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Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2010-03-05, 22:18
by księżycowy
Alas today's grammar morsel will be a little short . . .

The "Demand" Verb Ending:
It's more or less a verb ending that makes the statement into a request (why they called it "demand" in M.G. I don't know).
M.G. states:
This suffix is . . . more demanding. Since the person asking in this way is quite sure that his demand will be met . . .

So I guess calling it that works.


-аарайBack vowels, except o
-ооройstems in o
-ээрэйfront vowels, except ө
-өөрэйstems in ө

солих [stem = соль] -- солиорой*
хаах -- хаагаарай*
өгөх -- өгөөрэй

*Keep in mind the rules on long vowels (adding 'г'), and endings in 'ь' and 'и'

Example sentence:
Please change you cloths -- Та хувцсаа солиорой

Until next time!

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2010-04-14, 22:56
by budz888
Сайн байна уу?

I've been learning Mongolian off and on for about a year. I'm going there in June for a couple of weeks for an Esperanto congress. Plus I'll be in Inner Mongolia for a little time as well.

I have Colloquial Mongolian which I don't like that much because the grammar explanations didn't seem complete. I have the Modern Mongolian, which is not too bad and I started out with a course in French. I can't remember the name, but it also comes with a cd. The cd has audio for many of the exercises in the book.

I notice someone has the course Сайн байна уу... I also wanted to get that but found no source... or the only seller I could find was charging about $150. Is that book any good?

I also speak a fair bit of Korean and I don't find it that similar... except for the verbs coming at the end... and some conjunctions being verb forms.

As for people changing over to English or Russian as zhiguli suggests... I think he mentioned that he doesn't really speak Mongolian... if he did perhaps they wouldn't change over so readily. Anyway, I'll see when I get there. I'm sure I'll find plenty of people that can't speak any English... as for no Russian either... perhaps not.

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2010-04-14, 23:24
by księżycowy
budz888 wrote:Сайн байна уу?
I notice someone has the course Сайн байна уу... I also wanted to get that but found no source... or the only seller I could find was charging about $150. Is that book any good?

Сайн байна уу?
Nice to see some 'new blood' on the Mongolian thread again!
And you would be correct, I own and love the Сайн байна уу? books. I too was frustrated with 'Colloquial Mongolian' and it's inadequate grammar explanations. But luckily Сайн байна уу? does not suffer from these problems. The lessons (and grammar) are structured quite well.
The books are available from Mongolia Society and run about $60 each (3 books total). They're not exactly on the cheap side, but they are well worth the money if you really want to learn some Mongolian.

As a side note, Mongolian Grammar by Kullmann and Tserenpil is recommended to go along with the books (as the Сайн байна уу? books make reference to the Grammar in places), but it is not necessary to buy the grammar. I find the explanations within the Сайн байна уу? series very good by themselves, just not as through as in the grammar.

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2010-04-20, 5:27
by unzum
Just thought I'd let you guys know about a new Mongolian website here.
They have a beginning and intermediate Mongolian course with 80 lessons each, you just need to make an account to access this. I had a quick glance through it, there isn't any audio for every lesson but the exercises are really extensive and the grammar explanations look pretty good.
It looks like it's designed to be used with a teacher, as the vocabulary and phrases are not translated into English (although there is a dictionary), but if you were to get a private Mongolian teacher, this looks like it would be a really great extensive course to work through together.

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2010-04-20, 8:58
by kman1
Thanks for the tip, unzum. If only the teachings there included the traditional Mongolian script instead of only Cyrillic then it would be perfect...

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2010-06-17, 20:59
by Sean of the Dead
Sean of the Dead wrote:Does anyone happen to know where I can find the lyrics for Mongolian songs? :P I'm looking for the lyrics to "Эрх хонгор сэтгэл" by Сэрчмаа. I love that song! :D I've been listening to it for months, and am dying for the lyrics.

If anyone's interested, I found half of the lyrics, but using them, I was unable to find the rest. :| It appears the lyrics don't exist anywhere on the 'net. :(

=Эрх хонгор сэтгэл минь
Энхрий хайраар түшлээ
Зүс нийлсэн амрагтайгаа
Зүг гаргаж мордлоо
Энэлэн догдлох сэтгэлд минь
Эжийн минь бүүвэй сонсогдоно
Эргэн эргэн хорогдовч
Элгэн хайраа дагалаа

Зүрхэнд биелсэн хайр гээд
Зүйлийн цэцэг дэлбээллээ
Зүйрлэшгүй мөнхийн уудам
Эхийн хэвлийд амиллаа
Эрх хонгор сэтгэлд минь
Эжийн минь нулимс дуудна
Хан тэнгэрийн сахиус
Бид хоёрыг энхрийлнэ энхрийлнээ…

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2010-06-21, 14:24
by '''
I will be doing a mongolian course this comming semester. I don't think I'll learn much like the Burmese course, but I hope it'll be fun.

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2011-01-06, 20:49
by Unknown

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2011-01-06, 20:55
by księżycowy
This thread's been dead for a while . . .
A shame really . . . :(

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2011-01-23, 15:00
by IvoCarog

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2011-02-08, 17:04
by bluejay390
Hi everyone. Сайн байна уу? Миний нэр Лиза. Би монгол хэл сурч байгаа. Although, my Mongolian is still pretty bad since I'm still a beginner. :p Is anyone else here learning Mongolian?

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2011-02-08, 17:44
by księżycowy
Not currently, but I have invested too much money into resources not too. Plus it is a cool language. :wink:

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2011-02-15, 17:48
by bluejay390
księżycowy wrote:Not currently, but I have invested too much money into resources not too. Plus it is a cool language. :wink:

You should start now. There's no time like the present. ;) I'm just teasing. :p What kind of resources do you have though?

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2011-02-19, 11:45
by księżycowy
bluejay390 wrote:You should start now. There's no time like the present. ;)

Don't tempt me! I'm feeling like I should do an Asian language anyway. Just don't want to go back to doing more then three langs at once. :)
I'm just teasing. :p What kind of resources do you have though?

I have Colloquial Mongolian (which I don't look to highly upon).
I also have the much better Сайн Байна Уу? series, and the Mongolian grammar by Kullmann.
And finally, I have An Introduction to Classical Mongolian by Grønbech
So I'd say I have quite a bit. :lol:

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2011-02-28, 0:48
by bluejay390
księżycowy wrote:
bluejay390 wrote:You should start now. There's no time like the present. ;)

Don't tempt me! I'm feeling like I should do an Asian language anyway. Just don't want to go back to doing more then three langs at once. :)

Haha. Well, one day you'll have to learn Mongolian and then you can come chat with me in the language. :)

I'm just teasing. :p What kind of resources do you have though?

I have Colloquial Mongolian (which I don't look to highly upon).
I also have the much better Сайн Байна Уу? series, and the Mongolian grammar by Kullmann.
And finally, I have An Introduction to Classical Mongolian by Grønbech
So I'd say I have quite a bit. :lol:

I was wondering if I should get Сайн Байна Уу? or something. Or at least a nice grammar guide since I'm only using internet resources right now to get a feel for the language. Though, I really like it and I am going to be spending some serious time with it now. Anyway, I'll post something useful before I start blabbering on. :p

:D It's live Mongolian tv. I found it last night and watched Pirates of the Caribbean 3 dubbed.

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2011-03-01, 14:09
by księżycowy
bluejay390 wrote:Haha. Well, one day you'll have to learn Mongolian and then you can come chat with me in the language. :)

Soon enough!

I was wondering if I should get Сайн Байна Уу? or something. Or at least a nice grammar guide since I'm only using internet resources right now to get a feel for the language. Though, I really like it and I am going to be spending some serious time with it now. Anyway, I'll post something useful before I start blabbering on. :p

Feel free to blabber! I do it all the time myself! :wink:
And as far as resources to learn with, I HIGHLY recommend the Сайн Байна Уу? series. The book/audio packs are a little pricey (last time I checked anyway), but if you really want to learn Mongolian it's well worth it. Colloquial Mongolian is ok, but it doesn't deal with the verbs too well. It's not always easy to figure out the stems, and Colloquial Mongolian doesn't give the stems, where as Сайн Байна Уу? does.

:D It's live Mongolian tv. I found it last night and watched Pirates of the Caribbean 3 dubbed.

Awesomeness! :)

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2011-06-15, 16:10
by księżycowy

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2011-07-15, 0:34
by bluejay390

Nice! :D

And now I feel like actively studying Mongolian again and giving it priority. Mongolian needs its own forum too. :wink: :P

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2011-07-16, 4:04
by Unknown
Сайн байна уу? Би та монгол хэл сурч туслана байсан. :) Монгол сайн хэл байна, ба та монгол сурч авмаар сайн байна. Минйи нэр Скайпын cesaremonteleone1. Их баярлалла. :) Ба бурхан оршоо бутын чинээ сахал урга! 

Re: Mongolian (Монгол хэл)

Posted: 2011-07-16, 13:07
by Unknown
bluejay390 wrote:Hi everyone. Сайн байна уу? Миний нэр Лиза. Би монгол хэл сурч байна. Although, my Mongolian is still pretty bad since I'm still a beginner. :p Is anyone else here learning Mongolian?

Like I said to you before, your Mongolian is pretty good for a beginner. Keep on going and I'll keep helping you. :)