Romanian course - Grăieşte Româneşte

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Postby parousia » 2005-09-23, 17:51

nokicx wrote:
2. vânătorul de nazişti - the nazi hunter (parousia, why exactly that?)

Yeah, it's weird. :?


De curând, am citit pe că Simon Wiesenthal a murit. Articolul l-a chemat "vânătorul de nazişti" şi mă gândeam că ăsta e un cuvânt interesant precum şi a fi masculin aşa că...


foarte bine, Daniel!

Eşti un elev foarte bun! :)

In the future, if you'd like to know the meaning of words and we're too slow to respond, you can try this dicţionar foarte bun:


Postby icx » 2005-09-23, 17:53

Dap, Daniel este un elev foarte bun, la fel ca şi ceilalţi, ceea ce mă uimeşte. :wink:
:shock: :D

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Ubava Rosa
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Postby Ubava Rosa » 2005-09-23, 21:12

Hello everyone!! I'm new here as u can see, and I was very excited to find this course browsing through the forum, as I've always wanted to learn Romanian! So I'll study all the previous posts and give it a try as well.. even though my native accent(Greek) doesn't help me at all when it comes to pronunciation.. :p
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Postby parousia » 2005-09-27, 9:09

Bună Ubava Rosa :) Bine ai venit! Ce înseamnă nick-ul tău? Bănuiesc că eşte legat de "trandafir" din cauza "Rosa"-ei, nu? Ce limbi vorbeşti? [Hello, Ubava Rosa :) Welcome! What does your nick mean? I suppose it's related to "rose" because of the "Rosa", no? What languages do you speak?]

even though my native accent(Greek) doesn't help me at all when it comes to pronunciation

Nu-ţi face griji! Pronunţarea de limba română e cam uşoară deoarece e foarte regulată. [Don't worry! Romanian pronunciation is quite easy because it's very regular.]

Iată un link pentru a te porni*:
[Here's a link to get you started] ... on001.html

Apropo, o să găseşti că sunt cam multe cuvinte** din limba neogreacă. De exemplu, ieri, am învăţat că cuvântul "folos" vine din cuvântul neogrec "ofelos". :) :arrow:

[By the way, you'll find that there are quite a few words from Modern Greek. For example, yesterday, I learned that the word "folos" comes from the Modern Greek word "ofelos".]

:?: Vorbitorilor de limba română, le-am vorbit aceste expresii corect?

...pentru a te porni = get you started?

... cam multe cuvinte = ...quite a few words?

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Postby parousia » 2005-09-27, 9:50

Ok, Daniel, here's one explanation of how the article attaches to singular feminine nouns:

The singular feminine article is a and it is attached to the end of feminine nouns like this:

1. If the noun ends in ă, then the ă turns into a, ex: apă (water) :arrow: apa (the water)

2. If the noun ends in a or i, then you add -ua, ex: cafea (coffee) :arrow: cafeaua(the coffee)
zi :arrow: ziua*

3. If the noun ends in e, then you just add an a, ex: universitate (university) :arrow: universitatea (the university)

--- but if i, j, ş precedes the e, then you replace the e with a, ex: expresie (expression) :arrow: expresia (the expression)

*However, the days of the week are feminine and the ones that end in i have the ending -ea, ex: luni :arrow: lunea, except for joi --> joia


Try these:

1. floare
2. femeie
3. carte
4. casă
5. mână
6. stea
7. moarte
8. calitate
9. bebeluş
10. măgar

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Postby duko » 2005-09-27, 11:27

Ubava Rosa, welcome!

parousia wrote: :?: Vorbitorilor de limba română, le-am vorbit aceste expresii corect?

...pentru a te porni = get you started?

... cam multe cuvinte = ...quite a few words?

:) Overall a nice post, Parousia, your Romanian is getting better and better.

"Romanian pronunciation" would translate to "Pronunţarea românească", but using "language" and the genitive sounds much better: "Pronunţarea limbii române"

Also, your question would be
"Vorbitorilor de limba română, am scris aceste expresii corect?" (no double acc. in this case)

As for the questions themselves,
"to get you started" doesn't have a Romanian equivalent, so just formulate it differently:
"for the beginning" -> pentru început
"to begin with" -> cu care să începi

You translated "quite" with "cam" twice. The words you're looking for are "destul de".

quite easy = destul de uşor
quite many words = destul de multe cuvinte

"cam" has a slightly negative connotation, as in
I don't want to go there, it is quite far away = Nu vreau să merg acolo, e cam departe.
The exercise is interesting, but quite easy / too easy = Exerciţiul e interesant, dar cam uşor / cam prea uşor.

BTW, Ubava Rosa means Beautiful Rose, and I suppose it's Macedonian. In Bulgarian this would be Hubava Roza.

Edited: Bqla roza 6te zaki4a, bqla roza sys bodlite, no pazi se ti pazi se. <-- my latest ear worm
Last edited by duko on 2005-10-04, 7:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Ubava Rosa
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Postby Ubava Rosa » 2005-09-27, 12:05

That's right Duko! Ubava Rosa means Beautiful Rose and it is indeed Macedonian. I can't speak the language myself (at least not yet!!), but I have lots of friends from these parts.
Parousia, do you speak Greek? Beacuse your nickname means "presence" in modern greek.
My native language is Greek, I'm fluent in English and I can understand some French and Greek Sign Language(if it counts as one :) ) ... but unfortunately that's all :( At the time being I'm trying to pick up Norwegian and -of course!- Romanian. I love languages but I never seem to find the time to study as much as I'd like to (I work as a social worker in a rehab unit and working hours can be very hectic).
Thanks a million for the link, I'll check it out! I've already started to study the first lessons of this post.. So I hope that next week will find me posting a few sentences in Romanian!!
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Postby parousia » 2005-10-01, 12:01

duko wrote:Bqla roza 4te zaki4a, bqla roza sys bodlite, no pazi se ti pazi se. <-- my latest ear worm

Mi-înveţi ceva şi engleză, duko. :lol: A trebuit să caut "ear worm" pe net. În aparenţă, vine din cuvânt german Ohrwurm. Oricum, ce limbă e aia? Partea ultimă pare ca română... şi de ce sunt patruri în ea? Apropo, căutând "ear worm" am găsit situl acesta mişto! :arrow:

[You're teaching me some English too, duko. I had to look up "ear worm" on the net. Apparently, it comes from the German word Ohrwurm. Anyway, what language is that? The last part seems like Romanian... and why are there fours in it? By the way, looking for "ear worm" I found this cool site:]

@Ubava Rosa

No, I don't speak Greek. Yes, I know parousia means "presence" in Greek. That's why I chose it as a nickname. :) How do you know Greek Sign Language?

[Nu, nu vorbesc limba greacă. Da, ştiu că parousia înseamnă "prezenţă" în greacă. De aceea am ales-o pentru nick. De unde ştii limba greacă de semne (??? Is this how you say Greek sign language?)]

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Postby Cisza » 2005-10-03, 12:26

parousia wrote: Anyway, what language is that? The last part seems like Romanian... and why are there fours in it?

Though I'm not Ubava Roza :) I'll try to suppose. It's a Slav language (maybe Macedonian itself), and q=я (cyrillic), so "бяла роза" (biala roza) means "a white rose". 4 is a standard substitute for the letter 'ч' (English ch), when Slav or Baltic language native-speaker don't have a keyboard layout with diacritics.

But I have no idea what does the last part of the sentence mean. Some song about a white rose, definitely :)
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