Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

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Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby oico2388 » 2011-11-28, 18:25

is Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby AdiJapan » 2011-11-29, 16:14

oico2388 wrote:is Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

It seems it is indeed easier. The grammatical structure is largely the same or follows the same general rules.

Also, having learned a foreign language (any) is a great leap forward towards learning other languages. When people fail to learn a foreign language it's usually their first.
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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby Chekhov » 2011-11-29, 20:23

The grammatical structure is largely the same or follows the same general rules.
Except for Romanian having case marking and three genders, but still, it couldn't hurt. And like you said:
Also, having learned a foreign language (any) is a great leap forward towards learning other languages. When people fail to learn a foreign language it's usually their first.

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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby Levike » 2013-04-26, 13:34

When I was learning Spanish is was quite easy because of my Romanian knowledge.
Grammaticaly Spanish is like a simplified version of Romanian.
Compared to Spanish Romanian is just a bit harder because:
- Spanish has 2 genders but Romanian has 3 and many times they are quite irregular
- Spanish plurals are easy because you add an "-s" while Romanian ones seem to be random
- There are 3 Spanish verbs (ar,er,ir) but Romanian has even more (a,e,ea,i,î)
- Spanish does not have grammatical cases but Romanian does ( 5 cases )
They also share a large ammount of vocabulary ( 70% I think ) so words will not be so foreign.
Spanish : El se va a perder rapidamente.
Romanian : El se va pierde repede.
But if you can speak Spanish or whatever Latin language fluently
than Romanian won't be hard at all.

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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby Razboinic » 2013-05-30, 3:12

I am taking it at college and I find myself accidentally using Spanish words in my compositions (or saying Si! instead of Da!).

The four moods (nominative, accusative, genitive, dative) is a bit odd to me. I am still struggling with them.

The seemingly random pluralization of words is what troubles me the most, though.

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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby Levike » 2013-05-30, 11:11

Razboinic wrote:I am taking it at college and I find myself accidentally using Spanish words in my compositions (or saying Si! instead of Da!).

The four moods (nominative, accusative, genitive, dative) is a bit odd to me. I am still struggling with them.

The seemingly random pluralization of words is what troubles me the most, though.

At the beginning when I was learning Spanish
I used to do the same thing putting random Romanian words in it.

Well, there are five cases : nominativa, accusative, dative, genitive and vocativ

And about the pluralisation, for the majority of words it's really random, no shortcut.

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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby phaed » 2013-06-23, 3:36

Knowledge of Spanish (and French) has helped me a lot in my first few months of Romanian. The vocabularies are similar enough that I have often even been able to get away with slipping in a "Romanian-ized" Spanish or French word when I don't know the real translation.

An easy example: I wanted to say "store," but didn't know the word. I first considered making some cognate of Spanish tienda, but couldn't think of a way that sounded right in Romanian. So I pronounced the French magasin with Romanian vowels. (Turns out I was extremely close—it's magazin in Romanian, according to the online dictionaries.)

I can't get away with this all the time, of course, but it's a useful and often surprisingly accurate crutch in this case, where so much vocabulary is shared between the three languages. (Italian probably wouldn't hurt either.)
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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby daniel201088 » 2013-07-07, 21:42

In my case, as a spanish speaker, the cases and the plurals make the language a little bit difficult, but not soo much, Actually, I find german more difficult to learn.

Anyway, both Romanian and Spanish share a lot of words in common (well... very similar words, and also some simmilar grammar rules, but obviously, romanian has a more complex grammar) :)

Is the romanian language easier for german or russian speakers ?? Those languages have cases as well :hmm:

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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby Levike » 2013-07-08, 0:26

daniel201088 wrote:Is the romanian language easier for german or russian speakers ?? Those languages have cases as well :hmm:

If they know how the cases function in their languages then they might have a little advantage.

But generally speaking a Spaniard or an Italian can learn Romanian 20 times faster than them.

Usually whenever I heard an Italian immigrant on TV, they learned the language pretty fast
they even master the case system.

But on the other hand the Hungarians who live here have a hard time with the language.
Hungarian has a very complex case system but they really struggle with the Romanian one.

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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby daniel201088 » 2013-07-13, 19:40

Very interesting !
But, hungarians who were born there in Romania (Transilvania) speak romanian since they born, as well as the transylvanian saxons, aren´t they? :D

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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby Levike » 2013-07-13, 20:03

daniel201088 wrote:Very interesting !
But, hungarians who were born there in Romania (Transilvania) speak romanian since they born, as well as the transylvanian saxons, aren´t they? :D

Sadly I was talking about Hungarians who were born here.

A big part of the Hungarians are incapable of speaking correct Romanian
and when I say incapable I mean that for example grammatical cases are non-existant.

In the areas where Hungarians form the majority it's even worse.
My grandma until the age of 20 knew like 5 words in Romanian and she was born here.

An interesting part is that when a Hungarian speaks Romanian and forgets about grammar cases
he/she replaces them with prepositions like:

I give something to Anna = Dau ceva la Ana instead of Dau ceva Anei
The book of Anna = Cartea de Ana/Cartea la Ana instead of Cartea Anei

About Saxons, the few I met spoke good Romanian and Hungarian also.

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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby daniel201088 » 2013-07-13, 22:51

nu-l pot crede ! (nu pot să-l cred ????? )
eu faceam aceleași greșeli inâinte când eu incepeam să invat romanește, dar pentru că limba spaniola functionează așa (libro de ana, la comida del perro....)
Eu am ascultat că limba maghiară este foarte grea, astfel am crezut că pentru ei romanește nu ar putea să fie foarte grea...
astfel, dacă ei uit la televiziune difuzata în romanește, ei pot să înteleagă care ei uit - ascult?

situația asta ește foarte interesanta (scuzi dacă nu pot să scriu prea bine în limbă româna, sper ca poți să-mi intelegi) :D

I can't belive it ! :o , I used to make the same mistakes (Cartea de Ana....) because spanish works like that , but I've actually heard that hungarian is a very very difficult language, so I thought hungarians couldn't have problems learning foreign languages.
Can they undersand the TV broadcasted in Romanian language ??? Because if they live in Romania they can only watch Tv in romanian, right ?? :)

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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby Levike » 2013-07-13, 23:30

daniel201088 wrote:Nu pot să cred!
Eu făceam aceleași greșeli mai înainte când incepeam să invăț româna,
doar pentru că limba spaniolă functionează așa (libro de ana, la comida del perro....)
Eu am auzit că limba maghiară este foarte grea,
astfel am crezut că pentru ei româna nu ar putea să fie foarte grea...
Astfel, dacă ei se uită la televiziunea difuzată în română, pot întelege la ce se uită - ascult?

situația asta este foarte interesantă
( scuze dacă nu pot să scriu prea bine în limba română, sper că mă poți intelege ) :D

Here in Transylvania we have on TV
like 40 Romanian, 20 or more Hungarian, 3 French, 1 or 2 German, 1 English channels.
We also had one Italian channel (Rai Uno I think was its name)

We have one Romanian channel dedicated completely to telenovelas.
90% of those are Mexican and they are not translated just subbed
so many people who watch those learn Spanish.

If you come here and tell someone you speak Spanish
the first reaction will always be: "Oh so you watch those Mexican telenovelas?"

Hungarian is hard but it does not help at all with Romanian.
The two have nothing in common.
Hungarians are not famous for language learning, they are famous for the opposite.

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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby daniel201088 » 2013-07-13, 23:45

Yes ! I've seen that Tv channel webpage (Acasa TV)
I want to visit Romania, I think that if I watch the soap operas subtitled in romanian I'll improve my romanian language knowledge
Vreau să calatoresc la România

Here in Mexico, Soap operas are watched mostly by women, in Romania occurs the same ?
In that case, Is it more common to meet a romanian girl who speaks spanish than meeting a romanian boy who speaks spanish ??? Or spanish is widely learned there by everybody ?

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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby Levike » 2013-07-13, 23:55

daniel201088 wrote:Vreau să cunosc țara aceea frumoasă.

Yes mostly women watch those but some men too.
But its much more likely to find a women speaking Spanish.

The subtitles really help, that's how I learned Spanish and Portuguese.

In school we are offered these foreign languages: French, English, German and sometimes Italian.
Nobody learns Spanish because except soap-operas and music
we have no connection with Spanish-speaking countries.

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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby daniel201088 » 2013-07-14, 1:28

ai invaţat limba spaniola pentru că ai vazut (uitat) telenovele ?
have you learned spanish because of watching soap operas? :)

Inna, the romanian singer, has come to Mexico lots of times, and she speaks spanish quite well !
she said she has learned because she used to watch soap operas in Acasa Tv
Alexandra Stan speaks spanish also, she does very few mistakes, I am really impressed :)

Thanks so much for your corrections ! They help me to learn better the grammar structures

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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby Levike » 2013-07-14, 11:38

daniel201088 wrote:ai invăţat limba spaniolă pentru că te-ai uitat la telenovele ?

Da telenovelele mi-au fost de mare ajutor, de acolo am învățat o mare parte din vocabularul meu.
Cred că 90% dintre români care au învățat limba s-au uitat la ele, exact ca Inna.

Yes telenovelas were a big help, that's where I learned most of my vocabulary.
I think that 90% of Romanians who learned the language watched them, exactly like Inna.

to see = a vedea ( I see a bird = Văd o pasăre )
to watch = a se uita ( I'm watching Tv = Mă uit la televizor/tv )
to forget = a uita ( I forgot my homework = Mi-am uitat tema )
If you have any question just ask. :)
Dacă ai vreo întrebare doar pune-o.

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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby daniel201088 » 2013-07-14, 15:28

:D mulțumesc foarte mult (pe? , de?) corecțiile tale !!

Care telenovele te-ai uitat? (Which soap aperas have you watched?)
Care telenovele ti-au placut? (Which soap operas have you enjoyed?)

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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby Levike » 2013-07-14, 15:42

daniel201088 wrote::D mulțumesc foarte mult pentru corecțiile tale !!

La care telenovele te-ai uitat? (Which soap aperas have you watched?)
Care telenovele ți-au plăcut? (Which soap operas have you enjoyed?)

Preferatele mele sunt Teresa și Soy tu duena.
M-am uitat și la altele dar acum nu mai știu cum se chemau.
Chiar în acest moment părinții mei se uită la "La otra cara de Alma",
doar că asta e tradusă în maghiară.

Nu trebuie să pui traduceri în engleză că se înțelege perfect ce vrei să spui. :)

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Re: Romanian easy to learn if you know Spanish?

Postby daniel201088 » 2013-07-14, 16:37

Levente.Maier wrote:
Nu trebuie să pui traduceri în engleză că se înțelege perfect ce vrei să spui. :)

:D mulțumesc !

Am auzit că majoritatea adolescenţilor s-au uitat "Rebelde" iăr alte telenovele acolo în România

Sper că poți să-te uiți -Alta fața a sufletului(Almei??) - în curând

Mi-a placut altă telenovela care se numeste -Cielo rojo-, Acasa Tv o a difuzat cu numele -Sub cerul în flacari-

Ai calatorit alte orașe României?
Care orașe ai vizitat?

Eu vreau să calatoresc la Transilvania (Târgu Mureș, Sibiu..) iăr Pitești, București, Drobeta Turnu-Severin, Constanța, Suceava, Iași...și multe alte

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