Romanian media / Media romănească

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Romanian media / Media romănească

Postby bogororo » 2005-05-27, 13:15

Pentru cei interesaţi, voi face o descriere a peisajului media românesc.
For those interested, I will do a description of the Romanian media outlook.

Cele mai mari posturi TV generaliste sunt:
The biggest general TV stations are:
TVR 1 - canalul principal al televiziunii de stat. Are tendinţa de a deforma informaţiile în favoarea puterii şi de a crea teatru de televiziune plictisitor. Preferata preşedintelui Băsescu pentru a face dezvăluiri naţiunii.
TVR 1 - the main channel of the state television. Has a tendency to twist information in favor of the Government and to create boring TV theather. President Băsescu`s preferred outlet to reveal things to the nation.

Antena 1 - aceasta televiziune a fost prima particulară din România, deschisă în 1995. Deţinută de şeful Partidului Conservator, Dan Voiculescu, a fost influenţată întotdeauna de acest mic partid. În afara acestei influenţe, este recunoscută pentru o atitudine în general critică la adresa puterii. Divertisment deosebit de low-brow, cu o excepţie, totuşi (trupa Divertis).
Antena 1 - this station was the first private one in Romania, opened in 1995. Owned by Conservative Party boss Dan Voiculescu, it has always had a bias towards this small party. Besides this bias, it is known for a generally critical atittude towards the Government. Extremely low-brow entertainment,with an exception, though (the Divertis troupe).

Pro TV - în vârstă de 8 ani, acest post de televiziune a fost primul condus după standarde occidentale. A devenit foarte repede după deschidere lider de piaţă, aducând multe tehnici media occidentale în România. Căderea sa a început în 2000, când s-a constatat că acumulase datorii foarte mari (30 de milioane de dolari) la Bugetul de Stat. Jurnalele lor de ştiri au înregistrat un declin rapid al calităţii, promovându-l pe ultimul Prim Ministru, Adrian Năstase, într-o manieră greţoasă, cu comentarii sicofantice despre vizitele sale în zone îndepărtate din România. A devenit liderul în producţia de non-ştiri din evenimente de zi-cu-zi ca furturi mărunte, crime sau accidente. În mod deloc surprinzător, a rămas foarte popular.
Pro TV - 8 years old, this station has been the first one run by Western standards. It emerged very quickly after its opening as the market leader, bringing many Western media techniques in Romania. Its downfall started in 2000, when it emerged it had accumulated sizeable ($30m) debts to the State Budget. Their journals declined very fast in quality, promoting the last Prime Minister, Adrian Năstase, in a nauseating way, with obsequious reporting about his visits to remote corners in Romania. It has become the leader in producing non-news from such every-day events as petty theft, murders or car accidents. Unsurprisingly, it remains very popular.

Alte posturi TV generaliste
Other general TV stations:

Prima TV - din punct de vedere politic, acest post de televiziune pare să fie (sau să fi fost) susţinută de fostul Ministru al Transporturilor Miron Mitrea, atrăgându-şi astfel porecla de "Mitrea TV". Ştirile obişnuiau să fie foarte înclinate către PSD, însă acum par să fie mai echidistante. De asemenea, doi dintre jurnaliştii răpiţi lucrează la această televiziune. În ceea ce priveşte divertismentul, această televiziune a implementat o mulţime de francize occidentale - Big Brother, Vrei să fii miliardar?, Copiii spun lucruri trăsnite, Cheaters etc., dar nu toate au avut succes (Big Brother a fost cea mai mare gaură neagră din punct de vedere financiar)
Prima TV - politically, this station seems to be (or to have been) backed by the ex-Transportation Minister, Miron Mitrea, being therefore named "Mitrea TV". News used to have a heavy PSD bias, now they seem to be more even-handed. Also, two of the kidnapped journalists work at this station. Entertainment-wise, this station implemented a lot of Western franchises - Big Brother, Who wants to be a millionaire, Children say the wildest things, Cheaters etc., but not all turned out to be that succesful (Big Brother was probably the biggest financial black hole in Romanian television).

TVR 2 - canalul 2 al Televiziunii Române; câteodată e mai interesant decât canalul 1.
TVR 2 - second channel of the state TV; sometimes more interesting than TVR1.

B1 TV - în prezent în proprietatea NewsCorp-ului lui Rupert Murdoch. Neinteresantă în general, cu excepţia talk-show-ului său din prime-time, Naşul.
B1 TV - currently owned by Rupert Murdoch`s NewsCorp. Uninteresting in general, except for it`s prime-time talk-show, "Naşul" (The Godfather).

Naţional TV - această televiziune nu produce bani, dar proprietarii săi, fraţii Micula, magnaţi ai băuturilor, o susţin artificial cam de un an de zile. Nimic demn de menţionat despre ea.
Naţional TV - this station does not produce any money, but its owners, the beverages tycoons Micula brothers are artificially backing it up for about an year. Nothing note-worthy about it.

OTV - acesta este, îndrăznesc să spun, canalizarea televiziunii Româneşti. Principala emisiune din program este Dan Diaconescu în Direct, un talk-show ce durează 4 ore (cel puţin) în prime-time, ce este difuzat în reluare dimineaţa. Se spune că tot ce trebuie să faci ca să fii invitat la această emisiune este să plăteşti moderatorului (care este şi directorul postului) aproximativ 5000 de dolari. Ca o consecinţă, printre invitaţi se poate găsi o adunătura pestriţă - generali de Securitate, politicieni ce au fost importanţi, oameni de afaceri, vrăjitoare şi prezicătoare, dive pop prea bătrâne ca să mai arate bine şi aşa mai departe. Un alt amănunt interesant este că sediul lor, inclusiv studiourile, se află într-un apartament de 100 de metri pătraţi.
OTV - this is, I would venture to say, the sewage system of Romanian TV. The main feature of its programme is the Dan Diaconescu în Direct show, a talk-show lasting for 4 hours (at least) in prime-time, which is also reran the next morning. Rumours are that all it takes to be a guest in this show is paying the talk-show host (who is also manager of the station) about $5000. As a consequence, one can find a motley crew among the guests - Securitate generals, formerly important politicians, business-men, witches and fortune-tellers, pop divas too old to look good and so forth. As another colourful detail, their headquarters, including the studios, lie in an 100 square meters appartment.

Există şi alte posturi TV generaliste, dar nu sunt importante pentru o privire generală asupra faptelor. Câteva televiziuni de nişă importante sunt:

There are other general TV stations, but they are not important for a general outlook. Some important TV stations targeting niche audiences are:

Realitatea TV - această televiziune este un post de ştiri 24h din 24, având ca model CNN.
Realitatea TV - this station is a 24h-news outlet, modelled on CNN.

Acasă TV - targetată pe gospodine, pe această televiziune sunt programate în mare parte telenovele. Parte din trustul Media Pro, împreună cu Pro TV şi Pro Cinema
Acasă TV - targeted on housewives, this station shows mainly soap operas. Part of the Media Pro trust, along with Pro TV and Pro Cinema.

România Cultural - programul cultural al TVR, modelat după Arte
România Cultural - the cultural programme of TVR, modelled after European station Arte.

Pro Cinema - modelat după HBO, doar cu filme mai vechi şi cu pauze publicitare mai mari decât filmul.
Pro Cinema - Modeled on HBO, only with older films and commercial breaks bigger than the film.

MTV România, Atomic TV, TV k lumea - televiziuni muzicale targetând audienţe tinere.
MTV România, Atomic TV, TV k lumea - music televisions, targeting young audiences.

Etno TV, Favorit - folclor tot timpul.
Etno TV, Favorit - all the folklore, all the time.

Telesport, TV sport - numele spune totul.
Telesport, TV sport - the name says it all.

Dacă aţi reuşit să citiţi acest mesaj enorm, vă rog să luaţi în considerare faptul că este unul subiectiv şi că nu are pretenţia de a fi a o analiză ştiinţifică
If you managed to read this enormous post, please be aware that it is a subjective one and has no pretense of being a scientific outlook.

Va urma...
To be continued!
Last edited by bogororo on 2005-06-11, 20:16, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby parousia » 2005-05-28, 17:38

:shock: Ce multe informaţii ! Am să mă uit la toţi şi după ce am să ţi-spun cum mi plac! :)

[What a lot of information! I'll check them all out and afterwards I'll tell you how I liked them.]

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Postby parousia » 2005-06-10, 12:08

@bogororo :)

I will do a description of the Romanian media outlook ----> I'm not exactly sure what you mean by the word "outlook" used here and elsewhere in the post, but I would say something like:

"I will do an overview of Romanian media."


TV theater? --> You mean TV programs or TV shows or TV series? or more specifically TV dramas? The only time I heard a TV program referred to as "theater" is the BBC program called Masterpiece Theater which is a program shown on public television (no commercials, not-for-profit, etc.) and which shows made-for-TV dramas based on books (like Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh if I remember correctly).


opened in 1995 --> better: started in 1995/ began broadcasting in 1995 (we normally reserve "opened in..." for things like stores, museums, places with doors)


this station has been the first one run by Western standards -->better: was the first one to be run according to Western standards

after its opening as the market leader --> better: It emerged very quickly after its start as the...

bringing many Western media techniques into Romania

debts to the State Budget --> better: debts to the State

Their journals? --> Their news programs? (We normally reserve the word "journals" to refer to academic periodicals, except for Ladies' Home Journal which is a women's magazine.)

Unsurprisingly --> I don't know if this word exists, couldn't find it in my dictionary... I would usually just say "Not surprisingly, it remains..."


an year --> a year (NB: This is not a correction. I'm not sure if you're aware but I think most people nowadays put "an" only in front of vowel SOUNDS and the "y" sound in year is not a vowel sound. So, you have: a yellow jacket, a year, an hour, a university, an MBA (<--because when you read it it starts with an "e" sound, "em") I might write a post about this in the English forum.)

but they are not important for a general outlook --> ... a general overview (?)


no pretense of being a scientific outlook --> ... scientific overview (?)

I hope you don't mind my being so nitpicky :)

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Postby bogororo » 2005-06-11, 20:14

Parousia, thank you for your corrections! I don't mind at all your attention to detail. We're all here at Unilang to improve our use of language and there will always be room for improvement for my English.
I need to explain just one thing - "TV theather" is a special kind of show - a play which is filmed, not on a stage, but rather in a television studio. I am pretty sure I saw this on British TV as well, though I forgot how it was called. Maybe this will help you find a synonym!

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Postby parousia » 2005-06-14, 8:19

bogororo wrote:I need to explain just one thing - "TV theather" is a special kind of show - a play which is filmed, not on a stage, but rather in a television studio. I am pretty sure I saw this on British TV as well, though I forgot how it was called. Maybe this will help you find a synonym!

A, văd. Nu sunt sigură cum se cheamă. Nu ştiu dacă există un termen special pentru acest tip de emisiune. Există termenul "teleplay" dar asta înseamnă un scenariu pentru TV (television script). Aşa că, mi pare că "television theater" este la fel de bun decât oricare alt termen. O să mă gândesc la asta...

[Oh, I see. I'm not sure what it's called. I don't know if there's a special term for this kind of program. There's "teleplay" but that means a script for television. So, it seems like "television theater" is as good a term as any other. I'll think about it...]

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