Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby iodalach93 » 2013-05-30, 19:36

Levente.Maier wrote:Which is the hardest then?

If "hardest" means "with the hardest grammar rules" I'd go for Italian or Romanian.
If it means "with the hardest pronunciation rules" I'd go for French or Portuguese.

My knowledge is limited (at various degrees) to Portuguese, Castilian, Catalan, French, Italian and Romanian. No idea what to say about the other ones.

"Central changes" are very common in many of Italian dialects, and in Italian to a lesser extent.

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Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby daniel201088 » 2013-07-18, 16:39

Limba sardă este o limbă greă să invate?


Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby iodalach93 » 2013-07-18, 17:21

daniel201088 wrote:Limba sardă este o limbă greă să invate?

Salut daniel201088! :)

Nu, nu cred, sarda nu este foarte grea, problema învăţări limbei sarde este că puţini în Sardinia vorbesc limba sardă standard, fiecare vorbeşte dialectul local său.

Sarda este o limbă foarte arhaică dacă se consideră numai fonologia şi lexicul (s-a schimbat puţin de latină), dar dacă se consideră gramatica, se poate să vadă ca nu are declinaţii, adună -s cuvintelor pentru să forme pluralul şi exprimă viitorul prin perifrază (verbul a avea + prepoziţia a + infinitivul).

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Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby Levike » 2013-07-18, 18:40

iodalach93 wrote:
daniel201088 wrote:Limba sardă este o limbă grea de învățat?

Nu, nu cred, sarda nu este foarte grea, problema învăţării limbii sarde este că puţini în Sardinia vorbesc limba sardă standard, fiecare vorbeşte dialectul său local .

Sarda este o limbă foarte arhaică dacă se consideră numai fonologia şi lexicul (s-a schimbat puţin de la latină), dar dacă se consideră gramatica, se poate vedea că nu are declinaţii, adaugă -s cuvintelor pentru a forma pluralul şi exprimă viitorul prin perifrază (verbul a avea + prepoziţia a + infinitivul).

hard to find = greu de găsit
easy to write = ușor de scris

învățare = learning
învățări = learnings
învățării = of the learning
( Substantivele care se termină în are/ere/ire întotdeauna vor avea ii la dativ și genitiv )

dialectul său local
( pronumele posesiv vine imediat după substantivul la care se referă )

a aduna = to gather
a adăuga = to add

Am citit câteva texte în sardă și nu mi s-a părut prea complicată.
La prima vedere arată ca o limbă latină obișnuită.
Ar trebui să încerci să citești și tu ceva în ea, cred că ar fi cât de cât inteligibilă unui vorbitor de spaniolă.
Last edited by Levike on 2013-07-18, 19:31, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby daniel201088 » 2013-07-18, 19:23

mulţumesc ambelor pentru răspunsurile voastre :) și mulțumesc de asemenea pentru corecțiile. ;)
Am auzit că, de asemenea, românii pot să inteleagă limba sardă.
Persoanele cărora vorbesc limba italiana sunt capabili să inteleagă unui locuitor care vorbeste în limbă sardă?

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Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby Levike » 2013-07-18, 19:46

daniel201088 wrote:mulţumesc amândurora pentru răspunsurile voastre :) și mulțumesc de asemenea pentru corecții. ;)
Am auzit că, de asemenea, românii pot să inteleagă limba sardă.
Persoanele care vorbesc limba italiană sunt capabile să inteleagă un locuitor care vorbește în limba sardă?

With the preposition pentru you use the article
only when the noun is connected to pronoun or to an adjective, examples:
pentru răspunsurile bune = for the good answers ( because of bune )
pentru răspunsurile voastre = for your answers ( because of voastre )
pentru răspunsuri = for the answers ( because it's only the preposition and the noun )

Majoritatea românilor nici nu știu că sarda există.
Dar dacă am fi expuși pentru un timp îndelungat atunci probabil am începe să o înțelegem cumva.
Știind trei limbi latine am înțeles cel mult 60-70% din ce am citit.
Dacă aș fi vorbit numai româna atunci nu cred că aș fi înțeles mult.


Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby iodalach93 » 2013-07-18, 22:51

Din nou, mulţumesc pentru corectării si explicaţii Levente!
Nu ai pentru ce, daniel201088 :)

O persoană care vorbeşte numai italiană şi o persona care vorbeşte numai sardă e greu să se înţeleagă. Cuvintele sarde sună foarte diferit de cuvintele italiene. Dacă eşti un turist în Sardinia şi îi întrebi informaţii unui bătrân sard, e improbabil că l-înţelegi.

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Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby daniel201088 » 2013-07-19, 1:08

mulțumesc amândurora din nou ! :D
situația asta este foarte interesantă :yep:

Zarcu Mihai
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Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby Zarcu Mihai » 2013-09-29, 13:24

Limba Sardă nu este grea deloc ba chiar e la fel de arhaica precum Limba Română este deoarece amândouă au păstrat elemente arhaice din latină!Deu faeddu limba sarda candu ab a scio.
Ego Civis Macedono-Romanicvs Svm!

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Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby Zarcu Mihai » 2013-09-29, 13:27

Levente,Romanian nouns end in vowels like sicilian neapolitan and italian !see la spezia rimini line!western romance(portuguese spanish catalan french) are considered innovative in phonology and grammar!Apropo vad ca esti interesat pentru un ungur de lb romana te'am văzut si comentând la videouriile lui nativlang!si prin alte părți!!!
Ego Civis Macedono-Romanicvs Svm!

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Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby Levike » 2013-09-29, 15:02

Zarcu Mihai wrote:Levente,Romanian nouns end in vowels like sicilian neapolitan and italian !see la spezia rimini line!western romance(portuguese spanish catalan french) are considered innovative in phonology and grammar!

Romanian changed more than others.

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Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby Zarcu Mihai » 2013-10-05, 21:51

Levente wrote:
Zarcu Mihai wrote:Levente,Romanian nouns end in vowels like sicilian neapolitan and italian !see la spezia rimini line!western romance(portuguese spanish catalan french) are considered innovative in phonology and grammar!

Romanian changed more than others.

Dude your argument does not make sense since Romanian was a isolate language and it did not envolves from it original form unlike other romance! There is no such thing as Old Romanian,because grammar and type of latin origin vocabulary did not changed but unlike italian which at the beginning it had a vulgar latin vocabulary now it has almost medieval vocabulary !Just look Italian had dia in the 1200's as Di but after that it changed to diurnum ~~~> giorno
Ego Civis Macedono-Romanicvs Svm!

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Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby Levike » 2013-10-05, 22:24

I was saying that Romanian changed a lot of things that it got from Latin.

Like in the conjugation part it added endings like -ează or -ește.
Where for example Portuguese remained with the classic endings for third person singular.

It changed the infinitive endings.
are/ere/ire appear only in long infinitives which are nouns.
And in the case of normal verbs it threw the -re part away.

Romanian also created a presumptive mood for verbs, for example ”o fi fost”,
which didn't exist in Latin at all.

Also, let's see how well Spanish and Romanian preserved the endings for the imperfect tense
laudabam = caminaba = îmbrăcam
laudabas = caminabas = îmbrăcai
laudabat = caminaba = îmbrăca
And as you can see the Spanish one is closer.

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Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby Zarcu Mihai » 2013-10-06, 12:39

Levente wrote:I was saying that Romanian changed a lot of things that it got from Latin.

Like in the conjugation part it added endings like -ează or -ește.
Where for example Portuguese remained with the classic endings for third person singular.

It changed the infinitive endings.
are/ere/ire appear only in long infinitives which are nouns.
And in the case of normal verbs it threw the -re part away.

Romanian also created a presumptive mood for verbs, for example ”o fi fost”,
which didn't exist in Latin at all.

Also, let's see how well Spanish and Romanian preserved the endings for the imperfect tense
laudabam = caminaba = îmbrăcam
laudabas = caminabas = îmbrăcai
laudabat = caminaba = îmbrăca
And as you can see the Spanish one is closer.

Well yea romanian is an eastern romance language at the south of spezia rimini line where all the eastern romance languages are and romanian with italian (and other e.r. Languages) dropped final consonante and they prefered the latin nominative form of the noun where it ends in vowel rather than accusative where it ends in consonant western romance languages are considered more inovatori romance languages and the eastern ones more conservative and yes romanian lost the final re infinitive stilul these are latin infinites!
Ego Civis Macedono-Romanicvs Svm!

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Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby Levike » 2013-10-06, 16:47

Yes, the Eastern ones do prefer the nominative forms and vowels.

But my point was that Spanish still has that aba thing in the inperfect verb
where Romanian remained with only an a.
I wanted to show that the things Spanish kept have a more recognizable look to Latin.

Would you please point out which things of the Western ones are more innovative.
So I can know what you mean exactly. :)

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Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby Zarcu Mihai » 2013-10-07, 8:51

Levente wrote:Yes, the Eastern ones do prefer the nominative forms and vowels.

But my point was that Spanish still has that aba thing in the inperfect verb
where Romanian remained with only an a.
I wanted to show that the things Spanish kept have a more recognizable look to Latin.

Would you please point out which things of the Western ones are more innovative.
So I can know what you mean exactly. :)
There are innovations french portuguese catalan occitan and Spanish in vocabulary phonology and you want me to show you all the innovations?this will gonna take 10 pages!
Ego Civis Macedono-Romanicvs Svm!

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Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby mōdgethanc » 2013-10-07, 12:55

Zarcu Mihai wrote:occitan and Spanish in vocabulary phonology and you want me to show you all the innovations?this will gonna take 10 pages!
What about all the innovations in Romanian? The Slavic vocabulary? The Balkan grammar? I think that's already been done; you're just in denial about the extent of their impact.

This "Which Romance language has the biggest dick??" contest is growing tiresome. Why do you care which Romance language is closest to Latin or hardest for foreigners? Why can't we just like them for what they are instead of comparing them to each other? That just takes all the fun out of languages.

Zarcu Mihai
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Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby Zarcu Mihai » 2013-10-07, 14:59

mōdgethanc wrote:
Zarcu Mihai wrote:occitan and Spanish in vocabulary phonology and you want me to show you all the innovations?this will gonna take 10 pages!
What about all the innovations in Romanian? The Slavic vocabulary? The Balkan grammar? I think that's already been done; you're just in denial about the extent of their impact.

This "Which Romance language has the biggest dick??" contest is growing tiresome. Why do you care which Romance language is closest to Latin or hardest for foreigners? Why can't we just like them for what they are instead of comparing them to each other? That just takes all the fun out of languages.

Ummmm...Romanian grammar is predominantly latin,yet you're right grammar has some features from Balkans but yet romanian along Greek are the periphery of Balkan sprachbund :) romanian vocabulary is predominant latin just because it or influence from Slavic that does to mean anything because eve romance language has gotten abstrata just like western romance got influenced by Germanic and Liberian by Arabic.still romance!and yes romanian is conservative due it's isolation.i am not a denial I say the truth.just because in fact most of you people don't have a clue about Romanian.
Ego Civis Macedono-Romanicvs Svm!

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Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby mōdgethanc » 2013-10-07, 17:08

Romanian is conservative in the same way that Middle English is. I find it difficult to say a language is close to its parent when half its lexicon has been replaced with that of another family.


Re: Romanian = Hardest Latin language

Postby Cornerstone » 2013-10-07, 17:27

Levente wrote:Hardest grammar amongst Latin languages
From a grammatical point of view Romanian is the most difficult Romance language.
Do you know other reasons why Romanian is a bit more complicated ? ? ?
Or what's your opinion about the complexity of this language ? ? ?

Let me ask you a simple question, please. If Romanian has the hardest grammar amongst Romance langauges, does it make it better or worse? What are you actually trying to prove?

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