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Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-02-10, 22:00
by Dormouse559
No problem. :) It's an easy mistake to make.

Matt LeBlanc, taula de Friends, nen ét plepa grê d'amigs amé niéni - literela-mint.
[ˈmat ləˈblõ ˈtaːo̯.la də ˈfɾẽːz nə.ŋ‿ɪ ˈplɛ.pa ˈgɾeː daˈmeː.z‿aˈme ˈne̯aː.ŋɪ lɪ.təˈɾɛː.la ˈmẽ]
Friends star Matt LeBlanc is no longer friends with anyone - literally.

Avoi nos avons parlad di Antonio Machado e de siév vid au córs de literatura espagnola.
[aˈvo̯ɛ ˈnɔ.z‿aˈvõ paˈlaː dɪ̯‿õˈtɔː.nɪ̯ə maˈtɕaː.də ɛ də ˈse̯aː ˈveː aʊ̯ ˈkoɾ də lɪ.tə.ɾaˈtoː.ɾa ə(s).paˈɲɔː.la]
Today we spoke about Antonio Machado and his life at Spanish Literature class.

« Gzo m'adaulighi, diz l'Isabeleta, Gzuoghions a 'ni gzuoghi nuovi ».
[ˈdʑɔ ma.daʊ̯ˈleː.gɪ ˈdɛː.s‿lɪ.za.bəˈlɛ.ta | dʑuˈge̯õ.z‿a‿ŋɪ ˈdʑuː.gɪ ˈnuː.vɪ]
"I'm bored," said little Isabella. "Let's play a new game."

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-02-10, 22:30
by Levike
"Óta magrom", bablót tele Isabella toms. "Bemvomút hát fifósti".
"I'm bored," said little Isabella. "Let's play a new game."

Gagló ima legó ló ége prutót ímsti lóg íme ivi britúr teas.
My voice is the only thing stopping me from becoming a singer.

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-02-12, 20:28
by Fox Saint-Just
Mey voz es al mono vas ke impedi me bana un gan-ja.
My voice is the only thing that stops me from becoming a singer.

Ki li hatya Rudi-Grudi? "Me" Verabi li bola "Yu mey kun va flexa, me li hatya Rudi-Grudi".
Who killed the Robin? "I," said the Sparrow "With my bow and arrow, I killed the Robin".

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-02-14, 11:02
by Emandir
Tro hi ta wa tur-rar-rom - lda gan ta tur-win-gor lwa kwan lwiy ah tro lda wa tur-rar-rom
[trɔ ħi ta wa 'turrarrɔm lᵈa gan ta 'turwingɔr lwa kwan lwij aħ trɔ lᵈa wa 'turrarrɔm]
kill Q 3P ALL robin - 1P say 3P sparrow INS bow arrow and kill 1P ALLrobin
Who killed the Robin? "I," said the Sparrow "With my bow and arrow, I killed the Robin."

tesk sa na tin ta fu ta trun tu fu ta ah yan lda
[tɛsk sa na tin ta fu ta trun tu fu ta aħ jan lᵈa]
remember IMP 2P true 3P precious 3P loyalty but precious 3P and life 1p
Remember it's true, loyalty is valuable but our lives are valuable too. (David Bowie, Fantastic Voyage.)

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-02-14, 18:51
by Levike
Tudóv hát lóg tebló bulnós, reksbabólét fortó éva lúd ampró imát fortó béla éva.
Remember it's true, loyalty is valuable but our lives are valuable too.

Intlerút ége marborótút fost intlerút teas. Rolkó blós bea.
Those who smoke are also people. Although not for long.

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-02-14, 22:03
by Koko
Kyúl ab raihengmepróm el prij yúdpitâng; ptõptõ śæunga mâ læhpe.
Those who smoke are people too, although not for long.

Yubiźa uguga o pimnattõśi, õ śudûg ełoasme fńyoid.
I walk this lonely road with two cats, and we three make sight of a shoe.

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-02-17, 5:34
by vijayjohn
Wowgrrr ach grrr ach-ach bi meow ke xaath ix rroadoogrrr parrr, meow grrr beste grrakerrr, Wowgrrr grrr bi meow, hirru meow xab grroove bat paw furrr.
I walk this lonely road with two cats, and we three make sight of a shoe.

Grrowrry-grrowrry grrowrry grrr grrowrrr grrr grrmph.
Cuddling is good for the mountain lion cub and his/her mother.

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-02-17, 22:29
by Dormouse559
Fáz bién a li petini pumi ed au siév merri c'éssis achatóchinna.
[ˈfɛː ˈbe̯õː.ŋ‿a lɪ pəˈteː.ŋɪ ˈpoː.mɪ̯‿ɛ.ɾ‿aʊ̯ ˈse̯aː ˈmɛː.rɪ ˈke.sɪ.z‿a.tɕaˈto.tɕɪ.na]
Cuddling is good for the mountain lion cub and his/her mother.

Gzo te vuoli dire li mievi veri nonmi, mes si oi, gzo oré a t'ivannî.
[ˈdʑɔ tə ˈvuː.lɪ ˈdeː.ɾə lɪ ˈmiː.vɪ ˈvɛː.ɾɪ ˈnõː.mɪ mɛ sɪ ˈo̯ɛ ˈdʑɔ ɔˈɾe a tɪ.vaˈneː]
I would tell you my real name, but then I'd have to kill you.

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-02-18, 11:33
by Levike
Bablom gól vemú idósti ima bulnás lúd tóterás dudom vesti hát.
I would tell you my real name, but then I'd have to kill you.

Tébe meg tébe tebló dáli.
Two plus two equals four.

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-02-18, 13:52
by ~jakip
As dui sorret dui, ikūal kūatri.
Two plus two equals four.

Tregaś manev. Das pueditlo je dėtenit.
Never give up. You can get over it.

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-02-24, 10:04
by Fox Saint-Just
Nevez ba rendi. Tu moci it ultra he.
Never give up. You can get over it.

Ti-un xarti de nemortita es morti.
The first condition of immortality is death.

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-02-24, 14:30
by Levike
Legó lórea órdudólét res dudótér.
The first condition of immortality is death.

Intlert úri, gól ége óri bablótér!
Ladies and gentlemen, please shut up!

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-03-02, 14:36
by Fox Saint-Just
Dame va gospodi, lutfen cinmo!
Ladies and gentlemen, please shut up!

Cu ko muzik habi ke xarme no? Note!
What does music have that enchants us? The notes!

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-03-04, 9:16
by LingualConsultancy
The cow that was in the field, jumped over the moon
Корова , которая была в поле , перепрыгнул через Луну

human translator is better than machine translator
переводчик человек лучше, чем машинный переводчик

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-03-04, 15:19
by Dormouse559
Hi Lingual Consultancy. You play this game by translating the second part of the post before you, then giving a sentence for the next person to translate. So instead of "The cow was in the field, jumped over the moon", you would translate Fox Saint-Just's sentence "What does music have that enchants us? The notes!" The second part of your post is fine.

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-03-04, 15:42
by Levike
And you should translate it into a conlang, not into Russian (or any real language). :wink:

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-03-05, 0:43
by Koko
Nah, they know how to play ;) They just translated the very last sentence from the first page. I almost did the same thing for the person after me game :whistle: :lol:

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-03-13, 23:07
by Levike
Let's continue, I'm taking what Fox Saint-Just wrote.

Hó teas britó bea ége liks multú béla? Dormút!
What does music have that enchants us? The notes!

Íme tilbom gól tébedáli stós bea.
I want to sleep all day long.

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-03-15, 23:15
by Fox Saint-Just
Me voli somni hol din.
I want to sleep all day long.

Ko fa jivi tak kunan? Jen-men.
What makes life so difficult? People.

Re: Interpreter Translation Game

Posted: 2016-03-19, 17:00
by Koko
Hëo gójad yubil mâ në kiłmäi? Yûdpitâng.
[heo ˈgoːd͡ʒad juˈbil mæː ne ˈkʰiɬmæi̯ | ˈjʉːdbitʰæŋ]
What makes life so difficult? [It's] people.

A tildkivołli u ńiomulad, e ńiomulib switswit.
[a tildˈgivoɮːiu ˈɲiomulad ʔʌ ˈɲiomulib swit̚swit]
The little bird sings to me [sweetly], so I sing back.