldian erabili duen egitura bakarrik aditz irakangaitzekin erabil daitezkela.

2) Non dago azentua “ahuntz” bezalako hitzetan? /a'unts/ edo /'aunts/?

Eskerrik asko! :mrgreen:
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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby arabarra » 2014-11-25, 12:31


Mezua bidalita da.

is not really correct in Batua... should be "mezua bidalita dago". It is sort of equivalent to "bidalia da". Here, the stress of the sentence is on the the idea of completion of a task. We are interested in the fact that the message should have been sent, and we are just stating the status: it's done.

With "mezua bidali da", there is a nuance. The stress is not on the "completion of a task" but rather on the idea of "an action has been done".

hm... is it clear somehow? Ikusi beheko adibidea:

"nagusi, nere soldata igeraz hitzegin nahi nuke..."
"ez, hori erabakita dago dagoeneko"

"Aurten ez da soldata igoerarik izango, entrepresaren komitean holan erabaki zen eta..."

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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby arabarra » 2014-11-25, 21:02

Halere, badirudi hitz batzuk ahantzi dituzula. Hitz batzuk falta badira "Behar ez du" eta "haserrea plazaratu". Zoritxarrez, ezin dut hitz hauek ulertzen.

Kantak ez du "behar ez du" esaten, nere ustez, baizik eta:
" Hainbatekoa da nazka:
beharrezkoa dut aska
ta haserrea plazaratu"

(the feeling of disgust so intense, that I have to get rid of it and express my rage")

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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby Lauren » 2014-11-25, 23:09

arabarra wrote:Hi!

Mezua bidalita da.

is not really correct in Batua... should be "mezua bidalita dago". It is sort of equivalent to "bidalia da". Here, the stress of the sentence is on the the idea of completion of a task. We are interested in the fact that the message should have been sent, and we are just stating the status: it's done.

With "mezua bidali da", there is a nuance. The stress is not on the "completion of a task" but rather on the idea of "an action has been done".

hm... is it clear somehow? Ikusi beheko adibidea:

"nagusi, nere soldata igeraz hitzegin nahi nuke..."
"ez, hori erabakita dago dagoeneko"

"Aurten ez da soldata igoerarik izango, entrepresaren komitean holan erabaki zen eta..."

So is "erabakita dago" saying, in this case, "it's already decided and it's not going to change", whereas "erabakia zen" is just saying the plain "it was decided"?

And thank you! I finally have the full lyrics to the song. :D I even translated it, albeit poorly:

I don't always like
talking about politics
my disgust [for it] is so great
the feeling of disgust so intense
that I have to get rid of it
and express my rage to the people

The lies that are heard
in the media
that get us Basques to
want to start fights,
only to destroy ourselves

The interests of the political parties
are to fill the coffers with money
They use the feelings of the people
as throwing weapons for convincing

Like all shepherds
They go in search of sheep
but some shepherds, you know
what they do.
They are instead far from home

Do what you need to do
But keep your guard up

Don't let their poison enter your blood
Because that is their "noble" goal

I never want to
enter this game
Life is not theirs
Because we are puppets
in their dirty hands.

The thirst for control

I took a bit of artistic license so it would make more sense in English, and I'm terrible at translating, and Basque songs often don't make sense anyways. :lol:
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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby arabarra » 2014-11-29, 9:13

baina artzai batzuk, badakizu
zer eiten duten
herritik urrun daudela


this paragraph is actually ambiguos! interesting... your translation

but some shepherds, you know
what they do.
They are instead far from home

is correct... IF one understands that there is a colon , like
baina artzai batzuk, badakizu zer eiten duten: herritik urrun daudela

but I understood the sentence without colon, so that -(e)la introduces a complement of time.
baina artzai batzuk, badakizu zer eiten duten herritik urrun daudela

... You what some shepherds do, when they are far from the village....

implying that they kill the sheep (shepherds don't keep sheep for fun, after all... I never understood the connotation of "protection" attached to the figure of the shepherd!).

But grammatically both ways are correct (in the song is difficult to deduce the intonation), and from the point of view of logical sense, I wouldn't knwo.

Maybe we should contact the author! :)

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Re: Dunbots' Basque Questions

Postby Lauren » 2014-12-07, 22:41

arabarra wrote:Hi!

Mezua bidalita da.

is not really correct in Batua... should be "mezua bidalita dago". It is sort of equivalent to "bidalia da". Here, the stress of the sentence is on the the idea of completion of a task. We are interested in the fact that the message should have been sent, and we are just stating the status: it's done.

With "mezua bidali da", there is a nuance. The stress is not on the "completion of a task" but rather on the idea of "an action has been done".

hm... is it clear somehow? Ikusi beheko adibidea:

"nagusi, nere soldata igeraz hitzegin nahi nuke..."
"ez, hori erabakita dago dagoeneko"

"Aurten ez da soldata igoerarik izango, entrepresaren komitean holan erabaki zen eta..."

Oraintxe berriz irakurri dudan hori, uste dut guztiak ulertzen dudala. :D Eskerrik asko!
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