Întrebările lui Iroarnai

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Întrebările lui Iroarnai

Postby JuxtapositionQMan » 2014-04-07, 2:26

Hello. I'm an almost complete beginner. I found this and this to start learning Romanian. I will be posting questions here about Romanian. Starting off they will probably be stupider than this video, but inspired by other threads on other forums, I have decided to intend to decide to post to get answers to post to intend to post here. First off, is there a particular way to be saying of things in a very intensely longly playful way of superhappyfuntimeness? I know Romanian vocab very loosely at this point, so what would be more of the structure?
Also, is it Şş and Ţţ or Șș and Țț?
Thank you, Dankon, și Mulțumesc.
However, if this post turns out to be dumb, I'm sorry for wasting your time and have a nice day.
Last edited by JuxtapositionQMan on 2014-04-07, 13:30, edited 1 time in total.
Well, that was a thing.
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Re: Întrebarile lui Iroarnai

Postby ~jakip » 2014-04-07, 5:18

I'm at a beginner level too. But I can help you on this: it's Ț ț and Ș ș, because Ş ş are Turkish and Ţ ţ I don't know where they come from. I hope I have been helpful ;)
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Re: Întrebarile lui Iroarnai

Postby Levike » 2014-04-07, 12:15

~jakip wrote:But I can help you on this: it's Ț ț and Ș ș, because Ş ş are Turkish and Ţ ţ I don't know where they come from. I hope I have been helpful ;)
Adevărat. True story.

Ț ț și Ș ș sunt cele corecte, chestiile acelea de desubt se numesc virgulițe.
Ț ț and Ș ș are the correct ones, those things below are called little commas.

Dacă scrii virgula legat de literă atunci ea se cheamă sedilă, dar româna nu folosește sedile.
If you write the comma connected to the letter then it's called a cedilla, but Romanian doesn't use cedillas.

Dar dacă scrii pe hârtie atunci scrie-le cum vrei, cu toții suntem doctori cand vine vorba de scris.
But if you're writing on paper then write them as you want, we're all doctors when it comes to writing.

Apropo, ar fi "Întrebările lui Iroarnai". :whistle:
By the way, it would be "Întrebările lui Iroarnai".
Pluralul cuvintelor care se termină în -are este întotdeauna -ări.
The plural of the words ending in -are is always -ări.

Hmmm, ce te-a făcut să încerci româna?
Hmmm, what made you try Romanian?

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Re: Întrebările lui Iroarnai

Postby JuxtapositionQMan » 2014-04-07, 13:50

Mulțumesc. Fixed!
Thank you. Reparat!

Eu sunt acum jenat, dar...Tu mă interesat.
I'm embarrassed now, but...You got me interested.
Sorry, I don't know how to form more complex sentences than that yet, but I'll continue:
In the English forum, there is a thread "Levike's Questions". It was primarily that thread that made me want to do this one. Also, I often saw you talking about how Romanian is SO DAMN HARD! and I wanted to see what the hell you were talking about.
So Thanks!

Următorul întrebare:
Do you think Iroarnai could be a Romanian name? I just noticed that it fits perfectly into the orthography, so what do you think?
Well, that was a thing.
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Re: Întrebările lui Iroarnai

Postby Levike » 2014-04-07, 14:06

JuxtapositionQMan wrote:Mulțumesc. Fixed!
Thank you. Reparat!

Eu sunt acum jenat, dar...Tu m-ai făcut să fiu interesat.
I'm embarrassed now, but...You got me interested.

Următoarea întrebare:
Do you think Iroarnai could be a Romanian name?

Iroarnai, poate într-un film cu extratereștrii.
Iroarnai, maybe in an alien movie.

Româna nu e grea ... doar extrem de iregulară, dar poate fi distractivă.
Romanian isn't hard ... only extremely irregular, but it can be fun.

Dar te voi ajuta cât de mult voi putea. :cheery:
But I'll help you as much as I can.

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Re: Întrebările lui Iroarnai

Postby JuxtapositionQMan » 2014-04-07, 23:18

...and no, I'm not an alien. :lol:
Is there anything that I should really focus on while eu învăț Română?
Well, that was a thing.
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Re: Întrebările lui Iroarnai

Postby Levike » 2014-04-08, 7:37

JuxtapositionQMan wrote:Is there anything that I should really focus on while eu învăț Română?
Conjugarea, mai ales la prezent, și terminațiile de dativ și genitiv
pentru că dacă le greșești pe acestea atunci brusc devine foarte greu de înțeles ce vrei să zici.
The conjugation, especially at the present tense, and the dative and genitive endings
because if you mess those up then suddenly it's very hard to understand what you want to say.

Și sunt foarte puține momente
în care dacă pui accentul altundeva atunci se schimbă total înțelesul.
And there are a very few moments
where if you put the accent elsewhere then the meaning could totally change.

De exemplu: copii = children/copies și putem = we can/we stink :twisted:
For example: copii = children/copies and putem = we can/we stink

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Re: Întrebările lui Iroarnai

Postby JuxtapositionQMan » 2014-04-08, 13:47

Mulțumesc! Eu rămân fără acum întrebări.
Thanks! I'm out of questions now.

I wrote:is there a particular way to be saying of things in a very intensely longly playful way of superhappyfuntimeness? I know Romanian vocab very loosely at this point, so what would be more of the structure?
However, I never got an answer to this. :(
Well, that was a thing.
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Re: Întrebările lui Iroarnai

Postby Levike » 2014-04-08, 13:52

JuxtapositionQMan wrote:
is there a particular way to be saying of things in a very intensely longly playful way of superhappyfuntimeness? I know Romanian vocab very loosely at this point, so what would be more of the structure?
However, I never got an answer to this. :(
Dacă ai putea rescrie propoziția să o înțeleg și eu, ar fi un mare ajutor. :wink:
If you could rephrase the sentence so I could understand it, it would be very helpful.

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Re: Întrebările lui Iroarnai

Postby JuxtapositionQMan » 2014-04-09, 2:42

Scuze, I meant:
Is there a way to intentionally lengthen sentences (hopefully with the same meaning)? Or more precisely, how is it different from English (Infinitives, gerunds, and progressive tense)?

Also, while I'm at it, does anyone know where â came from?
Well, that was a thing.
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Re: Întrebările lui Iroarnai

Postby Levike » 2014-04-09, 15:55

Desigur, putem alungi orice, așa cum ai formulat tu de exemplu fraza aia în engleză.
Dar orice limbă poate face asta. Dar nu există nicio rețetă specială.
Of course, we can lengthen anything, the same way that you made that sentence in English.
But any language can do this. But there's no special recipe.

Â-ul este o rămășiță din vechea formă în care se scria româna.
The â is a remnant of the way Romanian used to be written.

După ce am trecut de la alfabetul cirilic la cel latin am avut o scriere bazată pe etimologii.
After we passed from the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin one we had a writing system based on etymologies.
Adică sunetul pe care îl reprezintă â se putea scrie în mai multe feluri: â, î, ê, û, etc.
So the sound represented by â could be written in several ways: â, î, ê, û, etc.

În jurul timpului când a venit comunismul am scăpat de scrisul etimologic
deci în final totul a devenit apropare fonetic, deci aveam numai î.
Around the time when communism came we got rid of the etymological script
so finally everything became almost phonetic, so we had only î.

Dar după ce a trecut comunismul, oamenii au avut nemaipomenita idee de a aduce și â-ul înapoi.
But after communism got to an end, people had the magnificent idea of bringing â back.

Deci actualmente sunetul /ɨ/ se scrie în două feluri: î și â.
So right now the sound /ɨ/ can be written in two ways: î and â.

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