Prussian (Prūsiskan)


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Postby Glabbis » 2010-09-05, 22:19

Thanks that you told me about mistakes in dictionary. I will write about it to the author of the program.
I didn't know about it as i myself don't use it at all.
Yes, now i checked in Lithuanian dictionary found this "to be".
I could send you PDF with English or/and Polish versions. There all should be good.

What's <115> [boūt 41] ?

- 115 number/type of paradigm.
41 is for linguists. You don't need it for learning. boūt is variant of orthography of 16 cent.

What do pc pt ac mean?

- Active Participle of past tense
All types and other signs you can see here: ... EVIATIONES

I am a man translates to: As būtwei wīrs

Now you wrote:
i to be a man

Look at the place when i marked with red.
Again Present Tense of "TO BE":

ps ast 2. assei 1. asma 6. asmai 7. astei

It means:
ast (3rd person, sg, pl), sg. tāns, tenā, tennan, pl. - (tenēi, tennas),
assei (2nd person, sg) - (tū),
asma (1st person, sg) - (as).

Then it goes plural -
asmai (1st person, pl) - (mes),
astei (2nd person, pl) - (jūs).

You need to find "am". It is 1st person of "to be".

Declension - you can try with "wīrs", dictionary will show you all forms.

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kaīls, wisāi

Postby juuni... » 2010-12-25, 3:03

kaīls. i wish this sub-forum was more lively,
i'm still very interested in studying this language... ♪

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Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby Glabbis » 2010-12-26, 16:08

dīnkun / thanks,
this sub-forum will be more lively if people write here.
if you are interesting in studying Prussian, you can begin right now.

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Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby juuni... » 2010-12-26, 22:49

i now have enough time to actually start studying... i'm excited.

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Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby Glabbis » 2010-12-28, 21:15

ik tū kwaitēi pagaūtwei mukīnsenin
/if you want to start studying,/

stwi ast wirdeīns pēr ten
/here is dictionary for you,/

sta ast wirdeīns per stawīdans zmūnins, kawīdai nika ni waīda : ))
/this is dictionary for such people who nothing knows/

direīs, ik ka nika ni ast eīsku, prasīs
/look, if something is not clear, ask/

bandāis papeisātun stwi:
/try to write here/

i am
you are
he is, she is, it is

we are
you are (pl)
they are

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Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby juuni... » 2010-12-29, 16:49


i am: as asma
you are: tū assei
he/she/it is: ... ast

we are: mes asmai
you are: jūs astei (pl.)

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Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby Glabbis » 2010-12-29, 20:02


wissan ast tikrōmiskan.
/all is right/

I see that you did't find 3 person
i looked that English version works not so good, it doesn't search correctly sometimes,
you see, people almost don't use English version, that's why we don't know what's wrong there.

Maybe sometimes look another one
but here you will not have all forms, just type of paradigm and example.


he is - tāns ast
she is - tenā ast
it is - sta ast

they are (men) - tenēi ast
they are (women) - tennas ast
they are (neutral) - tenēi ast


Now look at correct cases, for now let's try Nom. sg and Nom. pl,
and look at genders

Bandāis papeisātun:

i am German
You are American
He is Prussian
She is German
It is man

we are people
you are Prussians
they are men
they are women
these are lakes

You are good man.
This is good woman.
These are good men.
These are good women.

Prussia is good land.
It is Baltic land.
You are Baltic people.
It is old nation.

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Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby juuni... » 2010-12-30, 4:58

as asma miksiskas.
tū assei amērikaniskas.
tāns ast prūsiskas. (as asma prūsiskas!)
tenā ast miksiskas.
sta ast wīrs.

mes asmai persōnas.
jūs astei prūsiskai.
tenēi ast wīrai.
tennas ast gennas.
... ast azzarai. (i can't find a word for "those")

tū assei labs wīrs.
šis ast labā genā.
... ast labāi wīrai. (also, i can't find a word for "these")
... ast labbas gennas.

prūsa ast labā tautā.
sta ast baltiska tautā.
jūs astei baltiskas persōnas.
sta ast wūriskan amzin.

wirdeīnai ast prawerwāi. dīnkun. ♪

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Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby Glabbis » 2010-12-30, 21:22


well, you took adjectives, but meant nouns,
i don't know maybe in English you can understand it like you understood, i meant the model like:
i am "German man" (by one word)
like in German -
er ist Deutsche

it should be like

as asma prūss, miksis
(this is about person, it is not adjective)
do you see such forms in dictionary?


so try to find proper words where i marked with red

as asma miksiskas.
tū assei amērikaniskas.
tāns ast prūsiskas. (as asma prūsiskas!)
tenā ast miksiskas.
sta ast wīrs. (jā, tikrōmiskan)

mes asmai persōnas. (better - to take "zmūi", make it in proper form)
jūs astei prūsiskai.
tenēi ast wīrai. (jā, tikrōmiskan)
tennas ast gennas. (tikrōmiskan)
... ast azzarai. (i can't find a word for "those")
(sta ast azzarai)

tū assei labs wīrs. (jā, spārts labban)
šis ast labā genā. (sta ast labā genā)
... ast labāi wīrai. (also, i can't find a word for "these")
(mazīngi - sta ast labāi wīrai, dīgi mazīngi - tenēi ast labāi wīrai)
... ast labbas gennas.
(mazīngi - sta ast labbas gennas, dīgi mazīngi - tennas ast labbas gennas)

prūsa ast labā tautā. (rikīwiskan "excellent")
sta ast baltiska tautā. (tikrōmiskan)
jūs astei baltiskas persōnas.
(bandāis walnan sen wīrdan "zmūi"/ better try with word "zmūi")

sta ast wūriskan amzin.
(walnan - wūran amzin)

madli, tikrinais "wūrmins" blāndans stwi
/please, /correct "red" mistakes here

papeisāis prūsiskai:
/write in Prussian/

look at "to be" in the past

it was beautiful Prussian woman
they were little children
i was old fisherman
you were local Prussians
we were young girls
you were Prussian youth (youngster)
they were old misters (lords)
they were young ladies

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Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby juuni... » 2010-12-31, 19:27

yes, i see them in the dictionary. in english you would generally use the adjective words, that's why i used them. i see it does not work like this in prussian, let me try again using nouns. my corrections for the wrong sentences are in blue.

as asma miksis.
tū assei amērikans.
tāns ast prūss. (as asma prūss!)
tenā ast miksi.

mes asmai zmunei.
jūs astei prūsai.
sta ast azzarai.

sta ast labā genā.
tenēi ast labāi wīrai.
tennas ast labbas gennas.

jūs astei baltiskai zmunei.

i will now try the new sentences, and probably mess up again. i am bad at this.

sta bēi grazī prūsini.
tenēi bēi līkutai malnīkai. (i could not find "little" so i used "small, līkuts")
as bēi wūriskas zukenīks.
jūs bēitei deīktiskai prūsai.
mes bēimai māldas mērgas.
jūs bēitei prūsiskas maldūnes. (do i use adjective form "prussian" here?)
tenēi bēi wūriskas ... (i cannot find a word for this)
tennas bēi māldas zupūnis.


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Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby Glabbis » 2011-01-01, 21:02


Dīnkun per etrāsenin
/thanks for the answer/

Jā, ezze fōrmins "prūs, miksis be t.t., tū paprettuns tikrōmiskai"
/yes, as for forms "prūs, mīksis" and so on, you understood correctly/

sta wissan ast tikrōmiskan:
as asma miksis.
tū assei amērikans.
tāns ast prūss. (as asma prūss!)
tenā ast miksi.
mes asmai zmunei.
jūs astei prūsai.
sta ast azzarai.
sta ast labā genā.
tenēi ast labāi wīrai.
tennas ast labbas gennas.
jūs astei baltiskai zmunei.

sta bēi grazī prūsini.
tenēi bēi līkutai malnīkai. (i could not find "little" so i used "small, līkuts")
"līkutai" ast tikrōmiskan

as bēi wūriskas zukenīks.
walnan - as bēi wūrs zukkauniks.
wūriskas it is somthing connected with old man but general word for "old" is just "wūrs",
zukenīks is more term for person who deals with the fish, not necessary just fishing.

jūs bēitei deīktiskai prūsai.
mes bēimai māldas mērgas.
jūs bēitei prūsiskas maldūnes. (do i use adjective form "prussian" here?)
well, "Prussian youth" i meant here "Prussian young person", English has so many meanings, so i think i will write with comments then : ))

so i wanted to see from you - tū bēi prūsiskas maldūns

tenēi bēi wūriskas ... (i cannot find a word for this)
lord - rikīs
so tenēi bēi wurāi rikijjai

tennas bēi māldas zupūnis.
jā, labban


Let's take "to have", some other verbs and Accusative case for today
Look at verbs. You should know that form of infinitive has "ending" either -twei, either -tun.
So "to have" is "turī-tun". Such verbs with -tun requires Accusative case after the verb (to have WHAT? - something in Accusative).
If you see some verb with -twei like bū-twei, so after it you don't use accusative.

Bandāis papeisātun:

Prussians have many old castles and beautiful towns and small villages.
Prussian land has great history. It saw good men, great heroes.
Once there lived two brothers - Brodeno and Widewut. They were wise men and gave Prussian people ("Prussian people" should be in Dative case) laws and knowledge about Gods. (after "about" take Acc - accusative). Widewut was the first Prussian King. Brodeno was the first Prussian priest - Kriwe. He founded Prussian temple - Romowe. There lived three Prussian gods - Perkuno, Potollo and Patrimp.

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Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby juuni... » 2011-01-02, 0:05

jā, ēngliskan ast prēipausins. dīnkun... ♪

prūsai turri tūlin wūran pillin be grazzun mīstan be līkutan kāiman.
prūsiska zemē turri debbas istōrijas. sta widāi labban wīran, debban erōjan.
kadāi, sta giwīja dwejjan brātin - brodeno be widewut. tenēi bēi gaudrāi wīrai be dāi prūsiskai zmunei jurisprudēncin be waīsnas ezze dēiwan. widewut bēi pirmas prūsiskas kunnegs. brodeno bēi pirmas prūsiskas nōseilaniks. tāns aupalla prūsiskas ālkas - romowe. sta giwīja trīs prūsiskai deiwāi - perkuno, potollo, be patrimp.

as ni mazēi paprestun...
"jurisprudēncin be waīsnas" ast tikrōmiskan? adder,
"jurisprudēncis be waisnā" ast tikrōmiskan?

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Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby Glabbis » 2011-01-02, 14:09


English has very different structure. That's why it is not so easy to remember how it is in English, and how you can understand my idea because writing English sentences for you i think about Prussian grammar, not about English.

Tell me if you understand what are cases. In Prussian we have 4 cases.
Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative.
All these cases may be in singular, as well as in plural.


prūsai turri tūlin wūran pillin be grazzun mīstan be līkutan kāiman.

turri (KA?/what?), farther should be Acc.
your forms "wūran pillin" are Acc sg
but i asked you to write "old castles" i.e. it should be Acc pl
Should be:
prūsai turri tūlin wūrans pillins

So farther please correct all similar mistakes yourself, i will mark in red what is not correct

prūsiska zemē turri debbas istōrijas.

sta widāi labban wīran, debban erōjan.

Here you wrote "sta" meaning "land". But we see "land" like something alive and of feminine gender. So you can take here "she".

kadāi, sta giwīja dwejjan brātin - brodeno be widewut.

Well, this English construction "there is", "there lived" we can understand just with one word "is", "lived". But it possible to use impersonal construction with "di/din" after main word here like "giwīja di". There is a difference - to live in some place or to live (to be alive, exist among the living). So if you'd like to mark such meaning that someone lived here or somewhere else, so that you take verb "buwīntwei".

2 brother - you made - Acc sg here. No need.
Here you use giwītwei anga buwīntwei. It doesn't require accusative. It should be in Nominatives.
I explained you about -tun / -twei last time.
dwejjan is form of Genitive. I wonder why you took it here.

All names in English text are from English tradition. But all names also should have real Prussian forms which are in dictionary.

tenēi bēi gaudrāi wīrai be dāi prūsiskai zmunei jurisprudēncin be waīsnas ezze dēiwan.

"prūsiskai zmunei" is in Nom pl but i gave you a hint that here you should use Dat. case., if people, it means plural, so you need here Dat pl

"law" - "ensadīnsna"
farther where in red - you used Acc sg, waīsnas - Nom pl, you need Acc pl

widewut bēi pirmas prūsiskas kunnegs.

Look at Prussian spelling of the name.

brodeno bēi pirmas prūsiskas nōseilaniks.
"nōseilaniks" better use "Kriwwis". It means local major priest as there was/is only one Kriwwis for all Baltic lands and local Baltic priests are called "waīdilai".

tāns aupalla prūsiskas ālkas - romowe.

"aupalla" is "to find" (what was lost), not "to found". you need "gruntintun"
"prūsiskas ālkas" should be in Acc, Romowe should be in Prussian, and also in Acc.

sta giwīja trīs prūsiskai deiwāi - perkuno, potollo, be patrimp.

Well, here "sta giwīja" you can take "buwīntun" and there. I.e. gods lived there (i.e. in this place, in this sanctuary).
Please, Prussian names!

as ni mazēi paprestun...
"jurisprudēncin be waīsnas" ast tikrōmiskan? adder,
"jurisprudēncis be waisnā" ast tikrōmiskan?

- you gave here Nom pl and Nom sg but you needed Acc pl,


I don't give you anything new. Let's make clear what we already had.

Deiwūtiskan Nawwan Mettan!
/Happy new year!/

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Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby juuni... » 2011-01-02, 20:00

here are my corrections.

prūsai turri tūlin wūrans pillins be grazzun mīstan be līkutan kāiman.
prūsiska zemē turri debban istōrijan.
tenā widāi labbans wīrans, debbans erōjans.
kadāi, giwītwei di dwāi brātei - pratennis be wīdawutis.
tenēi bēi gaudrāi wīrai be dāi prūsiskamans zmunimans ensadīnsnans be waīsnans ezze dēiwans.
wīdawutis bēi pirmas prūsiskas kunnegs.
pratennis bēi pirmas prūsiskas kriwwis.
tāns gruntinna prūsiskan ālkan - rāmawan.
buwinna stwen trīs prūsiskai deiwāi - perkūns, patals, be patrīmpus.

i did not know that prussian names had an english equivalent or i would have used them. i put them all in nominative case, not sure if that's right or not. things ended up in genitive case a couple times by accident, i was looking through the dictionary pretty quickly and must have taken the genitive case like that by mistake. i also noticed that i forgot to make some things plural and i somehow missed your hint on the dative case. i am sorry.

"rāmawan" was the only word given from putting "romowe" in the dictionary.
i hope that is the right word and not something completely different.

a couple other things. with "giwītwei di dwāi brātei" i am not sure if that's correct, although i changed the case for "brothers" to nominative pl. since the verb in question is -twei. also, you mentioned "buwīntun" but the dictionary only gave me the verb with -twei ending instead of -tun. i just used it because "buwīntun" wasn't there. i am also not entirely sure if "stwen" is there right word for "there", or if that's even what you meant.

as asma banda. dīnkun, deiwūtiskan nawwan mettan. ♪

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Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby Glabbis » 2011-01-03, 0:49


Sometimes i could not noticed your mistakes, or can write a slip. Then you should know that sometimes dictionary could give you some errors. All is possible.
Well, i myself don't use this dictionary, so sometimes i myself don't know what is there. Or sometimes in life we used some dialect forms and when suddenly i saw something in dictionary explaining to people who are studying like now, i understand that we use not all literary forms, sometimes more archaic ones.
So i am sorry in advance if i would have some kind of slips or stupid mistakes as well.

prūsai turri tūlin wūrans pillins be grazzun mīstan be līkutan kāiman.

you forgot to correct here the last part of sentance "grazzun mīstan be līkutan kāiman",
so it should be:
turri... grazzuns mīstans be līkutans kāimans.
but i hope you've understood the principle

prūsiska zemē turri debban istōrijan. - labban
tenā widāi labbans wīrans, debbans erōjans. - jā
kadāi, giwītwei di dwāi brātei - pratennis be wīdawutis.
"giwītwei" is infinitive. You need personal form. Here you could take "giwīja" or "giwīja di".

tenēi bēi gaudrāi wīrai be dāi prūsiskamans zmunimans ensadīnsnans be waīsnans ezze dēiwans.
Jā, wissan ast labban. Tēr prawerru "zmūnimans". I looked, yes dictionary lost long -u-.

wīdawutis bēi pirmas prūsiskas kunnegs. -Jā
pratennis bēi pirmas prūsiskas kriwwis. -jā
tāns gruntinna prūsiskan ālkan - rāmawan. -jā
prawerru "gruntina". It is error in dictionary. I've already written about it to programmer.

buwinna stwen trīs prūsiskai deiwāi - perkūns, patals, be patrīmpus.
Jā, spārts labban. But better use words' order "stwen buwinna"

"i did not know that prussian names had an english equivalent or i would have used them."
- Well, i meant that first of all this is who German speaking chroniclers wrote down such names in chronicles. Of course scientists who are studying Prussian or Baltic history, languages, mythology and so on, first of all, use forms from chronicles. Many scientists of different counties write in English.

Rāmawa is the name of Central sanctuary for all Baltic people.
Rāmawan is just "holy forest". It is not the name. It could be any holy forest. But it is not completely different : ))

"a couple other things. with "giwītwei di dwāi brātei" i am not sure if that's correct, although i changed the case for "brothers" to nominative pl. since the verb in question is -twei. also, you mentioned "buwīntun" but the dictionary only gave me the verb with -twei ending instead of -tun."

- well yes. "Buwīntun" was my slip. Better to use buwīntwei as infinitive. But in this case it is not a mistake. You see, sometimes the same verb could have the both meanings. And all depends on context. "dirītwei" - "to look" sometimes we can use like "dirītun", i.e. if dirītun, so then you should not use Acc, you take it with preposition "en" like in English "to look at ...something". But in English we can have the both case as well: "to look things in the face" and " to look at things".
giwīja di trīs brātei / giwīja trīs brātei is the same. Maybe even better to say simpler - giwīja trīs brātei.

"Stwen buwinna" - here "stwen" meaning that last sentence was about Rāmawa. And just in that Rāmawa means "there". But when we say in English "there lived a king" it doesn't mean that this king lived somewhere "there", in some place.


We can use structure with gender agreement, and there are some cases when we don't do it.

sta ast labs wīrs (masc)
/this is good man/
sta ast labā genā (fem)
/this is good woman/
sta ast labban azzaran (neut)
/this is good lake/


stas wīrs ast labban
/that man is good/
stāi genā ast labban
/that woman is good/
stan azzaran ast labban
/that lake is good/

In last case we can use just neuter after "to be".


With "en" we can express to ideas:
to be IN some place
to move TO some place

as buwinna en Kunnegsgarbu
/l live in Königsberg/
in this case Königsberg is in Dative.

as jāma en Kunnegsgarban
/i drive (i go) to Königsberg/
in this case Königsberg is in Acc


Stwi ast endāsna. Papeisāis prūsiskai:

There are a lot of good fish in this lake.
Three Gods Perkuno, Potollo and Patrimp are Prussian. (i mean adjective here)
They live in Romowe, in great Prussian sanctuary. (dictionary gives temple)
Prussian capital is Königsberg. That town was very beautiful.
It lays now in the place where previously was old Prussian castle Twānksta. (Chroniclers wrote down Tuvangste but i see dictionary doesn't show it)
From Königsberg you can go to two Prussian lands - to Samland and to Natangia.
When German knights came to Prussia, in our land appeared great hero Hercus Monte (pr. Ērkus Mānts).
He killed many German knights. He began to fight against Germans with the great win.
It is known (waīstan) as a battle of Pokawis (Pakarwjas ulinsnā).
This January we have big celebration because this battle was 750 years ago.

ago - pirzdau
"was 750 years ago" - structure should be - was ago 750 years (in Acc pl)

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Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby juuni... » 2011-01-06, 5:04

sta ast tūlin labāi zukkai en azzaru.
trīs deiwāi perkūns, patals, be patrīmpus ast prūsiskai.
tenēi buwinna en rāmawai, en debbasmu prūsiskasmu ālku.
prūsiskan galwasmistan ast kunnegsgarbs. stan mīstan bēi spārts grazzu.
sta lazinna tēnti en deīktu kwēi bēi wurā prūsiska pils, twānksta.
ezze kunnegsgarbs tū mazzi ēisei en dwāi prūsiskans zemmins - en semban be en nātangan.
kaddan miksiskai wāldwikas pergūbi en prūsan, en nūsei zemmei tikka debs erōjs, ērkus mānts.
tāns galinna tūlin miksiskans wāldwikans. tāns pagaūwa ūlintwei prīki miksins sēn debbai ebwarei.
sta ast... ?
šis rags mes turrimai debīkan swintikan beggi stas ulinsnā bēi pirzdau 750 mettans.

i am not sure what to do about the sentence i couldn't finish. the construction "it is known as..." i don't know what word to use for the "as" part. when a sentence uses the word "because", which case do you use for the nouns following that part of the sentence?

i am really hoping when i used "en", i understood what you said about cases correctly. also, was not sure if "janwārs" or "rags" was correct for january. dictionary gave both. which is usually used?

i really rushed this so i'm certain half of the cases, and maybe even some words, are incorrect. i'm not very confident about this paragraph at all. i figured i might as well post something, even if it's half-done, to show that i'm still here. i am very sorry for the late reply, i have been extremely busy lately, and trying to make time for study. i promise i didn't forget about this language... ♪

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Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby Glabbis » 2011-01-07, 1:07


Please don't worry about anything. You really have a good progress. I perfectly understand that for English speaking person, it could not be so easy about all these cases and genders. We could go farther with our lessons without any troubles little by little. If something is difficult, you can tell me, so i will try to explain.

I made numbers of lessons, so i could say you, please look at number 5 again.


sta ast tūlin labāi zukkai en azzaru.
- if you have English "there is/are", prūsiskai (in Prussian) you can say "ast" or "ast di".
So you can say it in two ways:
1. Ast di tūlin labāi zukkai en azzaru.
2. En azzaru ast tūlin labāi zukkai.

trīs deiwāi perkūns, patals, be patrīmpus ast prūsiskai.
- here is example concerning lesson 6 where i told you about the model:
noun + form of "to be" + adjective
In this case adjective can not have gender agreement (maybe ?sequence is more correct, i don't know), better to haver neuter gender,i.e.
trīs deiwāi perkūns, patals, be patrīmpus ast prūsiskan.

tenēi buwinna en rāmawai, en debbasmu prūsiskasmu ālku. -jā
prūsiskan galwasmistan ast kunnegsgarbs. -jā
stan mīstan bēi spārts grazzu. -jā

sta lazinna tēnti en deīktu kwēi bēi wurā prūsiska pils, twānksta.
-oh, i wrote you "it lays", it was my English mistake, i wanted to say it lies (it is situated),
so you took "lazīntun" (to lay), but should be "lanzītwei" (to lie),
stan lānza
Ha, you write without capital letters. Sometimes you couldn't understand if it is name or not.
Twānksta is not only a name.

ezze kunnegsgarbs tū mazzi ēisei en dwāi prūsiskans zemmins - en semban be en nātangan.
- look at the dictionary, after a preposition you will find what case it should have.
Here with this "ezze":
prp dat if meaning "from"
prp acc if meaning "about",
so you need now "from", so you take Dative - ezze Kunnegsgarbu
another variant, and here a little better to use - "iz"
After "iz" - Acc, so: iz Kunnegsgarban

tū mazzi ēitwei
tū ēisei

Bet here better to use "jātwei".
"Ēitwei" - by foot
"Jātwei" - by car, bus, train

kaddan miksiskai wāldwikas pergūbi en prūsan, en nūsei zemmei tikka debs erōjs, ērkus mānts. -jā
tāns galinna tūlin miksiskans wāldwikans. -jā
tāns pagaūwa ūlintwei prīki miksins sēn debbai ebwarei.
- "debbai ebwarei"
now you will know that after prp is written what case to use
after sen - Acc

sta ast... ?
It is known (waīstan) as a battle of Pokawis (Pakarwjas ulinsnā)
- sta ast waīstan kāigi Pakarwjas ulinsnā.

šis rags mes turrimai debīkan swintikan beggi stas ulinsnā bēi pirzdau 750 mettans.
-i forgot to comment that all kind of time is with Acc
holiday always in plural - swintikai

(En) šin raggan
(En) raggas mīnsin


Maybe try to write something in Prussian what you could. Anything. For example about yourself (not necessary to write the truth, if you don't want). About your interests. Where do you live. Just thoughts. What you saw yesterday.

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Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby juuni... » 2011-01-07, 7:10

the numbering of your posts will help a lot for reference, that's a good idea.
i'm amazed, i did a lot better than i thought i did, on this paragraph. the sentences i was certain i had made mistakes on were actually correct. i never thought i would get this far. it's exciting. ♪

i have taken notes on the corrections you have made so i can learn from them. i won't post corrections here though, there's no need. now i will just try to write about myself. :)

majs emmens ast juuni. as asma prūss, majāses sēimjas istōrija ast prūsiskan.
as mīri prūsa be prūsiska istōrija ast interessantan.
as jāute ikāigi erzinna prūsiskan ast ka nika prawerru.
as bilāi ēngliskan be japāniskan. as studijja prūsiskan be swedish.
as asma deiwūtan erzinātun prūsiskan.

as turri dwāi kattans. tenēi ast spārts ginewīngi.
as padīngaui si glaubāi be spīlei piano.
as ni waīda deīktan engērdautun.
nū, as kwaitēi migītwei.

(as ni mazēi aupaltun wīrdan "piano" adder "swedish")

Joined:2005-10-07, 8:58
Location:Kunnegsgarbs / Twānksta, Prūsa

Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby Glabbis » 2011-01-07, 18:03


a) Possessive pronouns -
māise (my),
twāise (your),
swāise (? it seems English has not the same),
tenesse (his)
tenesses (her)
tenesse (its)

nūsan (our),
jūsan (your pl),
tenēisan (their)

With pronouns you can have two variants:
with agreement (majs emmens) and without agreement (māise emmens).
This "māise" is Gen. bet it is fixed form it can be used with any genders without changes.
You can say:
māise wīrs / majs wīrs (my man)
māise genā / majā genā (my woman)
māise azzaran / majjan azzaran (my lake)

About "swāise":
for oblique cases you should use "swāise",

Ppw, prei perwaidīnsnan (for example):
sta ast māise emmens / sta ast majs emmens (it is my name)
as turri swāise emnin (i have my name)
tū turri swāise emnin (you have your name)
tāns turri swāise emnin (he has his name)
and so on...

b) Orthography and stressed syllable.
- From orthography we can understand for 90% where is stressed syllable and where is long or short vowel.
ā, ō, ū, ī, ē are long vowels
If you see long vowel in a word, for example, kaza, you can understand that -lū- is stressed syllable with long -u-.
If you see word with double consonant (zz) like azzaran, you can know that the first syllable is short and stressed.

c) We have two types of adverbs.
labs is adjective "good"
from this we can form two adverbs: labban and labbai
mennei ast labban ("to me is good", i.e. i am fine or something like this)
as segēi labbai ("i am doing well")

If ones with endings -an, -in which are the same like neuter gender of adjectives - these are for subjective impressions
if ones with endings -ai, -ei these are for actions.


majs emmens ast juuni.
-jā, labban.
Tū mazzi peisātun swāise emnin prūsiskai kāigi Jūni. See b)
(You can write your name in Prussian like Jūni)
Sta būlai stan subban.
(It could be the same)
ū = uu
About "majs", see a)

as asma prūss, majāses sēimjas istōrija ast prūsiskan.
-jā, wissan ast labban
Another variant of "my": māise gēmjas istōrija

as mīri prūsa be prūsiska istōrija ast interessantan.

as jāute ikāigi erzinna prūsiskan ast ka nika prawerru.
- here you wrote "as jāute ikāigi" according English model "i feel like" (to have an inclination)?
If forget about English construction "i feel like",
i would understand it like:
i feel that to learn (to know) Prussian is something necessary.
as jāute, kāi erzinātun prūsiskan ast ka nika prawerīngi

as bilāi ēngliskan be japāniskan.
- See c)
Bilītun is action. You need adverbs with -ai endings
as bilāi ēngliskai be japāniskai.

as studijja prūsiskan be swedish.
- here "prūsiskan" is noun.
be šwēdiskan.
Well, yes, many words still are not in these automatic dictionaries,
Many are here
But not everywhere there is English translation.

as asma deiwūtan erzinātun prūsiskan.

as turri dwāi kattans. tenēi ast spārts ginewīngi.
-jā, spārts labban

as padīngaui si glaubāi be spīlei piano.
-mennei padīnga galaubātun be birbintwei sen klawīran.
(i like = "to me like")
if to take padīngautun si:
as padīngaui si sen glaubāsnan be birbinsnan sen klawīran.
forms with - sna from verbs it is something like English gerund.

as ni waīda deīktan engērdautun.
- as ni paprettuns, ka tū kwaitēi engērdautun
(i didn't understand what you wanted to say)
i see it like:
i don't know place to say

nū, as kwaitēi migītwei.
-jā, labban


I will try to ask you in Prussian, and you can try to understand my questions and reply:

Madli, gērbais mennei tūls ezze swāise sēimjas istōrijan, ik sta ast mazīngi. Twāise pirzdaunikai perjāja iz Prūsan? Ka tū waīda ezze tennans?

Ka zentli twāise emmens Jūni? Iz kawīdan billin sta ast?
Kasse paggan tū turri interessan per japāniskan?

Ka tebbei padīnga birbintwei sen klawīran?

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Re: kaīls, wisāi

Postby juuni... » 2011-04-10, 3:17

as ni waīda sūit ezze māise sēimjas istōrijan... kaddan as bēi mālds, pirzdaunīkai gērba min prūsiskai wirdāi en rēizans. ēst wissan māise sēimjas ka waīda ezze tenēisan istōrijan aulaūwa,
tēnti... be as mersēi wīrdans... sta ast pawārgewingiskan waițātwe ezze... :(
as ni waīda deīktans māise sēimjas ast ezze. as waīda ka tēr mes asmai ezze prūsai.

ginīti dāi min emnin jūni. sta ast japāniskas wīrds, sta ast gīrbis 12.
kaddan as bēi mālds as mīri japāniskan bēi interessantan. as pagaūwa erzinātun be as turri (as ni mazzi aupalla wīrdan "fluency") tēnti. adder, as ni turri japāniskans pirzdaunīkans.

ezze klawīran, as birbina klawīran emprābutskan.
as mukinna min swāise sin skaitātun muzīkin. sta ast spārts labban!

as peisāi dīwai sta, sta ast tūlin blāndas... sta bēi kīsmus. adder, as bandāi.

dīgi, as tenginna waīstin. dīnkun. ♪

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