Translation request - Song Lyrics - Romanian to English

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Translation request - Song Lyrics - Romanian to English

Postby q1key » 2007-08-20, 22:03

hello all...
i was wondering if anybody could help translate these lyrics of the song "2 in 1" by R.A.C.L.A. featuring Dee:


Oricât ai încerka nu poate fi la fel, spui mereu e de vina el
Oricât ai încerka nu poate fi cum era, spui mereu mereu e de vina ea

Ce faci cand trebuie sa pleci de lânga el când totul era la start
De ce te prefaci ca nu`l placi când lacrimile nu ti s`au uscat pe fard
De ce te mai ascunzi ca mai rau te afunzi între 4 pereti sa`nveti
Crezi ca'ti imaginezi ca pe lume nu mai sunt deloc baieti
Dar mai sunt ... dar mai cânt ... ca stai degeaba în casa
Crezând ca e valabil la toti ca numai de sex le pasa
si plângi, hai daca poti lasa`l ... când sunt atâtea stele
si când te uiti prin geam îl vezi pe el în ele ...
Cere prea mult acela care vrea ca 2 în 1 sa fii cu acela la care tii
Dar fiind în fata ta, iar vati va privi în ochii mintii
Iar daca n`ai mai gresi, daca n`ai mai lua totul în gluma
Poate cândva veti ajunge ca Ying si Yang mâna de mâna
Ca poate o sa`l mai auzi odata, ai vrea, te îndrepti spre telefon
Si vocea lui când îti spune: Alo! Te lasa fara de ton
La ceasul când altii dorm, tu revii si memorii sunt înca vii stiu
Împaca`te cu el cât înca nu e prea târziu!

(Chorus x2)

Îmi doresc, ai spus te iubesc primu` dupa care sigur si s`a rupt filmu`
Am fost prematur,{regreti acum}, nu`i nimic, fii tu o vrei doar tu
Dar fii sigur ca mereu va fi un altu` ... oricum fara ea numai e nici un atu
Hai sun`o tu, spune`i ca ti`e gol sufletu`, ca atunci când a plecat a luat cu e totu`
Si ca ai încercat sa`ri umplii viara cu altceva totul ...
Nu te mai gândi cine, cum a gresit, nu te mai gândi cine a plâns când celalalt a zâmbit
Cine a avut credit, cine a avut merit mai mult, mai mult ... evita, ezita sa; crezi ca viara e trista
Sunt lucruri frumoase între voi ce stau înca pe lista, persista, rezista si insista sa crezi
Ca are suflet pentru tine si asta nu pori sa o vezi
Poate Luceafarul din ea nu are scara sa coboare, dar sageata lui Cupidon înca doare
Separari de departare, lasând sufletul pustiu ... stiu ...
Împaca`te cu ea cât înca nu e prea târziu!

(Chorus x4)

thanx in advance!..

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Postby D39 » 2007-08-21, 10:55

No matter how long you'd try it can't be the same, you're always saying it's his fault.
No matter how long you'd try it can't be the same, you're always saying it's her fault.

What do u do when u must go away from him when all was just begining?
Why are u pretending that u don't like him when your tears haven't dried on your make-up?
Why are u hiding 'cuz u're only sinking deeper between 4 walls to learn
U think u're immagining that in this world there aren't anymore places for guys
But there are... but I'm singing more... that u stand doing nothing inside the house.
Thinking that this runs for all [of them] that they care only abt sex and u cry, c'mon if u can, leave him/drop him... when there are so many stars
And when u look thru the window u see him middle of them [the stars]...
He who wants that u be 2 in 1 w/ the one u're caring abt, asks to much
But being in front of u, u'll again look inside the mind's eyes
And if u wouldn't do wrong anymore, if u wouldn't take all as a joke
Maybe sometime u'll get to be as Ying and Yang, hand by hand.
That u might hear him again/once, u'd like, u're going to the phone
And his voice telling u: Hello! It leaves u speechless/toneless
At the hour at which others are sleeping, u recall and [the] memories are still alive, I know
Reconcile w/him 'till it's not too late.

(Chorus x2)

I'd like, u said 1st ''I love u'' after which surely u blacked-out
I was premature, u're now regreting, no matter, be u/yourself, only u want her
But be sure that everytime there's gonna be another one... anyway w/out her there no one else.
C'mon, call her yourself, tell her that your soul is bare, that when she left she took it all w/her
And that u've tried to fill your life w/something else... all...
Stop thinking who, how did s/he done wrong, stop thinking who cried when the other one smiled
Who had the credit, who had more deserve, more... skip it, hesitate to believe that the life is sad
There are beautiful things between u 2 that are still standing on the list, persist/pursue, hang on and insist believing
That she's got the soul for u and this u can't see
Maybe the Lucifer/Venus within her has no ladder to descend, but Cupid's arrow still hurts
Separated by the distance, leaving the soul bare/deserted... I know...
Reconcile w/her 'till it's not too late!

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Postby hugo.goncalves » 2008-03-25, 1:05

Hello! This is my first post here at Unilang. I'm in the beggining of starting to learn some romanian, and I just found this song "Hai, hau cu trasiora" from Liviu Vasilica.

As I am in the very start, I could only recognize some words, and I guess the song it's about some lover and his horse, but I could be wrong.

Can anybody do me the big favour of translating it? Mulţumesc! (Maybe these lyrics aren't correct or lack the romanian special characters but was what I could find in the internet).

Omule cu caii buni
Hai sa facem targu-n drum
Ca si caii mei sunt buni
Dar sunt obositi de drum


Hai hai cu trasioara
Pana-n deal la Marioara
Calul merge la pas
Si-apoi face popas

Ce mi-e drag pe lumea asta
Calu' pusca si nevasta
Calul ma calatoreste
Pusca de hoti ma pazeste
Pusca de hoti ma pazeste
Iar nevasta ma iubeste


Foaie verde ca lipanu`
Foaie verde ca lipanu` of of
De 3 ori potcovii calul
Leana mea, draga mea
Ca sa urc la mandra dealul, Leano


Urcai dealul jumatate
Urcai dealul jumatate, of of
Cazu' potcoavele toate
Leana mea, draga mea
Cazu` potcoavele toate, Leano


Murgulet, murgulet, calutul meu
Murgulet, murgulet, calutul meu
Ce te-abati, ce te-abati din drum mereu
Murgulet, calutul meu


Nu mi-e greu,
Nu mi-e greu trupsorul tau
Dar mi-e greu
Dar mi-e greu naravul tau
Flacaias stapanul meu

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