Can anyone translate it for me please :)

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Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby nuriko » 2009-01-25, 21:16

someone wrote this on my wall and i have no idea what does that mean
can someone help me?

hvala ti na lepim zeljama...
ja tebi u Novoj godini zelim da budes srecna
koliko god ti dosadan zivot poslovne zene bude bio :)

thanks :blush:

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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby Knabo » 2009-01-27, 21:17

nuriko wrote:hvala ti na lepim zeljama...
ja tebi u Novoj godini zelim da budes srecna
koliko god ti dosadan zivot poslovne zene bude bio :)

Thank you for nice wishes...
I want you to be happy in the New year
no matter how boring your business woman life may be :)

My English isn't the best, but I think you can understand it

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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby nuriko » 2009-01-28, 4:55

:yep: yes, i can totally understand it. thank you very much :D

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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby PizzicaTino » 2009-02-27, 15:36

Ne razumijem sve... Ako neko moze da pomogne...?
Hvala puno! :)

У држави која само што не донесе закон да труднице плаћају додатне дажбине, која није способна да донесе одговарајуће законе када је у питању биолошка обнова овог народа, шаком и капом се дели новац прикупљен од пореза,

In a country which except for this, that it doesn't brings/makes (?) a law for pregnant women to pay additional taxes (content question: why should they pay those taxes??), which is not capable to make responding laws when the biological revival of this people is in question, .... ( шаком и капом ?) it ... (?) money taken from the taxes,

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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby duko » 2009-02-27, 15:57

In a country which almost issues laws making pregnant women pay additional taxes, which is not capable to issue proper laws when the biological revival of this nation is in question (at stake), the money gathered from tax is distributed ... шаком и капом

I don't know exactly what that figure of speech is supposed to mean, mot a mot it's "with the paw and with the hat" - I understand it like "without knowing any limits", "senselessly".
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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby PizzicaTino » 2009-02-27, 16:08

okay - thanks!

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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby PizzicaTino » 2009-02-28, 13:38

The blue/bold word(combination)s I can't figger out...
Hvala za pomoc!

1. Zastupnici teze da je sam Bog propisao ko s kim sme u krevet...
--> Members (teze?) that it's God himself who prescribed who with who (is laughing?) in the bed...

2. "Ovo je baš bilo junački, s leđa", rezignirano, za raspršenim ćelavcima viče jedan pandur...
--> "This really has been heroical, (from the back?), (rezignirano?), one (pandur) is yelling at chased bald-headed ones...

3. "Ne brini", teši ga Ostareli Roker.
--> "Don't be bothered", (tesi?) him the Old-becoming Rocker (??).

4. "...", dere se balavac dok mu šajkača klempavi uši a kokarda pritiska nos, ubeđujući zblanute vremešne gospođe koje su se tu našle greškom da sa "bogohulnicima može samo ovako".
--> "...", the little kid is yelling while him (.........?) that "only here it's possible with blasphemers".

5. bar jedan momak preteća izgleda sa istetoviranom ružom na vratu
--> only one boy (?) looks with (??? lipstick?) at the door

6. Lezbejke nam lupaju šamare
--> Lesbians hit us with packsaddles (??)

7. Treba zapamtiti da je policija bila naoružana "dugim cevima" umesto, recimo, ranije tako rado upotrebljavanim suzavcem kao i to da ih je bilo premalo za kontrolu situacije
--> We have to remember that the policy was (naoruzana?) with long (?) instead of, let us say, earlier (...?) for the control of the situation...

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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby duko » 2009-02-28, 14:03

I'll try again, even though I'm no native speaker

teze = affirm (?)
sme = is allowed

s leđa = from behind
rezignirano = resigned
pandur = not sure, they were some kind of mercenaries

teši = consoles
Ostareli = who got old, there's no equivalent English adjective, is there? The German word would
be veraltet.

4. I didn't get everything
the brat is screaming while the šajkača is flopping his ears and the cockade is pressing on his nose,
convincing the zblanute vremešne ladies who got there by mistake that this is the only way to deal with blasphemers.

preteća = ????
sa istetoviranom ružom na vratu = with a rose tattooed on the neck

nam lupaju šamare = are slapping us

Treba zapamtiti da je policija bila naoružana "dugim cevima" umesto, recimo, ranije tako rado upotrebljavanim suzavcem kao i to da ih je bilo premalo za kontrolu situacije

We have to remember that the police was armed with "long tubes" instead of, let's say, the teargas used so gladly before, and additionally that they were too few to control the situation.

Which book are you reading, BTW :)
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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby kibo » 2009-02-28, 14:14

PizzicaTino wrote:1. Zastupnici teze da je sam Bog propisao ko s kim sme u krevet...
--> Members (teze?) that it's God himself who prescribed who with who (is laughing?) in the bed...

The proponents of the claim that God himself prescribed who can (go) with whom to bed.

teza is thesis, but here's it's claim, opinion...
sme is from the modal verb smeti - to can (but in the sense of "to be allowed")
smejati, smeje is another verb, to laugh

PizzicaTino wrote:2. "Ovo je baš bilo junački, s leđa", rezignirano, za raspršenim ćelavcima viče jedan pandur...
--> "This really has been heroical, (from the back?), (rezignirano?), one (pandur) is yelling at chased bald-headed ones...

s leđa - yes, from the back, from behind
rezignirano - indifferently
pandur - cop, policeman (slang)
raspršen - scattered, dispersed (but I think you got the meaning, the bald guys ran away in different directions)

PizzicaTino wrote:3. "Ne brini", teši ga Ostareli Roker.
--> "Don't be bothered", (tesi?) him the Old-becoming Rocker (??).

tešiti - to comfort
you can just leave 'old' for 'ostareli'

PizzicaTino wrote:4. "...", dere se balavac dok mu šajkača klempavi uši a kokarda pritiska nos, ubeđujući zblanute vremešne gospođe koje su se tu našle greškom da sa "bogohulnicima može samo ovako".
--> "...", the little kid is yelling while him (.........?) that "only here it's possible with blasphemers".

šajkača is a type of a traditional hat ... okarda.jpg
klempave uši - lop ears
kokarda - the badge on the hat above
ubeđujući - gerund of ubeđivati - to convince
zblanut - astounded, bewildered
vremešan - old

the young boy is yelling while the hat is making him lop-eared and the badge (on it) is pressing his nose, convincing bewildered old ladies who were there by mistake that "blasphemers can be dealt with only in this manner".

PizzicaTino wrote:5. bar jedan momak preteća izgleda sa istetoviranom ružom na vratu
--> only one boy (?) looks with (??? lipstick?) at the door

preteći - threatening (this is very odd since they used the indefinite genitive form instead of the definite - pretećeg)

Only one boy of threatening looks with a tattooed rose on the neck

(iz)tetovirati - to tattoo
tetovaža - a tattoo

vrat - neck, vrata - door - One trick to make a difference between these two is that vrata is pluralia tantum, so "at the door" would be "na vratima". Vrat has an -ov- in plural, so you can't mix them up. ;)

PizzicaTino wrote:6. Lezbejke nam lupaju šamare
--> Lesbians hit us with packsaddles (??)

:lol: no, šamar - slap. lupati šamare - to slap (there is also the verb šamarati)

Lesbians are slapping us.

PizzicaTino wrote:7. Treba zapamtiti da je policija bila naoružana "dugim cevima" umesto, recimo, ranije tako rado upotrebljavanim suzavcem kao i to da ih je bilo premalo za kontrolu situacije
--> We have to remember that the policy was (naoruzana?) with long (?) instead of, let us say, earlier (...?) for the control of the situation...

trebati - should
naoružan - armed
duge cevi - "long barrels" or simply guns ;)
upotrebljavan - passive participle of upotrebljavati - to use
suzavac - tear gas

We should remember that the police was armed with guns instead of, lets say, so gladly used tear gas and that there were too few of the for the control of the situation.
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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby PizzicaTino » 2009-02-28, 15:56

Thanks, Dudo and Bolek, so much for the explanation! :partyhat:

I'm reading some articles for a paper I have to write.

I have to apply discourse analysis on Russian and Serbian texts, and then compare them. So, the first step is to understand the texts literally and then the hidden 'message'/ideologies behind...
(what kind of words do they use? metaphors...)
But as my Serbian is not that strong, already the 1st step is not that easy :? .

So thanks for helping me in understanding... (Bez muke, nema nauke - something like that...)

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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby PizzicaTino » 2009-03-07, 20:13

Jos neke recenice, koje ne razumem...

1. Да ли је поштовање већине, за шта се демократија декларативно залаже, наметање ставова агресивних маргиналаца?
--> Is the honour/respect of the majority, upon who democracy (according to declaracies?) stands, the imposion of the position of agressive marginals?

2. Само у земљама недефинисаног назива, уређења и будућности овакви опскурњаци представљају јавне личности.
--> Only in countries of ... title, ... and future those obscure persons show public personality.

3. Од како је републичка влада донела одлуку да веронауку врати у школе, Луковић је додатно запенио.
--> Since the republic power decided to return catechism into schools, Lukovic in addition caused foam (?).

4. Испашће* да су и београдски хомосексуалци добили батине због смене Ивана Стамболића, а не зато што је српској омладини доста западних експериментисања.
*subject (I suppose): "Та каста Брозових мандарина и мандаринчића"

-->(The caste of Broz' mandarins and (female) mandarins) will suffer (?) ... the belgrad homosexuals got beaten up because of the change of Ivan Stambolic, and not because of the Western experiments were enough for the Serbian young people.

5. ... нову генерацију "пчела радилица" - обескорењених, обездуховљених и егоцентричних индивидуа које је лако контролисати.
--> ... a new generation of "work bees" - ..., without soul (?) and egocentric individuals who are easy to control (not: who easy control...).

6. ... чињеница о монт-процесима, национализацијама, ликвидацијама и експропријацијама које су од 1944. године спроводиле њихове антисрпске претече.
--> ... the facts about the ?-processes, nationalizing, liquidations and expo-? who are carried out by their antichristian ?.

small things:
- домунђавати = ?
- (попут) маља = ?

Hvala puno opet! :yep:

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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby sledopyt » 2009-03-08, 14:51

Да ли "Стисни зубе" je значи "трпи"?
Честитам Женску половину з празник(ом)! :blush:

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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby kibo » 2009-03-11, 11:36

Niko da pomogne devojci

PizzicaTino wrote:1. Да ли је поштовање већине, за шта се демократија декларативно залаже, наметање ставова агресивних маргиналаца?
--> Is the honour/respect of the majority, upon who democracy (according to declaracies?) stands, the imposion of the position of agressive marginals?

Is the respect of the majority what the democracy declaratively ( = only by words) supports... the rest is ok

PizzicaTino wrote:2. Само у земљама недефинисаног назива, уређења и будућности овакви опскурњаци представљају јавне личности.
--> Only in countries of ... title, ... and future those obscure persons show public personality.

countries of undefined name, structure (organization) and future
представљају јавне личности - they are people who are known to the public

PizzicaTino wrote:3. Од како је републичка влада донела одлуку да веронауку врати у школе, Луковић је додатно запенио.
--> Since the republic power decided to return catechism into schools, Lukovic in addition caused foam (?).

републичка влада - republic government (or just "government (of Serbia)" since the federal one doesn't exist anymore)

PizzicaTino wrote:4. Испашће* да су и београдски хомосексуалци добили батине због смене Ивана Стамболића, а не зато што је српској омладини доста западних експериментисања.
*subject (I suppose): "Та каста Брозових мандарина и мандаринчића"

-->(The caste of Broz' mandarins and (female) mandarins) will suffer (?) ... the belgrad homosexuals got beaten up because of the change of Ivan Stambolic, and not because of the Western experiments were enough for the Serbian young people.

ispasti - to turn out

It will turn out that... and not because the Serbian youth had enough of Western experiments

I'm not sure about the other one :?

PizzicaTino wrote:5. ... нову генерацију "пчела радилица" - обескорењених, обездуховљених и егоцентричних индивидуа које је лако контролисати.
--> ... a new generation of "work bees" - ..., without soul (?) and egocentric individuals who are easy to control (not: who easy control...).

... without roots...

PizzicaTino wrote: 6. ... чињеница о монт-процесима, национализацијама, ликвидацијама и експропријацијама које су од 1944. године спроводиле њихове антисрпске претече.
--> ... the facts about the ?-processes, nationalizing, liquidations and expo-? who are carried out by their antichristian ?.

I have no idea what mont-processes and expropriations are :lol: but I guess that would be it. ;)

...which were carried out since 1944 by their antiserbian precursors

PizzicaTino wrote:small things:
- домунђавати = ?
- (попут) маља = ?

Hvala puno opet! :yep:

домунђавати се - to plan secretly in whispering
malj can mean that huge hammer blacksmiths use or malja can mean body hair so I'm not sure what the context is. :lol: Poput means like.
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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby PizzicaTino » 2009-03-11, 22:48

:partyhat: hvala za trud!

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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby PizzicaTino » 2009-04-18, 16:56

Netko može da objašnjava/ prevode podvučene reče?
Hvala puno!

(Znam da je mnogo... ali to je samo "neke rece".)

- najprepoznatljiviji detalji štrče iz magnovenja zajedničkog sećanja
--> od kojeg glagola? (+ prevod)
- volim da posećujem buvlje pijace (= buvljake?)
--> "flee markets"?
- bizarne eksponate
--> "things"?
- logoraš
--> "osoba koja zivi u logoru?"
- to je popularno pisana ispovedna proza
--> "This is general known as future renomated prose"?
- on je sa svojom ženom išao "gde se igra šimi"
--> "where SIMI? is played"?
- naši šiljošpicani nose moderne gaće
--> ?
- sa posebnom strašću
--> = strašća? = strast?
- različite intonacije: krkaleska (d-dur), dur (g-dur), rep (E-dur), rep od repa (F-dur)
--> prevod postoje?
- moja neprežaljena žena Kristina preminula je
--> od kojeg rijeca?
- lekar je sve i svja činio
--> the doctor has done "really everything"?
- hvala g-dji milevi, udovi, koja se...
--> "(female) widow"? (iako to je udovica...)
- a pitaćemo se onda i za narednika lepoga Miku nazvatog, a takođe i za tvoju tetku da mi se kaže od čega ona živi.
--> "we wonder then about the seargant-major beautiful ...?..., and also about your aunt, that she'll tell me from what she's living"?
- goveđe papke
--> beef-...?
- škembar
--> osoba koja...? (prevod, molja?)
- grupa je tokom dvadesetodnevnog sešna na radiju usnimio veliki broj pesama
- grad je bio pun specifičnosti
- nasljeđe ilira i tračana, prastanovnika balkana, koji su - na ljudskom telu - proneli ornamentalne crteže...
- oni su razbijali noseve ovim statuama, dok je komandant naredio da se one potpuno uklone...
- grad daje marginu tišine

- "list nedelja" je davne 1931. godine objavio...
--> weekmagazine reported "long ago" (?) in 1931...
- kada u novinama pročita da će toga dana radnja vršiti rasprodaju, ženu obuzima nemir koji...
- U oči dana leže ranije, ali na žalost ne može da spava.
--> potpuno ne znam...
- A ako se pak neka već ranije snabdela tim stvarima, ipak voli da prisustvuje...
--> kako da stavi ovaj rec u recenici? (prevod?)

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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby voron » 2009-04-18, 18:56

I'll try to answer, but some things I don't know, let the natives correct and append.

- najprepoznatljiviji detalji štrče iz magnovenja zajedničkog sećanja
--> od kojeg glagola? (+ prevod)

štrcati - to sprinkle

- volim da posećujem buvlje pijace (= buvljake?)
--> "flee markets"?

yes (I guess it's a valid English expression too)

- bizarne eksponate
--> "things"?

eksponat - exhibit, object of display at an exhibition

- logoraš
--> "osoba koja zivi u logoru?"

someone imprisoned in a (concentration) camp

- to je popularno pisana ispovedna proza
--> "This is general known as future renomated prose"?

"this is popularly written confessional prose"

- on je sa svojom ženom išao "gde se igra šimi"
--> "where SIMI? is played"?

I guess it's a dance ("igrati" means to dance as well)
ŠIMI (schimmy), posleratna amer. salonska igra, postala iz fokstrota u taktu 4/4.

- naši šiljošpicani nose moderne gaće
those with pointed heels
(Could it be a reference to the conflict between adherents of high heels and low heels in Swift's "Gulliver's Travels"? I don't know how they are named in Serbian)

- sa posebnom strašću
--> = strašća? = strast?

strast is the word (feminine declension ending in a consonant)
(btw the word "reč" falls into this category as well, you seem to incorrectly use it as masculine)

- različite intonacije: krkaleska (d-dur), dur (g-dur), rep (E-dur), rep od repa (F-dur)
--> prevod postoje?

I have no idea, they seem to be musical terms.

- moja neprežaljena žena Kristina preminula je
--> od kojeg rijeca? (od koje riječi)

neprežaljena = koju nije mogao da prežali (he couldn't get over her death)

- lekar je sve i svja činio
--> the doctor has done "really everything"?

sve i svja = all possible things (Church language expression)

- hvala g-dji milevi, udovi, koja se...
--> "(female) widow"? (iako to je udovica...)

yes, udova = udovica

- a pitaćemo se onda i za narednika lepoga Miku nazvatog, a takođe i za tvoju tetku da mi se kaže od čega ona živi.
--> "we wonder then about the seargant-major beautiful ...?..., and also about your aunt, that she'll tell me from what she's living"?

we'll ask about that beautiful sergeant called Miko, and also about your aunt, so that I know ("so that I am told") what she's living on.

- goveđe papke
--> beef-...?

papak = kopito - hoof

- škembar
--> osoba koja...? (prevod, molja?)

osoba koja pravi škembiće (special sort of food from cow's intestines)

- grupa je tokom dvadesetodnevnog sešna na radiju usnimio veliki broj pesama

dvadesetodnevan - that lasts 20 days
sešn - session
usnimio - recorded ("snimio" is a more usual form)

- grad je bio pun specifičnosti

specific (peculiar) thing

- nasljeđe ilira i tračana, prastanovnika balkana, koji su - na ljudskom telu -
ornamentalne crteže...

prastanovnik - "pre-inhabitant", original inhabitant
proneti - carry through

- oni su razbijali noseve ovim statuama, dok je komandant naredio da se one potpuno uklone...
- grad daje marginu tišine

dok - while
margina tišine - here I suppose it means "curfew" (restriction of activities after a specific time at night)

- "list nedelja" je davne 1931. godine objavio...
--> weekmagazine reported "long ago" (?) in 1931...

"davne" is an attribute (in genitive) of the year 1931, 'in long gone 1931'

- kada u novinama pročita da će toga dana radnja vršiti rasprodaju, ženu obuzima nemir koji...

obuzeti - embrace, nemir - anxiety
~ women get all excited

- U oči dana leže ranije, ali na žalost ne može da spava.
--> potpuno ne znam...

should be "uoči" - the day/night before
legati - to lie, go to bed

the night before she goes to bed eariler

- A ako se pak neka već ranije snabdela tim stvarima, ipak voli da prisustvuje...
--> kako da stavi ovaj rec u recenici? (prevod?)

neka - feminine of neki, someone

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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby voron » 2009-04-18, 19:20

PizzicaTino wrote:- škembar
--> osoba koja...? (prevod, molja?)

And what is molja? A bulgarianism (моля)? :)

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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby kibo » 2009-04-19, 18:43

Excellent, only the first verb is not štrcati, but štrčati (= to stick out).
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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby PizzicaTino » 2009-04-23, 23:00

Thanks for the (very) quick answer!
Only some 3 things are left unclear :). (Because I didn't explain them well enough.)

And, yes, molja was a "bulgarianism" (because of absent-mindedness...).
Molim - hvala :wink: !

- oni su razbijali noseve ovim statuama, dok je komandant naredio da se one potpuno uklone...
dok - while

I thought you could not use here the translation "while" because it's not a simultaneous action (this is: They can't cut of the noses while the commandant is asking to remove them.) I propose: "untill"?
--> "They cut of the noses of those statues untill the commandant ordered to remove them completely...

- grad daje marginu tišine
margina tišine - here I suppose it means "curfew" (restriction of activities after a specific time at night)

I will give more context, because "curfew" doesn't really fits (i think)...
--> "On je rekao da je lakse biti pisac u gradu u kojem su proslost i buducnost jaci od sadasnjosti... Takav grad daje marginu tisine!"
Is there another possibility? (instead of "curfew")

različite intonacije: krkaleska (d-dur)...

Does "krkaleska" not mean 'something' or a combination of two other words...

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Re: Can anyone translate it for me please :)

Postby kibo » 2009-04-24, 12:06

PizzicaTino wrote:
- oni su razbijali noseve ovim statuama, dok je komandant naredio da se one potpuno uklone...
dok - while

I thought you could not use here the translation "while" because it's not a simultaneous action (this is: They can't cut of the noses while the commandant is asking to remove them.) I propose: "untill"?
--> "They cut of the noses of those statues untill the commandant ordered to remove them completely...

Yes, you're right. Only we would normally put the verb in the negative form there. "(sve) dok komandant nije naredio...". This way it sounds a bit weird (but it's correct of course).

PizzicaTino wrote:
- grad daje marginu tišine
margina tišine - here I suppose it means "curfew" (restriction of activities after a specific time at night)

I will give more context, because "curfew" doesn't really fits (i think)...
--> "On je rekao da je lakse biti pisac u gradu u kojem su proslost i buducnost jaci od sadasnjosti... Takav grad daje marginu tisine!"
Is there another possibility? (instead of "curfew")

I would just leave it "margin of silence". It's not a fixed expression that's for sure.

PizzicaTino wrote:
različite intonacije: krkaleska (d-dur)...

Does "krkaleska" not mean 'something' or a combination of two other words...

It's a made up word. Google search doesn't provide many hits. Krka reminds me of krkati (to eat a lot) and -leska of burleska (burlesque). But I don't see how that has anything to do with music.
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