Leabhraichean is Filmichean


Leabhraichean is Filmichean

Postby Gaelg » 2011-06-24, 14:47

Halò, :)

Bha mi a' smaoineachadh gum b'urrainn dhuinn leabhraichean,filmichean is bàrdachd a chur an seo, a tha sinn air leughadh/coimhead. Curaibh beagan fiosrachadh leotha agus dè a smaoinich sibh umpa.

Bu mhath leam leaughadh tuilleadh sa Ghàidhlig ach tha na leabhraichean gu math daor.

Mar seo:

aimn an leabhair: duilgheadas fiosrachadh, beachdan.

(It would help when picking next books to read, and also if you put what level you think, e.g beginner, intermediate, advanced... it may help to better pick books/poetry and expand our and learners ability. So basicaly it's a review...agus tha mi duilich airson mo mhearachdan :oops: )

ceid donn
Joined:2008-02-15, 0:58
Country:USUnited States (United States)

Re: Leabhraichean is Filmichean

Postby ceid donn » 2011-06-24, 16:06

A bhiel thu ag iarraidh na léirmheasan againn a bhith sgrìobhte ann an dà chuid na Gàidhlige 's na Beurla? Tha mi coma, ach saoilidh mi gum biodh e as cuideachaile airson luchd-ionnsachaidh nan sgrìobhadh sinn sgrìobhamaid ann an dà chuid na cànan, nach biodh? :)

(Obh, obh, I don't practice using the conditional often enough!)
Last edited by ceid donn on 2011-06-24, 18:40, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Leabhraichean is Filmichean

Postby Gaelg » 2011-06-24, 16:36

Obh bhiodh, Sgrìobhaibh ann an dà chuid na chànan; Gàidhlig an uairsin Beula, mas e ur toil e.
Write in 2 languages, gaelic then english please

Tapadh leat a Nì eile, bidh mi a' sgrìobhadh mo lèirmheas as anmoiche.

ceid donn
Joined:2008-02-15, 0:58
Country:USUnited States (United States)

Re: Leabhraichean is Filmichean

Postby ceid donn » 2011-06-24, 18:44

Ceart gu leòr mar sin. Sgrìobhaidh mi rudeigin as anmoiche cuideachd. :D


Re: Leabhraichean is Filmichean

Postby Gaelg » 2011-06-24, 22:36

please set out in this manner, if that's ok

Ainm: A' Ghlainne agus sgeulachdan eile
Sgrìobhadair: Màiri E. NicLeòid
Ìre: Eadar-mheadhanach
Fiosrachadh: Cha do leugh mi ach aon de na sgeulachdan. Bha "Trom" an t-ainm a th'air. Tha
an sgeul mu nighean a tha trom oirre. Tha an sgeul a' dol tro a beatha agus tha
e gu math drùidhteach, ach tha an sgeul goirid.
Beachd: Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gu bheil an sgeul math, agus Mholadh mi e
airson luchd-ionnsachaidh.

Name: A' Ghlainne agus sgeulachdan eile
Author: Màiri E. NicLeòid
Level: Intermediate
Information: I only read one of the stories within the book. It was called "Trom" (pregancy).
It is about a girl who is pregnant. The story goes through her life and it's quite
touching but the story is short.
Opinion: I think it's a good story and I would recommend it for learners who are looking
for a short story with a bit of a challenge vocabulary wise.
Last edited by Gaelg on 2011-06-25, 10:24, edited 1 time in total.

ceid donn
Joined:2008-02-15, 0:58
Country:USUnited States (United States)

Re: Leabhraichean is Filmichean

Postby ceid donn » 2011-06-25, 5:06


Tìotal: Còco is Crùbagan: A Hebridean Childhood
Ùghdar: Flòraidh NicDhòmhnaill
Ìre: Eadar-mheadhanach gu fileanta

Fiosrachadh: Thogadh an t-ùghdar ann an cearn iomallach de dh’eilean Bheinn na Fadhla, agus anns an h-aon sgeul dheug anns an leabhar goirid seo, dh’innse i mu diofar sheòrsaichean rud a robh pàirt a leanabais, leithid a pàrantan, obair air a’ chroit na teaghlaich, spòrs, nàbaidhean agus doigh-bheatha nach till ruinn a-rithist. Sgrìobhadh gach sgeul anns a’ Gàidhlig agus, ann an darna rionn as déidh an té Ghaidhlig, anns a’ Bheurla. Tha grunn deabhlan dhen teaghlach aig an ùghdar ‘s dhen an cearn far a thogadh i ann agus thàinig an leabhar comhla ri 2 CDs le clàraidhean de NicDhòmhnaill na sgeulachdan a leughadh anns a’ Ghàidhlig.

‘S urrainn dhuibh an leabhar seo (leis na CDs) a cheannach aig The Book Depository do mu £14/US$22 (an-asgaidh leis a’ phost).

Beachd: ‘S ann uabhasach math beothail a tha a’ Gàidhlig aig NicDhòmhnaill, agus ged a tha 112 duilleagan a-mhàin aig an leabhar, tha na sgeulachdan làn rudan inntinneach nach leugh duine mu dhéidhien gu tric an-duigh. ‘S fìor toil leam gur urrainn dhomh a’ phàirt Ghàidhlig a leughadh gun Beurla dìreach ri a thaobh, ach tha a’ Bheurla ann ma tha rudeigin anns a’ Ghàidhlig ann nach tuig mi. Co-dhiù, chan eil an dreach Gàidhlig ‘s an dreach Beurla nan eadar-theangachadh mionaideach o aon a chéile! Mar sin, tha an leabhar seo pìos nas doirbhe do luchd-ionsachaidh, ach tha mi dhen bheachd gur fhiach an obair.

Title: Cocoa and Crabs: A Hebridean Childhood
Author: Flora McDonald
Level: Intermediate to fluent

Information: The author grew up in an isolated region of the island of Benbecula, and in the 11 stories in this short book, she tells about different types of things that were a part of her childhood, such as her parents, work on the family croft, play, neighbors and a way of life that will not return to us again. Each story was written in Gaelic and, in a second section after the Gaelic one, in English. There are a few pictures of the author's family and of the region where she was raised, and the book comes with 2 CDs with recordings of McDonald reading the stories in Gaelic.

You can buy this book (with the CDs) at The Book Depository for about £14/US$22 (no charge for shipping).

McDonald’s Gaelic is wonderful and vivid, and although the book is only 112 pages, the stories are full of interesting things that one does not often read about today. I really like that I am able to read the Gaelic part without the English right next to it, but the English is there if there is something in the Gaelic that I do not understand. However, the Gaelic version and the English version are not an exact translation from one to the other! Thus, this book is a little more challenging for learners, but I’m of the opinion that it’s worth the effort.

ceid donn
Joined:2008-02-15, 0:58
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Re: Leabhraichean is Filmichean

Postby ceid donn » 2011-06-27, 4:33

Image Image

Tìotal: Dealbh is Facal
Ùghdar: Heather Amery agus Iain MacDhòmhnaill
Ìre: luchd-tòiseach is clann

Fiosrachadh: Tha Dealbh is Facal na fhaclair le dealbhan, agus a réir an còmhdach-cùl, tha còrr is 1000 faclan aige. Thoir gach rionn anns an leabhar sùil air faclan laitheil—airson dachaigh, sgoil, gnìomharran, aodach, biadh, beathaichean, ‘s msaa--agus rach dealbh dathach còmhla ri gach facal. Anns a’ chùl, tha am beag-fhaclair leis na h-uile facal anns a’ Ghàidhlig ‘s a’ Bheurla ann. Thàinig an clò-bhualadh tùsail a-mach ann an 1979, agus tha e air clò-bhualadh as ùr grunn tursan o chionn an uair sin, oir tha féill mhòr air. Tha an clò-bhualadh nas anmoiche ri fhaotainnn aig The Book Depository, Acair Books, Sìol Enterprises agus làraichean-lin eile.

Beachd: ‘S e cruinneachadh math de faclan feumail mu móran chuspairean a th’ann an leabhar seo. The e gu math snog airson clann, agus bhiodh e a’ cuideachadh do luchd-ionnsachaidh a tha airson faclan laitheil a dh’ionnsachadh ach nach urrainn Gàidhlig a bhruidhin ann an suidheachadh laiteil gu tric. ‘S fheàrr leam fhìn a chleachdadh airson faclan a shùil air ais.

Title: Dealbh is Facal (Picture and Word)
Author: Heather Amery and Iain MacDhòmhnaill
Level: Beginners and children

Information: Dealbh is Facal is a picture dictionary and according tot he back cover, it has more than 1000 words. Each section in the book looks at everyday words--for home, school, activities, clothes, food, animals, etc.--and each word is accompanied by a colorful picture. In the back, there is a glossary with all the words in Gaelic and English. The original printing come out in 1979, and it has been reprinted a few times since then, because it is so popular. The latest printing is available at The Book Depository, Acair Books, Sìol Enterprises and other websites.

Opinion: This books is a good collection of useful words on many topics. It is quite nice for children, and it would be helpful for learners who are wanting to learn everyday words but are unable to speak Gaelic in everyday situations very often. I personally like to use it to review vocabulary.


Re: Leabhraichean is Filmichean

Postby Gaelg » 2011-07-03, 16:23


Tiotal: Am Miseanaraidh
Sgrìobhadair: Iain Mac a' Ghobhainn
Ìre: Eadar-mheadhanach gu adhartach
Fiosrachad: Tha an sgeul seo gu math goirid agus tha e mun mhiseanaraidh a tha a' fàgail Alba airson a dol do dh'Afraga. Tha e a' fuireach còmhla ris an treubh agus tha e a' feuchainn Crìosdaidheachd a thoirt air an treubh. Ach chan eil e gan tuigsinn no an doigh na beatha. Tha beatha a' mhiseanaraidh a' fàs nas duilghe san treubh. Tha an sgeul gu math sìmplidh.

Beachd: Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gur e ùghdar glè mhath a th'ann an Iain Mac a' Ghobhainn, tha e air sgrìobhadh mòran leabhraichean sa Ghàidhlig. Smaoinich mi gun robh an sgeul uaireannan beagan gràin-cinndheach. Tha na faclan beagan a- rithist is a-rithist.

Title: The Misionary
Author: Iain Mac a' Ghobhainn
Level: Intermediate to Advance
Information: This story is quite short and it is about a misionary who leaves Scotland for Africa. He lives with a tribe and tries to introduce christianity to them. But he doesn't understand them or their way of life. The life of the misionary becomes more difficult in the tribe. The story is quite simple.

Opinion: I think that the author is great, he has written a lot of books in Gaelic. I thought that the story was sometimes a little racist, and the vocabulary is a little repetitive.

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Re: Leabhraichean is Filmichean

Postby Sectori » 2011-07-03, 20:41

So, this book isn't in Gaelic, but it's relevant and interesting.

Title: Whisky Galore (UK)/Tight Little Island (US)
Author: Compton Mackenzie
Information: The islands of Todaidh Mòr and Beag have run out of whisky, and in 1943, it's hard to come by, as the government is sending most of it to America to finance the war effort. The islanders are succumbing to (withdrawl-induced) depression when the Cabinet Minister, a ship bearing thousands of cases of whisky, runs aground on the rocks off Todaidh Beag. Hijinks ensue as the commander of the local Home Guard unit, an Englishman, attempts to prevent the islanders from stealing the whisky. Significant subplots include two marriages, one of an Englishman and an islander, another of a local girl and one of the island's schoolteachers whose mother is the definition of domineering.

Opinion: I'm not done with it, but I'm more than two-thirds of the way in, and it's excellent. Mackenzie's writing is engaging, the story entertaining, and his characters and setting feel very real. I don't know that Mackenzie was a fluent Gaelic-speaker*, but he certainly had a knowledge of the language, as a) the book is peppered with Gaelic words and expressions (correctly if archaically spelled) and b) the speech patterns of the islanders are often calqued directly from Gaelic. It's a really interesting look at life in the Islands back in the day, and I'd definitely recommend it.

There's also a movie, Whisky Galore, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
* which is to say, he wasn't, but I don't know exactly how good his command of the language was
agus tha mo chluasan eòlach air a’ mhac-talla fhathast / às dèidh dhomh dùsgadh
(mona nicleòid wagner, “fo shneachd”)


Re: Leabhraichean is Filmichean

Postby Gaelg » 2011-12-07, 15:34

Halò, bha mi a' smaointinn gum biodh sinn a' cur Bàrdachd Gàidhlig/Ceilteach an seo cuideachd? Tha mi a' leughadh bàrdachd bho 18mh - 20mh linn airson an Oilthigh.Am b'urrainn dhuinn an thread seo a dhèanamh mu " Gàidhlig/Albais Chultar" Ceòl, bàrdachd, filmichean is Leabhraichean bho Alba msaa?

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